Miz vs John Morrison - WWE Championship - Falls Count Anywhere Match.....Next Week???

Alex Reilly will cost the Miz the championship and turn face in the mean time sheamus will interfere and try to cost Morrison his title shot and accidently hit the Miz and start a feud between the 2.
I think that Alex Riley will cost Miz the WWE Championship, starting a Miz-Riley feud. We saw on Raw that The Miz yelled at Alex Riley for losing. I think that will lead us to this feud.
After watching Raw, I am concerned about what could come as a result of this match. I definitely expect Miz to retain. The problem is once Miz retains what happens the rumble. The first problem I see is Miz going over Morrison, and then faces Orton again. The 2nd problem I see is Miz going over Morrison and then faces Lawler. I was totally on board with Miz vs Morrison at the rumble, but I'm not sure how with the falls count any where stipulation, how Morrison could get into a match with Miz at the rumble.
Orton, Shamus A-ril, all interfere and a four match at RR... thats what i think will happen,,, there putting this match on tv for free cause they want views to tune in and watch it... they want big names at the ppvs thats why i think a four match of sorts will happen... i think miz wins both but somehow orton n shamus get into the rumble as well
This is what I hate that WWE does to John Morrison.
They push the guy to the stars and give him a shot at the WWE Championship, but then it all goes to shit as he gets his opportunity on RAW or SmackDown. Doing that basically says, "Oh, he isn't good enough for the Main Event of a Pay-Per-View." John Morrison is well capable of pulling off a Main Event match his contest he had against Sheamus in a Ladder Match was a brutal Ladder Match, but a very good one as well. It may have even been Match of the Night to some. I am at the point where it's like either give the guy the WWE Championship or release him and let Morrison take his talents somewhere else because I am sick of seeing the same old cycle happening to someone as talented as Morrison over and over again.

I can only hope that this feud is used to hype up a match to Royal Rumble between John Morrison and The Miz. I think no matter what next week The Miz will retain. I expect a crap load of interferences from Randy Orton hitting a sneak attack onto The Miz with a RKO, to Sheamus coming out and taking out John Morrison, to Alex Riley getting involved as well. Whatever happens next week it won't be a clean victory for The Miz. And after all of the interferences I hope that Morrison gets another shot at the Royal Rumble. I think it would have a good hype to it and it would be a hell of a re-match.

EDIT: But I also could possibly see Morrison coming out the winner in this match. I just can't see Morrison losing twice in a row to The Miz on RAW and possibly at Royal Rumble. Whatever happens I believe this is only the beginning of Miz/Morrison.
This was certainly an interesting turn of events but i see one of two things happening and I definitely think one of them will happen for sure:

1. Morrison shocks the world and wins the WWE Title. First RAW of the New Year something big ALWAYS happens. Make this a long brutal looking match to get both guys over as Main Eventers. Have Morrison win by jumping off something huge. Imagine if Morrison (loved by fans) pins the Miz (hated by fans) somewhere in the crowd and then celebrates in the crowd? it would be a great moment and would show that Morrison is credible. They then have a rematch at the Rumble where the Miz wins clean and regains then another match at EC where Miz wins again.

2. Match is going on and Riley continuously interferes. After it seeming like a virtual handi-cap match have Lawler throw down the headset and make the save. Have the 4 men battle through the arena a little bit with both Miz and Morrison attempting pin attempts while Riley and Lawler, respectively, make the saves. Finally they make their way back to the ring and when the ref has no clue what to do, the GM chimes in where he throws out the match and issues a rematch at the Rumble, possibly inside a steel cage, which I think would be awesome.

I'm leaning toward the second one, but kind of hoping for the first one. I think the second one would be fun to watch and i don't think they are taking the belt off Miz soon even if it is to give it right back to him.

Either way, with no doubt at all, they will fight again at the Rumble.
On top of what everyone has said I think you should also watch out for Lawler because after the attack on Raw I wouldn't be surprised to see him interfere somehow even if it's just something like taking out Alex Riley and a few shots on Miz.
I have to admit I was stunned that Morrison chose to attempt to win the Belt next week on Raw because I immediately thought;"wow! Why blow Your chance on Raw"? So I hope WWE creative has SOMETHING up their proverbial "sleeves other wise Morrison will be back-seated once again!
Hmm, I didn't like it at first. But Morrison/Miz doesn't scream classic main event (although I'm guessing the rumble will main event). I see a few options. One, Miz backs out somehow and Riley wrestlers. Two, Morrison wins, Miz gets his rematch at the Rumble and gets his title back (doubtful though). Three, Miz wins and faces Lawler at the Rumble. Four, Miz wins with some help, which leads to Morrison getting a rematch at the Rumble or the match being made a fatal four way (with a combo of either Cena, Orton, Sheamus, or Punk).
As I said in the Raw LD last night, I'm sure this is just to build for the Rumble. They'll have their match and Miz will screw Morrison over in some way to get the win. The GM will step in to make things right, and grant Morrison a rematch at the Rumble.

