SummerSlam: Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry

This match is rather intriguing. I love the idea of Matt Hardy as ECW champ, and maybe WWE will surprise me here as they have lately, but I don't see him winning this one. I expect Atlas and Delaney to interfere setting up a Hardy/Dreamer vs Henry/Delaney match for either ECW or Unforgiven. I'd say Hardy loses here and chases for at least another month if not two. Then maybe they have an ECW rules match at either Unforgiven or No Mercy that Hardy wins. Idk what becomes of Henry afterwards, but Hardy should go on to feud with John Morrison which has potential to be great. And for God's sake I hope Hardy gets the old ECW title back cuz this one is horrid
I've been thinking Hardy's going to win, and for obvious reasons. There simply isn't the talent on ECW that is there for Mark Henry to feud with. The roster is full of young cocky heels that need a little extra work, and that simply isn't the right mixture for a guy like Mark Henry.

It's shit or get off the pot time with Matt Hardy. The E has custom made a brand for Matt Hardy to run wild on, and show that he is truly worthy of holding a major world title on one of the other brands. It's Matt Hardy's time, but simply put, is he ready, or is he just full of shit.

Don't be surprised if Henry wins to draw this out another month or so, but Hardy will win this feud.
The only positive I see to come out of this is the fact that Matt will have his own brand after this feud is done. Feuding with Henry won't give him any sort of momentum, if anything it will give him less. But the end result will be that he's head of his own brand. It doesn't happen to many wrestlers. Edge has had Smackdown for a while and there's been the occasional part timeer. But most the time wrestlers have to share. Cena & HHH on Raw for example.

The problem is, after several months on ECW you run out of options. People might be looking forward to Hardy/Morrison now. But they'll be sick of it after 10 ECW main events and 4 PPVs.
I see this as the Kane redux. The fact they had to set everything back for the PS Hayes blackout is the only reason we are seeing this. Knae was suppose to feud with the young heel talent on ECW. Haye says a crazy thing, and all the sudden Henry comes out of nowere to mash him and take the title. Ok, so now we are all even hopefully, and we can get back to the original plan, except with Matt Hardy in kanes place. Which is probably all for the best anyhow, since Matt Hardy > Kane, in just about every manner.

Although I will say Henry impressed me for like. a week. he looked decent in his role last week. For shame its this late, and there is no one for him to feud with past Matt Hardy. EVerything points to Hardy taking this off him, and I expect nothing less.
Oh god, i really don't care.

Please let this be the opening match. I predict a 10 minute squash in Mark Henry's favour. Matt might come close, but Atlas will probably put Henry's foot on the rope or a chair shot. DQ victory for Matt, fued continues (sadly).
Honestly, probably the best we could've hoped for for the match. Unfortunatly now we'll have sit through more weeks of henry/hardy feuds till they have a real match at Unforgiven
WWE builds this match so well and then takes so much credibility from the champ and ECW with this nonsense. If Atlas wasn't there it would've been a 1 min. Matt Hardy Squash match...terrible booking IMHO. Why do they do this to ECW? Now we all know the next match Hardy is going to win...

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