"Uh, one of my good friends is black!"


Excellence of Execution
Have you ever found yourself in the awkward position of saying something you didn't really mean to say? Have you ever been accused of being a racist? Well, have I got the solution for you!

"I have a friend who is black!".

Yes sir (or ma'am), those 7 words will change everything around for you. Just say those magic words and everyone who thought you were racist before, will suddenly realize that there is no WAY you could possibly be racist; after all, you have a black friend. You're one step away from singing soul music, god damnit!

Have you ever wanted to prove how accepting you are of another race? Allow me to help you with that as well. Another line that is sure to win you a cult following, "You're the whitest black person I've met". Hot damn, if you don't have an African American trying to stick their tongue down your throat after a compliment like that, they must be deaf. Offer to buy them watermelon, and you'll be able to say, for the rest of your life:

"I have a friend who is black!"

Yes sir (or ma'am). Prove you're not a racist. Tell the world just how open minded you are!
You're putting way too much effort into your defense, Sly. You don't need a black friend. A simple ethnic friend should service you just fine in this case. It's close enough.


Let's put the jokes behind us now. I'm guessing that this thread will pretty much boil down to the discussion of racism. Cool.

I have this story. I went to a private high school for two year before I switched back to the public system this year. Now my town is not very diverse: we have a about 70 percent white people, 30 percent eastern asian people, and about five black families. The private school, however, was much more diverse. I didn't think much of it because I hold the opinion that people are people. So there was this one time after school when a few kids and I were hanging out in the library. A few of the black kids in the group started talking about all this 'crazy stuff' that white people do and how silly they are. I didn't know the group that well, but everyone seemed to laugh and agree. I said, "Well there's nothing inherently wrong with white people." Everyone gave me a cold stare. "What?" I asked. "That's racist," one kid responded. Seriously? It's racist to say that nothing is inherently wrong with a group of people now? I didn't say anything negative about anyone. I peaced. I just thought that they had a bad grasp of what racism is. Also, that school as a whole was unbelievably racist. There were so many slurs thrown around behind backs in a serious manner.
I find that you can't really make reference to races nowadays. I was asked where a shop was the other day. I used the black guy, the only black guy in a sea of white people, as a directional device. The person who asked me gave me a funny look.

I've never actually been accused of being a racist. But I'm sure I wouldn't make up a black friend to prove otherwise. I used to have one, I cut that guy out of my life ages ago.

The people I know are aware I'm not racist, even if I do make best to accidentally prove otherwise. I don't apologize for it.

People I don't know or who I no longer keep in touch with can think whatever they want and accuse me of whatever they want. It's not illegal to be racist and I'm not one anyway.
Of course I'm not racist, I own a color T.V.! Wait, what?

In the end, racism isn't nearly as bad as what it used to be. Well, not that I can see anyways. And to think, all this was over the white man giving black minorities a job. :disappointed: ingrates. (I kid, I kid)

Seriously though, racist jokes aside and all.. and of course, my sincere apologies to anyone who thought I was serious with the above remarks. The overall point though, racism isn't in anything more than words you opt to take offensive. And in the end, what does it solve? What do words truly do, to make or break you?

Honestly, racism boils down to so much less than what it actually is. Most racist remarks don't even come into conflict with anyone other than Black people it seems. Which is even more ironic, considering it's typically a black person, calling you a racist.

So, if I called my white best friend a honky, would I be considered a racist traitor? How can a black person deem you to be something against them? Maybe I honestly just don't like that one individual, anymore so than someone of my own race, creed, or sex?
"I have a good friend who's a hypocrite."

No, I didn't come up with it. I stole it from someone else. Art is theft, what can I say? I don't actually have anything to contribute.

So, in summary, racism is bad and black people are good. Or is that the other way around? I'm always getting it mixed up.
Well I for one have a friend who is black. But thats only skin color. Attitude wise is is whiter then any one you could ever meet and it's kind of funny. He went to a high school that was 98% white and hangs out with all white kids. He's like those gangster white kids that try to act black except hes black trying to be white. This black guy said to him once "Your not black your just tan." So I can technically use the term" I have a friend who is black." But if the person who thought I was racist met met my friend, they would probably just laugh at me.
Have you ever found yourself in the awkward position of saying something you didn't really mean to say? Have you ever been accused of being a racist? Well, have I got the solution for you!

"I have a friend who is black!".

Yes sir (or ma'am), those 7 words will change everything around for you. Just say those magic words and everyone who thought you were racist before, will suddenly realize that there is no WAY you could possibly be racist; after all, you have a black friend. You're one step away from singing soul music, god damnit!

