What will benefit Cena more: Raw or Smackdown?


Gone but never forgotten.
I've been seeing a lot of threads lately that are based around the main event of Bragging Rights pitting John Cena versus Randy Orton for the WWE title in an "Anything Goes Ironman Match". There is a ton of speculation out there in regards to who will win this matchup, especially if you watched Raw on Monday night and saw Triple come away with an impressive, clean, one-on-one victory over Cena.

In the past, we could view the outcome of a superstar's most recent match (on their respected show prior to a PPV) and be able to formulate whether it makes sense for them to be victorious at the PPV. In the case of Orton vs. Cena, another wrench has been thrown into the gears because the outcome of this PPV match determines Cena's future... if he loses he must move to Smackdown. The WWE is really tweaking our "smarkdom" and normal rules don't seem to be applying when it comes to any kind of obvious outcome for the PPV matchup. So, no matter what happened on Raw this past Monday against Triple H, no one can clearly determine where John Cena is going to end up at the end of Sunday night's PPV.

So, the way I see it, the only way we could determine the outcome of the PPV match is to break down which show would be more benefitial to John Cena at this point in his career.

I believe that Smackdown would benefit Cena more than Raw, at this point. There are so many fresh feuds for Cena to be involved in, and so many newer faces that his notoriety could launch careers for. These stars include:

CM Punk
Rey Mysterio
John Morrison
Dolph Ziggler
Kane (it could temporarily resurge his career)
Drew Macintyre
Eric Escobar

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you really think about it, Cena hasn't been very involved in a lot of cross-branded feuds (if I recall correctly), so starting programs with these newer stars would be a breath of fresh air for MANY of the viewers.

So, what do you guys think? RAW or Smackdown? And please give detailed explanations. (Keep in mind that this is a NON-SPAM section.)
I've been waiting for Kane's character to be, as you put it, "temporarily resurged" and I think this is just the thing that could do it. It might even be cool to have Kane come out and interfere on Orton's behalf at Bragging Rights to cost Cena the WWE title. Kane could come out next week on Smackdown saying he's tired of sitting back while all these other stars get their chances at titles and he hasn't had one in years, etc. We could see a huge comeback for the monster that we all know Kane can be.
D-Man, well done here. It's an interesting though. So let me use the names you provided in breaking down this ordeal.


Batista and Cena have worked programs in the past, and despite the people on this board who baselessly feel that Batista and Cena suck in the ring, the two have put on some nice shows. That being said, I don't know that I see a storyline between the two men as being compelling enough.


This I absolutely see, and leading up to Wrestlemania. If this upcoming 'Mania is indeed Taker's last, then a Wrestlemania match with Cena will draw HUGE. He's the only guy left I'd buy as having a legit shot of taking the dead man's streak out, save for maybe Orton.

CM Punk

Love it. Punk's brash attitude and self-righteousness is a perfect balance to Cena's clean cut hero persona. It would also further legitimize Punk.


Nah, both of them are too much of the uber-babyfaces. I'd see an alliance before I'd see a rivalry.

Morrison and Ziggler

WWE proved with the Miz feud that they aren't going to allow Cena to toil around with mid-carders. Maybe Morrison has a main event push coming, but it'd be as a face most likely. Ziggler would be little more than a thorn in Cena's side. Not compelling.


Right now, ANYTHING would temporarily resurge his career.

McIntyre and Escobar

Who? The guy who parked Triple H's car?

Overall, Cena on Raw has been done to death, and if we see ANOTHER Cena / Orton or Cena / Triple H or Cena / HBK program, he'll have an even tougher time getting over.
Not that Cena is to blame (he's an amazing wrestler and a company man) but He's holding down the future of Raw. Until he is gone they will not change up the mainevent scene. With DX building up the tag division right now it would force Raw to have Kofi, MVP, Swagger, or Legacy step up to take his place which would be something new and fresh.

On Smackdown we could see Cena finally have his feud with Batista, possibly Undertaker at Wrestlemania, give a push to Morrison or Ziggler, or resurrect the career of Matt Hardy or Kane
I would absolutely dread seeing John Cena on Smackdown. Dread it. Right now Smackdown is the best show that the WWE produces, and that's in large part due to their focus on younger talent and a product centered more around in-ring wrestling than midget and fart jokes. Putting Cena on that show would effectively kill the pushes of guys like CM Punk and John Morrison. Batista, Undertaker, and John Cena on the same show? The last thing the WWE needs right now is throw a wrench into the momentum machine of Punk the last few months in establishing himself as one of the best heels in the company.

