The New ECW Title Belt

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Oh my God. This thing is as ugly as sin. Uglier even. I don't know who designed this thing. Henry can just about pull it off, 'cos he's big, bulky, ugly and bland. Just like the belt! It's going to look even more atrocious once Hardy's wearing it.

Seriously, what possessed them to bring in this thing? Did they want to disassociate themselves with the old ECW even further? Or did they just want the belt to reflect its worth? This is a head scratcher, that's for sure. I'll be uploading picture soon. Sweet Jesus it's ugly though. If it was an all gold belt, maybe. But all silver? Eugh. That's the one word that sums it up - eugh. Completely goes against championship belt conventions - they exist for a reason. As bad as the butterfly belt, if not worse.

Edit: A couple snapshots:


I just saw the new belt. Looks terrible, though I liked the way Mark Henry sold his excitement for it. That belt looked completely silver (I watched it on and was almost in the shape of the Cruiserweight title. I don't care for it at all. They should've come up with a new WWE Title design instead in my opinion.
I actually like this belt. Sure it's not the best belt ever designed, but it certainly isn't the worst. While the new Divas belt certainly seems atrocious, it matches the theme and I wouldn't say it was the worst ever either. I can think of plenty of belts from the past that have completely beaten them to the punch on that regard, The WWF Hardcore title for example.

Regarding the belts design though, I think it's a rather nice looking belt. Sure it's not gold, but who cares. By market standards I think silver is worth more anyway. Also I thought it looked good on Henry and certainly won't look to bad on any other talented wrestler who holds it in the future.
Thats not a real world title, it doesn't even spin.

That belt is seriously ugly. There have been some new designs for title that were worse than the originals (attitude era belt), but never ones that were bad. The ECW Title was never of world title status in most peoples eyes, so this is fitting. I think the WWE realized that if they kept the old ECW title, that the old ECW would still be in the back of peoples minds. They needed a change in design, but not this.
"By market standards"? Are you serious!? I'm not talking about what's worth more - I don't think Henry's gonna try and sell the belt. Eat it, maybe. I'm just saying that gold is a lot more visually pleasing than silver. If you want a more objective look on things, championship belts - particularly the major ones - are traditionally gold. The one that many people claim is the best, or at least looks great, the world heavyweight title, is all gold. Silver should just be a no-go area, the way I see it.

As for the Hardcore Title, it was meant to look shitty. If someone had actually tried on that thing, they must have had no hands.

EDIT: Note the big ass "World Wrestling Entertainment" sign on the front, and the WWE emblems down the sides.
"By market standards"? Are you serious!? I'm not talking about what's worth more - I don't think Henry's gonna try and sell the belt. Eat it, maybe.

Well the market standards was a joke, but I just don't really think it matters whether its gold or silver.
If you want a more objective look on things, championship belts - particularly the major ones - are traditionally gold. The one that many people claim is the best, or at least looks great, the world heavyweight title, is all gold. Silver should just be a no-go area, the way I see it.
Its the ECW title belt, and at the end of the day that is equal to what? the US title belt? So who really cares, on a show with only one belt its the best belt but its also the worst belt.
IMO It looks good and I think it's interesting to see WWE mix it up a little by making it silver instead of gold.

As for the Hardcore Title, it was meant to look shitty. If someone had actually tried on that thing, they must have had no hands.

It may have been meant to look shitty but it is still worse looking than the Divas and new ECW championship belts.
I actually kind of like the way this new belt looks. The old belt wasn't that good looking to begin with and it looked way to small for Henry, and even Kane. I guess that I like this belt just because I prefer silver over gold anyways. The belt looked good on Henry because it stuck out, which is another reason I liked it, there's no missing it. I do think, however, that they should have left the ECW title alone and changed the WWE Championship belt, because that thing is just terrible.
Thing is, image is more important than most will admit in wrestling. You could be the best wrestler in the world but if you're a lanky, ugly fucker, no one will care. Apply the same logic to belts. Not too strictly, as the comparison is a bit flawed. But still, whoever has that belt over their shoulder, it adds to or detracts from their image. It also represents the company and/or, in this case, a brand. In my opinion, the US title is a fine looking title.

