Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

Wrestling Mind 300 here. Yeah so I decided to join in the wrestlezone family. Why you may ask? We'll, other than i'm a wrestling fan I just thought hey why not! I may not know more about wrestling than most of you out there but you cant underestimate the wrestling mind I have!
Wrestling Mind 300 here. Yeah so I decided to join in the wrestlezone family. Why you may ask? We'll, other than i'm a wrestling fan I just thought hey why not! I may not know more about wrestling than most of you out there but you cant underestimate the wrestling mind I have!

Haha. cool, welcome to the forum, man.

Is Wrestling Mind 300 a Christian name? Yeah, one of the apostles, if I remember correctly.

Prepare for long debates with me on how awesome the New Rockers were.
Hello all. I've been a fan for most of my life. My first wrestling event I can remember attending was a WCW house show with the main event being Sting (Pre-"Crow") and Ric Flair. I also attended Wrestlemania 24. I've since had to move, and now can really only watch it on television and read on the internet. But, as a fan, that's still good enough for me. I look forward to being able to discuss things with the rest of you, and just overall, have some fun times.
Hello all. I've been a fan for most of my life. My first wrestling event I can remember attending was a WCW house show with the main event being Sting (Pre-"Crow") and Ric Flair. I also attended Wrestlemania 24. I've since had to move, and now can really only watch it on television and read on the internet. But, as a fan, that's still good enough for me. I look forward to being able to discuss things with the rest of you, and just overall, have some fun times.

Welcome, sir.

Pre Crow Sting was the best Sting in my opinion.

If you're gonna watch wrestling on the internet, in my opinion, there are no better shows than Insane Championship Wreslting (Scotland.) and Portland Wrestling Uncut.

ICWOnline and KPTV FOX 12 Oregon are the official Youtube channels.

Prepare for countless debates with me about which wrestler has the best fashion sense.
good day folks my name is hayden

ill give you a lil history of me hahahaha....i've been a wrestling fan for 40yrs yes a long time and iam glade they have place's like this i wish they did when i was a kid and i love talking wrestling and anyone that makes fun of wrestling u know dame well they at one point were a fan also and now their just "TO GROWN UP" to enjoy a good show. planed or not
what got me hooked was it was a watched event in my house as a child and BRUNO was the man on the east back then so you know who my fav was as a kid.but after Bruno i was all for the bad guy.i was watching when Bruno got interviewed in the hospital with his neck all hooked up.knowing now that it happened in a diff match but what a angle going forward for the fued.
so as time went on i watched them all and then i seen my fav get the chair shot by larry and man i was hooked big time "the blood" woooooo and yes i went to shea for the event which was awsome.i also liked superstar billy and the The Valiant Brothers and The Executioners.
just when i was ready to move on to some other faze of life i got hooked on fcw and gcw and gorden solie,what a great voice and personality and the cast of greats that showed up on my screen.iam glad i had those yrs to fall back on because what was going on in the WWWF/WWF at the time wasnt doing it for me, "the pre hogan era and the hogan era," even though i liked macho man and later on rick rude they were the only guys i liked back then in the promotion.i did like some of the pre hogan ala bald graham destroying the belt and his kung-fu hahaha good stuff good stuff but i was really into the south at that time and the fueds were classic mr wrestlin and paul jones Ted Dibiase and his claw hold most fueds with Flair or Race aslong as it lead to Dusty getting smack around i was all for it but what a great performer he was Dusty could bleed with the best and fought everyone.and for me the fued of all fueds SWAYER V.S. RICH.nowif youve been around for a while you know of the fued the first "hell in a cell match" for me brutal i use to go to the rag store every other week just to buy a mag just so i could see what i didnt get to see on tv or reports and to this day its amazing that nooo one "but ive read one person has it"has this on 8mm or whatever with all the crap and old stuff that ive watch on u tube and no one has this to show? they just have commercials from the wkend befor the battle and after but no footage? props to the guy out there who is trying to get as much as possible of this match and the guy thats reported of having the only copy of this...DUDE YOUR DOING THE BIZ A INJUSTICE....so as i floundered around looking for the next great thing the end of NWA was sad and WCW wasnt doing it for me they got weird and well Vince was Vince i came across this lil dive in philly....ill explain the rest later gotta go back to work hahahaha...its better to know who your dealing with so ill continue later.....

