Hornswoggle to ECW

I'm expecting Finlay to follow soon, strange move, don't care about it really. I'm guessing this means a continuation of the Finlay family's feud with Morrison and Miz. Which isn't great IMO, because I think Morrison and the Miz have the potential to do a lot more. Hornswoggle's push has really gone downhill though, just think, he was a top player on Raw at one point lol.
Finlay has to be following soon, as the way i see it, for Hornswoggles charachter to work best, he needs that guy to be with, while he may have talent and decent wrestling skills, him beating people by himself just isn't that believeable and usually makes the other talent look ******ed.
Honestly I wish they would just get rid of Hornswoggle. The guy is a waste of space, that could be filled by a real wrestler. I haven't found this guy entertaining in the least, and wish he was just gone.

This move to ECW is pointless. I don't know if Finlay will follow or not, but I just hope that Hornswoggle isn't around much longer. Finlay was better off alone as a heel that liked to fight, and I would love to see him return to that after Hornswoggle disappears.
Thank fucking goodness. Please oh please dont let Finlay go with him. PLEASE let Finlay go back to being the tough guy street fighter from a war torn country. He was SO much cooler in that role.

As far as Swaggle....well who gives a fuck really. m having a tough time understanding were they are going with this, since SD! is supposed to be a more kid oriented show. Maybe Swaggle will have dealngs with the Booeyman LOL. He wll probably do dumb stuff to Armando Estrada, thngs like that. Low impact move by the WWE
If Finley doesn't follow, then I'd expect Hornswaggle to be released within a year or so, possibly sooner, with out Finley WWE really has nothing for him, I like how they are dumping all the shitty mid-card talent on ECW, first Matt Hardy, then Mark Henry, now Hornswaggle, I'm guessing WWE wants ECW to stand for Extremely Crappy Wasteland, now if they could get Shelton, & Kofi over to either SD! or RAW I'd be happy
I rarely watch ECW at all. Now with Hornswoggle and Mark Henry, who will probably win the ECW title I don't think I'll be watching it any time soon. I don't find Hornswoggle interesting AT ALL and really have no idea why they keep him around. The show is a joke.
With this I see Miz and Morrison keeping the tag titles, as tag champs on two seperate shows doesn't work well, and changing them to the ECW titles. ECW needs another set of titles to be defended. With their own tag titles it would allow for more change in the WWE.
I know i'll get banned for this or at least get bad rep.Hornswoggle is a f*cking disgrace to ecw because they develop tallent there, i dont want to see some stupid midget dancing and hiding under the ring i want to see the next world champion
Whelp, its been cleared up. Finlay has followed and that roughly means E.C.W. will get the Father/Son comedy segment act. :disappointed:

There isn't much I can say, other than it would've been hilarious to see Hornswoggle meet an untimely demise on the Brand of Extreme. That might of saved E.C.W.'s legacy in a small manner. Killing a midget is only a small achivement, but its still a short step in the right direction on rebuilding. :lmao:

The way I see it. With the amount of Championship opportunities Horny's been getting.. he'll become E.C.W. Champion within the year.
yea alls i really see outa this move is some "comedy" segments with estrada/long/delany, which in my opinion, aint a very good move and pointless, i think estrada may have some good skill if they take him away from delany and hornswaggle and have him in a real fued, but as somebody said b4 i believe we may be talking about a future ECW champ which would initially kill it, i agree that ecw was a good place for new talent to get known or talent to get better (lashley, punk, kingston, burke, bourne, miz) but now with hornswaggle and finlay on there, itll just be a joke show...in my opinion
I still can’t believe they wasted a draft pick on Hornswoggle when there are others deserving and needing a brand change (Morrison and Miz for example).:rolleyes: What’s even harder to grasp is why they moved Horny from Smackdown to ECW. Smackdown comes on earlier on a night kids can stay up later to watch whereas ECW comes on past kids’ bedtimes and Horny’s clearly aimed at the younger demographic. I just can’t see how anyone over the age of 12 can enjoy his antics and matches.

Now I put up with Horny on Smackdown as the show is two hours long, but on the one hour ECW he’ll just be a waste of valuable time that would be better used for legitimate matches and mic time for the younger guys that need it.:disappointed: And knowing WWE’s strange sense of ‘humor’, I wouldn’t put it past them to have Horny challenging for the ECW title in the future. That will be a sad, sad day in the history of wrestling and the day I stop watching ECW. My hope is that Boogeyman makes his return soon and rids us of Horny.
I could really care less about this move. Yeah Finlay moved with him but who really cares? Id much rather have Finlay drop this guy on his head and go back to being the Belfast Brawler. I've actually never understood Hornswoggle's presence in the WWE. Kids must like him as that has to be the reason. I say get rid of him and stop the mundane comedy acts.

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