What Is Stupid About WZ

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Personally I think the 10 posts before you make a thread is incredibly stupid. Noobs should be allowed to me constant threads about hopw shit Cena is, and how dare we prevent bots from advertising viagra.

Advertising is not allowed by the way. It's a new rule, read the Exclusives rules for more details.
I know I'm tired of main stie posting the same stories over and over with no new information in the new headline. As for the board, just lighten up on the dictatorship.
There is no dictatorship. It's enforcing the rules. Yoe really can't let people do whatever they want. It's a fact.
Not to mention, why can't we just randomly go around flaming each other? People do it in real life and get by with it. I say we should be able to as well!
What is stupid about WZ?

I keep looking in the prison and I'll tell you that it looks like more fun then the rest of the forum.
Did Chris Cash really say that we can't show YouTube videos in our posts?

Is that some kind of fucking joke?

I never thought YouTube was a wrestling news/forum and that it was considered competition to WrestleZone. He wants us to link to the videos instead of showing them in the thread? So in other words, he wants us to go to YouTube.com. Because advertising on here usually means posting links to websites, which has always been taboo. So instead of not leaving Wrestlezone and providing absolutely ZERO traffic to YouTube, he wants us to leave Wrestlezone and go to YouTube, giving them traffic instead? Where is his logic?

Make sure you don't mention any name brand products either! That would be advertising! So from now on, don't say Pepsi, say Cola Beverage.

And Band-Aids? Adhesive bandages.

And don't even THINK about mentioning the WWE or TNA, as that too would be advertising would it not?

Christ, Cash comes in and accuses us of having some sort of dictatorship with rules, then goes and enforces new ones that are 10x more strict then anything we've ever enforced. Ridiculious. Maybe if he spent more then 10 fucking minutes on these forums, we would take his opinion for more then just being totally fucking ridiculious.

But hey, clearly Cash knows more about how these forums then we do. I mean, it's not like we spend 200000000000000 times as much time on here then Chris ever has or ever will.
I would just like to thank my sponsors:


I want to thank Gatorade, Home Depot, Giant Eagle, National City Bank, Footlocker...Radioshack, and Wrigleys gum.
So, are the 'rules' that Chris Cash enforces official? So, we can no longer post Youtube videos, like this:

Or, talk about Google, and Wikipedia.


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