The New ECW Title Belt

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i agree with you Will, i think they are trying to make it less of a heavyweight championship and more of the "ECW Championship" which can be up for grabs by anyone. maybe even have a cruiserweight end up with it and claim it for them. Hence the need for yet another world title that can be brought it for the big boys only.. (yeah, I know that last part was a stretch).
and who's to say this belt is silver, can anyone say WHITE GOLD? (another rib from hayes?!?)
oh yeah, and i like the new divas belt. whats the problem with it? its too feminine? its a freaking Divas championship.. notice its not the womens title, its the DIVAS title!!
This is not a good move by the WWE, but it's also not a bad move, it's just an interesting move. By interesting I mean, I have no idea what the hell the WWE is thinking. The design of the belt itself is not bad, quite frankly I actually like it more, but it's just the colour. What the hell was the WWE thinking with silver? Wrestler's chase for the gold not, the silver. It sounds so cheesy now. I would even accept the silver if it had some colour with it, like red lettering for "ECW", but it just looks bland. I know that WWE is trying to in a whole new direction, leaving the Original ECW behind. But right now all that connects today's ECW with the original ECW is the name.

Also, on an interesting note. When an athlete competes in a sport during the Olympics (for example). His/her goal is to reach first place, and in first place you are rewarded with gold, not silver. So the WWE is implying that the new belt is a second tier "world title". And another interesting fact the WWE has also dropped the "Heavyweight" out of the name of the title, furthering it even more from becoming a world title. So, the WWE had a lot of potential with this new change, but once more they fucked it up.
ECW died a long time ago. Now WWE is just pissing on its grave by doing things like this! The new ECW title is not even gold. Just bc Mark Henry is the silverback doesnt mean the title has to be silver. Its not even ECW anymore, u can clearly see WWE on top of the belt
it could have been worse, but everybody knows WWE doesn't take the physical belts seriously anymore. The WWE Belt was a "custom" belt made for John Cena and he doesn't even wrestle on the brand it's defended on anymore.
To me I think that the new title looks ok but it should have been gold.

Why are alot of people even get upset about it. This is not the original ECW, never was, never will be. WWE's ECW was never ment to be like the original and everyone should have known that, so can people please stop saying WWE is killing ECW because this is the WWE third brand ECW and not the ECW that died in 2001 do to bankruptcy.
IMO the new ECW title's overall appearance isn't bad at all. It's hefty, instantly recognizable and pretty aggressive looking to be quite honest. It's being silver doesn't bother me in the slightest either.

At least the ECW Champion won't have to carry around a generic looking miniature sized title that's too small for anyone over 225 lbs anymore. Now if they could just put it on a decent wrestler they'll be set for a while...
I like the belt. Always preferred silver so it's a nice change from the usual. It looks almost classy, and the big WWE signs at the side are nothing but a good touch. I'm quite happy with this belt atually, it looks nice which I'm presuming was the point of it.

It's also a huge difference from the old ECW title belt. I think it shows a change in times, and ECW moving on to a better(?) time in its life.
I understand why WWE decided to do this. The fact is, when ECW first came back, it had all the Originals, such as Sandman, RVD and Sabu, but ECW is now the step between FCW and SmackDown!, and instead of the Title meaning "I'm on top of the business", like it did when RVD, Big Show, Lashley and Chris Benoit (if it happened) had the Belt, it now means, "I'm gonna be on top of the biusiness in a year or two". This new belt is meant to symbolise that the Champion is the next generation, and the future of WWE, and that's why it was changed. I just think it was stupid to change it when Mark henry has it though, they should have changed it when CM Punk or John Morrison had the Title.
I like the belt. Always preferred silver so it's a nice change from the usual.

Or an overall new direction in general. It can't be unique, since the most recent title to be added was the Diva's Championship, and this title is close to looking exactly like that. Switch out the butterfly, and add a trash can, or a barbwire covered chair, and there you go.. same title.

