[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

  • Production Value

  • Current Talent Roster

  • Management Personnel

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There is one thing I noticed about WWE, is that they are Everywhere- from Orphanages to Rehabilitation centers, to BA Star campaigns to shows with the Armed forces; whereas TNA is just centered in their Impact zone like a not-so-rich company, instead of trying to expand. (Yes, they did Ring ka King in India and are popular in England, but I'm talking about USA). So if they do those things too, it could work better in attracting attention than filing a lawsuit against WWE would.
You two must be watching completely different shows, and calling others sheep for "not seeing" the amazing greatness that they are supposedly pushing out every money is sheep mentality in itself, just cause you like it doesn't mean everyone else does so you have to go by there ratings and ppv buys which continue to stink, if things had improved they'd be getting greater number of viewers (well those that can get Impact atm) and the PPV buys would've increased through word of mouth when it actuality there PPV buys and ratings have gone backwards if they've moved at all.

What does that say? it sais people that were watching having stopped or can't watch cause the networks refuse to air it or those that did buy a PPV refuse to pay for another.

Not saying in the least that WWE is spectacular cause clearly it hasn't been in a long time but this year is there closest to a turn around they've had in half a decade and saying TNA is better is rose glasses, it's no different at best.
The things that need to be fixed in TNA are really quite simple. The X Divison needs some REAL competitors. Bring back Low Ki, Petey Williams, Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin add RVD to the X division and than Bam- you have a stacked X division roster. Get rid of the KO's tag titles! They were okay as a prop for TBP, but that is over. So, it's time to scrap them. Repenish the KO's division. I think TNA only has four female wrestlers and Tessmacher (she isn't good in the ring by any strech so she isn't legit in my eyes). Set up some long term tag teams. I know that these days companies (tna and WWE) split up tag teams on a weekly basis, but that needs to stop. Wrestling needs tag teams that stay together for LONG periods of time, and by long I mean YEARS! Finally- it is time to get the hell out of the impact zone! That crowd is dead and it doesn't looks like a second rate show. When TNA went to London at the Wembly arena it looked like a legit show. The crowd was hot and the pops were huge. TNA would appear so much better if they stuck to a plan like that. They NEED to hell out of the Impact Zone!

I will say that the BFG series has been amazing this year. I never missed an episode. Unfortunately, I can't stand the guy who won it, but I understant why he did. It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$
for me it's some simple things
* The PPV's suck

Couldn't disagree more. The PPVs have been awesome since Sacrifice. Roode, Hardy, Aries have been tremendous

What is wrong with TNA? Not the wrestling, not the PPVs, it's the writing. They had a good spring last year with the Angle/Jarrett-feud, and they had good summer this year with Aries and the Abyss-lawyer. Honestly they can't keep a good thing going. Whether it was Russo writing or the current writing team. Impact is good for two months and then it's back to all the crappy angles that never make sense and stupid stables, the rotating general managers, Sting trying new gimmicks, WWE ripoffs etc.
There are only two things I have issue with. The Impact Zone, and commentary. I guess I'd be okay with weekly Impacts still in Orlando but PPV's should ALWAYS be elsewhere that's just my opinion.

As for commentary I would like both to be replaced, though I can tolerate Tenay I really do not like Taz he just talks so much crap and his tweener character bores me. Neither of the two really sell big moments either.
I think one of the big problems with TNA is their fans.

Not only are there not enough, but the ones they do have are too picky. A lot of people watch TNA. Maybe not as many as Raw or Smackdown, but the number is still pretty high. The problem is, many of them are way to picky. They nit pick everything they hate about Impact. They hate on the product, the wrestlers, and the management. A lot of times it may be well deserved, but for the majority its just them bitching about whatever everyone else is bitching about. They do it because its easy pickings. TNA is like that kid everyone picks on in High School. Everyone bullies him for two reasons- its easy to do and everyone else is doing it.

