What will benefit Cena more: Raw or Smackdown?

If they are going to do it, they need to do it in a good way. Bragging Rights would be fucking-A perfect. However, they need a little razzle dazzle in it though. Some kind of big finish. I was thinking that Jericho makes a full face return by cutting a promo about how he would love to have Cena on SD!, put some classic hilarious ass Jericho in it, and him be at ringside with Team SD! cheering Cena on. But there would be a twist: Cena would have to lose, meaning Team SD! would half to make him lose. That's where they would make a deal with someone to guarantee Cena a SD! spot. Something good and interesting. But he has many other options on SD! AND people are sick of seeing Orton HHH and Cena going at it.
Wow! It had been a while since I was active in the forum, but I could not leave this thread alone :p

I have read all of you comments and most of you make good points. Everybody is assuming that Cena will lose at Bragging Rights and will leave for SmackDown. Is this not exactly what WWE wants us to think?

I agree with the fact that SD is fully packed with main eventers and that there is little place left for Cena. If Cena loses coming sunday, I think he will have some time off. Recharge his batteries and make another movie. He could be back let say in 2010, with it is a new year, so new rules, Cena goes back to Raw, again Orton vs Cena... naaaaaaaah!!! If Cena ends up at SD, he should go for a feud with CM Punk. Lets say, Punk wins at Bragging Rights, Undertaker would get a rematch. Punk wins again with somehow Cena getting involved. Undertaker out, can build up Escobar/McIntyre and the start of Punk vs Cena. They keep messing around for a while untill No Way Out/Elimination Chamber ppv. In the chamber, Taker pins Cena, Punk somehow retains. Cena challenges Taker for his WM streak. Since Jericho is all busy with the returning Edge and won't face Taker at WM. Punk can have a 3-way at WM with Batista&Rey. This leads to...

WHC - CM Punk (c) vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio
Edge vs Jericho
Undertaker vs Cena

But what if Cena wins the Everything-goes-iron-man-match? It's pretty obvious there is a Orton vs DiBiase feud coming. Especially with The Marine 2 releasing at this years end. So Teddy boy screws Orton out of the WWE title and starts a long and healthy feud with Orton. We have Cody to spice that feud up if it starts to dragg. We love the Royal Rumble ppv, don't we? (Let's hope that WWE does not changes that ppv also :s) DiBiase punks Orton out and wins the Rumble. At No Way Out, Undertaker kills the light and Cena drops the belt to Randy Orton. Why did Taker do that? Well Taker is sick of Cena, like we all are and we have Cena vs Taker at WM. With Orton now being WWE Champ again we have Orton vs DiBiase at WM26. With Ted... FINALLY! THE ROCK HAS COME BACK... just kidding :lmao: OK now, with Ted winning the belt.

So what is Cena supposed to do in the main time, say from Survivor Series to No Way out? Well all of a sudden the five time, five time, five time, five time, five time WCW Champion Booker T has come back to the WWE :p and it's Booker T vs Cena at Survivor Series. Cena obviously retains but Booker gets another shot at the TLC ppv along with Kofi Kingston and Cody to spice things up. Cena retains again and Booker gets a last chance at the Rumble. At the Rumble Cena retains once AGAIN... wow this seems familiar right? I mean the only ones to beat Cena for the title were "the rated R superstar" Edge and "the viper" Orton and ok ok RVD. Cena loses at No Wat Out, starting Taker vs Cena.

So the matches at WM26:

Cena vs Undertaker

WWE title match - Ted DiBiase vs Randy Orton (c)

WHC - CM Punk (c) vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio

ECW title match - Christian (c) vs Shelton Benjamin

Edge vs Jericho

Unified Tag Team Match - DX vs The Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Time vs Kane & Big Show

US Title match - The Miz vs MVP

8-man Money in the bank ladder match:
Kofi Kingston vs John Morrison vs Evan Bourne vs Cody Rhodes vs Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry vs Drew McIntyre vs Booker T

IC title match
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Matt Hardy

Diva's Battle Royal
Smackdown is the obvious choice only because there are fresh fueds for him there.

