*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I'm digging the Survivor Series responses, though there'd have to be some good action to keep the angle going that long. Perhaps mixing in guys from NXT Season 2 would keep it fresh going into fall. Anything to get Darren Young off of my television.

I like Doc's idea of creating a permanent bond between at least some of the guys. Things like this keep people feeling real and gives depth to the character. It gives them history that isn't created on the fly from Striker or Cole. Assuming, say, Barrett and Otunga make it past a few years from now and are still featured; this would be an excellent layer to their interactions.

While it's still far too early to tell, if/when Bryan Danielson returns he will likely play a big part in dismantling the Nexus stable.
I don't think it will do them any good, attacking guest hosts every week..how will that end them, a fresh guest host comes every week...

Also TBH, VKM can just phase the guest hosts out and we wouldn't have even noticed...

And also like some others have said, guest hosts are nothing, if Nexus are going to attack weak guest hosts every week, it's not gonna make them look strong, but like weak shits making no impact because they are jumping those who can't even do anything...

But this is the beauty of it. It doesn't make them look weak, it makes them an impact. That's why you can't have like Dule Hill or small potato people. people like Piven, Shaq, Rob Zombie, whatever. Have 3 or 4 weeks where they BEAT THE SHIT out of people and have it come down to people are either afraid or the insurance won't cover it. But it IS a great way to kill the Guest Hosts and not just have it disappear. I think just abruptly ending it makes no sense. Having a reason does and this idea is PERFECT! And it makes Nexus have a power of the E. It doesn't make them look weak at all. It puts them in control!
As much as I'm not a fan of having another NWO/Wolfpac split, it just seems rather likely it would be the case. Some guys probably wouldn't like Wade Barrett's leadership and so they split off into two separate factions. I could definitely see David Otunga having a beef with Barrett's leadership and I can imagine him becoming the leader of the other faction. It could be Barrett/Sheffield/Tarver/(gonna imagine a guy from NXT Season 2 joining) Husky Harris vs. Otunga/Slater/Gabriel/Young.
I would love this, because then I wouldn't have to hear stupid guest hosts refer to Summerslam as Summerfest or anything like that. Even though I wanna see the Rock return I don't want to deal with the other hosts. I actually think that if Nexus takes out the guest hosts it makes them look better because it looks like they have no regard for rules and that they just wanna wreak havoc.
Barrett's return is great news. He is seriously needed as the leader of the NXT faction. All other members of the NXT group are terrible when it comes to promos, and Barrett has shown he can deliver on the mic. Plus, he's doing a good job as the leader.

I can't wait to see what the Nexus does next... I just really hope that the attacks this time around are different than what we've seen. Yes, the way they picked the legends off one by one was very cool and indeed, it was different, but it ended the same. A new formula is needed.

Yeah, the beat downs are starting to get pretty stale. It was shocking when it happened to Cena, but ever since then, the attacks have lost the spark they once had. The suspense really isn't there anymore, because you just know the attack is coming.

But what else could Nexus do? Maybe they can add some new elements to the attacks. Yellow spray paint or hostages could be a nice touch.
I have loved this faction, from the start. The other day I was watching with my brother, and I was wondering, what if they added some of their pro's, like Matt Hardy, and Chris Jericho. They both liked their Rookies, and they would add experience to it, and also, what if the recently voted of NXT Titus O'neil was to join te faction, I think that would be pretty cool.
I have loved this faction, from the start. The other day I was watching with my brother, and I was wondering, what if they added some of their pro's, like Matt Hardy, and Chris Jericho. They both liked their Rookies, and they would add experience to it, and also, what if the recently voted of NXT Titus O'neil was to join te faction, I think that would be pretty cool.

No it wouldn't.

The Nexus said that they had a loyalty bond some weeks ago, they said that no matter what they would stick together, no matter what happened. That's why they started to attack everybody, and that's why they're now all a part of the RAW brand.

If Titus was to join, he wouldn't have that bond. He'd be an outsider. And it wouldn't make sense for him to be in the group.

The same goes for Matt Hardy. Matt is a face first of all, and him being a former pro would nullify the leadership of Wade Barrett. The same goes for Chris Jericho. They do not need to be in the faction, but their presence would ruin the leadership of Wade Barrett. The leadership which is considered a part of the push that WWE is giving him.

The Nexus is just fine as it is. There's no need to include additional talent.
No it wouldn't.

The Nexus said that they had a loyalty bond some weeks ago, they said that no matter what they would stick together, no matter what happened. That's why they started to attack everybody, and that's why they're now all a part of the RAW brand.

