Where does Hardy go now?

Nj Fan 04

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Last night Matt Hardy lost his United States Championship, in what I would call a bit of a surprise. WWE.com didn't even have the match listed on their GAB page. Anyway, now that he's lost his "first major singles championship" will he go after it again and chase Shelton, or does he focus on the ECW title. Tell me where he goes and who he fueds with.

I think he'll chase Shelton for the time being b/c they are going to be busy with Henry and Dreamer in the ECW Title picture, so he'll be stuck chasing Shelton. Hopefully he can win the gold back in a ladder match, but that's just my dream.

My thoughts are that Matt Hardy is a completely overrated singles wrestler. His mic skills are extremely poor, and I do not find his in-ring ability to be very entertaining.

That being said, he is going to get the ECW belt eventually. If you didn't have that one figured out the night of the draft, then you must not have been watching. Hardy is going to get the belt as fast as possible...likely at Summerslam, leading to a feud with he and Morrison.
I was at the GAB last nite, and during the match the crowd was for both men, but I can honeslty say the crowd was surprised to see Hardy lose. I believe with Dreamer now feuding with Colin, that Hardy will go after Henry and end up with the ECW title.
I think they had Matt Hardy lose the US Title so it could go back to SmackDown. Now that that's out of the way, Matt will start to chase Henry for the ECW Title. I don't know how good of a feud it will be (it's hard for ANYONE to carry Henry to a good match), but I'm sure it will end with Hardy winning the ECW Title. After that I see a feud with John Morrison, seeing as he's probably the second most over star on ECW since the Draft. A Hardy/Morrison feud will be great, seeing as how they're probably the two most talented wrestling on ECW right now.
I think they should have Jeff Hardy get mad at Matt for losing the title and say he is the better brother and have them fued. Then have a Ladder Match at SummerSlam to see who is the better brother.
what exactly would they be grabbing at the top of that ladder?

Matt will win the ECW belt by Summer Slam for sure. I think the most important question is what is next for Shelton. Is he finally being pushed? Is the WWE finally focusing on athleticism over......um....girth? Looking at the title picture right now, of the four big champs (WHC, WWE, IC, US) three are athletes and HHH can still put on a good match. Orton is due back and he is very athletic. This is a change from the time when the guy with the best body would be champ and the best athlete would be IC champ.
Hopefully, Hardy will take the title at Summerslam. I thought his U.S reign was too short, and i'd like to see Hardy with a World Belt. Then he could possibly have a fued with Morrison or Finlay, and lose to title to one of them at Armaggedon or Royal Rumble. Don't know how they're gonna get him to win over Henry and make it seem real, but it could be an Extreme Rules Match or a Ladder match.
Like others have said, I think he'll be feuding with Mark Henry for the ECW title. Dreamer will feud with Colin for a while so Mark Henry doesn't have anyone else to defend his belt against. Matt was ECW's biggest draft pick so I think he's going to be their top star eventually.
I just read recently on WWE.com that ECW will host a Fatal Four Way Number 1 Contender's Match for the ECW Title. I think at Summerslam. So, getting to the point, the superstars are going to be: The Miz, John Morrison, Finlay, and Matt Hardy. So, hopefully Matt Hardy wins, in your perspectives. I DO NOT want him to win. I would actually like to see Finlay win this time, being that he has only held the US Title, and not for long. The Miz, he's just not championship material. John Morrison, he's cocky and he doesn't have the moves to back it up. Matt Hardy, he's kind of getting a little worse. I think that's why they sent him to ECW. Matt Hardy just doesn't have the moves neither, except for the Twist of Fate. Finlay, in this case, he has my favorite midget, Hornswoggle, in his corner, the shilleigleh (SP), and he has the submission menuevers to back himself up. I actually think Finlay can beat Mark Henry. Agreements?

Seriously mate? John morrison dosent have the moves? have u watched the guy wrestle? and matt hardys a great wrestler and the miz is improving every day, Finlay as a face sucks hes a great wrestler but i preferred him in 2006 as the hard irish bastard he looks weak dancing around with hornswaggle its so cheesy and not funny anymore its plain boring
I think morrison would make a good ecw champ, but then it would be a heel/heel feud and they need a face in there. I really hope matt gets the shot b/c finlay and hornswoggle gets really annoying and stupid really fast. I personally look forward to a matt hardy/john morrison rivalry
Matt Hardy = boring.

I don't see anything in Matt Hardy that screams I'm a champion.

His look is dated (like a Disturbed fan who's Down With The Sickness cica 2000.), his wrestling ability is mediocre at times, his mic skills aren't anything special, and his finisher is weak.

