Who Would Benefit More From A HEEL Turn? Triple H, John Cena or Batista?

John Cena would be the best one to go heel if WWE wants those ratings to rise, but since he is RAW's mascot for the kids, it can't happen, unless Trips starts using a blow-up Sledgehammer from now on and becomes the new mascot lol. So it comes down to HHH and Batista, either one would make sense because of what happened at Backlash. Batista could turn heel because he tried to get Trips DQ'd, or Trips could turn heel when he returns by attacking Batista for costing him the title.

They could reverse the feud they had in 2005 with Trips has the face and Batista has the heel, which would make for a decent SummerSlam match, but if the rumours are true and Batista is retiring next year, why would they turn him heel, only to turn him face shortly after for his retirement?(because we all know WWE will make a big deal about it and give him a proper send-off, not like JBL).

This leaves us with Trips, yes, he may have been heel more times than Cena and Batista combined, but he is that damn good at it and makes the most sense to turn heel out of the three.
Career wise it would be Cena....granted it wouldnt be as big as Hogan and Austin turning heel but it still would be pretty big and unpredicatable.....but as many said business wise well not wise Cena is the top seller so u lose money turning him...unless u turn orton face for the lil girls screaming cena's name.....HHH would be to predictable even though he makes a better heel than face....so it has to be batista....and it would liven up wats left of his career.
I think that having guys who are full-fledged face and full-fledged heel are going completely out the window, and it's just the way the sport has evolved. I t hink it's an interesing place for the sport to be. You have a guy like Cena, who the WWE has pushed and pushed as a whitemeat babyface, and a pretty decent sect of the crowd still boos him. Then you have Randy Orton, who has been pushed as the next big heel in the business, doing evil deed after evil deed, and a sect of the crowd still cheers him. There is nothing more the writers or anyone could do. Orton could have punted one of the McMahon grandchildren, and some of his fans would still be in love with the guy.
There is only one answer to this question. Cena needs to turn heel. And it's almost two years late. I was watching a RAW before SS 2007 I believe and Cena was getting heavily booed and mixed reactions even back then. I think Cena has become too corny and overexposed to a lot of fans. I used to actually really like him when he started becoming big with his heel character and his raps. I could stand his face turn for a while but somewhere it just went down hill. His face marine gimmick has washed up for quite a while now. It only sells to certain demographics kids, women etc.. I think if WWE continues to go down in buisness, popularity, rating etc. they seriously need to make this change. Cena needs to go back to his thug gimmick, he could pull it off too I think. It would sort of be like when the Rock turned to the movie star heel. That turned out to be great and reenergized his career and character and also the WWE. But it probably won't happen with the current PG show and they don't want to damage their image..
I think Cena would be too corny to be a heel, the night after Backlash when he came out to get Big Show disqualified in his match against Batista, he was supposed to look menacing and intimidating, but he just looked like he was constipated. He worked okay as a heel against RVD at One Night Stand in 2006, but i think that was more due to the hostility of the crowd.
i gave this some more thought and came up with the following:

cena: hell no, just like it was mentioned before, he's the face of the company, he draws the most and is excellent in waking up the crowd when they are all dead...his face promos are horrible, he has 5 moves and i bet he won't be able to go 100% heel but it would be interesting to turn him into a tweener. ----------> Cena: NO

batista: if i'm not wrong, since he debuted on wwe, he was a heel enforcer for reverend d-von, then he split with d-von and went to raw where he aligned with ric flair and then into evolution.then he turned on hhh and flair after he won the 2005 royal rumble and turned face...basically, since he debuted, he was a heel but always accompanied by someone and never by himself so i guess now it would be a good time to turn him heel since he is capable of doing well on his own and since he never had a solo heel run. i would say he wins the title at extreme rules, then sometime between ER and NOC or even at NOC, hhh returns, costs batista the title and batista turns heel.-----------> Batista: YES

HHH:does anyone laugh when he does his funny jokes nowadays?i laugh at him, not with him...is anyone tired of seeing trips with gold?i'm not sure about everyone, but i am. he is a horrible face and even though he's the son-in-law of the boss and shit, i don't think his status is like cena's as a face of the company so a heel turn wouldn't hurt him. btw, is it me or is there anyone out there who thinks trips has more of a tweener character than a baby face?either way, PLEASE, if wwe reads this, for the love of the industry ,fans, and the thousands of threads out there, turn trips heel just like he was during evolution...i was actually anxious to watch him back then, now, his matches are piss breaks. -----------------> HHH: HELL YEAH!!