Hi everybody,

Completely new to this site. Found the forums here while looking for a new site to discuss wrestling of all eras, rather than just current WWE.

I should tell a little more about myself. I've been a wrestling fan for over 20 years, ever since I was a little kid. I grew up on pre-RAW WWF, then followed both sides during the Attitude Era. I never really followed, or saw the genius of, ECW until after the fact, but was a huge fan of ROH during it's formative first 4 years or so. I've been very hit-or-miss with wrestling from about 2006-present, but have recently come back around after seeing many of my favorites 10 years ago are now top WWE talent. Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins, and even guys like Ohno & Sami Zayn in NXT. Just typing that sentence, it's tough to not call them by their indy names.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
good day folks my name is hayden

ill give you a lil history of me hahahaha....i've been a wrestling fan for 40yrs yes a long time and iam glade they have place's like this i wish they did when i was a kid and i love talking wrestling and anyone that makes fun of wrestling u know dame well they at one point were a fan also and now their just "TO GROWN UP" to enjoy a good show. planed or not
what got me hooked was it was a watched event in my house as a child and BRUNO was the man on the east back then so you know who my fav was as a kid.but after Bruno i was all for the bad guy.i was watching when Bruno got interviewed in the hospital with his neck all hooked up.knowing now that it happened in a diff match but what a angle going forward for the fued.
so as time went on i watched them all and then i seen my fav get the chair shot by larry and man i was hooked big time "the blood" woooooo and yes i went to shea for the event which was awsome.i also liked superstar billy and the The Valiant Brothers and The Executioners.
just when i was ready to move on to some other faze of life i got hooked on fcw and gcw and gorden solie,what a great voice and personality and the cast of greats that showed up on my screen.iam glad i had those yrs to fall back on because what was going on in the WWWF/WWF at the time wasnt doing it for me, "the pre hogan era and the hogan era," even though i liked macho man and later on rick rude they were the only guys i liked back then in the promotion.i did like some of the pre hogan ala bald graham destroying the belt and his kung-fu hahaha good stuff good stuff but i was really into the south at that time and the fueds were classic mr wrestlin and paul jones Ted Dibiase and his claw hold most fueds with Flair or Race aslong as it lead to Dusty getting smack around i was all for it but what a great performer he was Dusty could bleed with the best and fought everyone.and for me the fued of all fueds SWAYER V.S. RICH.nowif youve been around for a while you know of the fued the first "hell in a cell match" for me brutal i use to go to the rag store every other week just to buy a mag just so i could see what i didnt get to see on tv or reports and to this day its amazing that nooo one "but ive read one person has it"has this on 8mm or whatever with all the crap and old stuff that ive watch on u tube and no one has this to show? they just have commercials from the wkend befor the battle and after but no footage? props to the guy out there who is trying to get as much as possible of this match and the guy thats reported of having the only copy of this...DUDE YOUR DOING THE BIZ A INJUSTICE....so as i floundered around looking for the next great thing the end of NWA was sad and WCW wasnt doing it for me they got weird and well Vince was Vince i came across this lil dive in philly....ill explain the rest later gotta go back to work hahahaha...its better to know who your dealing with so ill continue later.....


haha, welcome, man.

I reckon ICW has the best atmosphere since ECW, as that one youtube video put it, "Best job of capturing the vibe of the ECW arena ..."

Anyhoozle, welcome.


Not really big on the NWA stuff but have you tried NWA SAW (Southern AllStar Wrestling)? It's good sometimes.

Hi everybody,

Completely new to this site. Found the forums here while looking for a new site to discuss wrestling of all eras, rather than just current WWE.

I should tell a little more about myself. I've been a wrestling fan for over 20 years, ever since I was a little kid. I grew up on pre-RAW WWF, then followed both sides during the Attitude Era. I never really followed, or saw the genius of, ECW until after the fact, but was a huge fan of ROH during it's formative first 4 years or so. I've been very hit-or-miss with wrestling from about 2006-present, but have recently come back around after seeing many of my favorites 10 years ago are now top WWE talent. Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins, and even guys like Ohno & Sami Zayn in NXT. Just typing that sentence, it's tough to not call them by their indy names.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Yeah, welcome, brother, seems like a nice place. I've enjoyed my short stint here. Love the link to the news stories up top.