It looks almost classy, and the big WWE signs at the side are nothing but a good touch. I'm quite happy with this belt atually, it looks nice which I'm presuming was the point of it.

Trashy.. trashy is the term you were looking for. :p

Anytime the company plasters it's logo all over the title, it just means they want you to know it belongs to them. I love you you, and some others could come to love this title because it has W.W.E. on it (and you call that class) yet you bad mouth the spinner belt, when at least it makes their logo look flashy and full of charisma.

It's also a huge difference from the old ECW title belt. I think it shows a change in times, and ECW moving on to a better(?) time in its life.

Paul Heyman's E.C.W. died in 2001. W.W.E.'s E.C.W. is nothing more than carrying on the same title.

I agree with you that it's good to change the Championship just to break away from that final connection, but in the end, what's the point of taking the name of something then completely warping and remolding it from what once made it great?

In my opinion, this is Mr. McMahon's attempt at the X.F.L. all over again, the only difference is he started with something that was already slightly famous, and molded it little by little. Whereas with the X.F.L. he just went straight for changing the title.

By the end of the year, I wouldn't doubt E.C.W. has a whole new name anyways. I mean, the show doesn't even have a title except for "E.C.W." so it's coming.. when is just the question.
it isnt the worst looking belt that i've seen, that one goes to the infamous spinnerbelt but the question that comes to my mind when i see this belt is why the colour silver? does this mean the ecw championship isnt worth gold? that its even lower than tag team belts? if paul heyman saw this nightmare he would have a heartattack
I think the color they're going for is platinum, rather than silver, but nonetheless, gold would be my preference. As for the design itself? I don't think it's terrible. To me it resembles the old IC title, not the worthless strap Kingston carries, but the glorious title that had countless great battles, including the company's first televised Ladder Match. Here's to hoping this title can have some classic battles of its own.
I dunno, I actually kind of like it. If they want to maintain that ECW is just different from RAW or Smackdown, having a redesigned belt accomplishes that. I do think it might look better in gold or platinum, but, for the overall design, I don't mind it at all. It looks more modern, but, without looking as tacky as the spinner belt, which is just bling. I might have made the ECW lettering red though...I like the design, if not completely sold on the color (or lack thereof) scheme.

**edit** I originally posted without reading through all of the pages...then I came across the photoshopped image where it was redone in gold, and I have to say, the golden version looks way better.
I'm not tto not on this new belt, but it's probably because I am not used to it. At least it doesn't look as bad as that damn Divas belt, which I still think looks like a Bratz accessory gone horribly wrong. Let's be honest, I have seen bracelets in 25 cent gumball machines that look better than that damn thing.
welp. if there was EVER a time for me to say it......


The belt is fucking horrible. Taz must be SICK to see that thing called the ECW title. Its fucking UGLY, and for fucks sake, its fucking SILVER....SILVER???....WHAT???

Reasons (and there is an assortment) why this is terrible....No matter WHAT fucking medium of competition you participate in, Gold > silver. Shelton Benjamin's tagline isnt "The Silver Standard" for a fucking reason. I coulda swonr I saw someone saying that "well gold is currently worth more than silver" absolutely fucking silly. Do we not realize, that this IS a show dirceted at children, and young teens primarily??? If any of you think for one second that a kig is going to not just automatically think GOLD > SILVER, so that belt must be inferior, then you want this thing to be too much about your own personal preference. A title belt, a FUCKING WORLD TITLE BELT nontheless, should not EVER be silver....what are they gonna say??? "Im coming to take that silver off your shoulder Henry!!!!'...yea, thatll sell GREAT on a t shirt somewere, im sure...
When I saw this thing, one thing popped into my head. Ric Flair. Back in the NWA or WCW Flair was champion more often than he wasn't. The NWA title was legendary and he had a special belt made just for him, now known as the WHC. Was that a big silver belt? No. It was a big GOLD belt. The thirty pounds of gold. How many times has it been referred to as that? Aside from I believe ROH, there aren't any silver belts. A belt is supposed to symbolize that you are the top person in that division. Do you see silver medals at the olympics as the top prize? No. It's always been gold, it should always be gold. The toher thing I thought of was, and I have no clue if this is true or not, but I could picture Vince intentionally doing this, saying that ECW is 2nd best only.
I dont like it I think its ugly but i also think that this is the way they finally show the fans that the old ecw is gone. The last remainder of ecw besides the logo was there world title. By making it silver i think they make it look inferior to the golden world heavyweight and wwe titles.
I think it's pretty bad-ass. Though I like wrestling championships belts in "gold." If Sisqo Benjamin ever goes after it again, he's gonna have to change his nickname to "The Silver Standard." It's a good thing they changed the belt, for having that prestigious belt once held by Sandman, Dreamer, Raven defiled by Kane and Mark Henry just felt like another coffin in the nail of ECW. WWECW's only similarity with the revolution that was ECW is now in name only.