Just enjoy the product.
my god i cant believe im going to respond to this crap but what the hell, got some time to blow and some bong hits to do, why not shit on tna :)

my reasons why i hate tna:
*who kidnapped samoa joe?
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*what happened to jay lethals legends challenge? (tatanka and the anvil are the only legends tna could get? lol)
*what happened to weekly tv title matches?
*MEM vs Frontline. nuff said.
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*what happened to the world elite?? i actually liked them...
*a tag team of human sized condoms named the johnsons.
*wtf was the point of nikita koloff showing up??
*elizabeth recently killed and luger facing 13 drug counts...so what does tna do? bring him in to fight AC STYLES. no thats not a typo. google it if you dont remember or just dont know.
*ripped off undertakers return videos for sting.
*pacman jones as tag team champ.
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*legends championship...er, global championship...er, i mean...well what-the-fuck-ever, you get the point. its the tv title now and they even fucked that up.
* a team named after vince mcmahon initials, VKM. just sad.
*daffney suddenly became sarah palin, like fans didnt know it was daffney. smh.
*fired petey williams. kept steiner.
*aj vs daniels, 17 times a year for the last 10 years. maybe more. (ok im exaggerating but the point is i never want to see these two in the same match in any form ever again.)
*hey, which wwe guy wants a belt? tna gives them away! christian, rhino, angle, kennedy, hardy, foley, rvd, etc. fuck homegrown talent, we just stick our belt on big names so ten years from now our lineage LOOKS impressive.
*feast or fired. dumb. bfg series, even more ******ed.
*cody deaner was KO champ.
*lashley technically still has a title shot...another unfinished tna storyline.
*stripping kong and hamada of the belts "for not defending them in the last 30 days".....even though they just defended them 21 days before.
*immortal. omfg....just completely failed at trying to be the "nwo moment" they wanted it to be.
*kurts bullshit tweets

since im bored now im done racking my memory of all the things i hated about tna. ill end it with this. when hardy showed up for the ppv all fucked up and ruined the main event, tna offered some free online subscription. screw that, i wanted my money, the tna product i had just bought was shit, i dont want more of it to make up for it. just give me my money. but worst of all they didnt fire hardy. in fact they brought him back and gave him the belt like he was some sort of hero. and now from what i hear he is back in the title picture. i wouldnt know, i havent watched it since the hardy victory road incident. but i do have to laugh at a video i was given recently showing the aces and eights thing ( total sons of anarchy rip off). it has the voices undistorted and it is so clearly bischoff....sorry if i ruined anything but if you didnt already know who it was going to be.....

they also need to get rid of the KO's completely.they dont have anywhere near enough tv time or roster size for a division of workers who are extremely limited in what they can do. x division guys can wrestle tag team or heavyweight guys. KO's can only wrestle KO's. cut it. even wwe didnt try a serious diva division until long after they had two shows. for crying out loud they even have TWO fucking KO titles.

ok im done. i hate tna and to sum it all up, it was fun for a few years then it got bad, then worse and then the hardy incident was the final straw for me. i dont care if 20 years goes by...i dont get bit by the same dog twice......ill never watch tna again or take my nieces to their shows, which sucks because tna comes here more than wwe and i dont take them to wwe either. thank god we have our own wrestling fed. just met rhino two weeks ago.

p.s. no googling was done here. this is all from the memory of a former DIE HARD, weekly ppv buying tna fan. i WAS one of you. defending even the toby keith bullshit.
You two must be watching completely different shows, and calling others sheep for "not seeing" the amazing greatness that they are supposedly pushing out every money is sheep mentality in itself, just cause you like it doesn't mean everyone else does so you have to go by there ratings and ppv buys which continue to stink, if things had improved they'd be getting greater number of viewers (well those that can get Impact atm) and the PPV buys would've increased through word of mouth when it actuality there PPV buys and ratings have gone backwards if they've moved at all.