And it doesn't matter if it's the best or worst belt on the show - this ain't TNA. This is WWE. There are three brands and, um, a number of belts. The look of a belt is very important. Not to sound gay, but a belt has to have personality. This one just happens to look as ugly as fuck and so has none.
It just seems to be a clash in tastes on our parts, I think it looks good you think it looks bad. I don't know what a gold ECW title would look like, (I think the other one was silver anyway) It may have very well looked better, but I'm not going to speculate. I think that tis had a little personality and looked good on Henry, just giving him that extra pop(Not to sound gay lol).

Either way I think this is a step up as the other belt looked like a cheap replica belt and IMO did not look prestigious in the least bit (in comparison to the WHC and even the WWE championship belts).
Is there a place for the champion's name. Looks like there is a place for it, but I don't see Henry's name. If there is no place for the champion's name, then this belt is pretty fucked up. If that is the spot, then I guess that means that Henry is probably losing the belt at SummerSlam
The new ECW Title is absolutely terrible! It's the ugliest WWE Title Belt I've ever seen (it's even worse than the bling-bling sideshow known as the WWE Title)! If they're going to make it silver, they need to at least add some color to it. Make the ECW red or something. It just looks so cheap and generic. They could've gotten a new WWE Title instead of replacing the decent looking ECW Title Belt. This is a travesty!
I like the title. The old one looked like a toy, this one is pretty cool actually. I think it is way better the old one and I am glad that they changed it. People need to realize that this is WWECW and that things need to change from the old ECW. Personally I say great job with the new title
I like it and I think it suits ECW. It's not as ugly as the Divas title, but I guess it's fitting for the brand it's on. The old one had to go, and I know the "original" ECW guys are glad that "their" ECW title doesn't have to be shown on t.v anymore.

This has to be the final nail in the coffin for the old ECW, unless you count Taz, Stevie Richards, Nunzio and Tommy Dreamer.
Is there a place for the champion's name. Looks like there is a place for it, but I don't see Henry's name. If there is no place for the champion's name, then this belt is pretty fucked up. If that is the spot, then I guess that means that Henry is probably losing the belt at SummerSlam

Ya there is a place for the wrestler's name, right underneath the ECW is a plate for the name. Mark Henry's name is not there though.
At first, I hated the way the new ECW title looked. Now, for some reason, it's starting to grow on me. The picture you posted with Mark Henry having the belt over his shoulder actually made it look pretty good. Sure, it would be nice if they added more color, but I think it's ok how it is. I'm not saying that it is the best looking championship, but it definately isn't the worst. This is just another way for the WWE to distance itself from the original ECW.
i think the belt looks great. Its adding to a brand of wrestling that's getting better with new superstars. I feel that the belt can use a little gold and also a name plate.
I like the belt. the old belt looked cheap to me and tiny on anyone bigger than Chavo or Morrison. I think the silver helps it stand out among the 3 brands. Now its ahead of the WWE Title for me as I think that without Cena spinning it it just looks stupid and bulky on anyone else. So Kudos to the designers for goin in a different direction and doin a great job. It sorta reminds me of one of my other favorite belts: The AWA Championship


The only thing that made me chuckle was Adamle referred to it as 'Championship Gold' when it's not gold, but Adamle sucks anyway.
I actually like the new belt better than the old one as it actually looks like a heavywight title. Thats probably why they made a new belt because the old one was too small for Henry and looked like something a cruiserweight would wear. Yeah they should have made it gold instead of silver but atleast it's not as bad as the divas championship.
Personally, I love the design of it in every way except for its color. Despite how I've always been a much bigger fan of silver rather than gold, it just seems odd to me to have a championship title NOT be gold.

But the design itself is great. Its simple, effective, and not too flashy. ECW's previous title had the weird looking red letters on it that just gave off the appearance of "someone painted it on there afterwards cause they forgot about it", and the spherical shape just seemed a bit off scale or something.