Which is just fine, as I was disgusted at how WWE treated all the ECW alumni they hired in when they started their third brand. Vince McMahon is just capitalizing off a well-known name, and I hope he's happy.
A lot of people have made a point of it obviously being silver, but I think they are missing the point.
The idea (imo) of making the title silver, is to prove its a lesser belt.
The same way the NWA (late 80's time) made the World title gold, and US title silver.
Saying the world title is first and us title second
Something the horsemen actually said on several occasions.
At first i didn't like the belt when i saw it on, but it has grown on me slighty. However after seeing the 'new and improved' picture thanks to NoFate007, i think it looks a whole lot better in gold. Props to him for that. But the title does fit in with WWECW as the brand is 'Silver' meaning that its not up there with RAW or SmackDown!.

Well at least it's better than the 'My Pretty Pony' Belt (well the Divas championship is infact that)

o well, lets hope they alter it slightly by adding red somewhere.
I don't usually mind seeing title's changing in design, But that look's like one of those fake kiddie belt's, that cost about £15.

I think that WWE has put the full stop on the old ECW, By having the belt silver, To me it's telling us "This is a miscard title", At least when it was the gold belt it was seen having a little prestige(A step up from the IC title), But now it's as if the IC an US belts are on the same level as the ECW championship.

That belt needs some color as stated, It's just a generic, Non-descript belt in it's current form.
This built is absolutely god awful. It might look decent and cool to have a silver title if it had ANY color to it at all. But without that, this thing is hideous. I hope it's just cuz Henry is so big and needed a different title, but this thing does fit him well.
If Matt Hardy is the next ECW champ, or anyone for that matter..I hope they immediately bring back the other title. At least that one looked legit anyway
The belt itself was probably switched with the other one to show that this is the new ECW and in no way(except for its name) has anything to with the Hardcore ECW. The belt itself is awful. Silver maybe would be to bad, but this belt looks like tin. It just looks fake and klunky. But I guess when the company's biggest title, is a "spinner" bling belt, what can you really expect?
So let me get this straight.

They made this ugly-as-hell looking new ECW title, and spent money to make it, mind you. But they won't spend the same money to make a new WWE Championship belt? Honestly, why is WWE continuing to cheapen and tarnish their title belts? Vince seriously needs to get his act together because he is killing his company's credibility.
In all honesty the new ECW belt is not bad...I kind of like it..I agree with and earlier poster it reminds me of one my favorite belts, The AWA championship.

If you haven't noticed the belt is still not big enough for Mark Henry. They have to use extenders to make sure he can put it on around his fat

The belt looks good for now, but I have a feeling that the older belt is going to end up back on ECW television, because Tommy Dreamer is going to win it and someone else is going to win it at the same time in a match like a four dance or something. Then we are going to have a face off between the two to finally unify the belts into one. Tommy Dreamer being Old ECW and someone else New ECW

But only time will tell...
I don't think the actual look of the championship means a whole lot.To me the lack of talent and contenders is what's hurts the title more.I strongly believe with more talent ECW could mean something again.

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