No, sheepism is saying that you must look at PPV buys and TV ratings for proof of quality. That's sheepism at it's ultimate. That amounts to looking at other people to justify your own opinion. Any number of things affect ratings and PPV buys, quality being only one of them. If anything, most people will blame TNA management for alot of that and they'd be right. I've been watching wrestling (WWE, ECW, WCW) for years and although I've wanted TNA to succeed, I've never thought their product was as strong as it is now. I don't think anyone is a sheep for disagreeing, so let me recant that.
TNA's 'in ring wrestling' is much better than WWE's on a weekley basis. This is why I love TNA, for the in-ring stuff. I watch both shows religiously and the gaps in class are very clear. Being situated in Orlando every week is painful for TNA's product, no question a change in scenery would do them a world of good. I don't know how rich Dixie is, but budgets show by just looking at the production WWE set up for live t.v event every time guarenteed! WWE is so advance production wise (lighting, stage, visual camera shots, audio, playback) even the script and general run through of televised shows run smoother on WWE programming. MONEY is the difference that makes the two products stand apart so much. As far as 'scripted storylines' go, I find both as painful as each other sometimes, but I watch because wrestling is my passion regardless. TNA need to travel more and gain a heavy investor or investors who are whilling to pump money into the company to even consider getting to the WWE's 'level' in terms of audience, production and following. It costs alot of money to market and advertise a show, obviously WWE are going to win every time here.
I also think if you was to write down both rosters from each organisation side by side, it's clear TNA's roster is far more experienced and in general have better preformers/wrestlers. Just my poinion by the way.
To some it up, TNA first need money to improve the quality and production. Then get out of that bloody impact zone and take the show on the road.
Before I get on to the negatives I wanted to start with the biggest positive. IMO TNA is so much better than it was 18 months/2 years ago. The storylines they do have are being allowed to develop and some good new characters have been bought through (who would have thought Bully Ray would have done as well as he has). AA may have been given the belt a little bit too early but he's got a ton of potential and its good to see he has been given some TV time to run with the ball and get some ME experience.
There are some negatives however, everyone else has talked about the Impact Zone so Im not going to cover that, but I do agree with everything everyone else has said.
1) I do sometimes wonder about how they time things, although its been done numerous times the 'mystery invaders' angle is always a good device, it gives you the opportunity to introduce some new talent to the roster or turn performers you currently have if their gimmick is getting a little bit stale, its a good heat magnet. However Aces and Eights seems to have been horribly dragged out and its getting dull already, we are probably going to get some kind of reveal either at or soon after BFG but Im afraid I will have lost interest by then, they need to speed this up and get to the point, Im beginning to think that unless TNA have some genuine big names to come in, the final faction members are destined to be a bit of a disappointment.
2) Hogan. I get the theory, Hogan is the most familiar name associated with the word wrestling, not just among fans but also to people who arent fans in the slightest. So by bringing him in, TNA was hoping for some good exposure. The theory is sound, however they botched it in a massive way, as Hogan arrived the product SUCKED big time, The Nasty Boys (!) were allowed TV time for crying out loud. Any mainstream press or casual fans they may have picked up as a result of Hogans arrival were quickly lost and the fans who were left are stuck with an old, out-of-touch and out-of-shape Hogan who seems to offer nothing to the on screen product at all. I cant think of many people who would be sad if he disappeared off of TV all together.
3)History - TNA has to recover from a horrible period in its history, Hogan, the Jeff Hardy incident, Fortune v Frontline, the rehash of ECW and the resulting stable all these things were, for the most part, terrible, they are trying to win people back, its working slowly but they have a lot of work to do to repair the damage with the casual wrestling fan.
4) Daniels/Kaz v AJ with Dixie Carter - How terrible was this! Here are three fantastic wrestlers stuck in one of the most stupid storylines in some time. Maybe creative were struggling for something for them, but this ate up hours of TV time and meant and did nothing for anyone involved. Im glad its over.

TNA will never be and cant be WWE, I wouldnt want them to be. Its nice to have an alternative to the mainstream, but thats what it should be, alternative, rather than a cheaper immitation.
TNA is at its best right now since its 2006 glory. I am more entertained by Impact than I am Raw these days. I find its angles interesting and fresh, and I love the roster (RVD, Daniels and Kaz, Samoa Joe, Aries, Roode, Sting, Hulk).
my god i cant believe im going to respond to this crap but what the hell, got some time to blow and some bong hits to do, why not shit on tna :)

my reasons why i hate tna:
*who kidnapped samoa joe?
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*what happened to jay lethals legends challenge? (tatanka and the anvil are the only legends tna could get? lol)
*what happened to weekly tv title matches?
*MEM vs Frontline. nuff said.
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*what happened to the world elite?? i actually liked them...
*a tag team of human sized condoms named the johnsons.
*wtf was the point of nikita koloff showing up??
*elizabeth recently killed and luger facing 13 drug counts...so what does tna do? bring him in to fight AC STYLES. no thats not a typo. google it if you dont remember or just dont know.
*ripped off undertakers return videos for sting.
*pacman jones as tag team champ.
*dixies bullshit tweets.
*legends championship...er, global championship...er, i mean...well what-the-fuck-ever, you get the point. its the tv title now and they even fucked that up.
* a team named after vince mcmahon initials, VKM. just sad.
*daffney suddenly became sarah palin, like fans didnt know it was daffney. smh.
*fired petey williams. kept steiner.
*aj vs daniels, 17 times a year for the last 10 years. maybe more. (ok im exaggerating but the point is i never want to see these two in the same match in any form ever again.)
*hey, which wwe guy wants a belt? tna gives them away! christian, rhino, angle, kennedy, hardy, foley, rvd, etc. fuck homegrown talent, we just stick our belt on big names so ten years from now our lineage LOOKS impressive.
*feast or fired. dumb. bfg series, even more ******ed.
*cody deaner was KO champ.
*lashley technically still has a title shot...another unfinished tna storyline.
*stripping kong and hamada of the belts "for not defending them in the last 30 days".....even though they just defended them 21 days before.
*immortal. omfg....just completely failed at trying to be the "nwo moment" they wanted it to be.
*kurts bullshit tweets

