Who Would Benefit More From A HEEL Turn? Triple H, John Cena or Batista?

as much as i would love to see cena be a heel, its probably better if batista becomes a heel and joins legacy, they could always use that line hhh said about batista always being injured to start his heel turn, and they could run with it former best friends storyline which always works no matter how many times it is done, and they had good matches when they feuded, but hhh was heel and dave was face.

or how bout cena turning heel and he joins legacy, but who would he face as a heel, either way u look at it, it is going to be the same cena, hhh, batista will feud with another
We all know HHH would be great as a heel again and he's better as a heel. It's been a long time since we saw Batista as a heel and I think he could very well play it off well. John Cena is the kids hero and poster boy of the company. It would be hard, but very interesting to see him as a heel. He's been face nearly his entire career and it would be nice to see him turn on the crowd. We won't see it happen, so with that in mind, HHH would be the best choice. He would still obviously hate Orton, but HHH as a heel would be nice to see on Raw agian.
as much as i would love to see cena be a heel, its probably better if batista becomes a heel and joins legacy

Wheres the logic in that? "Oh Randy! You tore my bicept and stripped me of the one chance I had at the title. You're the greatest, and officially have my everlasting respect forever!" Yeah. That wouldn't work, no one would buy it whatsoever. Batista turning heel and joining Legacy is about as stupid as Hornswoggle vs Chavo for the 900th time.

they could always use that line hhh said about batista always being injured to start his heel turn

What? Really? The line Triple H said agaisnt Batista. Did I miss something on RAW, because I certainly don't remember anything bad being said about Batista by Triple H in recent times. Prove it, please?

and they could run with it former best friends storyline which always works no matter how many times it is done, and they had good matches when they feuded, but hhh was heel and dave was face.

Once again no logic whatsoever. The man who helped to save Batista when Randy Orton was attacking him, randomly turns on him, for the man who put him out with ANOTHER injury for 6-8 months. :rolleyes:

or how bout cena turning heel and he joins legacy, but who would he face as a heel, either way u look at it, it is going to be the same cena, hhh, batista will feud with another

...Really? This could be the dumbest idea I've ever had. The only way Triple H, John Cena, or Batista turns on one another and joins Legacy, will be when Vince McMahon heads twards the insane asylum.
The way I look at it, I think Batista would benefit the most from the heel turn. Now I'll admit i'm basing this on the fact that WWE won't be letting Cena's character go heel anytime soon, they're making way too much money off of him right now. But when he was a heel, with the whole rapper gimmick, I enjoyed it and he did have some good matches/feuds, but he went face before he started winning titles. HHH has gone back and forth between face and heel several times and he found success as both multiple times. Batista however is a bit of a mystery. When he first debuted it was with Reverened D-Von as a heel but wasn't really used all that much. He had success as a heel with evolution, won the tag team titles with flair, but didn't have real success until his face turn.

But what i'm thinking is that Batista could turn into a monster heel, with his size and limited wrestling ability, it could be a convincing turn. Maybe go back to Smackdown, have some feuds with Undertaker or Morrison or some other faces on that show, and dominate.
As far as a personal wish, I would like to see Cena turn heel. But, we all know Vince would rather have Orton kick him in the face again before turning his merchandise machine heel. The creative team would have to build up another mega-face in order for that to happen.

But, realistically, Batista as a heel would be believable right now. He could be a monster heel who basically has nothing but squash matches and then performs in hard-hitting physical bouts at PPVs, much like he did with the Undertaker a few years back.

Plus, his work with the Deadman was believable, as there was no way he would be the face against someone as over as Taker, so I think he really embraced being the heel in that program.
I would have to say Batista would benefit more from a heel turn out of these three. He would be better suited for it at this point and time than Cena or HHH. Cena is insanely over, without a doubt the biggest face in the company right now. WWE needs him as a face right now anyways, as he heralded as the 'leader' of the PG Era, so to turn him heel would puncture a big hole in Vince's plans for PG domination. It just wouldn't work. Besides that, Cena would be hard to turn. The majority of the fans love him and a heel turn would bring major backlash against the company I believe. So at this point in time Cena would not benefit from a heel turn.

HHH would not either right now as DX is going strong. Also while I personally do not care for Triple H, the fact remains he is one of the most over stars right now and in all probability could not be turned. He has accomplished way to much, done to much, and has so much respect and adoration from the fans, that no matter what they tried to have him do to turn heel, would not work, he would still get cheered and cheered heavily. Also with DX back, he doesn't have to figure out something else to freshen himself up. Granted this in the infinite time DX has re-formed, it still managed to freshen up his character a bit. So all is well in the land of face HHH.

