Recent content by chapmolly

  1. C

    New Superstars Winning Singles Titles in WWE - Pros and Cons

    What about this for a con, you put all this time, money and effort into someone and then they leave you. John Cena would never have been as huge, if Brock Lesnar didn't leave the WWE and take all that credibility. The problem with establishing new stars is that you do not know where their...
  2. C

    Weapons to the Head not the problem

    I beg to differ/ I just wrote a huge paper on this and aging. One blow to the head, even one that you do not think is serious can ruin someone's life. I used to think that Nowinski was acting like Raven and Tiger Ali Singh and was just trying to sue the WWE, because he wanted money. The...
  3. C

    Kennedy: The death sentence.

    He has wrestled against two men, in their last matches, whom have died of heart issues, in Eddie Guerrero and Umaga. I don't bleieve in superstition, but could it be possible that Kennedy has some affect on wrestlers? It has to be tough on him to know that he is in the final chapter of two...
  4. C

    What will benefit Cena more: Raw or Smackdown?

    I think ECW will benefit the most and that means the WWE wil benefit as well. Now I know how foolish that sounds and to the original ECW fans that would be the final straw to do away with the original remnance of the show. But, economically it makes sense. With the combination of Christian and...
  5. C

    ECW or Smackdown? Which better suits the Miz?

    I think this means that the WWE has lost faith in Dolph Ziggler, what little faith they had to beging with. Smackdown has a tradition of young and up and coming heels, i.e. MVP, Cena, Kennedy and Carlito. These are guys that the smarks get behind and cheer for, they are good on the mics and...
  6. C

    DVD Idea

    We all know that the WWE loves to make money. We also know that they love to do that with giving up as little as possible. Throughout any given year or look through any serious wrestling dvd collection and you will see two or three copies of the same match on seperate dvds. This is an...
  7. C

    Teddy Long's Superstar Initiative

    I like this Jack Swagger guy too, but I think that the superstar initiative is lessening his impact. The way most people see him as is a casual rookie and this guy has impact written all over him from what I've heard. I see Brock Lesnar when I look at him. He deserved vignettes and a little...
  8. C

    The Brian Kendrick & His Bodyguard Diesel...Wait....Ezekiel Jackson

    I see this seriously being similiar to another heel push Smackdown saw about 5 years back and they gave that man the title very soon into his push. I, of course, am talking about JBL. We, as fans, like it sometimes when a wrestler breaks the traditional mold and why not for a guy like THE...
  9. C

    Sid Vicious returning next month to WWE?

    He may be past his prime, but so is Finlay. In today's day and age we can see wrestlers go further into their 40's and 50's due to advances in medicine. We also know that due to his age he wants to wrestle for real and not just for the check. The reason why D'Lo isn't getting a good...
  10. C

    R-Truth - Catch him Fridays Nights!

    After seeing his promo video, it's safe to say that I am very excited about this move. I believe Truth will be a solid addition to the Smackdown roster. Imagine feuds between him and Shelton Benjamin, MVP or even Jeff Hardy. Friday Nights just got way more athletic and charisma is about to...
  11. C

    Where does Hardy go now?

    Heel champions work better for ECW. Chavo got better ratings than Kane. Morrison got better ratings then Punk and Show got better ratings than Lashley. Heels always bring the best out of the show. Mark Henry is not the best champion to have, but he is a dominate heel. People tune in to see...
  12. C

    The New ECW Title Belt

    Doesn't it look like the NWA title when it's in gold? I personally dislike it, but atleast it doesn't spin. This is going further to solidify ECW as a brand away from the old and I am starting to like it. I thought ECW was going to be terrible after the draft, but the shows have gotten...
  13. C

    Hornswoggle to ECW

    With this I see Miz and Morrison keeping the tag titles, as tag champs on two seperate shows doesn't work well, and changing them to the ECW titles. ECW needs another set of titles to be defended. With their own tag titles it would allow for more change in the WWE.
  14. C

    New Gimmick matches.

    What about a four way no-ref match? Four way one fall matchup. The winner is whomever gets the pinfall or submission, no holds barred. The kicker is that one of the competitors has to be the referee. The winner is the champ, the ref number one contender and whoever gets pinned doesn't get a...
  15. C

    WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

    I see Kane vs. Chavo for the ECW title at Mania. That would allow a build up of BOD vs. Ma Familia towards Mania. I believe that the four remaining spots will go to mainly ECW talent. They are the best ones in these matches as the show the best athleticism left. Elijah Burke (a whipping...