since im bored now im done racking my memory of all the things i hated about tna. ill end it with this. when hardy showed up for the ppv all fucked up and ruined the main event, tna offered some free online subscription. screw that, i wanted my money, the tna product i had just bought was shit, i dont want more of it to make up for it. just give me my money. but worst of all they didnt fire hardy. in fact they brought him back and gave him the belt like he was some sort of hero. and now from what i hear he is back in the title picture. i wouldnt know, i havent watched it since the hardy victory road incident. but i do have to laugh at a video i was given recently showing the aces and eights thing ( total sons of anarchy rip off). it has the voices undistorted and it is so clearly bischoff....sorry if i ruined anything but if you didnt already know who it was going to be.....

they also need to get rid of the KO's completely.they dont have anywhere near enough tv time or roster size for a division of workers who are extremely limited in what they can do. x division guys can wrestle tag team or heavyweight guys. KO's can only wrestle KO's. cut it. even wwe didnt try a serious diva division until long after they had two shows. for crying out loud they even have TWO fucking KO titles.

ok im done. i hate tna and to sum it all up, it was fun for a few years then it got bad, then worse and then the hardy incident was the final straw for me. i dont care if 20 years goes by...i dont get bit by the same dog twice......ill never watch tna again or take my nieces to their shows, which sucks because tna comes here more than wwe and i dont take them to wwe either. thank god we have our own wrestling fed. just met rhino two weeks ago.

p.s. no googling was done here. this is all from the memory of a former DIE HARD, weekly ppv buying tna fan. i WAS one of you. defending even the toby keith bullshit.

welcome to 2012. most of that right now is irrelevant.

most of wrestling is ripped off/copied/whatever. not just TNa, but WWE, WCW, everything.

what is wrong with Jeff Hardy being in the title picture? he is one of the most popular and well know wrestlers TNA has. but I guess they should ignore what a majority of the fans want.

TNA Impact Wrestling is an entertainment TV show with wrestling.
welcome to 2012. most of that right now is irrelevant.

most of wrestling is ripped off/copied/whatever. not just TNa, but WWE, WCW, everything.

what is wrong with Jeff Hardy being in the title picture? he is one of the most popular and well know wrestlers TNA has. but I guess they should ignore what a majority of the fans want.

TNA Impact Wrestling is an entertainment TV show with wrestling.

no it isnt irrelevant, he asked for what we thought was wrong with tna and instead of just saying "the writing sucks" i pointed out all the times i could think of during that time i posted that turned me from being a die hard tna fan for years to someone who just cannot wait for the doors to close. i guess i should have just stuck with "the writing sucks." lastly, everything i wrote are things me, you and most tna fans remember or recognize and wonder "wtf happened there?" that doesnt make it irrelevant because its old...it just means tna said "fuck you" and didnt bother to explain it. to steal a line from you: i guess tna ignored what the majority of their fans wanted. a finish to the stories they start.
whats wrong with jeff hardy being in the picture is purely my opinion, like the rest of what i didnt like. you like him and think its ok for him to be on tv wrestling then fine, i can live with that....why is it so hard to understand that hes out of chances with me? he never was that good anyway, he did some flippy stuff and jumped off high things. other than that he is one of the sloppiest wrestlers to ever put on tights, give him a mic and i go to sleep, etc.

