[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

  • Production Value

  • Current Talent Roster

  • Management Personnel

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I agree 100%. Eric Young is a joke, literally. ODB and Eric Young are a comedy act. When the champs of a so-called "division" are a joke, the division itself becomes a joke. The TNA knockouts ARE great wrestlers overall, and much better than most of the WWE Divas. I'd like to see Eric Young get the shit beat out of him by Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, or any of the other knockouts.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. IMO Eric Young is one of the better things going in TNA. you are correct though, EY is a comedy act. but what's wrong with that? Impact Wrestling is a show on TV with wrestling. you can appeal to a bigger audience by having more than just wrestling.
IMO EY as a serious wrestler was a joke and boring.

I haven't watched WWE for awhile now so I can't compare what they are doing now. but there was a time in WWE/WWF when they had wrestlers as characters where you knew the wrestlers were there for entertainment and not serious wrestlers.
I think TNA just need to advertise and promote their show more effectively. Oh, and one more thing: STOP CARING ABOUT THE WWE!

I don't know how much TNA is advertised in the States so I can't comment on that, but as for your other point, it's been a very very long time since TNA took a shot at WWE. What else do you want them to do exactly to show they have "stopped caring"?

I agree 100%. Eric Young is a joke, literally. ODB and Eric Young are a comedy act. When the champs of a so-called "division" are a joke, the division itself becomes a joke.

I don't see it being any worse than Santino having the US belt. But hey the Knockouts tag belts never meant all that much to begin with and I think most people want the knockout tag belts retired.
Yeah Devon should lose the title. He doesn't have enough star power or charisma to be a good face champ. The title should be lost to some one who is over with the crowd. Someone like Bully Ray, because he actually has heat and is genuinely hated. Plus he is out of the WHC title picture so it would be great for him. Also Robbie T and E's gimmicks suck and they shouldn't be in contention for the tv title. A stupid Jersey Shore gimmick doesn't work in wrestling it is a stupid way to cash in on a fad. Give a chance to someone good.:banghead:
Been meaning to register here for a while. Anyways, let me preface my post with that I am originally an WWE fan, but am not a mark. I grew up watching the Attitude era but watched WCW at the same time. I started to get into TNA a month ago and since this is a complaints thread, I thought I would air some of them here. Please do not take my post that I don't like TNA, there are a lot of things I like about it and do enjoy watching it.

Here are a few problems with I see with TNA (that I seen so far):
1) Poor planning for PPVs. Slammiversay I understand is to be TNA's Wrestlemania? I felt like a lot of matches were poorly stitched together and sometimes last minute with little build up such as the womens title, kid kash match, and the #1 contender match. Whilst, I understand all competitors in those matches had history - that still fails to tell what the current story is between the three men. Everyone always wants to win the belt but there needs to be more of a back story.

2) Hulk Hogan - enough is enough "dude." He is just so cheesy with his "big" announcements. Seeing him and Bischoff reminds me of WCW too much and how much of a piece of crap it was at the end. TNA has some great assets, please don't poison them.

3) The music - it really does sound like everyone just has same sort of song played by a guitar but just either slowed down or quickened up. Maybe the few exceptions are Bobby Roode and Velvet Sky.

4) Jarrett really should have been the first inductee or at least co-inductee. The guy built the company! With him there is no TNA.

Despite this, many things I still enjoy like Austin Aries, Kazarian-Daniels, womens division and Bobby Roode.
(CM-Punkha Quote

Here are a few problems with I see with TNA (that I seen so far):
1) Poor planning for PPVs. Slammiversay I understand is to be TNA's Wrestlemania? I felt like a lot of matches were poorly stitched together and sometimes last minute with little build up such as the womens title, kid kash match, and the #1 contender match. Whilst, I understand all competitors in those matches had history - that still fails to tell what the current story is between the three men. Everyone always wants to win the belt but there needs to be more of a back story.

2) Hulk Hogan - enough is enough "dude." He is just so cheesy with his "big" announcements. Seeing him and Bischoff reminds me of WCW too much and how much of a piece of crap it was at the end. TNA has some great assets, please don't poison them.

3) The music - it really does sound like everyone just has same sort of song played by a guitar but just either slowed down or quickened up. Maybe the few exceptions are Bobby Roode and Velvet Sky.