One of the mods just called me an idiot but other than that, I think this is the forum I've been looking for. haha.

Same here about ECW first match I saw was Shane Douglas's rematch with Taz. A lot of their big stuff was before that.
I hear ya, Rooster. I watched the occasional ECW on TNN, but my big "in" with ECW was the RVD/Jerry Lynn series several years after the fact.
I hear ya, Rooster. I watched the occasional ECW on TNN, but my big "in" with ECW was the RVD/Jerry Lynn series several years after the fact.

Looking forward to Unreleased volume 2 on netflix, if it ever comes out on there.

First one had some pretty cool obscure matches on it.
i was a big fan of ECW i started going right befor the bad breed fued and man the things i witnessed all those years was amazing and meeting all those wrestlers AWSOME....i took the 2hr trip to viking hall every other wk until the doors were closed and it was a sad day.peps that never went to the hot house will never understand the energy of the moment of ECW,ive seen a lot of live shows and most promotions in my area but man ECW was a diffrent monster.i think of it as a promotion that others wished their could be but cant be.even with the deep backs of some owners they still cant create that electricity,it was a thing of art and beauty and if you never attended a show and only seen DVD'S they dont do the promotion just "LONG LIVE ECW"...the talent alone that came through there legendary....now for R.O.H i went to a few of there shows during the punk somoa joe and aries daniels days,some great match's talking to aries while takin a piss was funny and chillin in the parking lot with bryan "who knew what his future would be"i liked nigel and claudio but once that crew was gone i was like iam done travelin...and my last thing on this is FU joe U STILL SUCK.......HW
Hey everyone !

Knew the site for quite a while, but just decided to register since I was looking for a good forum to talk about wrestling and I mean not juste PG Era WWE kinda wrestling. I've known wrestling since my 3rd birthday (Now 22) and I never stopped watching since.

A little about myself, I'm an Indy local wrestler in my hometown, Montreal, Canada. I got my very first desire to be in a ring during the Attitude Era of the WWE and the huge feud of the Monday Night Wars. Then discovered the Indy scene with the Danielson, Punk, Castagnoli, Hero and I miss a lot of other. That's pretty much it, if there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask !
Alright boys.

Found this site whilst I was looking for some wrestling discussion.

My name is Adam, as you may've guessed from my name, and I mainly watch WWE, though I have watched other shows once in a while.

I enjoy reviewing wrestling shows, and I'm about to start the process of reviewing every single WWE/WWF PPV since the start of the Millennium!
Hi all,

I am new to the forums. Following WWE(F) since Attitude era. Have been following the forum since long time - Enjoyed reading the posts here. Finally decided to join up.
I've been a wrestling fan since back in the NWA days. I would get up on Saturdays and watch "The Main Event". I watched those shows until the WWF/WWE made it's presence and still, somehow in my mind, remember the match at Wrestlemania (can't remember the exact match because my disability affects my memory - information about that below this) where Hogan won the title from Andre' (of course, what I heard was that the decision had been made previously to let Hogan win the title because Andre' was in bad health at the time(?).

My name is Tony Trout and I'm 37...disabled with Cerebral Palsy/Hydrocephalus since birth on May 20, 1976...was given a death sentence when I was born, basically. If I lived, I would have to be institutionalized because of my disability and I wouldn't know anybody or anything and be in a vegetative state. However, I'm still here and, not only that, I can play several different musical instruments. Missed a chance just recently of going "big-time" with a local band but...guess it wasn't meant to happen.

I've bought or had most of the WWE/WCW wrestling games that have been released on most consoles - however, I only have the most recent ones for the X-Biox & X-Box 360. Due to limited finances, I probably won't ever be able to afford an X-Box One.

I think that it's very cool that there are actual wrestlers here and that they will visit and answer questions. I have read the rules and will try to do my best and behave. I think I'm gonna like it here!

I wanted to use an avatar of my favorite singer, Elvis Presley, but it wouldn't let me. Oh, well.....

Again, thank you guys for having me. I was searching for other wrestling forums and came upon the actual site and saw that there was a forum and decided to register and see what it's like here.