need something a little more recent? how about embarrassingly trying to bring back MEM without even having booker or nash signed and then abandoning that story too. or how about not getting the title off devon before his contract ran out? or the sons of ana...oops i mean aces and eights lol a group who isnt even signed in storyline yet somehow their videos get played during the show? how would this ever happen? i remember one show where they were just walking around freely backstage! how would this ever happen?? or the brawl where the one tna guy actually helped a A&8's guy keep his mask ON. ugh. fuck you tna. fuck you.
TNA needs a fe changes. The first change is that they need to make their PPV"s feel like PPV's. Wrestlemania feels like the superbowl. Theres a look and feel that nothing else compares to, even non restling fans watch mania. How many commercials have you seen for BFG?? I bet BFG will look like an Impact taping. Secondly TNA needs to go back to the basics, sign Monty Brown and Petey Williams back. bring back some of the "originals". It will cause a good feel moment. As far rosters are concern they need to get the old men off tv. After BFG I dnt ant to see Sting Hogan or any legends for a long while. Gut check is getting old, TNA needs a new show, I'd say go head to head on Mondays and keep Thursday. They need to take a risk. BUild more teams and sign every old diva available, along with some of the younger ones. I ant to see more wrestling and more character building
no it isnt irrelevant, he asked for what we thought was wrong with tna and instead of just saying "the writing sucks" i pointed out all the times i could think of during that time i posted that turned me from being a die hard tna fan for years to someone who just cannot wait for the doors to close. i guess i should have just stuck with "the writing sucks." lastly, everything i wrote are things me, you and most tna fans remember or recognize and wonder "wtf happened there?" that doesnt make it irrelevant because its old...it just means tna said "fuck you" and didnt bother to explain it. to steal a line from you: i guess tna ignored what the majority of their fans wanted. a finish to the stories they start.
whats wrong with jeff hardy being in the picture is purely my opinion, like the rest of what i didnt like. you like him and think its ok for him to be on tv wrestling then fine, i can live with that....why is it so hard to understand that hes out of chances with me? he never was that good anyway, he did some flippy stuff and jumped off high things. other than that he is one of the sloppiest wrestlers to ever put on tights, give him a mic and i go to sleep, etc.

need something a little more recent? how about embarrassingly trying to bring back MEM without even having booker or nash signed and then abandoning that story too. or how about not getting the title off devon before his contract ran out? or the sons of ana...oops i mean aces and eights lol a group who isnt even signed in storyline yet somehow their videos get played during the show? how would this ever happen? i remember one show where they were just walking around freely backstage! how would this ever happen?? or the brawl where the one tna guy actually helped a A&8's guy keep his mask ON. ugh. fuck you tna. fuck you.

it's irrelevant because it's old and doesn't effect the current product. I bet WWF did some things in the 80's/90's that wasn't all that good, but that doesn't change what they're doing today.
Jeff Hardy doesn't need to be a good wrestler. it's an entertainment TV show and he is a star for your general fans that watch. spot moves are enough, that's all Hulk Hogan has ever had.
Aces/Eights being backstage doesn't mean it's bad writing. IMO the best time in wrestling was the early days of nWo, but how did Scott Hall and Kevin Nash get into the arena then, bad writing?
TNA in the past at times has been a joke. I've only watched since 2010 so I can't comment on stuff before that, but some of what I've seen since has been ridiculous no doubt. but the current product right now has been different than then and better. TNA will never do everything right, neither will WWE, so there will always be something to pick apart and dissect. instead of focusing on what is wrong and being negative about the current TNA product, I'd rather be positive and look at the things they have been doing right. there have been some great things over the last year. Bobby Roode and James Storm have become stars. they've gone live through the summer, which has helped a lot. it might not show in the ratings, but I don't think that's really a fair way to judge the product.
need something a little more recent? how about embarrassingly trying to bring back MEM without even having booker or nash signed and then abandoning that story too.

They didn't just abandon it. It was a Fortune face tune.

or how about not getting the title off devon before his contract ran out?

I'll give you that one, I don't know if it was because they were hoping to keep him or because Hogan loves him so much he let him go without dropping the belt.

or the sons of ana...oops i mean aces and eights lol a group who isnt even signed in storyline yet somehow their videos get played during the show? how would this ever happen? i remember one show where they were just walking around freely backstage! how would this ever happen??

They've been making mention of someone on the inside. That's who's playing the videos for them, I assume. If you're talking about when Hogan and Sting were taken to the hideout, it's because one of the members had taken a camera earlier in the show. I don't see an issue with them walking around backstage. Again, someone on the inside is letting them in, this has been stated.

or the brawl where the one tna guy actually helped a A&8's guy keep his mask ON. ugh. fuck you tna. fuck you.