HHH has said before he loves being a heel so he probley be happier.bastista might like being a heel i am not sure. i think for good of him and wwe cena. is john is the new hogan yes does john now hold the company on his shoulders yes i think he is i am not a fan of cena but ithink wwe need to give him a heel turn we dont want another hogan his ego is huge as big as if not bigger than vince's and although i am not a fan of cena's i would hate to see him become a guy who comes in once in a while after he has retired for a cheap pop i would much rather see him makes odd showing in a good story line or like stone cold when he pop in for a bit if cena not turn heel soon it could be bad for the wwe but that just IMO
I think that turning HHH or Batista heel would accomplish basically nothing. Both men wouldn't really need to change their characters, they are both angry men that like to beat people up. They would just be doing it while people booed them as opposed to cheering.

Cena would have to change his entire approach which would freshen him up. He would stop pandering to the fans and might actually say some interesting things. I would like to see him get a little nasty in his promos, he has the potential for some classic burns.

Half the crowd already hates him anyways!

I know it's not likely to happen as McMahon would hate to let that cash cow go out to pasture, but I think turning Cena heel would be a great idea creatively speaking.
Cena would never be turned heel. He's the face of the company. On top of that, how would he turn heel? He can't beat up anyone out of the blue because there have been too many face vs. face matches that the lines are blurred. He would have to beat up a Diva or something out of the blue or begin disrespecting the fans who are already disrespecting him.

I would say let Batista turn. He could "snap" on Flair or something. Flair could "try and help Batista in the cage match and end up getting Batista to lose. He then could beat up Flair in a rage." That would turn him really quick.

HHH is the same as Cena. How would he turn heel other than yelling at the fans? He could do the usual, "As I laid up from the Orton punt, none of you wrote to me, sent me cards, etc." It's been done before but what else is there?
Here’s my breakdown:

Batista: The only way I see this happening is if Ric were to be his manager and do all the talking for him.

John Cena: The only way I see this happening is if he were to go to TNA and turned exactly the way Hulk Hogan did it. I could see him going to Orlando, be a face for a year or two and at BFG, turn on a Face and join the Mafia. That has “N.W.O. remix” written all over it.

Triple H: Now, I see this working out really well and I see this as everyone benefitting from it. I think HHH needs to turn every 5 years to keep him as fresh as possible and to give everyone on the roster, Face or Heel the rub. Hunter has indeed accomplished everything there is to accomplish in Wrestling and all his left to do is run the company and put people over to keep the company running.
Cena being a heel would be nice for a change, his cahracter now sux bad and his matches are way too predictable could give him a chance to be worth watching.However I really doubt he could pull it off.HHH as a heel would be good if he was the sadistic SOB he was during his "my time" era. Batista could never do it he doesn't interact with the crowd enough and sux on the mic.
Hmmm, interesting. Cena would be nice to see a heel as it would not be expected, and it has been awhile since we saw him as a heel. However, he would lose alot of fans I am guessing and would lose on shirts sales as well.

HHH we have seen him heel many times and would do him good, MAYBE. Going from heel to face, and back again may work against him and make his story lines crappy. You would have to make a very good example of why he would suddenly turn heel, after all your wife is a McMahon and have little reason to turn heel.