1. I don't spam - so ya'll won't have to worry.

2. I don't post any porn images and never will. I find it degraging to women.

3. I'll never flame anyone. I always like to try to make friends since I've always felt like a "loner" with not a lot of friends due to my disability. I even had an ex-girlfriend/ex-fiance' tell me to my face that my disability scared her. :(

4. I'm an "old school" wrestling fan and my favorites are/were:

Hulk Hogan


Ted "The Million Dollar Man" DiBiase

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Dusty Rhodes

Ric Flair

Randy "Macho Man" Savage

Steve "Sting" Borden (the Stinger Splash - WOW!)

The Undertaker




Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
(he always reminded me of the late Bruce Lee, somehow)

The Rock

Jutian "Thunder" Liger

Lex Luger

And many others...sadly, I never "got into" ECW or TNA or IW but never have been blessed enough to attend a match due to my disability. Those brands just don't excite me like WWE and WCW did/does.

5. I'm not here looking for any sympathy because I'm disabled.

I guess that's about it for now from me! Thanks for having me, everyone!! If anyone might wanna know more, just shoot me a PM and I'll be more than happy to answer ya!
Hello, i'm the Dudley Boy, i'm new here, and my favourite wrestlers are:
- Cm Punk
- Macho Man Randy Savage
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- The A.P.A.
- Booker T
- Undertaker
- Edge
- Team 3D
- Bret Hart
Yo, I be GorgeousGeoff.

I'm sorry, I know my attempt at trying to be cool was lame. :blush:

Anyway, I'm 23 and have been a fan of wrestling for life! I've never really had many friends, I've been a bit of a social outcast. I do have one friend that I know likes wrestling though! We thought maybe registering for a wrestling forum would be a great way to express ourselves! My friend I believe has registered :confused:.

Anyway, my other interests include the bands Nirvana, Alice In Chains and The Pixies (even though all of my friends hate them :() as well as GFX creation.

My favourite wrestler of all time as you can probably tell is Gorgeous George!
Yo, I be GorgeousGeoff.

I'm sorry, I know my attempt at trying to be cool was lame. :blush:

Anyway, I'm 23 and have been a fan of wrestling for life! I've never really had many friends, I've been a bit of a social outcast. I do have one friend that I know likes wrestling though! We thought maybe registering for a wrestling forum would be a great way to express ourselves! My friend I believe has registered :confused:.

Anyway, my other interests include the bands Nirvana, Alice In Chains and The Pixies (even though all of my friends hate them :() as well as GFX creation.

My favourite wrestler of all time as you can probably tell is Gorgeous George!
Hey Geoff! Man it's been ages, I remember watching wrestling as a kid together, ah those were the days.

Hey everyone, I'm 21 years old and a massive fan of wrestling, I used to love watching big guys "risk" their lifes as a kid, it was just so amazing. I decided (Like my friend Geoff) to join the wrestling forum to truly express my feelings about wrestling! :blush:

I'm a bit of a weirdo who's into bands like Midnight Oil, and a fair few Japanese bands (Don't you loves short cute Asians?)

My favourite wrestler is Iron Sheik, he's just so badass. :worship:
I'm new poster here, but have been by the site many times over the years. I've been a fan of wrestling since growing up as a kid in Oklahoma in the 1980s watching Mid-South Wrestling/Universal Wrestling Federation. I still follow it when I can though not like I used to. However, I still make quite a few shows in a year and have met my share of stars over the years.
My names Adam im 27 from Scranton, PA. I've been watching wrestling for well over 20 years. Been following this site for a while now and figured I would join the message board to chat it up. Me and my wife are really into current WWE, and WWF/WCW history etc. Don't really follow the indie scene but I keep up with NXT and dabble with ROH. Most of my friends think im crazy for watching this stuff and that's why im joining this board to talk to like minded individuals and maybe makes from friends.
Hey wzup. I been a fan of this site and forum 4 yrs. I finally got a phone that is compatible w/joining da forum and am excited 2 debate w/wrestling fans all over da world.
I have another account on here from awhile back but I completely forgot the name of it and email associated with it so I made a new account. Trying to get my 10 initial posts done.

Anyways, I'm 23 and from Connecticut. I live right down the street from WWE HQ. I drive by it several times a week. I am a HUGE wrestling fan. Can't stand the current WWE product though. I'm getting through it one day at a time. I am optimistic that it will get better someday, hopefully sooner rather than later. I enjoy TNA from time to time. It's a nice change to see some blood and violence. I am very excited for the new WWE Network. Can't wait to watch all of the old PPV's from the mid 90's to mid 00's.

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