After Tonight, Morrison Just Needs To Go To TNA

There's definitely been rumors of her spouting her mouth off too much ('cause you know, that's what protesting means), but not a single wrestler interview or dirt sheet has said anything about her or Morrison's sexual promiscuity in the past six years. Don't make things up.
Do yourself a favor and stop reading dirtsheets all together. Wrestlers are carney by nature, they bullshit all the time. The only interviews you should watch are stuff like Raven and Al Snow's "secrets of the ring" where they talk about their theories and shit. Any wrestler interviews or dirtsheets should be read/seen as entertainment.

Morrison SHOULD go to TNA. He's not over in the WWE and TNA will push him and say "WE R UZING HIM RITE!!!!" and then he won't draw for them either.
Morrison is given tons of opportunities to get over. fact is, in NEW YORK FUCKING CITY, a place that is very smarkish and LOOOOOVEZ flippity small dudes....Morrison didn't get any chants. zack ryder, who wasn't even in the match, who got himself over, got the chants.

You got selective memory and a really confused map? Just asking because I thought it was cute how you thought you made some major point about the PPV taking place in New York City and "LONG ISLAND" Iced Z himself, Zack Ryder getting chants in his hometown. Morrison on the other hand, did get a lot of crowd reaction despite those chants with something that few of the other guys get reactions with, HIS WRESTLING. Not some cheesy gimmick, or over confident heel persona like Ziggler, or anything else. He's good enough in the ring alone that he commands the attention of the audience. Those opportunities you mention he also capitalized on, like stealing the show at consecutive PPV's earlier this year, and then getting the fans behind him to beat The Miz for the WWE Title on Raw, again, with his wrestling alone. This guy barely needs to be on the mic or cut a promo. He's good enough that just watching him do his thing gets people behind him.

In pro wrestling you dont' get pushed because of your workrate or your number of five star matches or your flips, you get pushed because you get over. Morrison doesn't. End of story, stop being a mark.

Wow, you just blew your credibility out the window with that whiff. Morrison as I explained, gets over with his in ring ability alone. If he were pushed like these other guys he'd be well past them, and has been already in the past. His injury killed his momentum though, and then the WM stink with Bitch Stratus has really screwed him too. It's not some huge deficiency in skills in any area. As has been duly noted, his mic skills were perfect during his ECW Championship run, but he had a little more freedom, was a heel at that time, and RECEIVED A PUSH. So, with that the story continues as this mark shuts you down with ease.
I love JoMo I just wished they pushed him more. Ya ever since he was out after the fued with truth he has just been doing terrible. Smack down would be a better place. And I don't think he should of got the title match That should of gone to my Broski Ryder
TNA may make John Morrison a champion in a heartbeat, the OP may be right about that although I do feel that the company is moving in a somewhat different direction after the exit of Hogan. However, the question is, does John Morrison deserve to be champ in any company. And the answer to that is NO.

See, he may be getting treated roughly at the moment and the fact may be true that his rough treatment is undeserved but the fact remains that he does not have the capability to be a World Champion. He is not very good in the ring and can only do flashy moves one after the other without them making any logical sense. On the mic, he is pretty bad and very often looks clueless and confused.

If he stays in the WWE and bears his punishment silently without making a fuss and tries to improve at the same time, he may get to be champion in say 5-6 years and get a Jeff Hardy like run. If he goes to TNA, well, then you never know. You know what Anderson is doing these days in TNA after being built to the sky and failing after two horrendous title runs. Morrison may go the Christian way in TNA or he may end up being Mr Anderson V 2.0. And I do not think WWE willbe interested in him after an Anderson-esque run. Morrison should think hard before making any decision.
Do yourself a favor and stop reading dirtsheets all together. Wrestlers are carney by nature, they bullshit all the time. The only interviews you should watch are stuff like Raven and Al Snow's "secrets of the ring" where they talk about their theories and shit. Any wrestler interviews or dirtsheets should be read/seen as entertainment.

Wrestlers haven't been "carney" in nature since the late 80s. The 90s, and especially the 2000s, have gone to more lengths to modernize wrestling (even in the indies) and eliminate the traditional carnival aspects of the business. Whether you like them or not, dirtsheets have -- for the most part -- provided reliable insight on the business for 20 years since The Wrestling Observer started. Hell, spoiler sites like WrestleZone itself here would be considered a modern dirtsheet and much of the information on the website is accurate.

Shoot interviews also have provided A TON of insight on the wrestlers themselves and the fact that there's now hundreds upon hundreds -- with big-name wrestlers too -- that are filled with stories backed up by evidence and other wrestler's testimonials kind of discredits your claim that they "bullshit all the time."

