*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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Registered Boozer
Please use this thread to discuss ALL aspects of the new faction. Everything from its members, limo driver, possible leaders, additions to the group... it should ALL go here. Any new threads made in regards to this subject will result in its creators being infracted without warning.

It's the NXTWO -- enjoy it, because it's what many of us have been screaming for for the last 10 years! I think it's going to be awesome! This isn't just the creation of any old heel stable either. It's a big stable that is going to wreak havoc and it'll bring with it refreshing new storylines and will make for a more entertaining Raw (and maybe Smackdown too, since these guys are not contracted to either show as of yet).
The greatest ending to raw in years. They had nothing to do with these guys so they do a new invasion storyline. AWSome, cena asskicking. What a way to do it. I hope the next 5 months or more is a all out invasion by nxt
I thought it was a GREAT idea, i cannot wait to see were this whole NXT rookie faction is going. Im thinking that Bryan is gonna end up feuding with Barrett over supremacy of the group. This whole thing is taking me back to the good old days where wrestling was unpredictable. I LOVE IT!!
are y'all serious this was funny as hell...15 people literally laid out in they get one strecher for Cena?? writing team was horrible with this..i love the choas thats cool but one strecher lol..THE king was buried under his announce table,striker got punched one time,the bell ringer i think got choked to death with his tie,not to mention the raw locker room was some *****es..Who didn't come out smh..coULs have been better executed
That was AWESOME. It was definetly unpredictable. My motuh just dropped the whole time. They devoured they destroyed every body and everything. This has also got me to wonder. Are they the ones who did the thing to the undertaker?
I loved it as well. Everyone can agree with this one. I was shocked to see Gabriel and Slater so aggressive against Cena. 8 heels coming out of NXT, I'm glad they are all sticking around on TV instead of going back to FCW.

Shocked that Danielson didn't do anything to Cole though. He was right there!
All I can say is wow! The WWE creative team actually did something right for a change. This new NxT alliance was just a brilliant idea made by the WWE. These guys are most definitely the future of WWE and for all these guys just to go ape @#@! on Cena and even kick Punk's ass was a perfect angle. All these guys are now heels IMO and hopefully they will continue beating up top WWE superstars to make a statement. This new alliance according to the armbands will probably be this decade's nWo.
Last week I thought the ending to RAW was the best ending in a long time. However.. this totally blew it out of the water.. and I mean the entire episode was CRAP then WOAH. This was even better than any dumb TNA "riot". Is this going to be Invasion 2?
That was just... Incredible.

I must say that I have become very bored with some of the decisions that the WWE have been making over the last few weeks and had turned off for tonight. However, when I read that all of this was going down, I couldn't help but tune back in and watch the carnage unfold for myself. Truly, this was one of the best kept secrets in wrestling history and there is not a single WWE fan, or beyond, that could say that they expected anything that even remotely resembled what we just witnessed. As I stopped watching Raw just now, I could not help but feel like everything was executed to perfection recently and a lot of things makes sense. The question is, where do we go from here with it?

Personally, I would love to see some stable wars rising up in the WWE.Punk even tried to save Cena from the malicious beating that he was inevitably going to receive and that shocked me. However, it would be brilliant to see how the WWE superstars are going to combat this new stable.

Very, very exciting!
If not for anything else, I enjoyed seeing them destroy John Cena. That was brilliant and enjoyable tv. However, it's funny how slow time seemed to go by without the commentary. At one point I was thinking it was a way to get people to watch tomorrow night's episode of NXT just to see if anything else is going to happen. I definitely have to give it to RAW tonight for that ending. It was interesting looking at the expressions on some of the fans' faces.
Quite possible the best segment I've seen on Raw in the past 5 years. They took the "takeover" angle that has been done to death and made it new again. I said it earlier, you want to get these guys over as stars? Well WWE, bravo, I think you may have just done it.
Well apparently the NXT guys are starting some kind of faction and wanted to make an impact.. noticed how they all had "N" armbands.