I mean, honestly I'd think Cena would work better with the guys on Smackdown then he would on Raw. But I still don't want to see him anywhere near Friday nights, because that would do absolutely nothing to help the problem the company has been having with developing young talent.

As for which show would benefit John Cena himself, it's undoubtedly Raw. More exposure, bigger crowds, more money, the "A-show". Here's to hoping they keep him on the Monday Night Circus and away from Smackdown.
After hearing what HHH had to say about Drew McIntyre and Eric Escobar last night, Cena needs to stay as FAR away from Smackdown! as possible. SD is about building stars, not about having wrestlers that could be future superstars job to two or three top guys on a regular basis. At least with the likes of The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Jr., and Chris Jericho, new guys will have the chance to get in some impressive offense before being pinned.

That RAW now relies on guest hosts to maintain its ratings speaks volumes about where WWE thinks its priorities lie. Cena's time is here and now. If he can't do more with it, then that's on him and Stephanie McMahon. Let Michael Hayes do his thing over on Smackdown!, and, if Cena doesn't fit into his plans somehow, then keep him the heck off of it.
I think ECW will benefit the most and that means the WWE wil benefit as well. Now I know how foolish that sounds and to the original ECW fans that would be the final straw to do away with the original remnance of the show. But, economically it makes sense. With the combination of Christian and John Cena ECW would have enought steam to get a second hour and be enough of a draw to go on tour by itself and be out of Smackdown's shadow.

This could be an opportunity to see if Cena is a big enough star for the future to rely on once Triple H and Undertaker are gone. Remember that the WWE relied on those two to take control of the RAW and Smackdown rosters for the last seven years. Is John Cena of that caliber to control a locker room and to build up talent?

Cena needs something new and I am afraid that Smackdown would be much of the same yet again. A move to an unprodictable location would increase ratings and allow for growth in the company.
yeah i like the ecw idea. but im glad wwe is giving us the unpredictable for a change. id say, wait till sunday, dont make up any ideas or else ul spoil it for urselves and blame wwe for being predictable. im glad kofi, swagger, rhodes are getting some spotlight.
In all honesty, it won't matter with the IWC, they'll find some reason to complain either way. It seems like every Cena basher wants him out of wrestling for good. I think those people are closed-minded and ignoring the big picture... Cena actually sells and his in-ring performance here lately has greatly improved. I think both sides are too overloaded with talent right now in the main event and that's the problem, EVERYONE in the IWC wants new main eventers... but here's the rub, how do you tell those who have given and given and given, such as Batista, Rey, HHH, HBK that they cannot be in the main event anymore. All of them can still go and compete at the highest level there is. This is the same mindset that put WCW in serious danger, yes, but in the end, Nash and Hall and Hogan, etc. could not wrestle AT ALL and just kept their positions by politicking. Batista is really over, Rey is really over, the fans love them both. Taker is still the man, he's very over and is not going anywhere. HHH/HBK are actually not in the main event because they're trying to give other stars a chance to shine. Orton is one of the best heels I've ever seen, especially now in the cartoon coward heel generation. This kind of personality wouldn't have lasted in the late 90s, but kids like him right now. Jericho/Show are doing their thing as tag champions. Edge is hurt... Punk is being built up, as he should be.

My vote is for Smackdown, at least there he can be used to elevate younger superstars. It could happen on either show, but the Miz/Kofi/Swagger triangle will probably continue for a bit, so they have them pretty set right now. If Cena wins, then he can feud with who? Ted and Cody? Then the IWC will complain that Cena's done this before. If Cena feuds with Swagger, has one hell of a run with him and comes out on top, the IWC will STILL complain, regardless of how awesome Swagger looks then.

On Smackdown, Cena can feud with CM Punk, who will probably head out of the main event to make way for a Batista/Taker feud. I think that would be neat... straight edge vs. fan-worshipped icon. Kids need to look up to Punk, not Cena, that kind of thing. Or he could go at it with Escobar or McIntyre. There's so many people that he hasn't feuded with.

And then there's ECW. This would be interesting, especially if Regal and his minions are messing Christian's world up and then wham... there's John Cena exploding onto the scene saving the day.