Who was that? I don't remember that happening.
I have enjoyed this debate so far about TNA. Clearly they need to come up with a better name. There is no doubt they have made major mistakes way more than other small promotions like JCP,AWA,ECW,and ROH. I do think Bisch is the right guy for the job but I do believe this version of EB is not as competitive as the EB running WCW. EB does need TNA more than TNA needs EB. The reason is EB is using TNA as a platform for his other projects and other future projects. As I mentioned they have made colossal errors in the past but what do fans think they need to improve on? Especially WWE fans what does TNA need to improve on to be better and I don't even mean competiting with WWE?
Whats wrong with Tna Hogan, a meaningless X-Divsion, a meaningless KO division, An almost meaningless tag-team Divsion (Daniels and Kaz are saving it right now), Dixie's character is pointless uninteresting and stupid, Hogan ruining A&8's with his horrible acting (to be fair to hogan the backstage segements aren't writin very well), Sting's Joker Character, Devon not droping the title before he left (thats just embarrasing for the company), wrestlers being dropped off Tv for weeks just because TNA can't think of any thing (mainly Joe, Anderson,Pope,and Hernadez), The Impact Zone, Gut Check, Open Fight Night where nobody challenges the Champions, and Hogan one last time.

I really like Tna right now but there is still alot they need to fix for it to be the best show it can be and to finally start taking fans from the wwe.

Edit: one last thing Storm and Roode not being for the title. I like Aries but that fued would have been a great finisher for BFG and for Storm to finally get his revenge on Roode at the biggest PPV.
To be honest with you.....nothing....besides the name hell they are going through. I think it's been pretty good. A good balance of everything. I think people are just trying to nitpick it.
it's irrelevant because it's old and doesn't effect the current product. I bet WWF did some things in the 80's/90's that wasn't all that good, but that doesn't change what they're doing today.
Jeff Hardy doesn't need to be a good wrestler. it's an entertainment TV show and he is a star for your general fans that watch. spot moves are enough, that's all Hulk Hogan has ever had.
Aces/Eights being backstage doesn't mean it's bad writing. IMO the best time in wrestling was the early days of nWo, but how did Scott Hall and Kevin Nash get into the arena then, bad writing?
TNA in the past at times has been a joke. I've only watched since 2010 so I can't comment on stuff before that, but some of what I've seen since has been ridiculous no doubt. but the current product right now has been different than then and better. TNA will never do everything right, neither will WWE, so there will always be something to pick apart and dissect. instead of focusing on what is wrong and being negative about the current TNA product, I'd rather be positive and look at the things they have been doing right. there have been some great things over the last year. Bobby Roode and James Storm have become stars. they've gone live through the summer, which has helped a lot. it might not show in the ratings, but I don't think that's really a fair way to judge the product.

so very typical. why is it so hard for tna fans to stay on topic?? why do they ALWAYS ....and i mean always bring up what wwe does whenever tna gets any criticizing. its like youre just comfortable assuming i like everything wwe does. make a thread about it, ill post about it. until then, the topic is "whats wrong with tna". and btw, scott hall and kevin nash just came through the crowd and even said they "bought tickets". dibiase and syxx and virgil also showed up via "buying tickets" and sitting in the crowd. they were invading. they werent backstage chillin. they didnt have videos played until after hogan joined and they were established and even then, the static at the beginning of each nwo video gave the impression it was being fed in from another source against wcw's will. and we knew who nash and hall were and why they were there. wholly different scenarios. and if it does turn out to be bischoff, luke gallows and whoever else, i really feel bad for tna...actually no i dont.
and im not just focused on the negative as you say, again i refer you to the title of the thread. make one about what you like about tna, ill post there, i have plenty of good things to say, i was one of you....a tna fan...since 02 and the weekly ppvs. one of my fav moments in wrestling was the piper/russo confrontation. anyway now im off topic. bye.
What's wrong with TNA? Here's a better question- what's wrong with professional wrestling?

The industry as a whole is sinking. The WWE has been posting some of their lowest ratings of this century. TNA, no matter what they seem to do, can't get far above a 1.0 for Impact- and that 1.0 is far from a constant. ROH is very slowly winding down, as the top two companies raid what's left of their talent pool. Simply put, professional wrestling isn't cool anymore. There's no reason to watch.