I'm not saying that I hate Matt Hardy. I just don't see him as a guy who can carry a world championship.


i think he will become the new face of ECW while carrying the championship, there's more heels on the show than face's so it makes sense. i think this is been in the works since the MVP fued, you just knew that one of them would be a main-eventer of a show, and it looks like matt will be the one to step up, and i think its about time matt should be a multiple time midcard title holder(us/inter title), but for some reason WWE didnt see matt's talent, until he was fired.
I was at the GAB last nite, and during the match the crowd was for both men, but I can honeslty say the crowd was surprised to see Hardy lose. I believe with Dreamer now feuding with Colin, that Hardy will go after Henry and end up with the ECW title.
#5 Yesterday, 11:59 AM
Seriously mate? John morrison dosent have the moves? have u watched the guy wrestle? and matt hardys a great wrestler and the miz is improving every day, Finlay as a face sucks hes a great wrestler but i preferred him in 2006 as the hard irish bastard he looks weak dancing around with hornswaggle its so cheesy and not funny anymore its plain boring

View Public Profile Seriously mate? John morrison dosent have the moves? have u watched the guy wrestle? and matt hardys a great wrestler and the miz is improving every day, Finlay as a face sucks hes a great wrestler but i preferred him in 2006 as the hard irish bastard he looks weak dancing around with hornswaggle its so cheesy and not funny anymore its plain boring
All hail the rated r era!

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#4 Yesterday, 11:41 AM
Earth Born, HellBound Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 409


I think they had Matt Hardy lose the US Title so it could go back to SmackDown. Now that that's out of the way, Matt will start to chase Henry for the ECW Title. I don't know how good of a feud it will be (it's hard for ANYONE to carry Henry to a good match), but I'm sure it will end with Hardy winning the ECW Title. After that I see a feud with John Morrison, seeing as he's probably the second most over star on ECW since the Draft. A Hardy/Morrison feud will be great, seeing as how they're probably the two most talented wrestling on ECW right now.
Heel champions work better for ECW. Chavo got better ratings than Kane. Morrison got better ratings then Punk and Show got better ratings than Lashley. Heels always bring the best out of the show. Mark Henry is not the best champion to have, but he is a dominate heel. People tune in to see him possibly lose, but as soon as he does it's like the day after Christmas, who cares anymore. We already saw what we wanted to and now the let down begins. What I think should happen is make this a triple threat match between Henry, Hardy and Morrison with Morrison getting the steal pin on Henry. This sets up possibly better matches for the title without Hardy winning right now and building up his eventual title win. Imagine some of the matches Morrison vs. Finlay, vs. Miz, vs. Kennedy or either Hardy or a combination of some of them. But, Matt Hardy needs the proper build up to be a good champion. He needs to be loved and cheered for. We need him to be the face of ECW, not just another hit in the ratings.
Well my original suspicions (and anyone with half a brain to be honest) were confirmed when Matt Hardy won the No. 1 contenders match for the title.

So it looks like we have Matt going after the title, I personally don't think that Matt will win on his first try. It wouldn't fit that Matt win so quickly because of the new belt, and how they are pushing Henry in general.

It doesn't seem like they look to take the belt off Henry at Summerslam, maybe at Unforgiven.
I think it'll happen at Unforgiven too. I just hope that the build up is good and the ECW writers are on their game because Hardy can definately be great if given the chance, which it looks like he may be about to receive.
Moving Hardy to ECW was a bad move imo. I know they needed to make up for the exodus of Punk and Kofi, but Finlay alone would of been fine imo. Hardy is in the prime of his career. Him winning the ECW belt does nothing to elvate him further, when you consider that the US championship is more prestigeous than the ECW championship. Hopefully Hardy makes the best out of a bad situation.
Matt Hardy was a disappointment as US Champion. His reign as Cruiserweight champion, in the "Mattitude" era was so great, it just made this look so bad. The crazed, jobber-like promo after he won it at Backlash, a feud that should have continued for another few months after Matt Hardy returned from his injury, it just lowered his credibility. His biggest failure was also playing the "consummate face" character. It's like Cena - nobody in real life (or nobody I know) do not break the rules at some point. Matt Hardy just took a beating and it just looked like he was lucky after winning all his matches. Shelton Benjamin has shown he can be a great US Champ, so I hope he does well.

As for his future, I see him losing his ECW Championship match at SummerSlam, but he may win it in a rematch. At least that stops the terrible giant curse that has haunted the belt since WrestleMania. It's just so boring when a monster heel is champ, you know? As for his future beyond that, I don't know. I do believe he deserves to be world champion one day due to his in-ring talent and devotion to the business. That day may not be as far off as one would think. Let's see what happens.

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