*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] 2010 WWE Draft Discussion

well im almost 100% positive orton is going to smackdown. but with what i belive to be the end of the edge/jericho fued i was thinking edge would be the one going to raw i was thinking that would happen since jericho just got drafted to smackdown last year. not that it means jericho wouldn't be drafted back i just think it would be intresting to see edge back on raw. but we'll see. rated rko returning would be pretty cool though, except that most of the tag-teams now in wwe aren't that big of stars.
I don't want to see this, as Orton will be chasing Swagger for the title and Edge will still be involved with Jericho. Why end two separate feuds just to throw a team together that won't last that long? It's not worth it. Vince isn't going to keep two huge money makers and main eventers in a tag team, to flounder in the tag team ranks. He is going to keep them is separate high profile feuds. Yes they may team up once and a while, but it won't be a full time thing, there is nothing to really gain from it. Their teaming up won't save the tag team ranks anymore than ShowMiz has.
I would love to see a Rated RKO reunion they are my favortie tag team of all time, but I doubt that it will happen.

The plan is for Edge to go to Raw and for Randy Orton to go to SD so there is no possible way that they could reunite and make Rated RKO although it would be awesome.

However while we are talking about reuniting awesome tag teams Christian and Edge could reunite tonight because I doubt Christian is going to be drafted to SD tonight or during the supplement draft.
Would rather see Edge/Christian over Edge/Orton. Maybe a one of match, and as others have said, end it with one doing over the other.

But don't make their match against Jericho. I want Jericho and Edge to be on opposing brands. Put their feud on the "On-Hold" shelf for now.
I don't know if anyone seen it but, Raw has all the main eventers! I was in high hopes of having Orton go to Smackdown but what the hell just happened? Raw has a main event roster of Cena, Edge, Tista, Jericho, Orton, and HHH in a while. Plus, now you have a huge group of mid-carders for Raw. Smackdown has shit i tell you. I prolly think "pray" that Cena gets drafted to Smackdown with a title loss on Over-the-Limit PPV. I just pray something rights gonna happen cuz if there's no change then fuck WWE!


:wtf: :banghead: :disappointed:
they could surprise us in the Supplemental Draft. It maybe a way of drawing traffic to the website, but who knows.

I'm excited about Christian and Kofi going to Smackdown, now maybe they can rise up to where they should be.

HHH will be off for awhile and theyre talking of Batista leaving after his next Cena match so that takes two off of your list right there, but I know what you mean. I wanted to see Orton or even Sheamus (who I believe is now full main event status) go to Smackdown.

Just pay attention to the supplemental draft tomorrow and hopefully they pull off some good drafts.
Why should anyone really be surprised? After all, Vince McMahon has always made it clear that RAW is the WWE's A-show.

But with so main eventers on RAW, that opens up room on SmackDown for some people to step up. Hell, unless something changes come the Supplemental Draft, I'd consider Christian the top face of SmackDown.
man i was thinkin the same! i was like wtf jericho too!! wtf happened to orton! all the main event and even veteran stars are on raw.. aside from taker

like if they are planning on making ppl like swagger and kofi heavyweight champs on SD! they atleast need them to be beating up other former heavyweight champs aka jericho and orton... not just taker.

it sucks cuz i even like SD! better than raw.. i doubt anything spectacular happens during the supplemental draft..

i dont see how this is gonna benefit either show.. specially with SD moving to sci fi..
Just a few random thoughts I have concerning the draft tonight...

* There was no element of surprise because we've seen Raw guys on SD and SD guys on Raw for a while now.... If they want to give us the element of surprise try not sharing wrestlers for the next year. Get rid of the unified tag belts cause thats ruining the surpise element.

* Another year, another landslide of Raw getting all the stars.... Who is Swagger gonna feud with? Nobody is on a main event level push right now other than Taker who is supposed to take time off... CM Punk and Rey are in a feud that should be main event material but isnt.

* I got a feeling that John Morrison is gonna be a jobber to the main eventers for a while.... When he and others should really be solidifying the mid card.

* Why in the hell is edge a heel already... I seen what some of you said about it. But that boo from the crowd was definately a heel boo. The Cena turn shouldve came LONG before this.