I think a large part of the problem is that there really aren't any heels anymore. I've always believed in a heel-oriented style of booking. People don't go to root for the good guy to win; they go to watch the bad guy get his comeuppance, like HHH in '90s WWF and Hogan/Bischoff, when that tandem still worked, in WCW. Who are the big heels today? I can't think of any. Instead, there's a glut of guys who play the part of the bad guy, without doing anything to make people think they're a bad guy. Bully Ray's a good performer, but have you seen anyone jump over a balcony recently to confront him in the ring? He's a fan favorite, playing the part of the bad guy. (See: CM Punk.) What are Aces + Eights doing to make you want to see them horribly beaten? Not a thing- people are more gossipy over who the leader is.

It's a problem with heels that illustrates a larger problem- people don't care about professional wrestling anymore. Is this a terminal condition? I don't know, but I'm not hopeful for the future.
Oh goodie, another "What's wrong with TNA?" thread...

Production values: The production in TNA is just fine. They don't have the million dollar machine WWE does, nor the Hollywood-level video packages, but for a company their size it's remarkably good. They have a TV show in both standard and HD, and they utilize their Universal Studios limitations to the best of their ability with interesting backstage angles and segments. It looks way better than the majority of weekly television shows, and I have no problem with TNA's production whatsoever.

Roster: TNA's roster is fantastic right now. They've come a long way in developing (or at least maintaining) some great talents. The main event picture at any point could focus on Austin Aries, Jeff Hardy, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Bully Ray, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Sting or Rob Van Dam and it would easily be believable PPV material. The mid-card has some fantastic potential. Not sure where Matt Morgan and Crimson have gone to, but can't rule them out. Daniels and Kazarian continue to be some of the most entertaining parts of the wrestling week. THe Knockouts are awful, but since when has women's wrestling mattered to 95% of fans?

Management: Very few people on this forum (maybe none) know enough about the backstage workings of TNA to make an educated stance about how they operates from a managerial perspective. I'm not even gonna take a stab at it.

The only thing "wrong" with TNA is completely situation. I'm not a fan of where the Aces & Eights has been the last 3-4 weeks, but that wasn't always true and it probably wont' be true after Bound for Glory. WWE has some compelling stuff going on with their tag team tournament, Ryback, and CM Punk as the WWE Champion. But on average I've been saying Impact Wrestling has the better weekly episodic product. So no more complaint threads, ok?
two really good posts above. i agree that i dont think it is a tna problem specificly it really is the business as a whole. i dont feel like it was ever meant to be just one dominant company or maybe im just old but it doesnt work. you almost HAVE to leave room for competition.
and i agree with all of HGR post too. production is fine....for the impact zone. you cant do much more in that tiny area, so they do maximize what they can do in production BUT that impact zone is very limited.
roster is amazing. i love playing tna in extreme warfare revenge (wrestling pc sim game).
we dont know what goes on backstage but as far as releases and signings and what gets on air and what gets said in shoot interviews....it does indicate alot.
I didn't know what to pick in the poll so I didn't pick anything.
The biggest problems in TNA are kind of out of their control right now.

They need better advertising. There are still people out there who don't know who they are or that they even exist. When guys like Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle leave WWE there are people who think they don't wrestle anymore. If I were in charge of TNA advertising I would run spots during RAW and Smackdown to promote Impact.

They need more money to work with. In order to leave the Impact Zone on a regular basis and boost production value they need a financial backer who is willing to put a good amount of money into the company. They can only work with what they have. They simply do not have the money.

They need talent to stop leaving. Losing wrestlers like Alex Shelley, The Beautiful People and Kharma really hurts. They need to get to the core of why they are losing people and fix it.

I understand what people are saying about the X Division and Knockouts being dead and I agree for the most part. Both were much stronger in the past and that goes with the last point I made. They're losing people. I myself like Zima Ion but he doesn't have much to work with in the division and he's not over enough or strong enough of a character to carry it.

TNA as a product isn't bad. I think if they could work out some of the stuff above they could find a strong fan base. They have some awesome talent that put on great matches and they have star power that people can invest in.
Honestly the only problem I have with TNA now is it always being in the same place. I like to see how different crowds react to what I am watching. When TNA was in England I really enjoyed those shows in part due to the crowd being so into it. Basically the same fans at the Impact Zone every week, and I think it gives the show a stale feeling. I wish the could finally take the show on the road more as I think it would freshen up the product a great deal.

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