4) Jarrett really should have been the first inductee or at least co-inductee. The guy built the company! With him there is no TNA.)

Dude you are so right TNA isn't what it used to be. Hogan has turned it into his own little WCW to play with. He is going to bring TNA down, Hogan has to give up on wrestling right now, he's stuck in the 80's and 90's.
1) Poor planning for PPVs. Slammiversay I understand is to be TNA's Wrestlemania?

Actually Bound for Glory is supposed to be the "Wrestlemania" PPV, it's in October.

4) Jarrett really should have been the first inductee or at least co-inductee. The guy built the company! With him there is no TNA.

Andre was the first inductee in WWE's HoF. Vince Sr. wasn't in until a while after the HoF was set up and Vince Jr. still isn't in it. Jarrett will be in one day no doubt about that.
My complaint is that there aren't any new threads on this forum. I mean its the same threads over and over again its really boring. Spam friendly forums are much more interesting.
I have to start off with I am not a WWE fan but a wrestling fan. Those are two different concepts maybe for another post but clearly being a WWE fan is way different than being a wrestling fan. Most fans that openly dislike even perhaps hate TNA have never really said why they hate TNA. I can understand if someone is a rabid fan of WWE or ROH but for these three promotions to succeed the other two have to very good. WWE will never ever be like what they once were without direct competition from within the industry. VKM and his loyal fans can spin it whatever direction they want but they are a wrestling company. If they were truly a entertainment company as much as VKM wants them you would see a scale back of wrestling shows and PPV's. I do get the fact VKM has always wanted to be on the same par as a company like Disney. I don't dislike WWE just a frustrated fan. All three of these promotions if I could use a football analogy leaves plays on the field every week including PPV's. TNA has messed up enough times but I still enjoy the product. Lately some fans even complain about one of TNA's PPV's posters being leaked but that happens in marketing even in WWE. So my question is why don't fans at least try to give TNA a chance? Before I list some options the biggest problem since 2002 is so many wrestling fans have left and gone to watch other shows if half of the 20 mill stayed I do thing at the very least both ROH and TNA would have their ratings doubled. Most of the fans that have left watching wrestling were not a fan of one promotion but slighted towards WWE's competition.

Production-It has improved somewhat since EB has been involved but still looks like a B Show. This can only improve if the product grows which it has from a international standpoint which WWE is stll behind but trying to close the gap
Current Talent Roster-The biggest problem EB has is most of the talent has been with TNA for a longtime and other creative directors have come and gone and there is not much left to do for particular talent seeing viewers have been frustrated with the creative direction long befor EB got involved
Management-I totally understand people's opinion on EB and Hogan. EB isn't this flaming a-hole most people think he is. He plays the part well as a character but EB has changed alot since the end of WCW. I can admit and I think TNA detracters could also admit if you were in your young 30's and in charge of a multi million dollar company I think your ego would get in the way more times than usual. If you take a look at all non-wrestling projects EB is way more successful than VKM and in fact its not even close. Imagine having a wrestling promotion with EB as your creative director,Kevin Dunn as your lead producer,and VKM in charge of the non-wrestling part of the company. Whether people agree or not EB is slightly more creative than VKM. At least he had balls to turn Hogan heel when that character was extremely flat. In fact Hogan in the NWO made almost double the amount of merchandise money than all of the times he was involved with Hulkamania.

So fans just express yourself why you don't like TNA and what you would change in any part of their business and or creative module. One thing is for sure some fans do need to stop comparing talent on one roster and what they would be in WWE cause I think thats one of the problems fans have with TNA. Just look at a character and if you find it inetresting then watch. Thats what the 20 mill fans did that use to watch wrestling during the MNW and the industry did very well. If you are a fan of Seinfeld I don't think you compare the Big Bang Theory characters to Seinfeld so why do it with wrestling. WWE will only grow not by itself but with the rest of the industry when the other two promotions start drawing better if that will ever happen!
The only gripe I havewith TNA is the dwindling KO'S roster and not getting away from the Impact Zone enough. Not huge deals but still. It's not perfect, but it soothes my wrestling sweet tooth along with ROH and occasionally NWA Hollywood.
I chose management personnel because writers fall into that category. As with most television shows, I believe it is the writers who are to blame for the lack of success in TNA. What drives entertainment? Characters and plot. People can bash TNA all they like, but all of the wrestlers are extremely talented and it isn't the in ring action that fails to impress. It's the constant shifting of plotlines, non-sensical character and plot developments, and the unwillingess of creative to stick with anything for a decent amount of time that are to blame.