* On a positive note... SD has to make new stars now. Which means we might see Christian get a good push!!!..... :rolleyes: .... :disappointed: .... doubt it lol :banghead:

FYI Santino rules and i hope WWE keeps this guy lol
Most of you might not agree with me but taking top superstars off the SD roster and drafting them to RAW is a good move....superstars like christian.swagger,hardy,big show CM Punk nd McIntyre have a great opportunity to make it big in the business....with michaels gone nd batista,kane nd taker set to leave the company in a few months it is good move for the youngf superstars to make a name for themselves....
I've been saying this amongst friends since they "moved" Batista to Raw.....by moving the big names to Raw they will theorhetically crush Impact even more so....it makes since....BUT....it kinda sucks
I really think Smackdown got screwed with this draft. I understand the idea of building up young stars on the show, but you have to have a few big names. Right now, their biggest stars are Swagger, Mysterio, Punk, the Big Show, & the Undertaker. 'Taker will be off for a while, so the onle face is Mysterio. And is he really going to feud with Swagger? I thought for sure that Orton would be drafted to Smackdown, probably with the pick Swagger won. I mean, why not keep Morrison on Smackdown and have him feud with Swagger? They've had a few good matches. RAW is loaded at the top, which means a lot of talented young guys will be burried in the midcard. I think they went overboard with stacking RAW, but maybe they have something planned for the supplemental draft.
I've been saying this amongst friends since they "moved" Batista to Raw.....by moving the big names to Raw they will theorhetically crush Impact even more so....it makes since....BUT....it kinda sucks

man u are so right.. wwe is worried about impact.. i dont blame them this is the first time ive watched raw in forever!... but yeah man your exactly right about that being the reason they drafted all the big names to raw.. watch punk and ses gettin drafted to raw as well.. man sd is dead.
RAW: Batista, John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus

SmackDown: Undertaker, CM Punk, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston

It looks significantly better on paper. Initially I thought that removing Jericho and Edge would ruin Smackdown, but once the top echelon of each roster is analyzed, it is clear that Smackdown still has an excellent roster of veterans and up-and-comers. Last year Raw was congested with main event superstars, including HHH, Batista, Orton, and Cena, and Raw was a horrible mess, while Smackdown with CM Punk and Jeff Hardy main eventing was great. This year Superstars such as Christian, Ziggler, and Swagger can step up by competing with Punk, Mysterio, and Show--established upper mid-carders--and Undertaker. What people should be worried about is the mid-card talent on Raw. I am hoping that Miz, Rhodes, and Dibiasi will move to SD in the supplemental draft because considering the huge egos present on Raw they might receive minimal exposure.
Ok, just got a few thoughts on the draft.

Personally I found the draft to be a tad frustrating. I was waiting for a Smackdown pick that would truly shake shit up. Big Show? Nope, not relevant. Kofi? Maybe, if it had been 4 months ago. Kelly Kelly? Hooray, a hot chick on Smackdown. Still means shit. Christian? Hmmm, his absolutely pointless run on Raw makes this switch pretty irrelevant. Meanwhile, Raw got 2 great main eventers, the main guys who have been carrying Smackdown for the last 3 months.

There's no way around it, Orton should've gone to Smackdown. He does not need to be there, simply as that. The Cena/Batista feud still has one match in it, then Cena can feud a bit with Jericho and Sheamus. Why keep Orton around on Raw when he's probably not going to win the belt there? He's certainly hot enough to have a belt, so move him to Smackdown where he'll win it and bring good ratings into the show.

Cena, Triple H, Batista, Sheamus, Orton, Edge and Jericho on Raw now. Why? There aren't that many main everters needed on Raw. Christian or Kofi should've stayed on Raw, while Orton went to SD. Cena could've feuded with Batista, Jericho and Sheamus while Edge helps build up Christian/Kofi/The Miz so Cena has someone to feud with in the summer. I understand Triple H is taking time off and Batista is leaving soon, but they still don't need to have every main eventer bar the Undertaker on Raw. Why is Orton on Raw? Well, apparently it's because now, of all times, WWE are going to pull the trigger on Orton vs Edge.

