Sid Vicious returning next month to WWE?

Really not all that excited about Sid Viscious returning to the WWE. The last thing we need is WWE start going after every old and fading stars, see WCW. I haven't heard about anything Sid's done since we broke his leg at that WCW payperview (which is why he never did many moves off the turnbuckle). I agree, I don't think many of the new fans now would give a shit about him, much like how D'lo's responces are so lukewarm (which is a shame, he was always one of my fav low-mid carder). The fans now have a short memory and I'm sure Sid's not as in shape as he was in his prime in WWE so I don't see him making a big impact in the ring. I don't really have too much knowledge of Sid in his WWE days so i can't really comment on his promos, but they'll need to be good and he'll need to have a well planned setup/arrival/debu for him to really get over and make an impact.
If Sid comes in at 48 looking like he did years ago, then that confirms my suspicions about the wellness policy. Sid was probably roiding back in the day, no way he will be in that kind of shape now.

Sid should stay home and the WWE needs to stop hot shotting and come up with real ideas to improve the product.
Like some people are, if indeed he does return, I will be very excited to see him back, but I will know from the start that it won't be the best return since he isn't in his prime anymore.

I think Raw will be the place he goes if he does come back, for some reason I see him coming back as a face even though I think he should be heel. But I think a feud with Kane would be interesting with the storyline, but I don't think the matches will be good as some people will hope.

But overall, I am some what looking forward to his return(if he does) and I will be very happy to see him back only to most likely be disappointed in his matches and use in the months to come.
Furthermore, there aren't many options for Sid Vicious within the company. Who'd he feud with? It'd almost have to be on Raw, because he's a big name. Could he return to side with Shawn Michaels, only to once again turn on him? It's repeating old classics, but repeating none-the-less. Could he go after Kane and give us yet another big man v. big man match that seems great on paper, but ultimately turns to crap in the ring?

He would have to go to RAW, you're right, because he is that big name that's returning. Similar if it was The Rock. Looking into fueds and you're right, he is limited but there are a few which are interesting. John Cena as I've said is one of the most interesting options, because on paper it does indeed look amazing, and in the ring I can see their respective styles complementing eachother. Other wrestlers he could fued with include: JBL, Batista, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Kofi Kingston and Kane. On the SD! side: Triple H, The Great Khali, The Big Show, Jeff Hardy, Edge, The Undertaker, MVP.

So in actual fact, he does have many fueds left which he could do.

Honestly.. I would like to see him return, but I know if/when he does.. it'll get old quick, and I could regret it.

It will only get old if the creative team fuck up his return. By that I mean after the first fued, just chuck him in some pointless fued which means nothing. That just ruins the momentum he has from returning. In any event, he should only get a 2 - 3 year deal, depending on his health and ability in the ring because you'll only be able to get him on a short term deal as he is old.
Is he really going to return to full time wrestling on the road?
I severely doubt it, What's more feasible is that he will make a cameo appearance.

Cyber Sunday is comming up, and thats usually a platform to bring back a couple of old-timers for some nostalgic fans. I remember in 2005, Coach had Big Van Vader in his corner for a match against... either Austin or Batista. Anyway, whats relevant here is that nobody cared about Vader and he ended up looking like a jobber.

If Sid ever was to return, it would be met with some positive reaction by some of the older fans, but, as noted, the younger generation will not care for him. He could come back for a quick feud with Taker or Michaels, for old times sake, but I think this is a one time only deal at best.
Sid is not a big enough name to generate a pop.

Hogan, Flair, Piper, maybe.

But his return will be met by wtf?, just like Dlos return. None of the current audience know who he is. Hell, most people dont know any of the attitude era stars, just guys like Rock, Austin and Triple H, who kept wrestling through to 2003ish(or in the Nose's case, until the present)

Sid fucked his leg up in WCW nearly 10 years ago, thats the last time anyone saw of him
Yeah I don't think many of the new fans would even know who Sid was. If they brought him in they would need to write a proper storyline for him and book him right instead of just expecting the fans to care. I dont think Sid is a big enough name for him to come out and expect huge cheers, so it may be better for him to come as a heel. Even as a heel he would need pushed properly in order to become any kind of name. If they plan for Sid to come make sporadic appearances like Stone Cold or Piper, I dont see the fans really giving to shits, but if creative can do their part he could be come a player.
Well, WZ just more or less confirmed his signing. It'll be interesting to see how old Sycho Sid works nowadays. Haven't seen him since his WCW injury. Man, that clip still gives me nightmares.