Have you ever wanted to prove how accepting you are of another race? Allow me to help you with that as well. Another line that is sure to win you a cult following, "You're the whitest black person I've met". Hot damn, if you don't have an African American trying to stick their tongue down your throat after a compliment like that, they must be deaf. Offer to buy them watermelon, and you'll be able to say, for the rest of your life:

"I have a friend who is black!"

Yes sir (or ma'am). Prove you're not a racist. Tell the world just how open minded you are!


And for the purposes of this post, I'm using "Racist" in its negative connotation of "Hate towards a specific race", not the most literally defintion of "Making a comment about a specific race."

"Racist" is thrown around waaaaay too often these days. I lived in a very racist town in Arkansas, and I can tell you what racism truly is. It's not the "Black people eat fried chicken" joke. It's the Robert E. Lee KKK parade on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It's the constant lynching jokes made to the 5 black people in the entire high school. Psssssh.

Though I have found myself saying "I have black friends." Mostly as a way to brag though, because I came from Jacksonville, and had loads of black friends there. So when I moved to Cabot and saw/heard people making incredibly ******ed racial comments I would defend the black people. When asked why, I would say "I have black friends from my elementary days that I still speak with."

I swear. If we could just take a few jokes though, everything would be a lot better. Joking about watermelon and Kool-Aid or a white man freaking out about the slightest hint of crime isn't Racist. It's funny. Lynching jokes? Not funny. Simple stuff, really.

One more thing. If I am forced to call a person who has never been to Africa an African American, I wanna be able to force people to call me a European American. Because my German ancestors hundreds of years ago were in Europe. It's only fair.
I agree racism is pretty ******ed these days. Especially with so many inter-racial relationships. However, with that being said, I still cant go to a Klan rally to roast marshmallows and say, "Man you whiteboys sure know how to make a fire." Racism is still very evident in todays society, though I will say Ive never seen a race get along quite as the whites and blacks have.
My best friend is from Bangladesh, and is a Muslim who wears a headscarf, does that give me the right to be racist to everyone? Awesome. Seriously, me and her make racist jokes all the time, she shouts out "White Girl" in the middle of college, it's really quite fun. Racist jokes don't particularly bother me, but that's because it's never really affected me. This was a pointless post, I just wanted to post in here.
My feeling is, why even mention race at all when referring to a friend. My friend John is Puerto Rican, but when I refer to him, I don't say, "Hey, guess what John, my Puerto Rican friend, said the other day?" It's just, "my friend John."

I understand we all have slips of the tongue, and stuff like that slips out. But, I never feel I need to justify my friends to anyone. I've got black friends, spanish friends, and they're just my friends.

It is a racist mentality that has been hammered into the minds of even non-racists by Government and industry. It's like the mayor of New York over here speaking the WORST DAMN SPANISH ever! And, he's doing it to try to get votes and support from the very large Hispanic community here in New York. Well, how about passing some laws to help poor minorities living in the ghettos out here, rather than try to cowtow to them by learning a language you never would have bothered learning if you weren't a politician?

Deep down, every human on this planet is full of shit, me included. Feel about race how you will, and don't justify it to anyone.
So wait, am I to understand that people are STILL that fucking stupid? In 2009? Hating someone based upon race has GOT to be the most primitive thing on earth. I just cant wrap my head around people still thinking that way, in this day and age.

Im not racist becuase I can find plenty of things to hate people over besides their race. I lie, I am racist. I hate the human race. I hate everyone equally. Im all about equality.
It is crazy to think that racism still occurs but it does. I remember last year one of my friends was running for Associated Student Body President of Ole Miss. He had great issues and was really the right man for the job but we were worried since he was African-American, he wouldn't win.

He did win and I was checking out the comments on the Daily Mississsippian (our school paper) website and I saw one that really pissed me off. The poster was talking about what has Ole Miss come to these days and how you should honor tradition and stuff like that and how Ole Miss is going to go in a downward spiral now. It's stupid that you will still look at the color of a person's skin and base your beliefs and actions just off that. We shouldn't have cared what color he is, we should have cared about what he will do for our university and he has been a great ASB President so far.
I think it will always be around until genetic engineering makes us all look the same.

But, seriously, I find racism humorous. We, as a species, have landed a man on the moon, discovered the basic building block of life, DNA, advanced computer science to the point where an entire movie can be made with a computer, and yet we still have these primitive, idiotic views.

Just yesterday some racist white supremacist went ape shit and tried to shoot some people. The only cure is a complete revolt against it.