If Titus was to join, he wouldn't have that bond. He'd be an outsider. And it wouldn't make sense for him to be in the group.

The same goes for Matt Hardy. Matt is a face first of all, and him being a former pro would nullify the leadership of Wade Barrett. The same goes for Chris Jericho. They do not need to be in the faction, but their presence would ruin the leadership of Wade Barrett. The leadership which is considered a part of the push that WWE is giving him.

The Nexus is just fine as it is. There's no need to include additional talent.

I have to agree with Ferbian here. Nexus doesn't need anymore members. They are just fine with the amount of people they have. Nexus is made up of the original rookies of NXT. That is something special. Adding more people to this stable would just make everything seem to messy. All Nexus needs is the mastermind to be revealed, and that will happen soon enough. Besides, adding more members is what killed the NWO. The more people they added, the more that group looked like one colossal clusterfuck.
Well I'm probably a bit late on this, but it's good news to see the visa issues are worked out for Wade Barrett. They say he should be back on television this week so hopefully there won't be any big changes going on in with the storyline.

And for those of you who have posted adding members, that just makes no sense at all, the stable and storyline is a group of guys who were commonly mistreated and feel they need to avenge it, adding guys like Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, or even Titus O' Neill would make little to no sense as they have no reason to join with the Nexus.
I'm really glad that Barrett is back. The group seemed kind of lost without his presence last week. The man simply oozes championship class. I think that the future is very bright for Barrett and Nexus, so long as WWE don't f**k this one up.
We learned two interesting things about the Nexus this week: They don't get any title opportunities for three months, and they have a higher purpose. Let's discuss these in more detail.

First, the prohibition of title chases for three months. That's an interesting figure, you know, because you know how much three months is? About 90 days. And who is rumored to be returning in 90 days? That's right...a certain American Dragon. While I think it's really just an arbitrary number that was chosen, this is an interesting coincidence...

Second, the higher purpose. What is it? They can't just want to piss off management, because they've said that already. They've also claimed to have no beef with the wrestlers in the locker room. So what could this mean?

Personally, I think it means that they have a leader. They're hired. Someone, somewhere is controlling them to get what they want. Maybe it was the anonymous GM who used them somehow to get to the GM spot. Perhaps it was Chris Jericho, trying to take out the WWE Champion for one reason or another. Who knows? The only thing that's for certain is that I don't know exactly where this story is going, and I love it!
We learned two interesting things about the Nexus this week: They don't get any title opportunities for three months, and they have a higher purpose. Let's discuss these in more detail.

First, the prohibition of title chases for three months. That's an interesting figure, you know, because you know how much three months is? About 90 days. And who is rumored to be returning in 90 days? That's right...a certain American Dragon. While I think it's really just an arbitrary number that was chosen, this is an interesting coincidence...

Second, the higher purpose. What is it? They can't just want to piss off management, because they've said that already. They've also claimed to have no beef with the wrestlers in the locker room. So what could this mean?

Personally, I think it means that they have a leader. They're hired. Someone, somewhere is controlling them to get what they want. Maybe it was the anonymous GM who used them somehow to get to the GM spot. Perhaps it was Chris Jericho, trying to take out the WWE Champion for one reason or another. Who knows? The only thing that's for certain is that I don't know exactly where this story is going, and I love it!

That certainly is a very interesting thing you point out. However, Daniel Bryan was kicked out of Nexus...so I don't see how he would be affected by nexus not being able to challenge for titles.

also, does this ruling mean this storyline will go on for another 3 months?
Except it makes no sense. Why would Cena organise an attack on himself? Why would he have Nexus come to the ring, completely destroy him, the ring staff & crew? Why would he have Nexus cost him the WWE title? Why would he have Nexus attack Bret Hart, a man who Cena respects greatly according to an earlier storyline? It doesn't work. There's no motivation, no reason and most of all no proof that it's Cena.
Except it makes no sense. Why would Cena organise an attack on himself? Why would he have Nexus come to the ring, completely destroy him, the ring staff & crew? Why would he have Nexus cost him the WWE title? Why would he have Nexus attack Bret Hart, a man who Cena respects greatly according to an earlier storyline? It doesn't work. There's no motivation, no reason and most of all no proof that it's Cena.

Looking at your age, you probably didn't experience the "greater power" storyline in 1999.

Mr. McMahon made himself look like the victim during the Ministry of Darkness storyline, only to reveal he was the one behind everything.

It's happened before, there's absolutely no reason why it can't happen again.
First, the prohibition of title chases for three months. That's an interesting figure, you know, because you know how much three months is? About 90 days. And who is rumored to be returning in 90 days? That's right...a certain American Dragon. While I think it's really just an arbitrary number that was chosen, this is an interesting coincidence...

