Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

did anyone read my post? I said that I cant post new threads because my account isnt validated. Can someone please send me a validation link?

You can't start a new thread because you need to have 10 posts.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, and please read the Rules/FAQ, and visit the TNA section!
Welcome to all of the new members! We look forward to reading your stuff. Please remember to view the rules and feel free to visit all of the great sections of the forum!!
Hi long time reader and lurker. I would have posted more but I forgot m password forcthe site. I'm Australian 23 and have been watching wrestling my whole life litterally and I'm a massive fan of tna tho I still watch wwe. I am also trying to noth up my 10 posts so I can make threed
Yo, I just made this on December 13, 2009. Remember that date dudes and dudettes cause thats the date WrestleZone forums became a Hit. The name's Castillo. Austin Castillo.
Welcome, guys. Please remember to read the rules and get involved in the End of Year Awards for both wrestlers and Posters on this site. Looking forward to reading your stuff!
Hello, my name is Ariel. I've been watching wrestling since I was eight (17 now). I also enjoy watching UFC and TNA. I found these forums earlier this year. Nice to meet you all!
Hey everyone, my name is Kevin and I just signed up. I'm 23 and have been following wrestling my entire life. My all-time favorite wrestler is Shawn Michaels. There have been many people who have tried to persuade me over the years that he isn't the greatest of all-time....they have all failed lol.
How the fuck does no one have that name? Anyway welcome to the forums. It's a great forum and don't spam.
I was in such a hurry to start posting that I didn't even think of dropping an intro. I'm Dirty Jose, and I love this stuff. I'm usually hesitant to join forums, but there is no way I could get tired sharing ideas and opinions with so many others like me.

I watch WWE mainly, but I have been following TNA for a while, and I've been keeping my eye on ROH. I believe that neither are perfect, but each has their strengths. I also have started checking out PWG here in LA.

Have fun & go crazy!
Hello,I've been reading the forums for a while and decided to join today,and also post a new thread on Sheamus winning the WWE Title from Cena just now,but I couldn't.
Just to say hi, my name is Evan, I'm 25 and from the UK.
Been following WWF/WWE since I was about 10 and still enjoy it now! Love the storylines - it's entertaining as hell.

Kinda been disappointed with WWE for a bit now - this whole 'PG' rating thingy is doing nothing for them imo. Started to follow TNA quite a bit.

Anyway...yeah...hi :)
Welcome all your new members. Please read the rules, which I still need to do actually... anyways, hope you enjoy your time spent on these forums... they are... I'll just interesting. haha, really they are fun. Watch out For Sidious though, he'll try to bring you to the darkside. D-Man is the resident man... Coco.. well he is special. Doc is here to patch you up and Tenta will always lend a shoulder and me... I'm an ass so yeah, there ya have it.

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