WWE RAW LD 6/13/2011 -

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
The Truth Comes Marchin' In

"Tonight, R-Truth is seceding from the WWE Universe!"

R-Truth, to the WWE Universe, as the unhinged Superstar - clad in Confederate Army regalia - continued to paint himself as the victim of a conspiracy.

Leavine it All in the Ring

Andy Leavine, who had dubbed himself "Silent Rage," was anything but muted when WWE Tough Enough host "Stone Cold" Steve Austin announced he'd won the show's competition. The 6-foot-5 big man let out a howl when he learned he'd bested the other finalist, Luke Robinson, to earn the coveted WWE contract.


Call it Michael Cole's terrible, horrible, rotten, no good, very bad day. The arrogant announcer interrupted "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and boy, did he pay. Not only did The Texas Rattlesnake drop him with a Stunner, WWE Champion John Cena added his own garnish - a painful Attitude Adjustment.

Plus: Holy Hair Gel Batman...it's that Guy from Superstars!

Yes Ladies & Gents, the Ultimate Broski had his first RAW match of the year last week. Can he continue to build this amazing momentum and get jobbed out yet again? We all know I'll be tuning in to find out, after all; Ryder=Ratings.

On Tough Enou--Wait That's Not Right...

Live on a special three-hour edition of Monday Night Raw, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin takes the reins as guest General Manager for WWE All Star Night. Tune in at 8/7 CT for a memorable - and stunning - evening on USA Network.

Tonight's RAW's Many Questions
Will Steve Austin be stomping mudholes?
Will Cena continue his losing streak to the Truth?
Will Miz continue to receive ass kicking after ass kicking at the hands of Mr. Alex Riley?
Will CM Punk and Rey Mysterio continue trading victories?
Will we see more of the hilarious Kane reaction to Big Show's injury?
Will Dolph Ziggler get a championship match with Kofi Kingston?
Will Booker T continue to help out Evan Bourne?
Will the all important question of will Zack Ryder be wrestling tonight be answered?
And oh so much more...
If I can't sleep tonight (which seems likely), then I'll be here. Looking forward to Silent Rage's debut as well as R-Truth. The guy has been the best thing about Raw for almost two months solid.
Here's to hoping Zack Ryder gets a match tonight on Raw...

And of course, R-truth time will be well worth the reward.
I will be there in attendance! cant wait! First RAW show im going to :)

I even made a sign: RYDER or RIOT!
Why should WWE do anything special for Ryder tonight? Because it's his hometown? It's Curt Hawkins' hometown also but he's not making a big deal over twitter for it.
I got the kids tonight so I probably won't be here much until 9(10 for you eastern folks) til my old lady gets home.
I'll be starting work as the best damn receptionist Camberwell has ever seen on Thursday, so this'll be the last WWE event I watch live for some time. What a rare privilege you have this evening.
JustinRoberts Twitter

"In Long Island getting ready for a 3 hr All Stars edition of Raw and I see JoMo fan, Mr Ryder and The Big O!"

Could it be? Could WWE put the three on the tv?
I would like to see Stone Cold come out to the Disturbed theme again oh shit Punk vs Cena! The Miz looks well with an injured leg.
You know, this show really makes me want to buy WWE All-Stars. No, not really. I'm not manipulated that easily.
I love how this show is promoting All Stars...a game that came out months and months ago.

Awesome promotional work guys, really. When's the 3 hour RAW promoting Smackdown 2?

I'd probably be more excited about Cena vs. Punk if we hadn't already seen it on RAW 30 times. Should still be good though.

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