Hello Heel Morrison!

As others stated, there are plenty of heels on Raw as it is. It'd be stupid to turn Morrison, who is just beginning a solid face push, heel all of a sudden.

Even though JoMo attacked Bryan, keep in mind that Bryan assaulted him first and Morrison was only retaliating. If nothing else, I see this as a way to for Bryan to beat both Miz and Morrison and move on to something else while beginning the Miz/Morrison feud many (including myself) have been waiting for.
I'm not totally convinced that Morrison's actions this week on RAW, while appearing to be fairly "heelish," were necessarily indicative of a heel turn. It could just as easily be explained by frustration on his part, with him lashing out due to such frustration. I also think he may have been inserted into the match just to give WWE creative another option as to how to proceed with the results of the match. They probably want DBD to win and maintain his belt, but they may not necessarily want the Miz to lose and be the one getting pinned. Adding JoMo into the equation could simply be providing WWE with a convenient fall-guy, someone for Danielson to pin to remain US champ, without the Miz being pinned himself.

Personally, I'd love to see this result in a full-blown heel turn for JoMo. He's way better as the cocky arrogant heel than he has been as the sappy generic uninspiring face. I used to love Morrison back in the MNM days and in the early days of his transformation from Johnny Nitro to John Morrison. Lately I'm totally apathetic toward him, and that's worse than loving him or hating him. I say go for a full heel turn and finally give the guy a push toward and finally into the main event. He's been there long enough. He deserves it. Why not give him a shot? They gambled somewhat with the Miz and that's been pretty successful. Why not gamble again?
As others have mentioned, I see JoMo in the match to make the decision not involve The Miz, as they don't want to hurt his momentum building up to his cash-in by having him tap out at two consecutive PPVs. If it's a matter of DBD going over Morrison, Miz has no legitimate basis for continuing the feud with DBD (though it could still happen), and could potentially be opened up to focus on finding the most opportune moment to steal the WWE title. If Morrison walks out with the US title, there would be even less reason for Miz to chase it.

I also agree with the notion that this isn't necessarily indicative of a heel turn for Morrison. I think that a turn could help him, but given his recent push, I don't see why they'd pick now to be the time. He's just put on some solid matches against main event talent and been given some backstage spots focusing on his Parkour training, which screams of push, not turn. The post-match melee involved him trying to break up the fight and getting hit in the face, then retaliating. I think that most people would have done the same thing.

Bottom line, the melee got Morrison into the match so that Miz won't have to lose it, and it will either mean that DBD goes over a talented guy with a name to get more credibility, or it will put a feather in the cap of Morrison and enable him to show that he's worthy of the TV time he's been getting by putting on some good matches while holding the belt. If he officially turned heel, it wouldn't be until the PPV, depending on his actions during and/or after the match. Don't hold your breath though.
My feelings are mixed on this question. :banghead:
On one hand, John Morrison has really been impressing me lately, with wins over Chris Jericho, almost beat the wwe champion. So he has been getting better.
One the other hand, his mike skills were SO much better as a heel, but this time he would not have the miz. So, I think overall he should stay face. All he needs are some meaningful feuds; they tried jomo with dibiase, didn't work. now wwe may be setting up a feud between jomo and daniel bryan.:icon_neutral:
this is actually gping to be the massive push for jomo and be a top Face hear me out miz will make db tap meaning its jomovsmiz he will then make the miz tap and he will get massive pop and hype for beating the miz imo
Morrison won't go back to heel right now, which in my opinion, is a shame. Morrison was a GREAT heel. Not that he's a bad face, but he just was taken so much more seriously when he was a heel.

Bottomline... Morrison is a mid-card face that should be a main event heel. However, I'm looking forward to seeing him and The Miz trade some World Titles around for a few years as heels. Just get a good face like Evan Bourne, and you have your main event matches sealed for the next 10 years. Oh and that beard has got to go, he's suppose to be protraying a rockstar, not a caveman with a fur coat and cool sunglasses. A five o'clock shadow is the hairiest Morrison's face should get.
There is absolutely no reason to turn Morrison heel, anytime soon. Switching a guy back and forth is inevitably going to ruin them. Keep him as a face, let him develop, see what happens 4, 6, 12 months later. There's no reason to not like him as a face. He's got the look, character, and moves to appeal. He'd be horrible as a heel right now because he's lacking in the microphone department, which I consider the strongest point of being a heel. Again, develop for a while, check back later. By the time the guy is ready for the main event, a heel gimmick would be huge.
Heel or Face, either way, he is finally getting there. I am really starting to look at the dude as a major player.

All he is missing is that one storyline or feud. I truly believe it could be a battle with The Miz that does it. Whether it is or isn't... He is one step away finally. I am actually starting to look forward to what he does on Raw now. In the next year, IMO, is the make or break time for JoMo.

I believe he will make it. He has every tool that is needed to be a STAR. He is just a little weak on the mic. But I think that is one of the easiest things to improve on. He easily has all the physical tools!!!
If Edge stays on Raw, I'd love to see him feud with Morrison. It'd give both guys a storyline to work with. Morrison would get valuable work in with both a good in-ring talent and a very good microphone worker. Plus, Edge is a veteran, and getting some good matches in with someone of his caliber would absolutely help boost Morrison's face value.

Hey, they're both rockstars. It'd work.
he thinks he all bad cause he beat jericho... :P

Morrison always did better as a heel and that triple beat down was great! never expected to see bryan betray morrison like that. Morrison should turn heel when daniel wins in HIAC and then join teams with miz to take him down!!! morrison SHOULD be the next US champ but not now.

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