We elected a black President, and that's all you hear. Obama's black. Today, the black President...blah. World War 3 has broken out, 25 million dead, and our African American President is...blah. When Bush was in office, did we say our ******ed, redneck President in every sentence? No. Obama's our President. Period. Constantly reminding us he's black is pointless.

Another cure is to MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS! Stop caring what church your neighbors go to, what food they eat, what people or animals they screw, and worry about yourself, damnit.

Also, people need to stop trying to push THEIR beliefs on others. If you don't eat meat, fine. Don't call me a killer while I'm chomping on my burger. And don't preach your anti-black, anti-jew, anti-whatever shit to me because I don't want to fucking hear it. Go back to your closet.
I have this story. I went to a private high school for two year before I switched back to the public system this year. Now my town is not very diverse: we have a about 70 percent white people, 30 percent eastern asian people, and about five black families. The private school, however, was much more diverse. I didn't think much of it because I hold the opinion that people are people. So there was this one time after school when a few kids and I were hanging out in the library. A few of the black kids in the group started talking about all this 'crazy stuff' that white people do and how silly they are. I didn't know the group that well, but everyone seemed to laugh and agree. I said, "Well there's nothing inherently wrong with white people." Everyone gave me a cold stare. "What?" I asked. "That's racist," one kid responded. Seriously? It's racist to say that nothing is inherently wrong with a group of people now? I didn't say anything negative about anyone. I peaced. I just thought that they had a bad grasp of what racism is. Also, that school as a whole was unbelievably racist. There were so many slurs thrown around behind backs in a serious manner.

I see you're from Dirty Jerz. Are you in the Ocean County region? I'm from Point Pleasant and that is the same story here, mostly Italians and Irish, maybe a handful of Asian and a few black families and too many Mexicans/Guatemalans to count. Yet when I see a black dude walk down the road I see people give him odd looks and just gets treated differently around here. I'm Puerto Rican and am very comfortable at poking fun at my nationality even though I will guard it from people who mean to do harm to me. My whole thing is, we lost our senses of humor with races. I feel that as long as we can joke around with each other and not mean anything by it then its all good. Am I going to go to a black guy and be like, "Yo, what up *n-word*???" No. I did work with a black guy that called ME the N-word and I thought it was funny and we just used the term as an all around term. The guy was really cool with it and I wish more people were like him because he knew I didn't meant any harm with it. I love hip-hop, it's just a word that creeps in the vocabulary from listening to so many songs.

While we are on the topic, do you still drop the N-word while you rap along to a hip hop song?
I remember when Obama was elected that night, there were already reports of threats around the dormitories between white and black students. I woke up, saw that he was elected, and went right back to sleep. Most African-Americans consider Obama being elected a victory, but will they still say they if he turns out to be a worse president than Bush. I never liked Bush but I did admire his resolve because of all what he went through especially during his first year of presidency.

It never mattered to me about the color of Obama's skin, just the actions he carries out and his plans to better our country. All I've heard on Inside Edition is Republicans nitpicking what he does on his every move and Michelle Obama and Jackie Onassis Kennedy comparisons. Some of the stuff is just ridiculous what they talk about but I guess that comes with the territory.

Me personally, I've never been threatened with racism in my life and I hope I don't. Most of my friends have been white and they were not my friends because they are white, but because how they treat me and respect me. I remember when I was 12, I told my cousin I was going to marry a white woman. Looking back now, I feel that's ridiculous because what's inside is more important than what's outside. I know some of my older relatives still have ill feelings towards white people and I'm not going to let that affect me.

My aunt is from Ohio and when we were traveling back from our family reunion in Biloxi, Mississippi. We stopped at this produce store that also sold shirts and she bought one. She showed it to my grandmother and she noticed that it had a Confederate flag on it. My aunt took it right back to the store. I know what the flag is all about and what it stands for but it doesn't really matter to me. Just like when they took our mascot Colonel Reb away a couple of years ago and everybody was up in arms about it. I didn't care and said that it was just a mascot and we still remain the only team in the SEC (I believe) without a mascot.

Racism is not confined to just white people hating black people. We seem to use this as a crutch especially during slavery. I just want to tell most of my black friends who bring it up that we were not the only ones being enslaved. There were Irish slaves in the Caribbean in the 17th century and I argued that the African American slaves' white masters treated them better than we think. My parents taught me to respect everybody regardless of color and I still hold that true to this day.
I once had a group of hispanic women at my work accuse me of being rascist because I said a fellow co worker was pretending to not speak english. Keep in mind that outside of work this dude speaks perfect english and pretends to not speak english at work so people leave him alone. These girls said I was rascist against mexicans. The Ironic thing about this is I am married to a Mexican woman that I have been with since I was 17 and we have 2 kids.

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