3 months? I missed out on that. I heard it as "until further notice" Well I guess 3 months is a good thing due to the fact that John could put over Wade Barrett pretty well during that period of time.

Wade could become rather legitimate. The whole faction could become legitimate if handled properly in the coming 3 months.

I still think it's a shame although that it had to be 3 months. Mostly because I would love to see Wade Barrett as WWE champion. Mostly because my interest since NXT has sky rocketed for this guy.

I do however seem a little hesitant about Bryan Danielson's return. I think that it could happen. I won't leave the possibilities out of it. But I won't set my hopes high on it neither.

Second, the higher purpose. What is it? They can't just want to piss off management, because they've said that already. They've also claimed to have no beef with the wrestlers in the locker room. So what could this mean?

That confused me a little bit as well. I don't really think they needed to have a higher purpose. A bigger picture. They're doing great already. Besides who could possibly be a higher person and a leader towards them if they were really to have one. Because the biggest guy in the company has already been taken out.

I hope it's just a thing they talk about. Like "The winds of change". Wade is great with metaphors it seems. So this could very well just be another one.

Time will only show where this brings The Nexus. Hopefully to stardom I hope.
In the second week of this angle, I was pretty sure that the WWE was giving up them but you have to give them their credit, the WWE has really committed to this angle and all of the Nexus are really reaping the rewards for that.

On Raw last night, we saw that the Nexus wont be getting any sort of WWE title shot for the next three months and that is a double-edged sword for me. Of course, it means that the Nexus can continue to be dominating without having to be bogged down in a Championship match. They can still feud with whoever they want and they don’t have to think about Championship feuds that would hinder that. Of course, it means that they wont be Champions for three months. I would have thought that some of the guys would have went on to challenge some of the Champions. For example, I would have liked to have seen two of them have a go at the Hart Dynasty for the Tag Team Championships but it is unclear if that possibility is still open for them or not. Of course, in this time the WWE has all the tools to get them over in a big way. They look to be feuding with John Cena and I think they will be doing so until the time Survivor Series rolls around, which should make Wade Barrett and company look rather good.

As for their purpose, every week I become more intrigued in what this can be. At first I thought they were working for the new GM but that has all but been ruled out and I don’t think Austin, if it is him, would align himself with the Nexus. Then I thought it was Vince McMahon but we all know what happened with that. Right now, there is not an awful lot of options for the Nexus and I am really excited to see how they resolve this angle. Will it be something to do with the Rock? Who knows? I can certainly hope so.
So I had a thought. Is it just me or does Wade Barrett and The Nexus as a whole come off as the top heels on RAW right now?

I mean sure there's Sheamus who probably would. Or should be credited as the top heel. But it's Wade Barrett and The Nexus who's having the majority of the RAW superstars on the hunt for them. It's Wade Barrett and The Nexus who's having the feud with the top face - John Cena.

And to top it off. They're on the Internet, as well as on-screen in the kayfabe manner - The most discussed subject. Edge, Sheamus, Chris Jericho, John Cena and Randy Orton has conversed with, or about The Nexus in some way or another.

Wade last night standing face to face with John Cena looked like he belonged right next to John. He looked like a true main event wrestler. Even if he hasn't accomplished anything. He looked like the person that could prove a challenge to John. It might be the fact that Wade has the it factor. And the fact that he's been around the main event guys on a consistent basic from the debut of NXT (Jericho & Edge, as well as John Cena in a match) and after his RAW debut.

So is it just me, or is Wade Barrett the top heel, or The Nexus as a general the top heels of WWE / RAW right now?
So I had a thought. Is it just me or does Wade Barrett and The Nexus as a whole come off as the top heels on RAW right now?
I would think that the group as a whole right now are the top heels. I mean, a few weeks ago, they even had some of the bigger heels such as Sheamus and Edge go after the Nexus. This group is such a strong heel right now, that for a while, Sheamus wasnt getting that much heat.

It's Wade Barrett and The Nexus who's having the feud with the top face - John Cena.
This is a good point. It has become the most important story in the WWE, with even the WWE Championship taking a back seat. Theres a cage match for the WWE Championship at MITB and we are barely talking about it. The Nexus has managed to become the biggest thing in wrestling right now, and if you have that done, you are probably the biggest heel.