But yeah, as remarked before, he functions in the ring and has the irresistible dark charisma. But no way in Hells Pass Hospital, South Park, CO are the fans gonna give him any pop. Half of them are kids who don't have any idea who Sid is. The other half, well, I don't know about them. But either way, I doubt it will be a hero's return - it's not like it's Stone Cold, Hogan or Bret Hart. But it'll be entertaining to see Sid back.
Your right, wrestlezone has a headline saying hes close to signing, I can't wait. The best way to have him make a big impact, is have him help shawn Micheals again like he has in the past, it will get fans interested.
I will believe it when I see it. As far as placing him in the Jericho-Shawn feud. I think it will hurt it. You don't need Sid in the middle of it. That feud is the best thing in the WWE and adding Sid won't do anything but expose his flaws because EVERYONE else can work.

Sid shouldn't be on live TV, if he does come back put him in ECW or Smackdown.
I think Sid returning to the WWE is good for business. He may not be the best worker, but he has a presence that at least shadows the Great Khali.

I think placing Sid in the middle of the Michaels-Jericho feud is a classic idea. It would be great to see WWE start a stable with Jericho, Cade, and Sid. Sid being the enforcer once again. True Wrestling fans would like that I think.
For those of us who remember him, i guess we'll get a kick out of it. But i really cant see the logic unless he is used in the HBK/Jericho angle.

In anycase it'll be interesting to see where it goes, but im sure wwe arent expecting much mileage from Sid, he never gave more than he felt like.
Just watched his vids of his recent NWA performances, and he looks in good shape and has not aged at all. Therefore, that means he still has the only thing that he has ever had, which is his monster appearance. Can't see that this is a long term thing, but no reason why he can't be as successful as he has ever been before over the short term.
I love this! A Sid forum!

Look at how 90% of these posts are for and excited Sid is returning!

I've always been a huge fan of his. When wrestling shoot interviews, autobiographies, and such came out, I discovered a lot of other wrestlers didn't like him. Not personally, but professionally because of his in ring work, the Arn Anderson incident, and the whole softball thing.

First of all with his in ring work. Sid is no technical genius, I'll grant him that. But he doesn't have to be! I don't want to see him go hold for hold with someone. I want to see him go in the ring and beat the living crap out of his opponent. It's always worked for him (just like Hogan, right?). And guess what? The fans LOVE Sid.

So many other wrestlers have complained about him being a waste of time in story lines and all that. Guess what? Sid has been in 3 Wrestlemanias and was involved in the main event OF EACH ONE with the biggest stars in the history of the company. He fought Hogan at WM8 (which was on last and not even a title match), was at ringside for the HBK/Diesle showdown at WM11, and fought Undertaker at WM13. How many wrestlers can say that? When he's a bad a guy, he gets booed. But when he's good, man does he get cheered! I don't know a lot about his WCW/NWA history because I never really watched the shows, but I do know he was a top guy every time he was used. My point is, for this guy to ALWAYS be a main eventer, HE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. Now I'm not a wrestler and obviously haven't been in the ring with the guy, so I don't know what it's like wrestling him. So if wrestlers want to complain about his in ring work, fine. But the fact of the matter is I think all of these guys are JEALOUS of Sid's success either because they haven't had that much success themselves or because they don't think he deserves it.

And about the stupid softball thing, and let's not forget the whole Arn Anderson incident, why not here SID's version of the story himself rather than hearing from all these other jealous wrestlers? Here are links to two shoot interviews with Sid. A must for any Sid fan and something I HIGHLY recommend to a non-Sid fan. here's one from 2007 and one from in between his WWF and ECW stint . In the 2007 interview, he talks about his ideas for potentially returning to WWE

Sid's the man and I really truly hope he's coming back. The WWE needs him. I would love to see him in the ring with Undertaker, Kane, CM Punk, and even Cena, just show much people will cheer Sid and boo Cena out of the building once again. I think even the 10 year olds would take Sid's side.
Sid is not a big enough name to generate a pop.

Are you nuts? Why isn't he a big enough name to generate a pop? He was huge during his prime, which may have been a long time ago, but he is still a huge name. Ask all wrestling fans who have been around a while and they know who he is, and if he returned to the ring they'd mark out.

While most of the fans today who just watch for Cena won't know who he is because they haven't been around for a long enough time, this just shows the need to educate the younger fans of today of the past starts beyond Hogan, Austin and The Rock.
Mann that return would be awesome! I think in order to get him a huge pop though, maybe show many clips, say every week on RAW and/or Smackdown, from his past matches, him beatin the crap outta people, clips from his WM match wit taker, hulk, and so on then leading upto his re-debut. Maybe get lot more fans interested, get to knowin more oof who he was back then and give him a HUGE reaction when he gets back.
I don't think he is going to do anything longterm for two reasons:

1. He is washed up. Ever since that horrendous leg injury in WCW (god, that was disgusting), I doubt that he could ever be the same. Plus he is nearing 50 years old. He is obviously way past his prime.

2. The current fans would have no idea who he is. Hell, they don't even know who D-Lo Brown is, I highly doubt they'd remember Sid, who was in his prime in the mid 90's. He would get little to no reaction at all.

