WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

My problem with the Bryan/Miz match was, as I've mentioned, Bryan got way too much offense in. I find it unbelievable that he got taken out essentially by one move from Miz. Good match, but definitely not their best.
I doubt Rock had a scripted promo since before his main event run. The guy was good enough to run with bullet points. He did it again tonight. No way was that scripted.

When I use the word "scripted," I mean it in the best sense. The pop lines slamming Cena were written ahead of time. That doesn't mean Rock was handed a manuscript and told to memorize it. Creative works with talent for the best effect. Some talent needs more fleshed-out material, some (like Rock) a lot less.

But he didn't go out there and make the stuff up on the spot.
I don't really think he was told to say much. I think he was told to mention Cena, probably for everything Cena has said about him over the years. Justic Bieber, yeah he had to be told to mention that idiot. Insulting Michael Cole, probably told the odd line but not all of it or most of it. I mean, if you watch, when he goes to say, "You look like a drunken hobbit!" He stutters as if he came up with it on the spot.

And, WWE wouldn't tell him to say bitch or ass. And that's obvious by the way they missed the censor about four times. If they had told him what to say, or a portion of it, they'd have had their fingers ready to pull, but instead they censored words monkey, candy and up, three things kids love :D
I agree with everything you point out, especially:

Solid show last night.

Cena vs. Punk was awesome, but I think Miz and Bryan put on the match of the night. Match was legit incredible.

Those two work very well together.

JoMo took a big step tonight. i've been super impressed with this man lately. I love that the WWE basically cut the fluff and spot monkey crap out of his arsenal and just had him pissed and kicking ass.

Yeah, that was refreshingly straight-forward.

The Rock coming back was obviously huge. I'm not a big fan of running down Cena unless there is some sort of end game yet to be seen.

Despite his "never going away" promise, I don't see the Rock returning full-time, long-time, so I can't see WWE deflating its franchise face for a few months of higher ratings.

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