TNA Television Title Belt Issue

What should happen with the new TNA TV title belt?

  • It should revert back to the Legend's title belt.

  • A new design should be chosen?

  • It's fine as it is with the TNA heavyweight title belt representing it.

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The current TV belt look exactly what it was created to be: A Legend title. Just look at all the crowns and stuff, it screams classic and lineage. The TV belt I feel should be a lot smaller.
yea i agree the legend's titlw size is no where in the world close to being apprpriate for a television title. The plates on the side dont have to just be spike, prominent network bugs and logos get the point accross that its a tv title. FX, Comedy Central, ESPN, FoxNews, nickelodeon, mtv, vh1, all the logos would work and they could kind of encircle the main plate similar to how some boxing plAtes have all the world flags on its perimeters forming a border..

Its true that it might make some of you think of Book debuting the Legend's title but Book makes me think of the best of seven series just to get a shot ast the tv title and what he did for that belt in WCW. Thats the link we need to look at.
Did TNA announce a new Television title design? If it's anything like the World Heavyweight title design, I say hell yeah.

I never had a huge issue with the belt itself, though the way it was booked and the constant name change made it lose it's value. I could at least change the design to mimmick the old school IC title or US title. I hated the way it was presented when it was first erected. Booker T introduced as the Legends belt with a stupid stipulation that only establish wresters on the roster can have a match for it. Didn't make sense. Plus it seemed off putting that title was on Booker T. No battle royal, no big matches, nothing. So the title seems more like a prop, than a actual belt.

When they changed it to the global title, I was like "Ok, this may work." Confusion were still there. What sets it apart from the world title? Whats the difference between the world and global? I get at the time Eric Young and his World Elite buddies wanted only to defend it on International waters if I got that right. "Cause they were so anti-American." That didn't last long.

Then TNA changed it to the Television title. Which did work. On a half ass scale. The main beef I have with it right now, IT NEVER HAD A ONE BIG MATCH. Unlike the X-Division, Tag, or Heavyweight. So, it's still the red headed stepchild that general wrestling fans wants to go away. I like TNA Wrestling but it sucks to think about the horriable value in the belt.
I never had a huge issue with the belt itself, though the way it was booked and the constant name change made it lose it's value. I could at least change the design to mimmick the old school IC title or US title.
mimic the old I-C and U.S. title belts? Why? Do you even know why? And if your talking about the I-C belt from 1991 why would you go with a generic belt that was too old school and too WWF? It would create a firestorm and hurt TNA horribly..
I hated the way it was presented when it was first erected. Booker T introduced as the Legends belt with a stupid stipulation that only establish wresters on the roster can have a match for it.
Thats like saying you dont understand why Rikishi couldn't or shouldn't get a shot at the J-Crown.. Thats like saying you dont understand why the European title wasn't defended in the Horn of Afrika.. Booker T was WELL ESTABLISHED, so was Foley, so was Nash.. At one point all three men were the reason 20,000 seat arenas were over filled, the reason for 3.0 or 4.0 ratings.. It was appropriate that the title shadowed TNA's real; life and storyline pecking order.. Thats the biggest controversy of TNA's history, how the roster is filled with no names along side huge names. Why would the top names give the rookies or no names any footing to stand on? And if the top names have heelish attitudes or are arrogant it makes all the more sense..
Didn't make sense. Plus it seemed off putting that title was on Booker T. No battle royal, no big matches, nothing. So the title seems more like a prop, than a actual belt.
There are not enough legends to make that happen. the title was a way to show status and he chose to defend against those with similar back grounds or levels of prominence. It was HIS title but it could work around the waists of several others.. The Jeff Hardy belt was a prop.. Ryder's Internet title is a prop.. Asking why he didnt have a tourney is like askin y the hell WCW didnt have a Slamboree ppv the other 11 months of the year.....
When they changed it to the global title, I was like "Ok, this may work." Confusion were still there. What sets it apart from the world title? Whats the difference between the world and global? I get at the time Eric Young and his World Elite buddies wanted only to defend it on International waters if I got that right. "Cause they were so anti-American." That didn't last long.
The words global, intercontinental, world, international, transnational, universal, all mean the same freakin thing. whats the difference between the WWF title and the I-C title? Whats the difference between the WWE and WHC titles or the WCW title and WCW's NWA title?! A company can have competing World titles as long as unification is somewhere close dwn the pipe line.. Eric Young in the lineage hurts it like Eugene being in the WWE tag team title lineage or David Arquette in the WCW title lineage..
Then TNA changed it to the Television title. Which did work. On a half ass scale. The main beef I have with it right now, IT NEVER HAD A ONE BIG MATCH. Unlike the X-Division, Tag, or Heavyweight. So, it's still the red headed stepchild that general wrestling fans wants to go away. I like TNA Wrestling but it sucks to think about the horriable value in the belt.
What do u mean by one big match? like the way Steamboat and Savage fought for the I-C title or the way Bockwinkel and Gagne fought over the AWA title or kidman and Mysterio for the cruiserweight title? i dont think TNA exactly recognizes the forerunner titles to the TV title so its relatively new.. theres no reason for it to go away, when put in historical context the title belongs on Impact a good deal of the time and the TNA World title belongs on PPVs the majority of the time..
The words global, intercontinental, world, international, transnational, universal, all mean the same freakin thing. whats the difference between the WWF title and the I-C title? Whats the difference between the WWE and WHC titles or the WCW title and WCW's NWA title?! A company can have competing World titles as long as unification is somewhere close dwn the pipe line.. .

Actually the Intercontinental title was a unification of the North American and South American Heavyweight titles. It's not a world title at all. That's why it's seen as a lesser title.

As far as the topic goes I'd like to see a new design. I always think about it being called the legends title and the global title whenever I see it. It could use a fresh start.
Actually the Intercontinental title was a unification of the North American and South American Heavyweight titles. It's not a world title at all. That's why it's seen as a lesser title.

As far as the topic goes I'd like to see a new design. I always think about it being called the legends title and the global title whenever I see it. It could use a fresh start.

the WWWF North American title existed and was either last held by Patterson or DiBiase.. the S. American title was utterly fictitious.. i know what its seen as i was referring to its name..

in·ter·con·ti·nen·tal (ntr-knt-nntl)
1. Extending or taking place between or among continents: intercontinental exploration; intercontinental cooperation.
2. Having the capability of traveling from one continent to another: an intercontinental ballistic missile; an intercontinental airline.

The only thing separating the two are the oceans.. the only title i could had ever foreseen changing hands in or underwater would be the retired Hardcore Championship..

If a title has more then 2 names it has to have a fresh start with a truncated lineage too..

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