TNA has also destoryed what set it apart from the WWE (also the reason I started watching), the Knockouts and X division, although the X is enjoying a bit of a resurgance. TBP, Kong, Roxxi, and many others are gone. The home grown talent is shoved aside in favor of the WWE's scraps.
Well I will say starting out that I do prefer WWE but I have watched & enjoyed other Companies over the years from WCW,ECW,and SMW. I have started following ROH a little bit recently as well. That being said I do watch TNA every week like I do WWE but I do agree there are alot things wrong with TNA.

The Production-It does as you said make it look like a B-Show with most of their Shows being in the Impact Zone with the same Fans,the same Set,No Ring Aprons to distingush it from being Impact or a PPV.

Travel-This kinda ties into Production. If ECW and now ROH can move around the Country why can't TNA? ECW barely had money to get by but they traveled. I don't claim to know ROH's finances but they seem to be doing ok and they Travel around. If TNA has money to spare they need to get out of the Impact Zone on a permanent basis.

Management-Im sure Dixie Carter is a smart person but she doesn't seem to know the 1st thing about Wrestling. Her bringing in Hogan & Bischoff hasn't helped them one bit since January 2010. Bruce Pritchard is a complete tool and how he has gotten any stroke there is beyond me.

Tag/X/KO's Divisions-What happened to these? Hardly any Tag Teams anymore minus Daniels/Kaz,Angle/AJ,and Chavo/Hernandez,the latter of which I doubt will still be together by 2013. WWE has more of a Tag Division again and has a Tournament going on to crown #1 Contenders against Kane/Daniel Bryan. X-Division has taken a total nose dive in the last year and the KO's are dwindling down to not much.

So those are my top 4 issues with TNA right now and they don't seem in any hurry to fix those problems.
Things wrong with TNA:
1. When a WWE talent (yes, actual talent unlike TNA's fake crap roster) gets released, TNA IMMEDIATELY hire the talent like they've never eaten food in years.
2. TNA itself as a show is banal.
3. TNA has no original star that is "born" in TNA.
4. TNA is run by a ****.
5. TNA is not professional (filing lawsuits against WWE and crying because WWE offered its hall of famer to return to WWE)
6. TNA is pathetic and non-sense.

Sorry if that offended any TNA fan, but those are the facts. However, there are more TNA fans than WWE fans. WWE "fans" continually criticize WWE and compare it to TNA and degrade it. WWE has no real loyal fan whereas TNA does. So, IF TNA becomes professional and gets real talent, I believe that it will thrive in fame and money.
I will never discourage anyone's opinion whether its right or wrong. I am not sure even if TNA was to sign a WWE Main Eventer if the ratings were to improve say within a year. If EB was in complete charge I don't think he would "Jump" at every WWE talent that would become a free agent. I am not sure about Bruce Pritchard cause I am not too familiar with how he conducts business. I do think TNA could improve with EB but without Hogan. As far as Dixie's sex life I guess thats her private life and unless it directly affects current or future talent its irrelevant. If TNA was to show more X-Division matches it could get the rating spike up to a 1.3 which is a step in the right direction as long as they can maintain that increase for at least two months. The storytelling with EB's experience in Hollywood right now is slightly better than WWE. The one good thing EB has done is to stay with a story regardless of ratings.
Things wrong with TNA:

I now to bring you, "Things Wrong With Your Post."

1. When a WWE talent (yes, actual talent unlike TNA's fake crap roster) gets released, TNA IMMEDIATELY hire the talent like they've never eaten food in years.

And this is wrong because? It's silly to hire wrestlers with name recognition to try to make your company better. Shame on them.

2. TNA itself as a show is banal.

Why is it banal? You've given no reason as to why you believe this. I don't expect you to given what I've seen from you so far but maybe you'll surprise me.

3. TNA has no original star that is "born" in TNA.

Yet another simpleton that suscribes to the notion of "homegrown talent." Robert Roode is a star, is he not? How about that guy James Storm? Besides, homegrown talent is a myth. Austin didn't start off in the WWE. Hogan became a big star when he was in the AWA. Your move, chump.

