TNA Should Sign Morrison, & the Storyline to Change the Landscape

Hell yeah!! One of my favorite tagteams ever. There wasnt one thing i didnt like about these guys. and when mercury came back I was pissed it was with SES instead of w/ morrison to reunite. WWE needs to figure things out with their tagteams. And i'd love to see them in TNA. I saw an indy match w/ Mercury vs styles that was increbile for indy. i can only imagine MNM vs MCMG in a tagmatch. I think if they do it... it'd take off. Who doesn't like MNM and now... they are someone... not just a tagteam who no one knows of. I'd be sad to see JoMo leave WWE but all of a more reason to watch TNA.
what if MnM reformed in TNA?? well it will be awesome...but then it will be destroyed. Morrison shouldn't sign with them unless they intend to make him a former 3 time world heavyweight champion like everyone else in that company..if rhyno can be a champ..the sky is the waiting for Kendrick to take over the promos at the start of the show and then end the night with a good match and him dancing around with their title.....tna is slacking..this should have happened

but yeah MnM wouldn't be a bad idea unlike their 3,000 horrid ideas. (still don't know why Jeff Jarrett still has a job)
From everything I've heard, they want John Morrison to be a major player in the X Division. Nothing against the idea of an MNM reunion, but I think they've been apart too long and Mercury's been out of the spotlight too long for it to work.
Morrison would sweep house in TNA they want him & they're willing to pay let's be honest he's in great shape right now & in his prime. I'd honestly like to see Morrison & Venis get signed to TNA & have them feud because of the video Venis made about Morrison & Melina even though Morrison is 100% better than Venis will ever be
I like this idea a lot. I am not sure about their names being MNM. I’m not sure what the WWE owns as far as that goes. I can see them using their real names and going with JAM for John, Adam, and Melina. They could even go as far as having Johnny Devine, Austin Starr, and Alex Shelly reform the Paparazzi Productions with or against JAM.

They have to, and I mean have to, go for the Tag Titles first. I want to see them recreate their WWE debut and jump the Champs, “Purple Reign” (Crimson and Blue Print make Purple), and then the following week, win the Tag Straps. I wish the Hardys first won the Tag Straps before going for their singles runs. Even a Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam Tag Team would have been nice.

After a Tag Title reign or three, I can see them both going for either the LegGloVision Title or the X-Division Title. Let’s see how that goes before we push either of them to the Main Event.

Oh and not to mention what Melina would do for the Knockouts Division. I can see her holding the Knockouts Title and the Knockouts Tag Titles with Mickie James as M&M.
Morrison would be amazing in the X division IMO

Could have good matches with Sorensen, Aries, Styles, Daniels etc I hope he goes there
TNA needs to worry about the guys they have and quit signing guys that WWE just got let go. They have plenty to work with and don't need to become WWE-Lite.

MNM to TNA does nothing for them because not many people remember them. If anything it's a step back for Morrison.
John Morrison is a very talented wrestler...With that said TNA signing him is really irrelevent in the long term. There is a very good reason for that being TNA either dont want or know how to properly push anybody. When WWE bought WCW the landscape as we knew it was dead. Ask yourself had this been 1997-!999 would Vince just let Morrison leave? No he would not, Vince does not see TNA as in anyway of a viable threat. In my opinion there is no landscape when it comes to TNA-WWE.
According to something I read on a little while ago, allegedly, there's strong interest from TNA officials to bring in both Morrison & Melina and have them work as a couple.

Morrison's original WWE contract expired sometime earlier this month but signed an extension to work shows that he'd been advertised for. His last day is said to be Raw this coming Monday. Allegedly, JoMo has been unhappy and has been looking forward to leaving WWE and the feeling seems to be mutual as WWE hasn't really even tried to convince him to stay.

According to what I read, the top idea floating around right now seems to be making Morrison the centerpiece of TNA's X Division and to have him work a program with Austin Aries. If what I read turns out to be how it actually is, then putting him in the X Division is the best way to use him in my opinion. In some ways, Morrison puts me in mind of Kazarian in the sense that they're both highly athletic, are good inside the ring, have the whole pretty boy thing going on and can't cut a promo to save their lives. They just have the same strengths and weaknesses and Kazarian is pretty much X Division for life I think.

I'm assuming that the 90 day no compete clause will be in effect so, again if this is how it ultimately turns out to be, it'll give Aries a nice long run with the title. At the same time, it'll kinda give a sense of Aries just kind of spinning his wheels until Morrison arrives. I'd say some will be a little put off with TNA pushing another ex WWE guy so prominently and ahead of other guys currently in the X Division, but I don't see anything else to be done. Aries needs a high profile feud against someone with some star power in the X Division and someone to generate interest. The 3 or 4 guys aside from Aries that make up the X Division right now just aren't doing it. Aries already holds several victories over all those guys anyhow and it doesn't look as though TNA is interested in bringing in a relevant X Division great to do anything with Aries.

This is true. Morrison would be a hell of a highlight for the X Division. Despite the lack of mic skills, he can be quite charismatic and the X Division can easily cover for that. Not to mention feuding with a guy like Austin Aries, who has great mic ability and ring skills, TNA might just dig out their new AJ/Daniels pairing.

However the same sources indicate Morrison has interest in acting. I laughed my ass off seeing how it was his main problem in WWE as character, but that might hinder TNA's plans. So I don't think it would be wise for them to hold on Aries just for the off chance that John decides to join them.
This would be a horrible idea. Morrison isnt exactly the kind of guy who could trigger, kickstart, influence or even generate interest in a faction/stable war angle.

I think the OP and many IWC members overrate Morrison and even Benjamin and Haas (as good as they have been in ROH).

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