If he does return, I think he'll most likely be part of the Jericho/HBK feud since that seems like the most logical angle for him to be involved in.
I think his run will be very short lived. I can see him going for the title at one PPV, losing, and moving down the ladder. I can see him being like Animal, and Tatanka were on Smackdown. I think he will probably start off on Smackdown, the be demoted to ECW, where he will later be released for being fat or something like that. Hopefully he limits the compound fractures and moves around the ring alright.
1. He is washed up. Ever since that horrendous leg injury in WCW (god, that was disgusting), I doubt that he could ever be the same. Plus he is nearing 50 years old. He is obviously way past his prime.

2. The current fans would have no idea who he is. Hell, they don't even know who D-Lo Brown is, I highly doubt they'd remember Sid, who was in his prime in the mid 90's. He would get little to no reaction at all.

He may be past his prime, but so is Finlay. In today's day and age we can see wrestlers go further into their 40's and 50's due to advances in medicine. We also know that due to his age he wants to wrestle for real and not just for the check.

The reason why D'Lo isn't getting a good reaction is because he was never that special. If the old school fans don't mark out for him no one will follow suit or even imitate a reaction. Sid has the respect of the old school fans and has done enough in his career to warrant a pop.
If that happens, I will mark out soooooo much!

It'll definitely be a short term thing, Sid isn't gonna be around for the long haul. I agree that he should go RAW, even though I'd love to see Sid against Edge, simply because Smackdown has a lot of the top guys on that show. Sid could help even things out on RAW. I could also see them doing a storyline with him and the McMahons upon his return.

you know what? the Sid/Edge thing your thinking about could be a really good idea. i mean, Edge is starting up with this looney personality and his vs Sid's? that would be great in the long run to watch and to see who's the craziest. imagine, all the chaos ringside, tables broken, that would definately draw a crowd. and then people would start chanting ECW again although that match would never happen on that brand. it would definately be interesting to see.
Sid was a huge deal back in his time and was still getting pops in his second run in WCW. He always had this way of connecting with a crowd that is so rare. Could he work in WWE again? Difficult to say. He's certainly still a name and could make an impact if done right. What I'm wondering is how he would do in the ring. He's got to be almost 50 and this couldn't be a long term thing. Maybe a run in ECW, who knows maybe even a ppv match or two. I'd certainly love to see it. One of the best chokeslams ever.
I am kind of torn on this issue. Like some have said, Sid is a big name and could be a good thing if used right like some of the other legends WWE uses from time to time (Foley, Austin, Simmons, Atlas, etc.). I do think he'll need to do a little work to get over as many fans probably don't even know who he is if they don't know who D-Lo is. He always was good with crowd reactions though, so I wouldn't doubt his ability to pull that off. I would just be concerned about his in-ring ability. Is he coming back to be a full-time wrestler? Part-time? Managerial type?
I think we have all seen that leg injury he suffered in wCw in the match against Scott Steiner. It was one of the most gruesome things I've even seen period, much less in the wrestling ring. How will that really hold up? I have to believe just a small miscalculation and that thing could snap like a twig.
On top of all that, he's 48 years old. Clearly that's not a huge problem for a lot of folks (Sting, Nash, Flair, Finlay, etc) but the issue remains. His size poses the biggest problem in that regard. Clearly Big Kev doesn't get around as well as he did back in the day, thus he has limited in-ring competition.
Do I think this can work? Yes
Do I think it will? Remains to be seen
Either way, I would be happy to get another chance to watch a legend like himself and see that awesome chokeslam again
I definitely cannot see Sid getting a long run in the WWE. However - due to Vince's love of the big man I can definitely see him getting into a good feud with say, Kane. If he's lucky he can get a run that will top out at "semi-main event" and last til maybe past Wrestlemania. The guy though was definitely never that good and way past whatever prime he may have had.

All that said I'm still intrigued at the very least to see what kind of impact he may have.
I am all for Sid returning. I would love to see Shawn, week after week getting beaten by Jericho and Cade. So Shawn or even his wife hires him a bodyguard...then his Sycho music starts playing and the ruler of the world returns.
Would be pretty cool for a short term thing.
This gives me mixed emotions.

I think Sid used to be an amazing talent.. He used to have that IT factor, but I feel that as wrestling has evolved that it's shown us you don't need to be HUGE to be a star... CM Punk (however bad he may be sometimes) is a star now..And the guy is as tall as me (And I'm short)

Seeing Sid return would give me a markout for around the first week..And then as the storyline progresses, I know I'd wish him away.

I hate saying that, because believe me..I got a lot of respect for Sid.. It's amazing that he's actually able to return after that leg snap in wcw...


Maybe they are just shaping him for the HOF? Or a sid dvd? Whatever the case may be.. I just don't want wwe to turn out like that 'Legends of wrestling' ppv that came on years ago....

I wish the guy the best though

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