So the only one who right now in this present climate that could possibly benefit from a heel turn, would be Batista. Granted when he comes back from his 'injury', he will undoubtedly want to go after Orton and will be a mega face upon his return, but if the plans were made right and pulled off jsut right, Batista could be turned back into a dominate heel. I feel he played a better heel than a face anyways and was a stronger charater, presence if you will as a heel. So Batista needs the change I think.
no one of them. If Batista or HHH turns, it's about giving a huge step down to mid-card, or being friends with Randy Orton, which, I'll have to say...would be stupid. ALTOUGH, if Batista or HHH turn heel, there will be a huge free place for Cody Rhodes, so it wouldn't be that bad.

I don't talk about Cena because it's obvious. It's all about marketing, and Cena makes a lot of money for VKM and for himself only by appearing with "you can't see me"
I think HHH would benefit the most from a heel turn. After dx runs it's course I see HHH betraying hbk in a feud that will last until wm. the other two don't have possible would have no interesting story lines if they turned heel. HHH would deff benefit the most with even i repeated story line.
HBK definitly needs to go heel some of the promos he would cut as a heel made crack up i can see one night as DX comes out and when HHH says "Are You Ready......." that's when SWEET CHIN MUSIC on HHH the he can go on sayin "I told u I wasn't ready to come back but u had to make me come back u could of asked anyone to take out Legacy but no u picked me and if u fans have a problem with what i just did then u all can take those problems and Shove Them up ur pathetic useless asses" the last time i saw a HBK a a full fledged Heel was with his feud with hogan but this time HBK needs a longer run as a Heel
Between HHH, Cena, and Batista turning heel, I gotta say that I personally would like to see Batista turn heel. I don't see Cena turning heel anytime soon though that would be a major swerve. As far as WWE is concerned, Batista being a heel champion on SD would be more beneficial. Maybe Batista could turn heel, and feud with Matt Hardy, Undertaker, a face Kane, a face Edge. Maybe they could play off of real life, and have a heel Batista hit on Melina, and have a feud start between Batista and Morrison.
No doubt in my mind Cena would be the BEST choice, and most logical. HHH, as great a heel as he was...is played out. Batista as a heel...havent we seen over sized guys as heels before? All they do is beat people up. Big deal.

Cena would benefit the most from a heel turn. Vince think that Cena is the new Hogan, makes sence since neither can wrestle but some people think they can/could. With the Hogan/Cena comparison, Cena turning heel would be just as big a schock as Hogan turning heel and forming NWO. It would probably give Cena a better fanbase. Plus he couldd develop his character some more.

Yes Cena was a heel before, and not to bad of one if I remember. If he went to being a heel again, all he would have to do is just beef up his old Dr. Thuganomics bit again.

The sad thing is though, that Vince won't let it happen. Although there has been plenty of chances. I think the most memorable was when Cena faced RVD at One Night Stand a few years back. How many times did people toss Cena's shirt back at him? More times then I can count, and you know he was pissed.
Cena was also a heel before.

Despite this, give Cena a heel turn just at the moment when he's over with the crowds. It would give something for the IWC to look forward to as well as drive never-before seen story lines.

The fact of the matter is, it's beneficial ONLY for Cena, it's detrimental for the business.

Right now, Cena is really the ONLY huge name face in the business right now. With the WWE lacking young big face talent right now, they cannot afford to turn Cena heel anytime soon. When Edge comes back, maybe they could look at that possibility, assuming the rumors are true about Edge turning face on his return...if he returns!
I think Batista needs to turn heel. Cena's face character has gotten stale, but he's still somewhat entertaining. HHH is awesome as a heel, but like Cena, can still be entertaining as a face. Batista is just boring all around. The only time I've actually been interested in Batista in the last 3 years was when he was teasing a heel turn in his fued with Shawn Michaels last year. His mic work during that fued was some of the best in his career IMO, and I was legitimately excited to see what he'd do next. The WWE lacks a true monster heel right now, and Batista's character sorely needs to be freshened up, so big Dave would be perfect for it.
Triple H would at the moment, since it'd be someone fresh for Cena to face (if he holds the belt after the ppv).. but doubt it happening any time soon.
Batista, could but Smackdown needs faces and someone who can main event with CM Punk. Only other person right now is Undertaker..

