Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

hey im mike from chicago. started watching wrestling around the age of 6 back in 1996 and took a little break from 2003 to 2005 but ive always loved wrestling and everything about it. cant wait for monday night wars part 2
Matt Boone on the main site posted the live event results that I submitted for the Smackdown/ECW house show in Bristol, TN this past weekend. I'm pretty stoked about that. Yes, I know I'm a loser lol. I don't need anyone to tell me.
Hey, Im Aaron. From Baltimore. Favorite Wrestler is Christian, Favorite Promotion is TNA, atm at least. Im 27, Favorite Food is Pizza, Drink is Pepsi. Is that a ok intro?

Welcome, go post in the TNA section, good stuff. Follow the rules and all that jazz.

hey im mike from chicago. started watching wrestling around the age of 6 back in 1996 and took a little break from 2003 to 2005 but ive always loved wrestling and everything about it. cant wait for monday night wars part 2

Doubt that'll happen anytime soon, but welcome nonetheless. Remember to follow the rules ... or else.

Matt Boone on the main site posted the live event results that I submitted for the Smackdown/ECW house show in Bristol, TN this past weekend. I'm pretty stoked about that. Yes, I know I'm a loser lol. I don't need anyone to tell me.

Hey loser. Just kidding, welcome, post here, have fun, don't spam, yadda, yadda, yadda
Hey everyone. I'm Jamie. I've been a long time lurker, but just barely decided to make an account. I hope to add to the conversations going on, and uh... see you in the forums.
Hey guys/girls...new to the forum here. Wanted to let everyone know that I have started a blog at http://chairshots.wordpress.com/ and everyone is welcome to check it out (subscribe if you are feeling friendly) and read my opinions and share your own. I really like talking wrestling and related subjects, such as wrestling books/dvd reviews and whatnot. So swing on by! Thanks!
Greetings and salutations. The name here (and a few other places) is DigitalNight, even though I have been around the internet under many different titles.

Favorite Wrestler (Living): MsChif
Favorite Wrestler (Dead): Owen Hart
Favorite Promotion (Living): Ring of Honor
Favorite Promotion (Dead): USWA (Memphis)

I decided after a year of lurking and wishing to make commentary (and a case of major procrastination) I have chosen to come out of the proverbial shadows to make bizarre one-off commentary and probably make no sense at all.

I will leave here with a quote that I find amusing: "Women. Can't live with 'em... They won't go out with me." - Vork from The Guild.
Hello, I'm Mak from Milwaukee and I have been an wrestling observer for many years expect for a break for a few years until about a year ago. I'm an avid Smackdown fan these days, and this username I recently came up with, been around the internet for about 5 years with many titles.
Hello, I'm Mak from Milwaukee and I have been an wrestling observer for many years expect for a break for a few years until about a year ago. I'm an avid Smackdown fan these days, and this username I recently came up with, been around the internet for about 5 years with many titles.

Welcome aboard! Enjoy our forums and please make sure to read the rules. If you ever have any questions feel free to PM me or any other staff members.
I am bongorider, I have been a wrestling fan for a long time, hence I am quite old by average mark standards and have also seen the glory days, which makes me extra cynical.
Hiya, i am oogieboogie, i am 29 from the UK. Have been a wrestling fan since 1991. It was around the time of the Royal Rumble when Warrior lost the title.
I am bongorider, I have been a wrestling fan for a long time, hence I am quite old by average mark standards and have also seen the glory days, which makes me extra cynical.

Hiya, i am oogieboogie, i am 29 from the UK. Have been a wrestling fan since 1991. It was around the time of the Royal Rumble when Warrior lost the title.

Welcome aboard to the both of you, enjoy our forums and make sure to read the rules. Most of all, enjoy the discussion though.

If you ever have any questions feel free to ask me or any other staff member.
This is gonna sound silly, but where are the rules which need to be read?

They're located at the very top of every forum, but here's the link to them:


We've got really simple rules, the only thing you really need to know is that you need to provide some form of explanation to your opinions in the non-spam sections. Like instead of just posting "I like Triple H", post "I like Triple H because (insert whatever reason here)".
They're located at the very top of every forum, but here's the link to them:


We've got really simple rules, the only thing you really need to know is that you need to provide some form of explanation to your opinions in the non-spam sections. Like instead of just posting "I like Triple H", post "I like Triple H because (insert whatever reason here)".

Thank you for that.
Hey guys, I'm BDaMan. Long time reader of the news at the site, but just got interested in the forums a few days ago (mostly because of the intelligent talk I see here). Been a wrestling fan since about '97, '98, when I first played WWF Warzone for N64.
Welcome BDaMan612 and Frosty to the forums. Hope you enjoy the facilities provided and post away to your hearts content, following the rules of course. The biggest piece of advice I can give is not to spam in the non-spam areas and to use correct grammar/spelling if you want to get noticed for your contributions.

Good luck and enjoy.
I have been a wrestling fan since the mid80s and always have rooted for the heels except for two specific wrestlers who no matter what they are face or heel I root for and they are THE PHENOM and WHOLE F'N SHOW both are great performers
N64 WARZONE was way ahead of its time definitly better storyliine for a game that they haven't been able to duplicate for some reason.
let me say that honestly I was weary of listening to what are known as smarks or smart marks for wrestling talk smack about the world of pro wrestling so instead of just sitting on the sidelines and complain about them I figured I would try to be proactive and join this forum to put some common sense to work with some of these ideas. that are getting thrown around in here LOL
You seem like a special type of fan then if you like someone who enjoys punting old men and impact DDTing women, kodiak. :lmao: It's good to have different perspectives. Welcome to the forums and remember to not spam.
I have been a wrestling fan for pretty much my whole life i like all kinds of wrestling, i ahve looked at the forums and just signed up.

the forum is awesome cant wait to get into it and have fun with other wrestling fans
hello everyone my name is rich, long time reader of wrestlezone but first time poster. have loved wrestling all of my life being mostly a wwf/wwe fanboy up until recent( not looking to start a tna wwe debate). so just thought i would stop here and say hi to everyone at the boards!
Supp ! Thee name be Raul. Ive been reading thee site for awhile and decided to join the forums here. Not new to the forum game so yeahh. WWE fan and TNA fan. I digg other sports too. It looks pretty awesome here so far. haha
Supp ! Thee name be Raul. Ive been reading thee site for awhile and decided to join the forums here. Not new to the forum game so yeahh. WWE fan and TNA fan. I digg other sports too. It looks pretty awesome here so far. haha

Welcome, man. I'm glad to see another MMA fan signed up. I hope you stick around and continue to post in the section.

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