4. TNA is run by a ****.

She probably didn't do enough given the money you paid her. I'm not shocked. I assume she didn't like the merchandise and felt it came up a bit short of her expectations. And do we really need to list all the stuff Vince has done?

5. TNA is not professional (filing lawsuits against WWE and crying because WWE offered its hall of famer to return to WWE)

I'm glad you're not a lawyer.

6. TNA is pathetic and non-sense.

Much like your post. Difference is, I actually like TNA.

Sorry if that offended any TNA fan, but those are the facts. However, there are more TNA fans than WWE fans. WWE "fans" continually criticize WWE and compare it to TNA and degrade it. WWE has no real loyal fan whereas TNA does. So, IF TNA becomes professional and gets real talent, I believe that it will thrive in fame and money.

I leave you with these words spoken by one of my favorite TV characters of all-time.

for me it's some simple things
* The PPV's suck
* The Impact Zone and Spike TV is dingy and third rate
* The acting is terrible
* Taz and Tenay are awfull well mostly Taz, he has no business at the commentry table, he doesn't even know what is going in ring and can't think on his feet mouth wise. He'd be better as a manager or backstage talent
* They constantly kill off things that are working (ie XDivision and the Knockouts)
* They constantly spout we care about wrestling and then most of impact is piss poor backstage segments obviously taped well in advance or in ring blah blah fests
* Lately tho the production has improved it's still pretty dismal and they keep concentrating on Hogan getting 4 teams or 4 guys in his office and arguing over who is in line for a shot, every single episode
* Wrestling in general is at a stale point and TNA is not improving the situation and capitalising
* TNA is just a poor mans WCW, if it had the billions of dollars of Ted Turner it would be huge and still suck :)

* they only push (Hardy, Bully, Roode and Storm), the rest aren't apparently worth the time though i see far better talent then is the staple in the main event atm. (Magnus for one) Austin Aries is 50/50 for me atm, i don't love him but he's pretty good at what he does but seems to be held back and i don't buy it, he's got the Rey Mysterio syndrome, it's not believable

* There's no engaging talent, few people who you can invest in that are gonna amount to anything Legendary, the only difference between that and WWE is TNA sometimes puts on awesome action in ring whereas WWE is a steady stream of watchable matches but few that are spectacular.

and in summary they are trying hard to follow WWE in everything they do while saying they are different ie cutting back on the adult content, having a tough enough segment each month, getting there stars involved in movies and more charities etc.
Truth is, in every aspect of the written show, TNA has been knocking it out of the ball park this past year. In the past, that most certainly was not the case. In fact, it was so bad during the immortal days that I stopped watching altogether.

All that to say, TNA is putting on a truly entertaining product each and every week. So in the past I might have said it was management that is wrong with TNA. But I just can't make that statement now. They're producing great shows and great ppvs. They are sticking with storylines very well and making those storylines captivating enough to have you want to tune in next week.

I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to say it's the talent. The likes of Angle, Styles, Daniels, Bully, RVD, Joe, Hardy, Roode, Aries, etc. Even the less popular stars are still promising to deliver solid in-ring action (i.e. Robbie E, Magnus, etc.) Anyone who would say TNA's roster is the issue is living in denial or completely delusional.

So that leaves production. The shows are great, but it's clear that it's just not at the level WWE is in production value. The show doesn't look as crisp, they fight in the same place every week, that place holds maybe 1,000 fans. There's a huge difference between fighting in front of tens of thousands of people and fighting in front of just 1,000. But that's not TNA's fault. They're growing. They're in a far better spot than they have been in the past and that includes even within the last year. The process is a slow one, but they are progressing and I believe that will continue. In the meantime, people have to understand that they're still young and it'll be a while before they can get an excellent production quality. It's just fact.
Their product is better than WWE's right now. You'd have to be a sheep to think otherwise. That's not necessarily saying much, but anyone that might actually care about such a thing can see it.

If anything, they need that one variable. They need that thing that nobody does as well as they do. They don't have it. There's wrestling better out there and WWE does production quality better.

The X Division could've been it, but they gutted it.

The Knockouts consitently got better ratings than the guys. I'll say it to anyone, Kim vs. Kong was better than anything in WWE right now. Yet they ruined it. They kill anything homegrown that's getting over. They ruined Samoa Joe, they let Kong go, they killed the X Division. If all those factors were going strong right now? They'd be knocking on a 1.4 rating. That said, they're going in the right direction, they just can't pull the plug on what's happening right now that works just because they're still at 1.0.