At least, that's what better happen.
While WWE has put a lot of faith in the Miz as WWE champion, I think them starting a John Morrison Miz Fued to get the title back might be a bit better then what Miz is currently doing.
It seems like a Miz had more matches against Jerry Lawler than anyone else on roster, and it doesn't make Miz seem like "the most must see champion ever" it makes him seem like someone who can't beat someone twice his age.
To be competely honest I didn't really think his title run would be this long after his first defense needing the help of 2 other men to beat the 60 year old.
Hopefullly they can get him away from the Lawler angle and get him into real fueds because I really like the Miz in the ring and would like to see him go places. However I don't see how facing and still losing to a 61 year old can ever help.
This seems like a way accelerate the Miz/Morrison storyline. On paper, the sounds great, but onscreen the story isn't really all that attractive. The really isn't much depth to it other than Morrison wanting the title and Miz still throwing the Rockers complex at him. With just one PPV before the Elimination Chamber, there isn't much time to actually develop the feud to reach more "personal" levels. A good beatdown like the one Jerry Lawler got would push the story well and an Anything Goes match is a perfect place to do it.
I am going to have to go with Morrison winning the title next week. It is setting up to perfectly. He gets to pick the match he is best in, that suites his style. Miz and Riley are having issues. This match just screams Riley botching some interference and costing The Miz the belt rather than helping him win in. The Miz has a re-match clause, like all Champs do, so he can easily take it back at the Rumble, especially if Morrison doesn't go over as a Champ. Even if Miz does lose, then take it back, Morrison would then have his rematch clause which extends the feud even further.
Morrison will hopefully win the title next week as I know he's a main eventer since he debuted and won Tough Enough yrs ago. Any company is about the future and not the past as I say The Miz vs John Morrison will main event a WrestleMania in the nxt 4-5 yrs. I hate it when people make fun of the way a person talks. But this win for Morison will be like Foley or Edge in yrs past around the Rumble. I remember back in 2004 it was headlined by Lesnar vs Hardcore Holly or 2006 Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry, the World title matches are not mostly the headlines its the Rumble itself. But if anything this is time to test the waters w/ Morrison as champ.
I groaned when I heard this, and it made me wonder if WWE has been displeased with Morrison's mic work over the past two weeks that they've suddenly put a halt to his push in the process. I was really hoping to see this match at the Royal Rumble, as Morrison doesn't need to test the waters in the main event scene to prove he's ready. WWE has already done that before with him last year against Jeff Hardy, and to a lesser extent in his excellent IC title win over Rey Mysterio on free tv. But thats the thing, its free tv. There's no need to test the waters for someone after they've been proven over years to put on quality matches both on tv and on PPV when given the chance. If he's not ready now, from an in-ring standpoint, he never will be.

Im also not a huge fan of this match being a Falls Count Anywhere Match.Too bad stipulations don't mean much given how often WWE uses them. Did adding the Falls Count Anywhere stip make that match any more appealing? It's like WWE just adds stops out of habit even though there's no benefit, such as having virtually every PPV as a stipulation show. The benefit of pulling back over the long run is tremendous because after a few years of being selective with adding stipulations, they'd mean something again. The only reason I could think of adding this stipulation is for Miz to get over once again as ab opportunistic champion with Riley's help, which will only make Morrison look stupid for picking said match in the first place.

The other thing that I fear is that this match is going to be a backdrop for a Miz/Lawler match at the Royal Rumble. Titles rarely change there, and the title matches generally don't sell the PPV, the Rumble itself does. It seems we're headed there with Lawler wrestling virtually every week, and Miz attacking Lawler on commentary. One would assume that Miz would be furious with Morrison for costing him the match, but he attacked Lawler instead. Why do this unless they're building towards a Miz/Lawler match? To do so, they'ld have to get Morrison's title shot out of the way, and they're seemingly doing that next week on free TV.

Either way, I see Miz retaining here, likely with interference from Alex Riley. These two should have an entertaining match, as being tag team partners they seem to know each other quite well. Ive enjoyed their past matches together dating back to their MITB qualifying match while both were in ECW in 2008, and their Bragging Rights Match last year. Its just hard for me to imagine them giving away another title change on free TV when they just did one a little over a month ago. If that's the case, hopefully there will be some outside interference that will not only prevent Morrison from looking weak, but will also set up a rematch at the Royal Rumble.
The match is going to be great in the first place. But, JoMo ain't winning. The scene will go down like this:

Morrison is about to win... when A-Ri (or whatever it is) interferes and hits Morrison in the head with the briefcase allowing Miz to win and retain. Morrison comes out next week saying that last week wasn't a fair shot and he needs a rematch. Orton comes out and says that even he deserves a rematch due to his shot also being unfare. Miz comes out and brags about how he beat them both and he doesn't feel he needs to do it again when the GM chimes in and Michael Cole reads: "And I Quote... Both Morrison and Orton didn't get a fair shot at The Miz's title and therefore, they will have another chance. Tonight, Morrison faces Orton one-on-one for the No.1 Contendership.

