Recent content by Chimera

  1. C

    ECW- "Empty Championship Wrestling"

    ECW is cool the way it is now. You get the first look at the new guys and they get a chance to develop as performers. I actually enjoy ECW more than Raw right now. If you can seperate this ECW from the original version, youll see that it is being used the same as it was back in the 90s. Namely a...
  2. C

    General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

    This is the old Hulk Hogan Syndrome. In all of Hogans big matches, during the WWF era, he would do the same thing. It makes him look like Superman when he eventually wins. I believe the lesson kids are supposed to get out of this is DONT GIVE UP. Not your ridiculous theory of let him break his...
  3. C

    Chris Jericho: WWE's Worst Champion

    I wouldnt say he's the worst,but I totally get your point. It seems that everytime the WWE wants to mix it up, they throw a belt on Jericho. They have never really given him the chance to have a long reign as World Champion and try to make it work. His reigns are usually short and he does'nt...
  4. C

    Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

    I just dont understand how anyone can sit there and try to come up with a reason to defend Benoit. Perhaps his brain was that fucked up to the point that he didnt have control, perhaps not. The brain is an infinitley complex machine that NO ONE fully understands. The fact remains that he killed...
  5. C

    The King of Pop is Dead: Long Live Michael Jackson

    As strange as he was for the last few years, MJ is a true ICON. He is a big part of America and the World as a whole taking African Americans seriously. He is a cultural ICON of the black community along side Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. He is the Definition of Legend in the...
  6. C

    Did WWE try to bury the Randy Savage DVD?

    I dont agree with you at all. For one Best Buy often puts wrestling DVDs on sale extremely cheap. The price at Best Buy is set by the company itself not the WWE. I once bought the Shawn Michaels DVD Box set from there and it came with a tshirt, a necklace and a cup, plus the DVD for 15 bucks. A...
  7. C

    The New Big Show

    Its really a pity the way that Show is pushed. This guy is huge and to have him getting beaten constantly is just ******ed in my mind. He needs to just start destroying the lower and mid card guys like Kozlov is doing on ECW. A person his size is instantly believable as a monster, but if he is...
  8. C

    Who was better?

    I have to go with Bret. Most of Flairs matches had him getting his ass kicked , then raking someones eyes, a few chops, that irish whip top rope thing he always did that never worked, a Flair Flop and a figure four[holding the ropes as a heel and not as a face]. Not to say that Flair didnt have...
  9. C

    What was your favorite?

    I have to go with Bret Harts second title win. As a kid watching this I was so happy someone finally took the belt off Yoko. After Yokozuna had dominated the title scene for the better part of a year and The Hitman finally regained the title that he was screwed out of a year prior I was psyched...
  10. C

    Injury Free Superstars

    I think it just happens to depend on the person. In the case of Kane, this guy has never missed any significant period of time due to injury. Joint problems can also be hereditary and other factors have to be considered. Look at Mick Foley, this guy got the crap kicked out of him constantly for...
  11. C

    Hogan made the WWF popular.. Did he make WCW what it was in its hayday aswell??

    Of course Hogan helped make WCW what it was. If you look at The Wcw roster from About 1993 before Hulk showed up you've got Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Rick Rude, Sting and Vader. Now look at the roster 1996 when WCW started to pick up steam. Hogan, Sting...
  12. C

    "Uh, one of my good friends is black!"

    I once had a group of hispanic women at my work accuse me of being rascist because I said a fellow co worker was pretending to not speak english. Keep in mind that outside of work this dude speaks perfect english and pretends to not speak english at work so people leave him alone. These girls...
  13. C

    Dumbest Thing You've Ever Been Told

    A girl I once knew got into an argument with me because she didnt know Kevin Smith was Silent Bob. I then asked her if she didnt know Clark Kent and Superman were the same person since Clark wore glasses.
  14. C

    Should Hart Dynasty join Legacy?

    God I hope not, I dont want the HD to be relegated to Ortons backup/jobbers. The Dynasty is poised to make a big impact in ECW and I believe thats where they should stay for the time being. If Legacy needs another member [I dont think it does], it should be either Hennig or another Diabiase...
  15. C

    What would YOU do with THE Brian Kendrick?

    I would move him to Ecw in a trade for Christian. He could put on some decent matches with Evan Bourne and form an alliance with Mark Henry. The guy is a solid performer but he is too small to get anywhere on one of the big two shows, however he could really increase his visibility on the...