Ok, the way I see it, Wrestlemania and Summerslam are the two times of year where the cards should be all about big drawing power. The rest of the year should be about building up young guys. Edge and Orton is big enough to headline Wrestlemania, so why are they doing the feud over May? It makes no sense.

And lastly, the Smackdown roster. Oh boy. Who is supposed to carry the show there? There's simply no one good enough. CM Punk? He's great, but he always needs a bit of support when he's the top guy on the show, like he got from Jeff Hardy last summer. Mysterio? He was the top guy in 2006, and look how that turned out. Christian? If they had used his Raw time to build him up rather than 2 matches with Ted Dibiase, maybe. Swagger? Nowhere near ready. Kofi? Even less ready than Swagger. Show? Don't make me laugh.

I don't know what kind of experiment WWE are trying out right now. But the Smackdown roster just doesn't work for me. They might be trying to have that roster to build up young guys, but the thing is they're also trying to build up their champion. So if, say, Kofi gets really hot on SD, he probably won't win the title off Swagger because they don't want to ruin Swagger's momentum. It's just weird. But we'll see, I guess.

As with every cloud, there is a silver lining. With the surplus of main eventers on Raw, they need to use that to build up young stars. Let Sheamus, John Morrison and the Miz go over some main eventers, help them get that big win that can propel them to the main event scene. On SD, it'll be very difficult to do the same thing, since Punk, Mysterio and Show aren't big enough to help guys into the main event. Although, looking at the SD roster, those guys are the biggest names there, so maybe they could? I dunno.

Oh, and we can't even say that SD has one legit main eventer, the Undertaker factor doesn't matter until like next November or something.

While this has enormous potential to make Raw a mess and destroy SD's ratings, I'm intriguied, so I will be watching intently, no doubt. The draft was interesting if nothing else.
Kelly Kelly to Smackdown
I think this was a pretty good move. Mickie's gone and Kelly can fill that spot. She joins Beth and Tiffany, who were the only two face divas on Smackdown.

Big Show to Smackdown
Ummm.... yeah.... don't care.

Morrison to Raw
Decent move.... Perhaps they plan to have him feud with The Miz over the US title. That could be cool to have the former tag team partners finally get a legit feud rather than the Raw VS Smackdown feud they had at Bragging Rights last year.

R-Truth to Raw
Another decent move. Truth can get the crowd fired up every week on Raw now. His team with Morrison might continue as well. I'm interested in seeing how Truth will do on Raw.

Edge to Raw
Probably the biggest move of the night. Edge has not been on Raw since 2007 when he cashed in MITB on Taker. Monday nights will once again be Rated R thanks to Edge!

Kofi to Smackdown
This was a rather good move because I think a move to Smackdown will benefit Kofi in the same way that it did for Punk last year. He can develop his character and get some more victories.

Christian to Smackdown
Fantastic move. Christian is not going to be overshadowed by Edge now. Another reason this is a good move is the fact that Smackdown lacks main eventers now while Raw has a surplus. Christian could finally win his first (WWE) world title soon. We can only hope.

Jericho to Raw
I called this one. Jericho moving to Raw makes sense and it's a good move because Raw will need a top heel and Jericho was often on Raw mocking the guest hosts anyhow.

I liked most of the moves in the draft although I'm a little dissappointed that nothing groundbreaking happened. Some titles or announcers trading brands could have been interesting, but the moves that they did make were good so I'm not upset. It could have been better, but it was a decent draft because most of the established guys are now on Raw while Smackdown has a better environment for the younger guys to step up and improve.
I love the route the WWE has decided to travel this year. You have an absolutely stacked show every Monday night with Cena, Batista, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Sheamus, and (soon) Triple H. For all you markety-marks of such things, you also have Miz and Morrison back on the same brand. Not to mention that R-Truth's entertaining ability might get a fair shake on Raw. Did you see that slap last night? The timing was spot on.

With all of that taken into account, I'm liking the new Raw brand on name value alone. For everyone who thinks the brand extension has watered rosters down, that was corrected on the red brand last night.

As for SmackDown? We all knew it was the B-brand, so them coming out and showing us that doesn't really bother me. What has it left us? CM Punk and Rey Mysterio as the top two players on the brand, a move I personally love, Big Show possibly getting a major push, and players like Swagger, Christian, and Kofi playing major roles that people have been begging for them to get. I am in no way ticked off about the state of things on either brand.

