The New Big Show


Occasional Pre-Show
I'll be the first to admit, I am not a fan of the Big Slow....and was bashing him just a few weeks ago in a thread about the "big guys"

but....he finally ditched the stupid boxing gimmick thing and now appears to be doing some new cool moves

The Spear....for a guy his size it looks kind of good (the only bad thing about the spear is when edge does it, its his finisher but other guys not, weakens Edge)

Vader Bomb....looks a little shaky, doesn't look at good as Vader's did but still its something different and thats good....

Some weird cool move he did on Cena this past monday....put him up like a powerbomb, then fell backwards bringing Cena down still above his head.....that was surprising and very different...

Like i said, i hated this guy....was annoyed when he got drafted to RAW....his dumb boxing thing is just that...DUMB...
but....with these new moves it looks like they are reshaping him a little....

whatcha guys think of the NEW big show over the past 2-3 weeks....

I think he needs to get away from Cena now and work on changing his character a little....
The Power Bomb move to Cena was an "Ally Oop"
it was his finisher back in the old days before the Choke Slam was

I agree thou he is finnally going somthing diffrent in the ring (take notes Cena,Batista,)
I think he has improved majorly as in I can see a U.S. Title run on the way

and yes get away from Cena and turn your attention to the U.S. and put a new twist too it
The Big Show needs to either be put to sleep or used in a better way. Ric Flair called him the best big man in the buisiness. If that doesn't give him some cred, nothing will. I think that he needs to have a legitimate push for once. They just seem to throw him in the main event when they need a body.

I think that if they pushed him right, he could be a legitimate player in the main event.
Right now, whenever he is pushed in the spotlight, I never expect him to win the belt. He needs credability in the fans eyes.
Looks like they brought in The Big Show to RAW to fill in JBL's spot on the card. Main Event level character, but actually there to put people over.

If they are smart they will give him a title run. It doesn't need to be long, 2 or 3 PPVs would do it. He could win at SummerSlam and drop it at Survivor Series. They have two titles so it won't hurt IMO. His size and athleticism will really put an up and comer over when he does lose the strap.

At minimum, give him a US Title run, but I don't think anyone in the midcard is good enough (other than MVP...sorry Kofi you have no promo skills) for him to lose to in order make the match believable.
He does need a good meaningful push and get some credability under his belt. His new stuff is great and getting away from Cena would right now be the best thing for him. He still has some years to go and I expect him to have some gold by years end. I'll go that far for the sole fact that the mid card on Raw doesn't mean shit at the moment.
I like the fact that they try and take a big guy like Big Show and make him athletic.

I for one would love a Big Show/ MVP Feud
Big Show/Cena= to many times

Big Show/Miz would be nice I want someone to build Miz up

Big Show/Goldust? thats nice to see

how about Big Show destroying Legacy to get to Orton? basically acting like he is on their side and going behind the back say did you hear what Orton said or what Roades said somthing like that. whatca all think?
It is cool that he's changing up the offence a bit, and he does have some cool moves. I didn't hate the boxing thing, but it needs to be used in moderation. The KO punch was a weak finisher as well, his Cobra Clutch Backbreaker is a MUCH better secondary finisher to the chokeslam. That Alley Oop move looked cool, and hopefully they'll let him shine in a new feud where he can win a few times.
I was hoping he was going to win the fatal 4 way match when randy won, it wouldve pushed him big. They need to do something with him on RAW, or maybe even send him to SD or ECW..
The Big Show is one of the best "monsters" in the industry today.

He has the experience and the ability to not only be over with any crowd but also to put together a decent match.

Ok, I admitt that his feud with Cena was more than boring but that´s how he feud was booked and it wasn´t Big Shows fault that he had to face Cena multiple times over the past weeks.

His run as the ECW-champ was decent and really a breath of fresh air.

Big Show is a good performer and really entertaining if used right.