In the end, as I said before, it probably won't matter either way where he goes because the IWC will continue to complain that he's worthless and wrestling shouldn't be for children and that he wouldn't survive if this was 10 years ago, etc. I don't love/hate Cena, I think he's a good character and he's good for the business and the direction Vince is taking right now. For my age bracket, 18-35, wrestling isn't about us anymore. Some of our old stars are there and we cling to them like leeches, not wanting to let go and accept the new situation because we're worried that we'll buy into something that we're not used to. I like wrestling, I always have, sometimes the choices for Guest host annoy me and sometimes I feel that talent is wasted (I'm looking at you Shelton), but in the end, McMahon is usually good about delivering a decent product and that's that. All we can do is essentially sit back and enjoy the ride.
cena should go to smackdown. plain reasoning here...he'll be able to fued with some different talent. i for one would love to see cena vs undertaker. can cena be the ONE to break takers wrestlemania streak? would be interesting. even those like morrison and ziggler. cena can definitely put guys like that over while staying on top. imo cena is done with raw. he's fueded with most of the big contenders already and i DO NOT wanna see him and HHH in another friggin program. all in all he should go to smackdown and stay there lol. no for real i watch raw more than smackdown and i'd love not seeing his face every monday. :)
As much as some of you wish that Cena should move to ECW, which in my opinion is on life-support (who actually watches it?), he'll probably head to Smackdown. The only thing is I would like to see him actually turn heel. I think he could feud with Batista, Khali, Mysterio, and others; maybe start a faction with some of the heels in Smackdown. He's always been borderline with the fans anyway and he needs a new gimmick. This way he could do what you all have mentioned, go for the belt at WM with Undertaker. Could you imagine if he became so loathed; this could make serious money.
I dont see cena moving to smackdown EVER!!!! we have to admit that raw is the A show so it is not good business to move him there (to smackdown). Dont you guys remember back in 2005 when batista was so huge, he had beaten triple h in hell in a cell and he was the most over superstar in the wwe, what happen when he was moved to smackdown? He completely dissapeared, it wasnt till 2 years later when he had his feud with taker that he became relevant...so if wwe doesnt want to lose a lot of money..they SHOULD NOT do this
smackdown would be better for John Cena long term, he has wrestled all the main eventers that Raw has to offer and it would not be worth the money to see him wrestle all of them again because we have seen it over and over. Smackdown has people that Cena has never faced in huge programs that could be drawn out and made good. Raw still has great talent. They have Jack Swagger, MVP, Randy Orton, HHH, HBK, Big Show, Kofi, Ted and Cody of Legacy, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Chris Masters and when Edge is healthy they should put him on Raw and add some of the good ECW talent when the Draft comes. Raw would still be great if they did not have John Cena. But if Cena stayed on Raw have him be in programs with wrestlers he never faced like MVP, Swagger, Ted Diabise, The Miz when he gets better, but there would be more for him on Smackdown
Well there are many different factors to consider in this subject. Right now, Orton and Cena are THE guys in the wwe. So naturally, that means that the company is most likely to have one of the 2 big belts on them at any given time. And since there can only be one WWE champion, and since this rivalry is getting uber stale, it would only make sense that cena will move on to smackdown pronto. assuming he loses this sunday.

The only problem with this is that smackdown's main event scene is about ready to tear at the seams because there are so many in the picture. You have the almighty Undertaker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, and CM Punk. ( not to mention the first 3 are literally the most popular superstars on smackdown in that order) So it would be a real clusterfuck if you add in Cena. Therefore, the only possible options in my mind would be to take Punk out of the picture and start a fued with him, or put Cena on push patrol with a Drew McIntyre or Dolph Ziggler. The only problem with this is that Cena cant seem to go more than a month without a title run. He literally spent all of 2 seconds with the Miz. the rest of this year, he's spent champion or in the contention. BUT... this is all assuming he loses at bragging rights.

What if he wins? Well, the Orton feud will be assumed over for at least month, if that. And Orton will hopefully have his hands full with Ted Jr.( and if he doesn't, I riot.) So Cena will have to find another heel to try and take his title. And there lies the problem. What other heel is there for him to face on raw? Big show maybe? Naw he's still tag champ and that would just be another recycled rivalry. Rhodes? Chavo? Seriously, they would have to either do a heel turn for Cena, or push someone and push them real fast. The only person who seems to be a possibility would be Swagger. And the last time I checked, he's still in his undefeated angle. Not to mention the match those two had at the 3 hour show earlier this year. so the pieces are there for Swagger to possibly beat Cena 2-3 weeks in a row building up to the next PPV. But we all know he wont win the title.

So honestly I dont know what to think. I'd almost say move him to ECW and get people watching that show, but thats seriously pointless. Even Christian is more over than Cena. Fuck it, send him to smackdown and see what happens
I would love to Cena on SmackDown. This is how I would book the feuds.

Taker drops the WHC to Batista in the Fatal 4 Way, with Batista turning heel by beating Mysterio to a pulp and putting Mysterio out of action.