Later, when the match is on and both men are down, Miz and A-Ri get to the ring and do a hit-and-run. The ref ends the match in a double D.Q. Miz says that he strongly feels that he doesn't need to defend his title and now, he's immune to defending it at the RR because none of them won and he'll be the first champ to win the RR. The GM chimes in saying that he sees this in a different way. Miz says nobody won but he says nobody lost. And therefore, Miz will defend his title in a 3-Way match against both Randy Orton and John Morrison at the Royal Rumble.

*Note: This scene was done before when Khali interfered in a match between Kane and Batista leading to a 3-way at The Great American Bash in 2007 and when Orton interfered a tournament final between Triple H and John Cena leading to a 3-way at Night of Champions 2009.
I HIGHLY doubt Morrison walks away with the title next week. I'm a bit confused why they would have this match already as I really hoped it would be saved for the Rumble and we would see these two have a good feud with one another. But it seems WWE is intent on keeping Orton in the title picture. What I see going down is Miz picking up a dirty win or retaining via DQ from Orton and Orton being inserted into a triple threat rematch at the Rumble. If Morrison does lose cleanly (which will destroy the credibility Morrison has gained over the past few months) then he'll probably enter the Rumble, have a good showing, lose, qualify for Elimination Chamber, have a good showing, lose, qualify for MITB (if they do it this year), have a good showing, and hopefully win. With Cena supposedly severely injured, it really is time for Morrison to step up. WWE better not squander this chance.
Absolute fantastic booking by the E here. Miz's unexpected support and success in WWE terms is making for some damn good wrestling entertainment. I dont know how the stars aligned to allow it but Miz is running with the ball like Marshall Faulk. I think he's pretty shit, but the WWE universe had bought in like a mother fucker.

Miz is the main event match on SD and Raw these days. A FCA match protects Miz and adds to the dymanic of a great match that will showcase JoMo's talents more than a standard match would. Win, Lose or Draw, they both end up shining right here on live TV with an obvious RR rematch no matter who wins. People buy the RR PPV for the RR match, but the E can can probably get a few more buys by continuing this feud on TV leading up to an RR re-match. Both of these guys are over and a program between these two is money right now.

I think Miz is running wit the Ball to well for JoMo to pick up the win, even for shock value but this match on Raw is just outstanding booking. Instead of gettng to see it at RR, we get to see a FCA match and an entire program leading up to another match at RR. Simply brilliant.
I've just skimmed through the thread so forgive me if I'm being repetitive. I was surprised and disappointed to hear this match will be taking place next week. I think it's a great title match for the Royal Rumble. The rumble match is the highlight of the ppv so it's a perfect event to test a new challeneger with his first title match. The match could still take place at the Rumble, but I'm afraid Randy Orton will get involved in the title match. I hope there is some sort of inconclusive finish that leads Miz and Morrison to a rumble match that does not involve Orton.
I think Brain has called it. Given recent developments it would absolutely make sense for there to be some sort of dodgy finish that would lead to a Rumble rematch. I think it's baffling that they didn't wait until the payperview anyways. Where this leaves Orton leaves me a little blank unless they sacrifice some talent in order to build him as the unstoppable monster who doesnt win the Rumble.
First of all, Morrison getting his title shot on RAW instead of the Royal Rumble surprised me.

Royal Rumble would've been perfect to have a title match with two new guys, who buys the RR PPV for the title matches anyways?

I have an inkling Triple H might be involved in the title picture come RR.

I mean, I can't think of anything else. If Miz beats Morrison (which he will) who is he going to face at the Royal Rumble?

Maybe a returning Triple H?

If that happens, I bet Miz drops the title to Triple H, because he is not going to walk into Wrestlemania as champion.

John Morrison is not going to be WWE Champion anytime soon.

He has a great look, but his mic skills are terrible and his in ring work consists of him botching his finisher 90% of the time.

The Miz is far and away the best choice right now out of the two.
i dont know about this one. morrison winning the strap will be great however i get the feeling he's gonna lose and feud with randy orton.
The fact that this match is happening on Raw and not a Pay Per View gives me a feeling that there`s gonna be a funky ending like most of you are saying. What happens after that I don`t know. Do they have a rematch at the Rumble? Does Orton get thrown in there to make it a triple threat? We`ll have to wait and see.
Something goofy is going to happen on Raw. The match will be at the rumble.
It's obviously going to be a Shady Victory for the Miz. I can't Fathom how but the miz will retain and Morrison will get his shot at the Rumble.
I think that the only logical way this can go, mostly stemming from Orton's comments about wanting Miz to win, will be as follows.
1: Orton runs in during the match, RKO to Miz.
2: Morrison either tries to thank him, or complain about it, saying he didn't need the help... RKO to morrison.
3: Orton drags Miz over Morrison, giving him the win.
4: Orton gets a title shot at rumble, Morrison complains, GM makes a Triple Threat.

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