Even Bret Hart in his book noted that by the early 90s, much of the old school practices and natures were pretty much gone from the locker room. Many people feel it's because wrestling became more real (not in a literal sense, but in the attitude that was being presented and the characters, such as Stone Cold, that were taking the spotlight) and less about sideshow freaks, oddities and the supermen that battle them.
Wrestlers haven't been "carney" in nature since the late 80s. The 90s, and especially the 2000s, have gone to more lengths to modernize wrestling (even in the indies) and eliminate the traditional carnival aspects of the business. Whether you like them or not, dirtsheets have -- for the most part -- provided reliable insight on the business for 20 years since The Wrestling Observer started. Hell, spoiler sites like WrestleZone itself here would be considered a modern dirtsheet and much of the information on the website is accurate.

Shoot interviews also have provided A TON of insight on the wrestlers themselves and the fact that there's now hundreds upon hundreds -- with big-name wrestlers too -- that are filled with stories backed up by evidence and other wrestler's testimonials kind of discredits your claim that they "bullshit all the time."

Even Bret Hart in his book noted that by the early 90s, much of the old school practices and natures were pretty much gone from the locker room. Many people feel it's because wrestling became more real (not in a literal sense, but in the attitude that was being presented and the characters, such as Stone Cold, that were taking the spotlight) and less about sideshow freaks, oddities and the supermen that battle them.
Bullshit, anytime I hear Scott Hall or Nash (or any wrestler past or present) tell stories, they always have variations. Pro wrestlers are like that friend you have who always exaggerates stories.

By "carny" I don't mean they try to make you think it's legit, but it doesn't mean they don't fabricate a bunch of shit to generate interest. Which is more interesting "I generally get along with everyone in the back" or "Sheamus (or whoever) is a prick to me"?

CM Punk claims he worked for a science lab in the indies when he "worked" them into thinking he had a degree in chemistry. They are carny people who love to work people 24/7. They work each other. I don't mean in the sense you're thinking, I mean in that they exaggerate and straight up bullshit a lot of stuff to generate interest.
I've been hoping and waiting patiently for a Morrison main event run for about 2 years now. I think he's done now though and have finally given up on seeing him ever winning a world title. At least in WWE. I've heard he's not interested in going to TNA although he'd easily become a top guy there within his first two appearances. The news that he has no upcoming WWE appearances saddens me, but if he's not happy there then he deserves to pursue other interests because he should not have to be in a place where his hard work is not appreciated. I wish Morrison the best and hope he finds happiness elsewhere.
John Morrison is probably very frustrated about how he's being booked! In ECW Dave lagana and Paul Heyman booked him, And he was a star and now lagana is in Tna ! Maybe that's all he needs is someone who knows how to book him. Someone who could book to his strengths and hide his weaknesses!
I don't buy into John Morrison. He's talented in the ring, but he sure as hell doesn't have that "it" factor to be a top guy in the WWE. When's the last time you heard a killer John Morrison promo? Exactly.

It doesn't help at all that his character is awful. They never really defined who or what he's supposed to be. Is he a hippy rockstar wannabe that still thinks it's 1970? Why does he walk around wearing an unzipped leather jacket with no shirt underneith and sunglasses with crosses on them when it's 10pm? WTF is a "Jomosapian"? Why would anyone buy a shirt with an ape on it that says "We're gonna eat your lunch?" If people knew who the hell John Morrison was supposed to be, maybe they'd cheer for him.

JoMo would be the perfect guy to pair with a manager, and I don't mean Vickie. If he had an early 90's era Bobby Heenan to talk for him and do commentary during his matches, look out. But, it's not that era, we don't have managers, JoMo still has an awful gimmick and the bottom line is he's not making it above mid card whether it's his fault or not. Best of luck in your future endevors, JoMo.
I've been saying it for months, in every thread there is about Morrison.
He's overrated in every aspect. He's a spot monkey, and he's bad on the mic.
He's athletic, but that doesn't make him a good wrestler.
He's got a interesting look, but its not a good look.
He can't cut a promo to save his life, and thats a big down fall, especially for someone who's been a pro wrestler for the better part of the past 10 years.
He let his emotions for Melina completely ruin his WWE career.
He's been given multiple pushes, and has fallen flat at the end of ever feud he's been involved in.

I hope Brodas Clay comes out on Monday's Raw, and ends John Morrison. Its been said that its Morrison's last night on Raw/in the WWE. So let him go out and actually be useful for once. Have Clay come out and completely dominate Morrison and add him to the list of Future Endeavored Superstars aka the House of Shame.

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