Injury Free Superstars


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I guess some WWE "Entertainers" are lucky. Only very few of them have gone most of their careers without injuries.

Guys like The Rock, Christian, Big Show, and Chris Jericho has never had a serious injury that has kept them out for an extended amount of time. Where other guys like Batista, Edge, Mysterio, Undertaker, and Triple H have had multiple injuries.

Is it just luck? Or maybe is is the way they carry themselves in matches?

I got to say it is luck, because with the main eventer's, its not that they are injury prone because they botch moves frequently, because it usually don't happen. I think some wrestlers just have really bad luck when it comes to injuries. (Cough) Ken Kennedy (Cough)
Big Show got his orbital bone broken two years ago, but outside of that, how could you honestly hurt they guy. He's massive. Christian hasnt been in to many brutal matches in recent memory, but its looked like hes had some issue with his arm lately.

As for guys like Edge and Undertaker go, theyve been in some of the most brutal matches pro wrestling has to offer. Ladder Matches, Hell in a Cell Matches, Hardcore Falls Count anywhere, Inferno, Last Man Standing. These guys put their lives on the line to entertain us.

I think most of Batista and Mysterio injuries are from steriod abuse. I hear its the easiest way to tear a peck muscle(cough CENA cough) I know a lot of the guys probably tough it out in order to keep their spot on the card, and when something finally gives, if gives a lot and their out for months at a time rather than weeks.

You failed to mention people like Jeff Hardy, whos had numerous injuries that he wont take time off to get repaired. Which is currently why Kane is off TV, hes trying to avoid having surgery, so he took time off. Thats the smart thing to do
I think more experienced guys are less likely to become seriously injured, in most situations. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but in-ring experience definately plays a major role.
You failed to mention people like Jeff Hardy, whos had numerous injuries that he wont take time off to get repaired. Which is currently why Kane is off TV, hes trying to avoid having surgery, so he took time off. Thats the smart thing to do
Yeah, Jeff Hardy is a fighter. He puts his body on the line for the business damn near every time he wrestles. But the downside is that you can see him limping around sometimes if he has just come off of a big PPV match like this 2 weeks ago at extreme rules. He also injured his shoulder after he and edge took that huge fall from the ladder. I just hope he doesn't die one day from doing that.
Kane is a different story. How could he be injured? Does he do any high risk moves or is it because he always attempts to chokeslam wrestlers with one hand?
I think it's a combination of both. In some cases it's bad luck and in other cases it's because of how they carry them selves.

Which is it when it comes to Kennedy? Hard to say but if I had to guess i'd say it's been 50/50.

I'm pretty sure more then one of HHH's injurys were from him botching the pedigree? Is that bad luck or did he mess up? To me something like that is debatable compared to say...

Owen hart dropping Austin on his head which is more obviously bad luck.
I believe Kane has a bum knee, but I could be wrong. I believe luck has more to do with it. It is much easier for things to go wrong than go as planned. It comes down to how reliable a opponent you have. Ask Cena. And to prove my point, Bret Hart NEVER seriously hurt anyone.
Originally posted by enigmaticdude: Kane is a different story. How could he be injured? Does he do any high risk moves or is it because he always attempts to chokeslam wrestlers with one hand?
Well if you consider that Glen Jacobs made his professional debut in 1992 and hasn't really had that much time off between then and now then you might be able to understand that, by the very nature of wrestling, your body could be carrying multiple injuries built up over the years (in Kane's case it's bad knees). Whether Kane was taking high risk moves or not is beside the point, he's bound to be carrying numerous nagging injuries just by being on the road for such a long and largely uninterrupted period of time.
by the very nature of wrestling, your body could be carrying multiple injuries built up over the years (in Kane's case it's bad knees). Whether Kane was taking high risk moves or not is beside the point, he's bound to be carrying numerous nagging injuries just by being on the road for such a long and largely uninterrupted period of time.

Not just Kane, i would think a large majority of the roster would be carrying minor knocks that wouldn't be properly healed or even reported, add that to long periods on the road and there gonna build up. If they're unlucky then it'll be a big injury that means they have to take some time off.

I think age is a factor too, as a wrestler gets older the accumulated niggles and minor injuries build up and they take longer to heal. Look at Kane, the Undertaker and HBK all older wrestlers on the verge of retirement who have had to take an extended break to deal with injuries that have built up that for a younger guy wouldn't necesarily be a problem.
You count up televised shows to the house shows that wrestlers have to attend night in and night out - I am sure your body just gets plain out worn. It is hard to find a wrestler that is going to stay healthy weekly - monthly.