I like it and dislike it, on one hand I guess the WWE believes that there is money to be made on the castoffs.. which I can agree with.. but I don't know why you put bryan danielson with them.. that could have set up an excelent storyline with Danielson going against a faction.. oh well.
I loved this angle so much I didn't want Raw to end tonight. The creative team has done their jobs, that's for sure. I have always watched WWE programming religiously but I'm going to start taking less piss breaks now, that's for sure.

NXT Rookies in a heel faction, it's brilliant really. But how will they interact with NXT Season 2 tomorrow night? And will Barrett be the "leader" of the faction? Or Bryan? It seemed like the other rookies were getting behind Barrett in the season finale, so maybe that was a bit of foreshadowing? I have so many questions that need to be answered, I can't fucking wait until next week's Raw.

The WWE has become completely unpredictable. After making Danielson a major face, they turned him and the whole NXT roster into heels in one of the most mind-boggling and crazy segments I have ever seen. I don't even know what to think. I was shocked when Barrett came out to interrupt Cena, but when the whole Season 1 roster including Danielson showed up through the audience I was stunned. I couldn't figure anything out. The words that kept flashing through my mind were "Utter Chaos", because that's exactly what it was.

I legit have no idea what is going on with this storyline. I almost want to think, with the armbands, that they're all a big heel faction. Wade Barrett can take Orton's spot at F4W, since Orton appears to be injured, and maybe even win the WWE Championship. Then, the whole faction can invade RAW and win various titles. How exciting would that be?!

I don't even care that they made Danielson a heel after he got over as a face. In fact, this may be even better for him since he's a really good heel. What a way to make an impact and WHAT a way to end a RAW!!

I am loving this, and I can't WAIT for NXT tomorrow, for Smackdown, and for RAW again just to find out what happens next.
Well apparently the NXT guys are starting some kind of faction and wanted to make an impact.. noticed how they all had "N" armbands.

I like it and dislike it, on one hand I guess the WWE believes that there is money to be made on the castoffs.. which I can agree with.. but I don't know why you put bryan danielson with them.. that could have set up an excelent storyline with Danielson going against a faction.. oh well.

Not immediately, it wouldn't make nearly as much sense. Danielson is regarded as the best in the world, yet Cena is the Champion in the World's top company. It made perfect sense for him to be there and gave him a motive in addition to whatever response the former "rookies" give after tonight.

Beautiful, beautiful segment. Even if they bomb the rest of this story, the ending to RAW tonight alone should be infamous.
At the end of raw, during a match between Cena and CM Punk the NXT rookies made their impact.They came out and attacked Cena and Punk.They destroyed the Ring,announce table, and even barricades.This was the most amazing display of destruction I have ever seen!

This has instantly jumped up to one of my favorite moments of all time.I think this could be a great angle with a faction the WWE could use to great effect.Wade could be use as Swagger was.Otunga & Wade would be the main mouth pieces.Some could form a tad team and win the titles as others go after the IC and U.S titles. This could help build all the rookies and make the WWE very interesting.

What do you think?
Im sooo madd i went to the bathroom (taco night..what can i say) when i come back i see the ring and the set is a mess and everyone is laid out...so now i gotta wait till it pops up on youtube to see the full thing..FML...but from what i saw it was awsome and unexpected..because before that i was going to write a thread about how Raw sucked tonight..that is until the finisher....
I have been watching WWE for 9 years, and not even the original Invasion, was as shocking and jaw-dropping as what i just saw. I know every once and awhile the WWE start a long spanning intense storyline, like the mcmahon death (in bad taste now, after what happened to Benoit), the bastard child of mcmahon, this is the new era of WWE, we have seen the future and the future destroyed the past a la Cena, Punk, and King, I totally agree that this is the NXT WORLD ORDER....4 LIFE.
I agree with those of you who say that this new faction HAS to be behind the Undertaker's destruction. Finally WWE are doing something right and are creating interesting storylines and twists. Perhaps the creative team have changed faces, who knows? Either way, this is going to be good. You don't need to completely end the PG era.....wrestling just needed to become interesting again and I hope and pray that this is the start of it. So what if they re-hash some of what the nWo did in the mid 90's? It'd be original now, many years later and these former NXT guys are all young, ambitious and good in the ring, unlike many in the old nWO, who were past their prime, even back then.
The greatest ending to raw in years at first when I saw Barret and Tarver I thought Barret hired him or something. But the full NXT Invasion holly shit greatest ending to raw that i've ever had the pleasure of watching. Something tells me this will either be a long thing or one night only.
Although I do think the ending to RAW was really good, throwing Brian Danielson in there was a dumb decision.