Cena, well won't happen for awhile, as much as we may want it to happen.
I think Batista needs to turn heel. Cena's face character has gotten stale, but he's still somewhat entertaining. HHH is awesome as a heel, but like Cena, can still be entertaining as a face. Batista is just boring all around. The only time I've actually been interested in Batista in the last 3 years was when he was teasing a heel turn in his fued with Shawn Michaels last year. His mic work during that fued was some of the best in his career IMO, and I was legitimately excited to see what he'd do next. The WWE lacks a true monster heel right now, and Batista's character sorely needs to be freshened up, so big Dave would be perfect for it.

But is Jericho not the top heel at the moment, Dave is the balance as top face, thus one of the reasons he was placed there. SD has had such a huge hit in talent the last few years, that it has become a delicate balancing act there
As someone who is older than 15 years old, I wouldn't mind seeing Cena turn heel, so long as they repackage him.

But, I have to admit, WWE is utilizing Cena perfectly right now. WWE needs someone like Cena to market towards the younger audience and he's playing the part of the "straight edge" face well too. To turn him heel at this point just wouldn't make any sense as he's not exactly the most over in the company, but he's over enough in his current incarnation. He's in a "comfortable" spot. So, to turn him at this point would be a waste. But when (not if) it happens, it'd be a time where it would make the most impact for not only himself, his character, but for WWE as well. Right now, too premature. And again, Vince is deternined to put Cena over with the kids and everyone's enjoying his current merchandise sales. Beneficial for Cena to turn heel? Verdict: Not now.

Triple H as face or heel is just burned out in either role. If HHH turned heel tomorrow, it would have minimal impact on anything. He's played out both roles for so long that there's no intrigue either way. It's comparable to if he decided to stop wearing black boots and started wearing navy blue boots. Yeah, there's a bit of a difference, but, in the end, it wouldn't really matter. Turning on Shawn Micheals. It gives me a "been there done that" feeling. HHH turning heel on most of the Raw or Smackdown roster really doesn't interest me at all. He's danced with everyone who matters right now. They'd REALLY would have to come up with an incredible storyline to make it interesting or intriguing. And I have ZERO faith in WWE "Creative" to come anywhere close to that challenge. HHH Heel Turn Beneficial? Verdict: Wouldn't matter either way.

That leaves Batista. Personally, I think ANY interest in Batista peaked when he was "dumped by Evolution." It's really been downhill from that point and I don't really see anyone really caring that much about Batista in his current incarnation. A heel turn with some repackaging wouldn't be a bad thing for him. The challenge however, would make people care about him again. Batista heel turn beneficial? Verdict: Yes... but would any care?
what is a heel?

Well, I guess if you dont know its none of my business in making fun of you, which probably 90% of the people on here would do. But, a "heel" is slang terms for the "bad guys". Like, Randy Orton....Chris Jericho...CM Punk. Face is the term for the good guys. ( Just in case you didnt know that)
I would like to see Christian turn heel...... He could cut some decent promos as a heel just move him off ECW and draft him to SmackDown Or Raw beause That's How I Roll
Triple H ive always been interested in the Triple H heel character and what he is capible of doing to get what he wants. We saw during evolution back in 2003 with Goldberg he went as far as putting the bounty on Goldberg before SS. Even further back to the McMahon Helmsley Era what he was doing to Foley at the start of 2000 before NWO putting him in the cage and dragging the cage on the DX bus. His character as i said before is capible. Since HHH went face going back DX 06 Tour he does the same old stuff and cuts the same old stale promos but when he was Heel his promos seemed more interesting to watch than they are now
Out of the three in question, Triple H would definitely benefit more from turning heel. As good a reception he gets from the crowd when he beats up a heel such as Orton, the face character simply doesn't fit him. The only thing that makes him a face is that he's beating up heels, and the DX funny man that he tries to be just looks like he has to put in so much effort to try and be funny. He's not a naturally funny person, instead, he's a bad man, and history shows that when he's a heel he is in his prime.

A John Cena heel turn would be ugly to see, and wouldn't do the WWE any favours. He is the centre piece of the PG rated WWE that he have to suffer today, and if he became the "bad guy" then they may as well scrap the whole PG crap. Unless TNA becomes as big as WCW once was (which it won't) and Cena jumps ship to TNA (which he won't) and turns heel in a manner such as Hogan did (which he won't), then I can see Cena staying as an uber face for the rest of his career.

At the moment, I think it's best for Batista to stay as a face. Smackdown has a good balance of faces and heels right now, and I think WWE need to focus more on making the most of his wrestling abilities rather than his crowd reaction. They need to unleash "The Animal" and then alongside Rey Mysterio, a good combination could be made in the tag team division.

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