Batista I think work best because it would be a change. No one would expect him turning heel. And if he is currently not one of the top stars right now (I have no idea how popluar he is right now) it would be a right time to turn heel if you are not one of the most popluar stars. And it would be perfect if you want Cena vs. Batista for the belt down the road.
Batista just cause he's a kick-ass heel...u can do a lot of things with a heel batista such as join legacy,put him in programs with mvp,cena,trips,kofi,etc...but honestly the only star in the wwe that need a turn is carlito cuz u can do a los guererros thing with the colons have carlito get mad that they lost there titles n have him escalate as a razor ramon kinda heel...does any1 agree with carlito?
Batista. He would be a different kind of heel compared to all the others today. Now we have Randy Orton who leaves Legacy to get their ass handed to them each and every night. And on the other side of things there is Edge who runs away like a little baby. Batista would be a dominant heel, a definite refreshing change. He could come out and fight the faces without having to rely on anyone else or running away.
I doubt Vince will turn Cena heel anytime soon. Cena is insanely popular with the kiddies and the tweeners. Although, if there was a chance a heel turn to make Cena more interesting, then maybe people might actually go out and see one of those shitty movies he makes. The odds aren't great, but hey, it's somethin' to shoot for.

Triple H is someone that, I feel, was at his peak during his singles career when he was a heel. While he was with DX, he could pull off the goofy, prank pulling frat boy thing and make it believable. Since the thing with Orton, he hasn't really done that, but it's just a matter of time before he does and it'll be truly gag worthy when he does. He's spent so much of the 2000s retooling himself as "The Cerebral Assassin" that comedy angles don't work for him. Well there's that, and the fact that he turns 40 later this year and few things are more pathetic than a middle age man acting like a frat boy. However, Triple H's heel turn probably won't happen anytime soon. Now that I think about it, if the feud with Orton plays out in the end like I'm hoping it will in my head, he might not turn heel again.

Batista might benefit the most from going heel right about now because it'd be totally unexpected. When he was heel the first time, he was really just starting to build into his career. He was mostly just the big silent bulldozer of Evolution. Personally, I think the guy is absolute shit in the ring and his mic skills are even worse. But, lotsa people tend to get a charge whenever he hits a spinebuster and then does his little rope shaking routine when he stomps the mat and snorts like a bull.
I think all 3 of them would benefit from a heel turn, but of course not at the same time. Losing three of your top heels at the same time would just be dumb. Here are some of the reasons why i think they should turn heel:

Triple H: HHH as a heel is just much more entertaining to me than when he's face. His mic skills seem to flow better and he just isn't boring imo.

Batista: I think if he turned heel he wouldn't be so damn boring to watch.

Cena: I used to be your typical Cena hater, but as of late I've realized that very few people have the heart that he has. His mic skills are great and his in ring skills are starting to grow on me. Sure you can argue he only does his "5 moves of doom," but when you think about it, the most over stars ever in wrestling usually used the same set of moved week in and week out.
Back to the topic at hand, Cena should turn heel because just like jack-hammer said about Batista, it would be so unexpected. If and when he turns heel, i think it should be something to the extent to the Hogan heel turn in wcw. Since Cena is always compared to Hogan (which in my opinion isn't a bad idea), so to turn him heel like that would make sense.

By the way, this is my first well thought out and long post on this forum. Criticism is always welcome from any and everyone.
None of these guys would benefit from a heel turn. HHH just needs to leave, or, at the very least, take on a more limited role similar to those of Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. In my opinion, mic skills are absolutely necessary to be a successful heel nowadays (Jericho and Edge really upped the ante here), so, you can count out Batista being a heel (WWE could turn him heel, but Jericho and Edge would put him to shame). So, that leaves us with John Cena, a man who there really is no point in turning. Maybe if WWE was desperate for heels, this might work, but, there's plenty of them at the moment, so the only outcome of turning Cena heel would be a loss in merchandise revenue.
Batista.If Cena turned heel his merchandise sales would go down quickly,Raw is needing a nearly 300 pound beast in Batista.If they turn him heel anytime soon it would possibly increase the Raw ratings and start adding some new interesting scenarios to Raw.
Batista.If Cena turned heel his merchandise sales would go down quickly,Raw is needing a nearly 300 pound beast in Batista.If they turn him heel anytime soon it would possibly increase the Raw ratings and start adding some new interesting scenarios to Raw.