And I also noticed a few new moves in Paul´s repertoire, he is improving which is always a good thing.
I'm not sold on it. This happens about twice a year and nothing ever comes of it. Show will 'get focused' for a little while before being put into a comedy angle where nothing will happen and he'll job all over again. think about it. What's the longest time that Show has ever been a main event threat, and by threat I mean not jobbing his ass off, every night? That's why I'm not getting my hopes up. Show has gotten short pushes like this so many times that there's no point in believing that it'll lead to anything. Why should we believe that this time will be any different? I certainly don't.
I'm not so impressed with the Big Show I never was, and I was never a fan of the super heavy weights except Umaga who was extremly gifted for his size, oh and Bam Bam and Vader were great too. I think Big Show just needs to put up the boring 'dominant' act and push the younger guys. No offense to Big Show fans but I can't see him do any thing better other than pushing some one other than Cena.
Its really a pity the way that Show is pushed. This guy is huge and to have him getting beaten constantly is just ******ed in my mind. He needs to just start destroying the lower and mid card guys like Kozlov is doing on ECW. A person his size is instantly believable as a monster, but if he is made to look like a little bitch even the kids wont take him seriously.
Big Show's been doing these moves since his run in ECW...The Alley-Oop, hes been doin since like 2001 and the spear and vader bomb since like 2006 in ecw. People need to stop bashing the big show cuz he is an incredibly gifted athelete, even more so in his prime. I'd like to see another 7 foot 480lbs guy even dream of doin some of the shit he does.
I've been impressed by Big Show, when he was doing the Alley Oop Bomb on Cena, i was thinking Cena is gonna planted a DDT which he occassionally does do opponents, but his spear, that made it looklike it had a bigger impact then Edge's spears. Im not a huge fan of super heavyweights but at times im impressed Big Show, all that needs to be done with him is put him in some type of entertaining feud so Cena can solely focus on The Miz.
Big show needs to do something that does not involve john cena. Its not as amazing the 50th time he gets fu'd by cena. Id like to see a face turn and him beat the crap out of the little heels like chavo, jamie noble, TBK and others. Then going for a title sometime later.
Ugh... another thread dedicated to another wrestler that you all think should get a "push." Man, if it were up to the IWC, the entire roster would get "pushed." Fact of the matter is that the Big Show has been pushed over and over again and it was a failure every time. Just because a superstar is big, powerful, and good in the ring doesn't mean they should be pushed. It's all about what the crowd thinks and quite frankly, they aren't buying into the Big Show. The same goes for Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Brian Kendrick, and every other name that the IWC has mentioned in the past with their endless wrestling smark-knowledge. (If everyone hasn't noticed, I'm so sick of these types of threads...)

I'm not sold on it. This happens about twice a year and nothing ever comes of it. Show will 'get focused' for a little while before being put into a comedy angle where nothing will happen and he'll job all over again. think about it. What's the longest time that Show has ever been a main event threat, and by threat I mean not jobbing his ass off, every night? That's why I'm not getting my hopes up. Show has gotten short pushes like this so many times that there's no point in believing that it'll lead to anything. Why should we believe that this time will be any different? I certainly don't.

Agreed 100%. It's been done before time and time again. The Big Show gets a mini-push, becomes relevant for 2-3 months, and then starts jobbing out to the Kofi Kingston's of the world. The only reasoning for Show's mini pushes is to keep him looking like some kind of contender so when he loses to new talent, he can give them the proper rub. There's no need to change his current role. He's big, intimidating, believable, and great in the ring, but he's still a failure with 'getting over' with the crowd.
Agreed 100%. It's been done before time and time again. The Big Show gets a mini-push, becomes relevant for 2-3 months, and then starts jobbing out to the Kofi Kingston's of the world. The only reasoning for Show's mini pushes is to keep him looking like some kind of contender so when he loses to new talent, he can give them the proper rub. There's no need to change his current role. He's big, intimidating, believable, and great in the ring, but he's still a failure with 'getting over' with the crowd.

Of course he isn't getting over..haven't you been paying attention? It's kinda hard to get over when you are jobbing to everyone on the roster. Big Show should be pushed similar to how Lesnar was pushed (practically undefeated, only losing a few times a year)
I think Show has definitely gotten better, but he it appears that he is letting his weight get the better of him again. I remember when he came back for his match at WM with Mayweather, he appeared to be in the best shape of his wrestling career. Maybe it is just too hard for him to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen while he is on the road.

I DO have a couple of issues with some of the things he does in the ring, however. For one, I don't like a lot of the matches that he has had with Cena as they have made him appear terribly weak. This makes no sense as, after all, he is a fucking GIANT. He spends the entire match beating the ever loving plasma out of Cena who either comes back with the improbable Attitude Adjustment, pinning this massive behemoth with one move, or gains the victory by the Miz running in and pushing Cena over leading to a tainted victory. I just think it makes Show look silly to be pinned with or made to tap out in one move after spending 15 minutes ravaging his opponent.