If they would've made this gold instead of silver (or at least both colors) then I think less people would be complaining. But as it stands right now, I don't mind it at all.

A little Photoshop work and voila...this is what I mean by "more people would like it if it was gold":
I dont mind the new title. Its obvious they are trying to make it look as diferent as the old one as possible. As well as the whole ECW look. its as if they want to erase the Ol memory and begin again. It would look much better gold but every title minus the diva championship is gold so it makes it look more impressive. Of course it wont suit many people it did mark henry but i couldnt see Somebody like Matt Hardy holding it. It looks to big for a small wrestler. They should of made it so it would suit the future champions not just Mark Henry.
this is what I mean by "more people would like it if it was gold":

The Championship itself just went up a number of ways in my book, thanks to this photoshop look. :lmao: Seriously, NoFate's right. I'd love it slightly more if it were Gold, instead of Silver. I mean, it defeats the purpose of even being considered a Championship.

When announcer's say he's going for the Gold. What would they alter it to? He's striving for Silver?

When E.C.W. came on, I went crazy for assuming it was going to be a mid-card Championship to a desperately in need of a midcard title'd brand. Then when I found out it was the E.C.W. Championship, two things instantly popped into my mind.

1. Well, that was the final piece of the puzzle left to destroy from anything remaining from the original E.C.W., except for a couple original wrestlers, anyways.

2. This Championship doesn't have the term "World Heavyweight" on it, like the original E.C.W. title did. Which means the W.W.E. really are trying to phase out the fact that it's NOT to be considered a World Heavyweight Championship.

That thing is horrible looking, who's idea was it to make it silver? Is this in connection with pushing Mark Henry as a more unique Champion, to give him a Championship that doesn't even look like any of the others. (except the Diva's title. :lmao:)
While the belt isn't the greatest looking in the company, the change was needed. The new ECW show had nothing left from the original ECW except from a few wrestlers like Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, along with the ECW Heavyweight title. This isn't the original ECW, its the new ECW. Thats why I fully believe the title change was needed.

As for the look of the new belt, well I wouldn't say it is terrible. Its a little basic but I actually don't mind it. Think about it, the ECW championship is usually held by superstars that are near the main event status. Therefore they haven't reached the level of World Heavyweight Champions which are the "gold" superstars. I believe the ECW title is now silver because it symbolises that whoever holds the title, is rising to the top but isn't at the top of the mountain yet. Hence why it is silver and not gold. It's just my theory but I think it is a pretty darn good one.

At least it looks better than the Divas Championship. I personally wasn't a fan of the old ECW Heavyweight title. It just didn't look like a very credible title in my opinion. The new belt looks new and fresh and I think it is specifically made for the up and comers such as Matt Hardy and John Morrison. But the change was needed very much.
This title looks horrible. My jaw dropped upon first seeing it on the WWE website. If only it was gold, it'd look so much better. I'm glad they're distancing themselves from the original ECW though. Leave the legacy alone. I was and still am a big fan of the original ECW Heavyweight title, and especially when Taz held it, because it was when Taz held it that the title eventually found World title status by PWI from late 1999 to 2001. It was prestigious back then in my eyes. I still believe that the ECW title was a World Heavyweight title during its entire existence from the moment Shane Douglas introduced it. Well, up until Rhino anyway. But, yeah, I don't see the ECW title as a World title anymore.
Doesn't it look like the NWA title when it's in gold? I personally dislike it, but atleast it doesn't spin. This is going further to solidify ECW as a brand away from the old and I am starting to like it. I thought ECW was going to be terrible after the draft, but the shows have gotten progressively better. I believe that with this new title it signifies that the only thing connecting the ECW of old to the one of new is Tommy Dreamer and the name.
I think it looks good but if they want to get rid of the old ecw why even call it ecw? it means extreme championship wrestling. maybe it should be called [not] enough championship wrestling? But I do agree the gold one
looks good but the silver one is different. BUT I do agree change the wwe title. the spinner is cena not HHH,

This title may never come back but I think a new wwe champ should come....any ideas?

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