Oh, and Aces & Eights started hot, but it's getting stale. Pull the trigger on a big reveal right now or risk losing the whole angle.

Things to fix:

1. Change that damn name already. Impact has been built well as a brand, call the company Impact Wrestling. Rename the show Impact Tonight.

2. Hire Kong back. Push her to the top, not the middle. She could be your wild card.

3. Cut down on PPV's as soon as possible.

4. Figure out who you are and stop copying things that've already been done. Innovate.
Let's be real. The X-Division died a LONG time ago. The only thing I'm not fond of is the Impact Zone. If they're able to do one Impact on the road a month, then that will be progress. They've already ventured out on the road in the past so that's good. They have the talent and I like their talent more than I do WWE's. Their PPV's have been solid as well as Impact. They have come a long way and had their ups and downs but they are a solid company and put on a solid product.
I would like to see less of Hogan and more of the roster and it seems like since he arrived there has been less wrestling and more drama/ reality TV crap. Apart from that, I don't see a damned thing wrong with TNA.

The TNA roster is actually talented and over. I would much rather watch any of the TNA main-eventers than Sheamus vs Del Rio. TNA has a couple of huge stars and I'm glad I still get to see Hardy & Angle etc. as well as TNA-bred guys like AA and Bobby Rhoode.

Apart from the blackmail-angle TNA ran with AJ Styles, Dixie and Daniels a while back, I think TNA's creative team is miles ahead of WWE's. They actually come up with another story than "I'm better than you, so let's fight" and they have the balls to rotate their main-event.

I saw quite a few complaints about the Knockouts-division. Compared to the Divas? The knockouts can actually wrestle. When Beth Phoenix left, the last bit of talent left the Divas-division.

Also saw many complaints about Tazz. He may not be the best in the business, but he doesn't bother me. Michael Cole with his hypocritical sucking up to all the heels (D Bry in particular) for no other reason than being heelish, regardless of what he said about them mere weeks before.

So I don't see any of the complaints (other than Hogan and/ or Bischoff) that don't also apply to the WWE...
Well Gameover I might be wrong but you sound like a WWE loyalist. You mentioned nothing positive and clearly storylines in TNA have been better than WWE in the last year. One thing to get straight EB never wanted to go head-to-head with WWE on Monday Night that was all spike TV and their obsession to be a newer version of the USA Network. The In-Ring action isn't even close with the advantage going to TNA. If TNA was to place EB in charge with a major investor he would improve the product. WWE controls close to 95% of the market and I do think WWE loyalists for whatever reason don't care about other promotions. As a wrestling fan if WWE was to buy up the rest of the competition the current WWE product would be even worst. TNA is trying to be different than WWE. EB has taken the company in a different direction. I do think Hogan is more obsessed with beating Vince but EB knows how to build a promotion and has learned from his mistakes in WCW. I am just asking TNA haters just give TNA or ROH a chance and watch those shows as a fan and not as a critic. Thats at least what I do and enjoy all the shows regardless if I agree or disagree with certain aspects of that particular promotion!
To me a one of the biggest problems with TNA is that they're still in the Impact Zone. Personally the Impact Zone makes Impact feel like a low budget show. While some of the people in attendance are wrestling fans I can't but help think that most are there to see the show because it's free.

I believe that they need to get out on the road and run more live shows. Take the weekly shows to the NorthEast in cities like Philly, New York, Pittsburgh, Virginia, and down into the Carolinas. These towns have plenty of 4,000 seat arenas that would easily accomadate TNA. I also belive that these states have true wrestling fans that would give Impact a more realistic feel.

The X Division is also another problem. The X Division Champion is rarely seen on Thursdays and the fans have taken notice. The X Division is one of the main factors to the creation of TNA in my opinion. These guys have put on some of the most amazing matches in the history of the company and they still can. Destination X is really the only highlight that they get and honestly it's a crock of BS. Highlight them weekly and give them more time on Thursdays.

