Team Miz vs. Team Morrison

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What the hell is with everyone shitting on this match? You all have been reading too many of KB's cynical reveiws. every participant of every match needs a fucking epic soap opera saga to follow them into a match. Whats wrong with "well your a wrestler, and imna wrestler, so lets wrestle"....Perfectly fine, IMO. This right here is "the future of the WWE bowl". This is gonna be fucking sweet, and hopefully push things further with Miz Vs Morrison, and lets the other young guns get some time on the biggest show of the year. Honestly, with a show like this, were you have some of the most oppurtunity to get people exposure, you should go for it. Hilarious everyone slams their hands on their high chairs on this site about young guys not getting good exposure, and when they do, its not good enough for people. Amazing. Why do you even watch wrestling?
Like NorCal said, people need to stop complaining about who's in the match. So what if the teams haven't had months of build up leading up to Survivor Series? I don't want that. It's ok for Wrestlemania and maybe Summerslam, but expecting every member of both team to be intwined in multiple personal feuds with the members of the opposing team is stupid.

Anyway... I think this match is gonna be really unpredictable, even before it starts. Firstly, I think Ziggler has a very good chance of winning the IC title of Morrison before Survivor Series since it appears to be Ziggler's last chance. But that would stop any momentum that team Morrison has, so that aspect of the match is still up in the air. Unless Ziggler loses on SD, pins Morrison at Survivor Series, then gets himself one last IC title shot... Hmmm...
Then there's Finlay's possible injury, whether Sheamus will do more than destroy a few people before leaving and whether Jack Swagger will be able to co-exist with The Miz. They could make either Miz or Swagger turn face. While The Miz would be easier to turn face cause he's "cool", he's on such a good heel roll right now. Swagger just doesn't have any qualities about him that say "good face". So we'll have to see.
But like I said, it's gonna be very unpredictable.
This could be pretty damn good. Both teams have some fine workers involved and if they give these guys a nice chunk of time in the middle of the show I could see this stealing the show. As long as we get Miz and Morrison going at it, I'll likely be entertained. Nothing to orgasm over though.
Everyone in this match is feuding,except matt hardy.

shelton was feuding with sheamus

swagger and miz are feuding with bourne

dolph ziggler is feuding with john morrison(who is feuding with miz)

and finlay is feuding with drew mcyntire

so,they just put matt in the match for filler,mike knox wouldve made more sense but oh well.
I'm really looking forward to Survivor Series and this is one of the reasons why. This match should be really good. I can't wait to see if this prolongs the Miz/Morrison feud thats going on. Since they are on seperate brands then they can't compete at every ppv but they can try again at the Royal Rumble with one eliminating the other. I'd like to see some interaction between Sheamus and Finlay of course as well as Ziggler/Morrison and Hardy/Swagger. Finally I too would like to see either Miz or Swagger cost the other a fall at the hands of Bourne. Setting up a triple threat at TLC or on Raw. I see Team Morrison getting the win since Miz won at Bragging Rights.
This is one of my favorite SS serious matches in a long time not only because of the awesome wrestling but because of the awesome midcard finally getting something of their own....and 7-8 of these guys minus hardy and finlay REALLY need this to be a great match because if it is, it will steal the show
I was dissapointed in this match really. It was a let down of what it could of been, with all the talent in this match it could of been alot more than what it was. I also didn't like the sole survivors in the match, in my oppinion it made Morrison look weak but that's just my oppinion, all in all the wrestling itself was pretty good, I just didn't like it. Out of a possible 5 stars this get 3 stars.
I loved seeing Team Miz come out with the win...4 out of the 5 wrestlers on that team are currently on my top favorites, those being McIntyre, Sheamus, Miz, and Jack Swagger. McIntyre and Sheamus were pretty much the team themselves, each with 2 eliminations, and Sheamus coming out with the final one against Morrison. Was a bit upset to see Swagger go so fast and do so little, but we can't get everything we want. I was especially happy to see it end the way it did. Matches today tend to get a bit predictable, and I saw Morrison vs Miz in the end, with Morrison coming out with the win after eliminating 2 people and beating the odds! (Then again....he isn't John Cena, is he?) It was just a really cool and, for me, unexpected ending to the match I was looking forward too the most.
I didnt like the ending as much, and to be honest i was kind of mad that Morrison's team was soooooo pathetic.

i mean come on lets look at Miz's winning team:

Miz: Very credible now, and deserves it
Shaemus: been on Raw for 4 weeks now, has looked good against....jamie Noble?
Drew Mcintyre: Kicked off of Bragging Rights team because he wasnt credible enough

these three men are not the guys you would expect to win at SS, and that made it good that it was unexpected but WWE needs to think about what they just did, they just put McIntyre and Shaemus over MORRISON Morrison is jobbing to those chumps, i am just sick of seeing WWE shoot down what the fans want! We want Morrison as CHAMP and he could carry and everyone knows that. seriously i am mad that he had to job to Shaemus and McIntyre
I didnt like the ending as much, and to be honest i was kind of mad that Morrison's team was soooooo pathetic.

i mean come on lets look at Miz's winning team:

Miz: Very credible now, and deserves it
Shaemus: been on Raw for 4 weeks now, has looked good against....jamie Noble?
Drew Mcintyre: Kicked off of Bragging Rights team because he wasnt credible enough

these three men are not the guys you would expect to win at SS, and that made it good that it was unexpected but WWE needs to think about what they just did, they just put McIntyre and Shaemus over MORRISON Morrison is jobbing to those chumps, i am just sick of seeing WWE shoot down what the fans want! We want Morrison as CHAMP and he could carry and everyone knows that. seriously i am mad that he had to job to Shaemus and McIntyre

How in the hell did Morrison job to Sheamus and McIntyre? Sheamus and McIntyre were the most impressive in the match. Morrison is still in the same position he was before and after the match. He had a good match against Ziggler on Friday so this loss doesn't hurt him at all. Don't get your panties all in a bunch because Morrison lost Sunday. Deal with it.
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