He had a good thing going getting over as a tweener character with Miz/Cole. Gabriel and Slater aren't exactly credible heels either
Best ending to Raw in years! I can't wait to see where this thing goes. The rookies are pissed off and are not going to just go quietly into the night. Barrett (since he won NXT) seems to be their leader. This storyline could be epic if WWE really pushes it. My only concern at this point is that some of these guys aren't good enough to be big-timers IMO. Tarver in particular.
This was absolutely, 100% brilliant. I was in complete shock and awe. At first, I just thought Barret was going to come out, distract Cena, and let Punk get the easy win. But OMFG!!! If you asked me what I thought would happen tonight, I would've said, "Stupid skits, decent in ring action, crowd goes home happy." Oh how I was wrong. The looks on the faces in the audience confirmed the positive direction Raw took this week. Mark Madden, this is what surprise is. This is what wrestling means to me. I was shocked, I was entertained, I was pleased. Simple formula really. I hope this continues, and I hope the ball doesn't end up on the floor. I also hope Vince doesn't second guess this direction. It's like when Obi Wan found out Luke could be a Jedi. Very good stuff.
Excuse my irritation expressed here, but what the **** are you people talking about? Best ending in years? This is the most pathetic form of "wrestling" storyline I've seen in my almost 20 years as a WWE fan.

I suppose the "shock" was supposed to keep me tuned-in to next week, right? WRONG...just the opposite. I will NEVER watch the WWE again. If that was "PG" material, then thank God we don't have the "Attitude Era" happening now. If we did, would we see one of the NXT guys start to rape one of the ringside attendants?

Sports entertainment....nothing sporty or entertaining about dismantling the company's flagship show & its employees. I don't care what that company is trying to accomplish or establish with this storyline...it was DISGUSTING. The following is the e-mail feedback I left for WWE:

I have been a WWE fan for the past 18 years. Thoughout all of the various "eras" in WWE over these 18 years, I have been witness to a variety of business conditions, roster changes, and storylines low and high. I have attended more live events than what I can count, own a variety of merchandise, and have stayed supportive of this business throughout my 18 years as a fan.

The ending of RAW on 6/7/10, featuring the NXT rookies was one of the most absolutely, if not THE most disgusting things I have ever seen. I don't know what this storyline plans to accomplish, but I can assure you, there was nothing sports-related or entertaining about watching this.

You want to create a lot of "bad heat" for the fans? I'm exposed to watching a bunch of second-rate wrestlers basically overtake the company's flagship show, beat-down most every single employee by ringside, incapacitate the "face" of the company, and I'm to believe not one wrestler from the back or Vince McMahon would've come out to stop this absolute dismantling of the props, the ring, every person?

This segment has absolutely disgusted me. The WWE is so "PG" right, ending this episode with nothing but a lame "Attitude Era" storyline. You can't have it both ways. What the hell has this company come to, when it's about such a disturbing storyline, and not about MEN facing MEN in matches?

You have severly ruptured any trust I have in thinking this company knows how to put on an entertaining show. I hope the "bad heat" was worth it, because kayfabe or not, storyline or not, this disgusting 10 minutes of free-form violence has completely turned me off to your "product" altogether. You can thank your writers, Vince McMahon, and the willing rookie participants that soured 18 years of fandom in 10 minutes.

Will I be heard by the offices of WWE? Not likely, but I am not ending my support without my effort of being heard. Good luck burying your company Vince McMahon...hope the heat was worth losing this fan.
tonights ending was just awesome havent seen something that good in a long time and i loved how cole ran away i cant wait to see where this goes and the message they sent was awesome not oly did they destroy the face of the WWE but they destoryed the flag ship show what an impact hopefully they dont mess this up

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