However, Raw NEEDS Cena much more than Smackdown does. As I've said before, Raw has no top faces other than HHH and HBK if Cena leaves which is unacceptable. And since the WWE have done a great job of pushing NO ONE to the main event, and unless MVP or Kofi get a MONSTER push when if he leaves, Cena needs to stay until someone new is ready to take his place. Unfortunately, that doesn't look to be happening for a long time now.
Going by Team Smackdown, it's fairly obvious that Smackdown needs Cena. Right now, Raw is too "top" heavy, whereas Smackdown's main eventers consist of CM Punk, Batista and Rey(who, IMO, is out of place in the main event picture).

Cena has done pretty much all he can do on Raw. Many years have passed, and the Smackdown roster has changed. There are alot of fresh new faces for Cena to feud with, plus the potential for a Cena/Edge reunion of sorts.
Heres a thought T.D. screws Orton at BR and Cena wins.. The this keeps Cena on Raw and a new feud b.n TD and Orton. The question is who will Cena face next there is no fresh feud for him on Raw
How come some people here can't see the big picture? Smackdown! has transitioned into a show for technically sound veterans and young up-and-comers with the potential to be big someday. Hell, is it any wonder that McMahon's now appearing on Smackdown!? He wants to be associated with the show that possibly holds the key to another wrestling boom.

Cena would do nothing but hurt Smackdown! Cena would be able to do nothing for Smackdown!'s ratings, as it's pre-taped, on Friday nights, and on mynetworkTV, a station which doesn't reach nearly as many households as RAW does on USA. So, there are really no benefits to offset the costs that Smackdown! would most certainly incur by fitting Cena into their creative plans.
Going by Team Smackdown, it's fairly obvious that Smackdown needs Cena. Right now, Raw is too "top" heavy, whereas Smackdown's main eventers consist of CM Punk, Batista and Rey(who, IMO, is out of place in the main event picture).

Smackdown doesn't need Cena at all. You realize that the only reason Team Smackdown is lacking star power is to get McIntyre and Escobar over. Also, the main eventers are all in the Fatal 4-Way. If Cena, Orton, HBK, and Hemsley were in a Fatal 4-Way, Team Raw would suck too.

Speaking of main eventers, you do realize that Smackdown has more than you listed, right? Smackdown has Batista, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio (who gives a purple fuck if you think he doesn't belong in the main event. He's a former world champion, good in the ring, and is way over with the crowd), Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho, and Kane. Raw has Cena, Orton, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels. Smackdown definitely is in a better position than Raw.

Cena has done pretty much all he can do on Raw. Many years have passed, and the Smackdown roster has changed. There are alot of fresh new faces for Cena to feud with, plus the potential for a Cena/Edge reunion of sorts.

If Cena goes to SD, he will block the path of guys like Ziggler, Morrison and McIntyre. If Cena beats Orton, then the rivalry can be over, and we can see Cena go back to being the dominant champ he was in the 06-07 era.

And Cena will be around for 10 more years, Edge likely staying for 5. If Cena/Orton's been done to death, then Cena/Edge has too. Still, they'll feud again soon enough.
I think Cena will be much better off on SmackDown because right now in my opinion SmackDown is the hotter show than RAW. RAW has gotten stagnant as of late and certainly Cena can help bolster that show, but SmackDown will give him a fresh start and some fresh feuds. I would love to see Cena-Batista 2. I would also like to see Cena work with the Undertaker himself. Also, there are a lot of young guys that Cena could work with like John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. He could work an instant classic with Chris Jericho because of their war of words on the mic but here is what I think will happen should he move to SmackDown. When Edge comes back, he will be a face because Jericho already trashed him for being unreliable because of his health and that's why he went with Big Show as his tag team partner. When Edge comes back, he'll be gunning for Jericho but if he is still tagging with Show, then Edge will need some help. That help will be John Cena.

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