Also, I can't wait to start handing out "I told you so"s regarding Christian and how much the ECW Championship meant. I am very fucking happy about that move in particular.

Kelly Kelly: Guess they need popular face diva to replace Mickie. Don't care at all.

Big Show: Another one I don't care about. I just hope we don't see him feud with Undertaker for the millionth time.

Kofi Kingston: good move, and one I hadn't thought about, actually. With all the breathing room Smackdown has right now, Kofi should be able to regain that momentum he had during his feud with Orton.

Christian: THANK GOD. With Smackdown being practically drained of it's main event talent, Captain Charisma can finally make a run for the top. What's cool is that Swagger is champion, so he can Christian can rekindle their feud over the ECW belt, but now for World Heavyweight title.


John Morrison: This move scares the hell out of me. Raw is notorious for being the place that rising stars go to die, and with Raw looking more stacked than ever, I'm afraid he'll end up being the next MVP. As a Morrison mark, I hope to God I'm wrong.

R-Truth: another one I'm concerned about. The thing about this draft is that there were a few guys from Raw I wanted moved to SD, but I really didn't want SD to lose anyone to Raw, and Truth was one of them. I'm not sure what he's going to do there; maybe start something with Ted Dibiase, based on what happened between them Monday.

Edge: predictable, and needed. Edge has more or less owned Smackdown the last 3 years and needed a change of scenery. Him spearing Orton was an interesting and unexpected turn of events. I'm intrigued to see where that goes.

Chris Jericho: didn't expect this at all. Guess they need a top heel since Batista may be leaving, but I thought Sheamus was going to fill that void. I don't know about this one, I think Jericho would've been better left on Smackdown, but I'll just have to wait and see how they use him.

Overall, a decent draft that saw Raw dominate as it usually does. My favorite move is definitely Christian while my least favorite is Morrison. The Supplemental draft is happening now, so I'll give my thoughts on those moves once their done.
One thing we may be forgetting about is the MITB ppv in July. These changes could only be temporary for the next couple months. They could easily have a big star like Orton, Cena, HHH etc win the Raw MITB match depending on how things shake out and just as easily have them cash it in on the SD champ. I think loading up Raw like this just ensures that they will bury impact. You move a guy like orton or cena right now and they may lose a few people to impact on Mondays.
While at first glance Smackdown loses in the draft, the suppliment draft changes it up a little.

Sure Losing Edge, Jericho, Morrison, and Truth hurts.......(he he truth hurts)
the suppliment draft- send Kahli, Zeke, Natalya, Hart Dynasty, and Golddust away as well

but if you look at that closely you see

Zeke- and injured superstar, out for 6 months

Kahli- Taking a hiatus to recharge the battery

Hart Dynasty- as the Tag champs, they will be able to continue to appear on Smackdown.

Natalya- im sure she will stand right by the Harts

Golddust- used primarily on superstars, decent loss

Smackdown recieves- Christian, Kelly Kelly, Big Show, and Kofi

Cody, Chavo, Hornswoggle, rosa Mendez, Masterpiece, and MVP

all 10 are active performers-

Christian, Kofi and Show have a chance to sky rocket on the brand.

Cody, MVP, and to a certain extent Masters have a shot at a clean slate to shine.

Rosa, Kelly, and Chavo will move twoards the Womens department. Rosa heel, Kelly face, and Chavo will be by his aunts side in Vikki.

Lastly im excited for honswoggle due to the fact he will bring back Finley to a more permanent role.

While some may feel Raw cleaned house- Smackdown seem like the fresher and more oppertunity show.
Supplemental Draft time! Now that's it's over, my thoughts:


Cody Rhodes: knew this would happen, though I have a feeling he'll be one of those draft picks that never actually appear on the show...like, ever. I don't know, but for some reason I feel Cody's days with the company could be numbered.

Chavo Guerrero: the last time he was a Smackdown star, he was actually taken seriously. Honest. He even "injured" Rey Mysterio. This could be Chavito's last shot at doing something noteworthy before he's released too.