The Knockouts Division as we all know is another factor. Hell where should we start. They let the likes of Kong, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Winter, Roxi, Alyssa Flash go. Granted that Bruce Pritchard isn't a fan of womens wrestling. But he's not an idiot. Bruce needs to realize that while he's not a fan, we are. The Knockouts have main evented Impact on several occasions. They have put on cage matches and they have drawn some of the highest rated segments. Now we're treated to Gail Kim, Tara and Tessmacher week in and week out. Mickie is out, Madison is out, Rosita and Sarita are out. Hell I'm not even going to go into the Knockout Tag Titles as those titles have become a literal joke.

Those are just a few of my opinions. Impact could and I really mean could become a bigger company if mangement would use their heads and listen to the fans. TNA give us what we want
I will say TNA has very good professional wrestlers and should expand their roster with more bad ass professional wrestlers, (not talents-they are professional wrestlers!). Quality professional wrestling is what sets TNA apart from the WWE, (TNA should not aspire to be a WWE clone) wrestlers competing in/out of the ring will attract and keep fans coming back every week for more action. TNA (creative) should know by now the best way to promote interest for their TV, PPV and House Shows is long term Feuds between the wrestlers and having multiple Tournaments or Series annually for each of the TNA Championship Belts, like the BFG Series for the #1 contender for the TNA World Championship at the BFG PPV. Bring in a United States Championship Belt (excellent mens top card belt). Deactivate the KO tag team belts, useless, not enough KO's. Have all the KO's appear ringside more often during TV shows. The Television Championship Belt (very good mid card belt) should be defended every week on TV or PPV, never at a house show. Increase the exposure for tag teams and the X division on TV every week. Possibly show some highlights from house shows each week on the Live TV Show. Have the gut check contestant tryout at the closest house show to his or her hometown, not on TV. Have the Mens and Knock Outs TNA World Champions hold the belts long term, they should be the very best wrestlers the company has, never easily beaten, as they are the main face of the company worldwide. ALL production standards for TV, PPV and House Shows must greatly improve-a professional wrestling company should be just that-professional. Have multiple locations around the country (hot beds for professional wrestling) to host live shows on a rotating basis including the Impact Zone, have four live shows a year at each venue-no double tapings. For now, have Live PPV's every two months and as demand increases, add more to the schedule. Other than the United States, maybe have Live PPV events originate worldwide from different countries-Canada, England, Japan, Australia, Germany and Ireland just to name a few. ADVERTISE (TV and PPV Shows) on the big four networks-ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and on ESPN and SPEED, the wrestlers can use Twitter and Facebook more often to involve the fans. Have the wrestlers guest appear at sporting events, talk shows, game shows, trade shows, etc. Have Live Shows twice a year on one of the big four networks. All of this exposes TNA to an all new audienceto build the fan base. Finally, prior to all shows, TNA gives the fans as much access as possible to their wrestlers, excellent, keep doing this! TNA is poised to be great if they continue to focus on wrestling.
who is the current X division champion? Zema Ion. is this the guy that should be on TV on a regular or even semi regular basis? IMO no. no disrespect to him, but he's not all that great. right now the X division is so weak it's a joke. who is there other than Zema? Sonjay Dutt, who has only been back for a very short time period. Kenny King, has only been in TNA a short time period, still unknown to most fans watching on TV. who's left? Kid Kash is teaming with Gunner. Jesse Sorensen is injured.
if TNA really wanted to get the X division going they would put in some established guys like AJ Styles, RVD, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, ect. especially seeing how the X division champion can cash in that title for a world title shot next year at Destination X. no one in the current X division deserves to be even sniffing a world title shot, not even close.
the X division might have been bigger at one time, but right now it's a cruiser weight division that really doesn't mean much on TV.

TNA has established multiple own stars, as already mentioned. Bobby Roode and James Storm are now stars. you can even throw in Austin Aries.

right now I don't think TNA is that bad. obviously ratings are not what you would like, but I don't think that is a result of the product. I also think it's unfortunate to compare TNA to WWE. it's apples and oranges and shouldn't be compared, especially when WWE has been around for so long, PLUS that WWE is on a different network. Spike TV is not as good as USA channel.

right now TNA has IMO a great story line with Aces and Eights. there's so much mystery with who is the leader or who is even in the group, with so many names being mentioned. this is exciting to watch on TV.

right now TNA has improved in one area because they have been going live and there are no chances of spoilers for Impact.

sure there are things TNA could/should be doing better. marketing/promoting/advertising. it would also be good to get out of the Impact Zone more often.

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