Taker takes a month or 2 off like he usually does.

Cena steps up and says he's gotta defend the honor of the fallen Rey Rey and this sets up

Cena vs Batista at Survivor Series with Cena winning, Undertaker then returns to feud with Batista and keep Batista over as a heel.

Enter Punk.

Punk/Matt Hardy/returning Rey take on Cena at TLC in a 4 way TLC WHC Match with Matt Hardy winning the WHC.

Matt Hardy and Punk feud. over the WHC to the Royal Rumble where we have

Hardy vs. Punk vs. Cena vs. Batista for the WHC, this match ends with Hardy pinning Punk and Cena pinning Batista at the same time while Edge returns and wins the Royal Rumble. JeriShow breaks up and their one on one match leads to Edge being #1 Contender, also Batista/Punk take tag titles as a heel team, Big Show turns face

No Way Out/Elimination Chamber Match:

6 Way

Jericho vs Taker vs Cena vs Batista vs Hardy vs Punk

Jericho wins the WHC pinning Matt Hardy last.

Mania matches from this:

Edge vs Jericho main event

Cena vs Taker streak match

Matt Hardy and now face Big Show vs Batista and CM Punk for tag titles
Okay, this is my first post so spare me the grief.
Before all WWE fans die of boredom, Cena needs to make the move to Smackdown! It will be a breath of fresh air for both the RAW roster and the Smackdown! Roster.
Cena needs to feud with more people, I’m sure I speak for a lot of people that Cena is like a scratched record. The same old gimmick and the same old thing every Monday night.
Cena could be an excellent addition to the Smackdown! Roster and I will definitely not be the one crying myself to sleep if he loses his Iron match. He could start some excellent feuds with the Undertaker (perhaps leading up to trying to defeat the streak at Wrestlemania?) and even CM Punk would be a brilliant feud.
Don’t get me wrong saying that I want him to move to Smackdown! and lose the match at Bragging Rights; I am a Cena fan and for the record – no I am not one of those crazy fan girls that have pictures of him all other my bedroom wall and kiss all of them before I go to sleep every night.
Orton is a good WWE champion and a even better heel, granted he does has a face you want to hit because of his smugness but we can’t always win.
Although, this match is definitely going to be a close call; I’m sure we can expect interference from Orton’s cronies too but like I said. I am hoping that Cena loses and heads to Smackdown! It just needs to happen.
Cena needs to stay were he is on Raw. He is the face of the WWE and Raw is the A Grade Flag Ship show which is were he needs to be were people will watch to see the face of the company. Smackdown is the good show i mean adding cena to it would kill it you got mega faces their in Taker Rey and Batista adding SuperCena would make smackdown unberable and if hardy was still their man it would uterly destroy smackdown. But change the rosters around a bit and move guys round cena could fit anywhere
Smackdown without a doubt. Cena's about played RAW to death. There's really nothing left for him to do except pointless feuds with mid-carders and jobbers. There's so much more on Smackdown for him to do. It's insane quite frankly. Plus toss in the the fact that they do from time to time incorporate a lil squeeze of ECW into SD! and that makes it even greater. I love Cena, huge Cena fan. I hope he gets his ass beat at Bragging Rights though.
There's a lot of competition on smackdown for Cena to compete with that we havent seen yet and it could draw a lot of interest. Cena has wrestled everyone on Raw just about and Vince can't keep having Cena face the same 3 or 4 guys week in week out. It's time for a change on Raw and Cena going to SmackDown would be a great start.
Have Cena go on smackdown.. this has to happen. First I am sick of him feuding with RANDY, HBK, and jericho even tho Jerico is basically on both shows... Him going to SD to feud with Undertaker and Batista is ideal... Face it if he goes to SD he will only be there 6months-1year then he will be back on RAW.. Also he will not be a heel until; he is much older kinda like Hulk Hogan did when h enjoined NWO.. He is to over as a face going heel would not be that good of an idea this early in his career.
Honestly Cena is done with Raw. There is no1 left for him to feud w/ unless you want to see the same old crap we have been watching for the past year. Cena-Orton, Cena-Orton, Cena-Orton..... The only talent left for him are the rooks that wont push his career any farther. I dont believ he'll go to that waste of time show ECW(wat happened) he will probably go to SD, unless hell freezes over. Finally SD will get the love it deserves because all the 6-12yr olds will follow him, along with all the horny chicks that are obsessed w/ him He could have some great feuds over there. Here are some preview rivalries I would like to see happen if cena goes to SD.
(NOTE: Sharpshooter51 i am calling you out, Matt Hardy will never win the WHC, lol)

Cena loses causing him to leave raw, while taker wins the fatal4way.