I dont agree with the bolded part. The reason Cena has so many haters, in my opinion, is because he doesnt connect with the older generation of fans. For example, he is watchable in the ring, his mic skill are good, though what he says can be annoying, and his gimmick isnt the worst in the world. However, being in my 20's, I just cant get behind someone who writes such things as "poopyhead" on a car as a diss. I cant get behind someone who cracks jokes directed at a younger audience. One of the things that allowed a wrestler like The Rock to connect with a wide age group of fans is that he was funny, but he used mature subjects with a fan friendly twist on them. Like instead of saying, "Taste The Rocks penis" he'd refer to it as strudel. Instead of saying he was going to beat someone's ass, he used "Candyass." Its hard to explain really, hope I did a good job at explaining it. My point is, turning Cena heel would probably open him up to a whole new demographic of wrestling fan. Then after a little while WWE could switch him back to being a face if they wanted, only Cena would still have that edge to him, which would allow him to have a wider demographic of fans. I would compare him to a Stone Cold, who was a hardass for the older generation of fan, but still had the younger fans behind him because of his funny antics. However, Cena would kind of be like a Stone Cold lite.
K i am new to the site so bare with me if i sound stupid... Here is my 2 cents on the topic. Cena will not turn heel untill the pg plague is over in wwe. Batista would benefit from jumping into a cave some where and never coming back (ok maybe he wouldnt benefit but we would cuz the guy is crap) so i gotta go with HHH. i really dont like triple h at this point in his career, and i think thats because he just sucks as a face, doesn't anyone miss the triple h from 02?! his fued with HBK was fantastic! So raw and hhh would benefit from a heel turn, IMO
John cena without a shadow of a doubt. If you turned cena heel it would be so epic, and unexpected by most of WWE universe. Also he is already getting booed by some live crowds? why not use this? Something along the lines of the fans never giving him back despite what he puts into wrestling, drawing him major heat. Batista never seems to be around for long enough for a turn....Mr Kennedy? ;)
I think with HHH's relationship With vince and stephanie that it is too hard to believe a heel turn imo
I think all 3 of them would benefit from a heel turn, but of course not at the same time. Losing three of your top heels at the same time would just be dumb. Here are some of the reasons why i think they should turn heel:

Triple H: HHH as a heel is just much more entertaining to me than when he's face. His mic skills seem to flow better and he just isn't boring imo.

Batista: I think if he turned heel he wouldn't be so damn boring to watch.Cena: I used to be your typical Cena hater, but as of late I've realized that very few people have the heart that he has. His mic skills are great and his in ring skills are starting to grow on me. Sure you can argue he only does his "5 moves of doom," but when you think about it, the most over stars ever in wrestling usually used the same set of moved week in and week out.
Back to the topic at hand, Cena should turn heel because just like jack-hammer said about Batista, it would be so unexpected. If and when he turns heel, i think it should be something to the extent to the Hogan heel turn in wcw. Since Cena is always compared to Hogan (which in my opinion isn't a bad idea), so to turn him heel like that would make sense.

By the way, this is my first well thought out and long post on this forum. Criticism is always welcome from any and everyone.

My thoughts exactly. Batista is beyond boring. If he was a heel he could just be crazy and beat some ass without ever really having to talk.
Although I find HHH to be much better as a heel, it has been done.

John Cena is the face of the WWE so he is automatically eliminated as a possible heel turn. Although I think that it would add a new aspect to his character and would be more suprising to see.

The only one that is left is Batista. We haven't seen him as a heel on his own yet and it would make him much more entertaining to boot. A muscular 300 pound animal that just destroys everything in his path, plus it would add dimensions to his mic skills because of trying desperately to please the crowd he could tear them apart and as past heels will tell you, it is much easier to offend then it is to please.
I cant wait til we see a violent, sadistic, Cena heel turn.

To see what these Cena-disciples will have to say about it.

Oh wait a second, that might not happen any time soon. Because Cena's t-shirts and armbands seem to be paying the bills on the Raw side of things.

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