Wade last night standing face to face with John Cena looked like he belonged right next to John. He looked like a true main event wrestler.
This is more that he just has it. It doesnt matter who he's around. He just looks like a main eventer. You could probably put him in the ring with Hornswaggle and he'd still look like a main eventer. Of course being in the same ring one on one with Cena doesnt hurt though.
As much as I want/love for The Nexus to be working on their own (so that they become even more credible than they are now), I still think there is another person in charge.

I don't know if this name has been mentioned (and no I'm not going to read 52 pages to check lol), but with all this remember the "greater power" and why can't it happen again talk, it got me thinking yet again. What IF "the leader" was The Viper, Randy Orton. Hear me out.

- we know he is a tweener (possibly receiving a full face turn, i hope not though), and he's had his fair share of feuds with John Cena
- he is now loved by even more fans than before, and has gained the respect from them (storyline and real life)...this would be an ultimate backstabbing in my opinion
- he's had his run-ins with The Nexus
- he has aligned himself with his nemesis, possibly to gain his trust and/or respect (i know that he said he's going to work with Cena coz they share a common enemy, but again backstabbing all over it)
- RKO had The Legacy which was a mini stable (if you can call it that), and with reports back then that the group could have possibly been bigger...what IF this is the group/stable that RKO has been waiting for (albeit not 2nd/3rd gen wrestlers); this could be the dominant group that he could/could have lead/led for years in WWE
- he is the viper, and has been the ultimate sadistic mind of the WWE for a few years now

A LOT of ifs, but what do you think? any possibility? has BEST BACKSTABBING written all over it, imo.

highly unlikely for it to happen, but just a thought. plus i wanna be one of the ones who say "i called it" if it ever happens haha :rolleyes:
So I had a thought. Is it just me or does Wade Barrett and The Nexus as a whole come off as the top heels on RAW right now?

I mean sure there's Sheamus who probably would. Or should be credited as the top heel. But it's Wade Barrett and The Nexus who's having the majority of the RAW superstars on the hunt for them. It's Wade Barrett and The Nexus who's having the feud with the top face - John Cena.

And to top it off. They're on the Internet, as well as on-screen in the kayfabe manner - The most discussed subject. Edge, Sheamus, Chris Jericho, John Cena and Randy Orton has conversed with, or about The Nexus in some way or another.

Wade last night standing face to face with John Cena looked like he belonged right next to John. He looked like a true main event wrestler. Even if he hasn't accomplished anything. He looked like the person that could prove a challenge to John. It might be the fact that Wade has the it factor. And the fact that he's been around the main event guys on a consistent basic from the debut of NXT (Jericho & Edge, as well as John Cena in a match) and after his RAW debut.

So is it just me, or is Wade Barrett the top heel, or The Nexus as a general the top heels of WWE / RAW right now?

You make an excellent point. Even when they aren`t on screen they are getting mentioned ,like in the Jericho/Edge segment or when Arn Anderson was talking to Sheamus. This is the big storyline on Raw, with even the chase for the title taking a backseat. They are coloring most everything happening on the show even if they aren`t directly involved. I was thinking the exact same thing about Wade Barrett last night looking like he belonged there with Cena. He just has a presence about him and yes, the "it" factor. Yeah I definitely think you could make a good case that the Nexus are the top heels on Raw .
You make an excellent point. Even when they aren`t on screen they are getting mentioned ,like in the Jericho/Edge segment or when Arn Anderson was talking to Sheamus. This is the big storyline on Raw, with even the chase for the title taking a backseat. They are coloring most everything happening on the show even if they aren`t directly involved. I was thinking the exact same thing about Wade Barrett last night looking like he belonged there with Cena. He just has a presence about him and yes, the "it" factor. Yeah I definitely think you could make a good case that the Nexus are the top heels on Raw .

I concur that NEXUS, and Wade most importantly, have the "IT" factor going. Listen, if you get a chance to see Barrett here early on in his career in person at a live event, do it. The man is really a beast of a guy and is quite the presence in the ring to say the least. I know TV can play tricks on how people look, but this guy really looks like he's ready to make the step into the Big League's for a long time coming. It's really exciting to see this all develop and to banter back and forth about where it's going!!
Could The Miz be behind it?

Yes folks, you heard me right. Could it be that whilst there is talk of a potential mastermind behind the Nexus faction, it is the Awesome One behind it all? Now this isn't just throwing a name for the sake of throwing a name. In fact, let's take a close look at this.

The Nexus has a vendetta against management. Now let's take a look at why the Miz might have something against management:

-The company allowed JBL to keep making humiliating comments about the Miz on commentary and put him in diva search skits etc, not taking him seriously to begin with due to his reality TV background (Otunga, you've got a friend).
-He was kicked out of a locker room for eating chicken (Don't quote me on the chicken bit) over a referee's bag.
-Management let the guest host ruling of Jeremy Piven stand that the Miz would be banned from the WWE if he lost to Cena on an episode of Monday Night Raw. Thus he had to go out of his way to earn a contract.
-Bret Hart won the US Title from him then later became General Manager.