Cena gets butthurt that he lost turns heel and joins Vince McMahon's new "Corparation" faction along with CM Punk and Teddy Long as the stupid manager. So at SURVIVOR SERIES the corporation screws taker over for the WHC and CENA is now champ! 4 raws main event Orton retains the title in a 5-way iron man match(you know when there are 5people and a time limit with the last person to get a pinfal gets the victory) over kofi, mvp, henry, and swagger.

Cena is champ now and to find a #1 contender there was a over the top battle royal. the last two were morrison(by now he has finally lost the title to ziggler who needs a new ring name by the way) and mysterio. both guys feet touch at same time so its a triple threat match at armageddon. Cena of course wins thanks to punk & newly aquired Escobar who gets a big push by joing the "Corp" a dumping vickie.
Orton has a feud with a retired vet like austin or the rock who was the special guest host of raw and wins showing he is truly the legend killer, but he almost loses thanks to Dibiase, so Orton is pissed and RKOs him.

Royal Rumble
The return of Booker T happens but he is interupted by The "corp" and final addition to the crew is Drew McIntyre who will also get a big push along with Escobar by joing them.
Book challenges Cena for the title but he has to win a match against Batista and khali in a triple threat match to become #1 contender and he does, but since he has barely returned he looses. Jerishow finally looses in a 3plthreat tag at RR to "Corps" Mcintyre and Escobar, and jerishow splits up. and go there seperate ways until mania.
Orton retains over Dibiase in a good showing
Edge is back! and wins the rumble

No Way Out
the SD elemination chamber
cena v. punk v. booker. v. jericho. v. batista. v. ziggler(who lost the IC title to punk, and is now a face): cena wins because of help from punk and SPECIAL REFEREE was teddy long.
the raw elemination chamber
orton v. dibiase v. hbk v. hhh v. show v. bourne( getting big push as heel):Dibiase wins the titles over orton.

Taker returns to continue streak over cena in a buried alive match to regain the WHC
Since Edge won the RR he wins the WWE title in a 3plethreat over dibiase and orton
I don't know why anyone would want Cena to go to Smackdown or ECW. If Cena wins at Bragging Rights, that means that Orton and Cena would be forced to stop feuding with each other. That means that they would have to help out the midcard. I think it's quite obvious after Raw that DiBiase and Orton are going to main-event, or fight at Survivor Series. They've been teasing it since June, and it will finally come to a head. This means that Cena will feud with guys like Swagger, Miz, etc. Triple H and Shawn (although they had a pretty nice feud for WM23) are way too busy with DX to even worry about the title, so that takes them out of the picture automatically. If Cena stays on Raw, then we are guaranteed fresh new feuds. We are also guaranteed new stars being built up, which is something that hasn't been seen on Raw in a long, long time. The way I see it, only positive can come from it.

If Cena goes to Smackdown, he will be joining the show with CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, and Edge. Not to mention that they are trying to build up midcarders like John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. Plus they've got no names like Eric Escobar, and Drew McIntyre, who has been trying to get to the main-event since 2007. Isn't Smackdown supposed to be the show where stars are built up? Why would we add Cena to the already stacked show?

So let's review:

Cena to Raw: Fresh feuds, new stars, another strong title reign

Cena to Smackdown: Fresh feuds, No new stars

Cena to ECW: Yoshi Tatsu's entrance music?

The answer is simple to me.
he would easily be a better face on smackdown. he would get better pops. but of course once again cons weigh out the pros. cena coming to smackdown would be horrible. smackdown superstars like john Morrison and rey mysterio need a better push. ziggler,macyntire would never make it if cena was on smackdown. creative would be more focused on cena and that would suck
| dont see a cena and kane fued I think it will be with him and batista with batista turning heel I also think Kane will end undertakers streak as undertaker has offered it to kane and I see kane turning face in the process and raising his arm at the end or something showing him respect and I also think swagger will win the heavyweight title soon enough he has been doing great recently and is a phenonamal athlete.
MVs Prodigy you are saying Cena goes to Smackdown and takes the 6-12 year olds with him and then turns heel? that doesnt make sense...if he is bringing a fan base he will stay face...especially because he makes vince a shit load of money so i throw the heel turn out of the window....IF and i repeat IF hell froze over and he turned heel it would be on RAW.

I hope he goes to Smackdown. that would allow for some really fresh matches. I agree that he has grown stale to an extent on Raw due to having beat everyone so far...this would allow for some great feuds.

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