The other thing is, I don't think that it is good booking for him to be using a spear that people kick out of. Are we, the wrestling fans, to believe that a spear from a 245 pound man like Edge can incapacitate someone whereas a 500 pound man like Show can only keep someone down for the count of 2? Especially after it resembles a dude getting crushed by a piano that was pushed down a stairwell?

I dunno, I think I am just being nitpicky here. Overall, yes, Show has been much improved. I hope they start making better match decisions for him and they move him off this program with Cena so he can have a more entertaining feud with someone else.
Of course he isn't getting over..haven't you been paying attention? It's kinda hard to get over when you are jobbing to everyone on the roster. Big Show should be pushed similar to how Lesnar was pushed (practically undefeated, only losing a few times a year)

First of all, Lesnar > Big Show.

Second of all, how long have you been watching the programming?? The Big Show didn't ALWAYS "job out to everyone on the roster" as you so eloquently stated. The guy was brought into the WWE at the St. Valentines Day Massacre and thrown into a feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin!! If that's not a push, I don't know what is.

This proves my point. He's been pushed time and time again and has done NOTHING of substance with it. So why would they try to do it AGAIN?
I think Big Show should be put either in a feud with someone in the midcard Ex: MVP(to help push MVP into the main event) or be put in the tag team division. Idk why I would put him in the tag division maybe because he could form a good team with somebody and help restructure the tag team division. But yeah as long as he's not feuding with Cena and losing ridiculously, I'm good.
First of all, Lesnar > Big Show.

Of course Lesnar is better than Show..I never said Show was better. My point is that Big Show should be pushed like that because it's hard to believe that someone his size would actually lose more than he would win.

Second of all, how long have you been watching the programming?? The Big Show didn't ALWAYS "job out to everyone on the roster" as you so eloquently stated. The guy was brought into the WWE at the St. Valentines Day Massacre and thrown into a feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin!! If that's not a push, I don't know what is.

This proves my point. He's been pushed time and time again and has done NOTHING of substance with it. So why would they try to do it AGAIN?

Again, you are blaming The Big Show for the bad booking of the writers and Vince. That's not his's actually something he has been complaining about recently because he knows he is being buried by their bad booking. Sure, he was used properly when he first came over from WCW to WWE, but he isn't right now
Again, you are blaming The Big Show for the bad booking of the writers and Vince. That's not his's actually something he has been complaining about recently because he knows he is being buried by their bad booking. Sure, he was used properly when he first came over from WCW to WWE, but he isn't right now

No, no, no... I understand why you feel that way so let me clarify. If there's anyone to "blame", it's us. Us = the crowd. The WWE will not push stars that do not appeal to the audience. Ultimately, we determine most superstars fate on the roster. If the starts aren't "over" with us, they don't get pushed.

Now, whether blame for that can be put on the Big Show is beyond me. But, all I see is a SHW trying his hardest to entertain us. In the end, he is failing. It's sad but true.
No, no, no... I understand why you feel that way so let me clarify. If there's anyone to "blame", it's us. Us = the crowd. The WWE will not push stars that do not appeal to the audience. Ultimately, we determine most superstars fate on the roster. If the starts aren't "over" with us, they don't get pushed.

Now, whether blame for that can be put on the Big Show is beyond me. But, all I see is a SHW trying his hardest to entertain us. In the end, he is failing. It's sad but true.

95% of the fans are just sheep though..They blindly cheer/boo whoever Vince decides to push, regardless of whether the person deserves it or not. That's why people like Cena, HHH, and Punk get forced down our throats.

If Vince wanted to push Kung Fu Naki as the top main eventer in the company by having him squash every heel in the company, a lot of fans would buy into it and we would be complaining about him instead of Cena (i'm joking...kind of..)
as the starter of the post....
I want to just say I do not think or want the Big Show pushed....I'm just saying used to hate him and like him doing more moves and not the dumb boxing thing anymore....

he has potential to maybe have a good fued or some good matches but by no means do I think he should be in the main event title picture or have it around his waist...
95% of the fans are just sheep though..They blindly cheer/boo whoever Vince decides to push, regardless of whether the person deserves it or not. That's why people like Cena, HHH, and Punk get forced down our throats.

Wait a minute... so you're calling me a "sheep"?

It's obvious that you don't like Cena, HHH, and Punk. But just because you don't like them, do you honestly think that millions of other fans agree with you?

There has never been someone thrusted into the main event that didn't deserve to be there in the first place. I doubt that Vince would risk losing money in his billion dollar conglomerate by shoving someone into main event that didn't go over with the crowd.

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