Now we have a clear reason for Miz hating management. And what have we seen? We've seen Bret Hart took out by the Nexus. Revenge?

Let's take a look at the man who both Nexus and Miz made a name for themselves via:

-John Cena.

Now through Cena, The Miz could never score a legitimate victory. But his constant verbal attacks put him on the map. The Nexus attacking Cena also put their star on the map. He is the face of the company, so it would be an obvious target, but nevertheless you can't rule out the link there. The first person Miz and Nexus both set in their target was Cena.

Furthermore, lets look at the origins of the group. NXT. Who is missing from the group? Daniel Bryan. Now could it be that The Miz wanted Bryan kicked out of this potential group? Yes we know about the release/work argument but for storyline reasons could the Miz have been behind his dismissal from the WWE due to the obvious animosity between the two?

Also, many have mentioned that a Nexus member could replace R-Truth in the MITB. But who injured Truth? That's right, The Miz. Could it be that The Miz injured R-Truth to open an opportunity for a Nexus member to help him in the MITB match?

When the RAW heels attacked the faces and were in favour of the Nexus on Monday Night... who was one of them? The Miz.

And let's take a look who is in the MITB PPV Main Event which has had Nexus implications hinted at. Cena, and Sheamus. Again, if The Miz won MITB with a Nexus member's help... and if Cena won the title... could we see this lead to the Nexus beating down Cena and The Miz cashing it in. There are reports that WWE want a case cashed in before Summerslam, and Cena and Miz have history, could this all work?

Lastly, who is the only remaining pro on this season's NXT? That's right, The Miz. Bryan was one of the first eliminated, why did the company let Miz back? Did he plead? If so, why? Perhaps it was so he could scout more members to join his crusade first hand.

If done right, with The Miz as the mastermind, this is an angle that could make a hell of a lot sense and could see The Miz make a huge name for himself. A first reign is always a tester, and by giving an angle where The Nexus side with Miz, he could easily not seen weak by simply having them turn on him at some point down the line.

Too many in times in wrestling has there been a weak explanation or outcome to an angle. But with this, you don't get too small of a name to give that anti-climax feeling or a name too big to benefit anybody. No, if done right with The Miz behind the group then everyone involved can help each other out to rise in stock.

Hmm, you do have an interesting theory Planty. The Miz has been humiliated for quite some time now in WWE, and him wanting revenge on the WWE would make sense, but I just don't know if WWE would be ready to give him such a huge push just yet. Miz is already the US champion, and he's in the MITB match. There's a good chance he could win MITB, and eventually become WWE champion. I find it hard to believe that the WWE would have Miz win MITB, be a double champion, and be the leader of Nexus. They would be putting him on a very high pedestal. Even if Miz doesn't win MITB, being the leader of Nexus would still be too much for him. Keep in my mind that this a group who attacked Vince McMahon, Ricky Steamboat and other legends, and John Cena, while he was WWE champion by the way.
I think the Nexus angle is going very well so far. For the first time in many many years, WWE is very interesting again. The whole mystery over who the new GM is and the hidden agenda of the Nexus group really adds to that.

At this stage, there are a few things I'd do, if I were in charge of the WWE creative team:

1) It's now time to start engaging the Nexus members in actual matches, not just Wade Barrett

2) I would have them wreak a little more havoc and interfere in a few more matches

3) Have them completely take over Raw eventually, just like the nWo did on WCW, so successfully.

4) Get other Nexus members on the mic, particularly the likes of Otunga and Sheffield. Obviously, aside from Barrett, these two guys are going to be future main eventers themselves.

5) What happened to The Undertaker NEEDS to be as a result of something that Nexus (or Barrett himself) did. This will be guaranteed to generate enormous heel heat and will drag the Dead Man and Kane into a feud with this stable, which could possibly be brought into Smackdown.

6) I don't like their entrance music. I know it's stupid, but they need a more 'back to basics' and simple entrance tune, with no vocals and the entrance video should simply consist of 1) carnage and 2) shots of each Nexus member, followed by carnage (repeat 7x times).

7) Eventually, Barrett needs to be WWE Champion, a Nexus tag team needs to be the unified tag champions and a Nexus member needs to be US Champion too. It's not about copying the nWo...it's about dominance and it's something WWE failed to do during the WCW/ECW "invasion" angle.

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