But I thought Jericho had a few injuries through his WCW days. Maybe I am wrong on that, but you aren't going to find many guys that stay injury free. If they get good therapy and all that then I guess you have it made to stay healthy. But half of the wrestlers don't follow a bright health regimen.
I think it just happens to depend on the person. In the case of Kane, this guy has never missed any significant period of time due to injury. Joint problems can also be hereditary and other factors have to be considered. Look at Mick Foley, this guy got the crap kicked out of him constantly for 15 years and I cant remember him taking a lot of time off. It is rare for someone to go for so long without an injury in such a physical occupation.
I think more experienced guys are less likely to become seriously injured, in most situations. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but in-ring experience definately plays a major role.

I think there are two ways of looking at this to be honest, which makes me unsure of which ways to look at it. While experience can be used in the way you have, what that also beings up is the fact these experienced wrestlers could be more likely to be injured due to the amount of wrestling they do/have done, therefore damaging their bodies more due to use. I think at the end of the day it's basically about luck, nothing else determines it.
sometimes it could come down to how much time spent and amount of times in the ring as well HHH, taker, edge, rey and others are ME stars so are in the ring almost everynight in some way be it in a match or a jump from behind so it will take up a lot of engey so once in a while they will make mistakes and might hurt the other guy or them selfs because there body cant take it
Well, I can see your point. But it depends on what exactly you are trying to say. I'm sure every single WWE superstar has been injured at some point. Some superstars have injuries and work through it, whether it's major or minor, while others have no choice but to take time off to care for their injuries.

But what really scares me is when a person gets their first injury. It seems to me, like once you get your first real injury, the rest of your body gets weaker, causing you to get a lot more injuries a lot more often. Just look at Batista... since his first injury in 2006, how many more injuries has he had since then? Look at John Cena. For the first 5 years of his WWE career, he was not injured once. Then came his pectoral injury. He returns 2 months early, but just 7 months after returning, he suffers his second injury. Rey Mysterio. He was fine from 2002, until his knee injury in 2007. He was out for 10 months, and then just six months after returning, he's injured again.

It all depends on how your body works. John Cena has been in very brutal matches in the past. He receives punishment in every single match he's in, but he's only suffered two injuries. Rey Mysterio has been in less brutal matches, but has more of an extreme type of style of wrestling, which is probably why he's been out due to injury for longer periods of time. People like Batista and Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are much older than the others, so injuries come to them very easily.

So, I don't really think there is any real explanation for why some superstars get injured more often than others. It can be anywhere from age to different styles to experience, but I guess we'll never know.
Christian hasnt been in to many brutal matches in recent memory, but its looked like hes had some issue with his arm lately.

Yeah, not recently, but how many TLC's did WWE run him through at the first part of the century. When Edge was missing and the Hardyz and Dudleyz were split, Christian was still being ran through them like there was no tomorrow. I believe shortly before he left the WWE he had an injured back and finally took time to heal it.

Christian and Jericho are guys that have actually spent time training. They are smart and rarely over-extend themselves. They know when to take some time off.

Rock was very careful. He probably wasn't as well trained as Jericho or Christian (years in training and came up slowly), but he limited major bumps.

Cena and HHH seem to always try to push theirselves for that extra pop but that pop seems to occur in their own body. Not in the audience. HHH is learning and for the sake of Cena's career, he better; don't wait until you are injured.

Edge seems to do alright when he is not being trotted out in a Ladder match.

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. How long did they wrestle? They did not subject themselves to endless gimmick matches like the stars of today do. They worked the matches, worked the crowds, and didn't need to jump off of ladders or go through burning tables to stay hot. Sure their bodies gave out in the end, but how long did it take?

Austin has a neck condition. Why any doctor would clear him to go after the Owen Hart incident is beyond me. Im amazed he lasted as long as he did.

It just depends on each invidual's training, awareness, and level of caution. And sometimes you just catch a bad break like Bret Hart with Goldberg. Guys like Foley, Hardy, Mysterio, (high-risk offense) are more likely to get hurt. Guys like Hart, Hogan, and Flair (more in-ring/mat based offense) seemed to go longer with minimal injuries.
What about Matt Hardy?? Other then his broken hand he wrestled with i dont think that he's been out.

While this is a spam post by you man, you're mistaken. Matt Hardy was out for a long while with a knee injury I do believe and then he was released from his contract.

I guess the whole thing with being injury free is relitive really. I mean these guys live in constant pain and a lifestyle of injury, but as it was mentioned in the original post, this is about the big injuries the ones that keep people out for extended periods of time. It's bound to happen to them all, Cena went 3 years or longer without a serious injury.

It's really only a matter of time anymore, but people like the ones that were listed, I'd have to go out on a limb and say that it's either an extreme amount of luck or they are very good to their bodies during what little down time they have.
While this is a spam post by you man, you're mistaken. Matt Hardy was out for a long while with a knee injury I do believe and then he was released from his contract.

that must have been the little bit of time that i had stopped following wrestling. i know he had a problem at one point with his knee but didn't know that we was released and was out for a while

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