Chris Masters: how this guy managed to avoid getting released this past week is beyond me. Well, SD's moving to SyFy, which is known to show some weird stuff. Master's peck dancing certainly meets that quota.

Hornswoggle: if this means we'll get to see Dolph Ziggler choke him out every Friday night, I'm all for it. If not, then pointless move.

Rosa Mendes: guess this means the end of her and Zack Ryder, since he's still a Raw superstar (though you wouldn't know it, since he's never there). Like Kelly Kelly, I don't care.

MVP: like Christian, THANK GOD. MVP credibility was absolutely destroyed on Raw, and now he has chance to get it back on the show that made him a star. Hopefully it's not too late for the ballin' superstar.


The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh: Wasn't Khali supposed to be taking a break to go back to India or something? Or has the WWE scrapped that little sub plot? Hopefully Raw can work it's career-ending mojo, and get rid of Khali once and for all.

The Hart Dynasty: man, these guys are lucky. Despite it being a RANDOM draft, all three of these guys managed to get drafted together :rolleyes:. Since the WWE has only 2 real tag teams (the other being the Dudebusters), I guess it's only fair that each show have 1 each. This move means nothing, since they can be on any show regardless as tag champs.

Ezekiel Jackson: the guy is on Smackdown for a minute, gets injured, and now he's on Raw. With all the huge names on Raw, I don't know how Big Zeke is going to be able to stand out when he returns. SD has no monster heels, so he would've been better off there.

Goldust: not much to say, since he'll probably never actually appear on the show save for maybe a backstage comedy skit with the guest host. He may as well have been drafted to Superstars since that's really the only place we see the guy.

Well, now that the draft is officially done, I have to say that this was the most underwhelming draft ever. There were no shocking moves or surprises or anything. Smackdown got it's ass handed to it like never before and Raw is stacked to the ceiling. This surprises me, since I figured Smackdown would get most of the big names with them moving to a new channel this fall.

Honestly, I think that Smackdown was just so good last year that it was better off as is. There were guys on Raw I wanted moved, but I couldn't think of really any Smackdown star I wanted moved to Raw. Smackdown could really only go downhill, and it did. Hopefully I'm wrong, though, and this all works out for both brands.
I suspect all manner of screaming and crying in this thread about RAW "gutting" SD, but its silly.

They practically swapped mid cards, is all. Werent all of you the ones shitting your britches for Christian to get a push? Well, by fuck, if he ever is going to, he will now, wont he?

Truth and Morrison wont be doing anything more on SD, neither will Jericho or Edge. all four have done all they can on their current brand. Would Orton have been a smooth move? Absolutely. Oh well. He likely still moves there at a later time.

Anyway, everyone who went to SD will be made very good use of. Same cant be said for RAW. In my opinion, SD wins this one, going by that.

Cody Rhodes: knew this would happen, though I have a feeling he'll be one of those draft picks that never actually appear on the show...like, ever. I don't know, but for some reason I feel Cody's days with the company could be numbered.
Doesn't Big Dust still work for WWE? If so, I doubt his time in the organization is as fleeting as you think.

Chavo Guerrero: the last time he was a Smackdown star, he was actually taken seriously.
Unless a another member of his family just bit the dust, I don't like his chances.

Before he was taken seriously, he was losing the Cruiserweight Championship to a woman.

Chris Masters: how this guy managed to avoid getting released this past week is beyond me.
Why do people on this board feel the need to discriminate against male models?

Hornswoggle: if this means we'll get to see Dolph Ziggler choke him out every Friday night, I'm all for it. If not, then pointless move.
Actually, him and Chavo were likely a package deal.

MVP: like Christian, THANK GOD. MVP credibility was absolutely destroyed on Raw, and now he has chance to get it back on the show that made him a star. Hopefully it's not too late for the ballin' superstar.
Heel turn or bust. Brand has nothing to do with it, IMO. MVP as a face just doesn't play well.


The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh: Wasn't Khali supposed to be taking a break to go back to India or something?
They didn't say he was returning this week, did they?

If they did, score another World Champion for the red brand!

Ezekiel Jackson: the guy is on Smackdown for a minute, gets injured, and now he's on Raw. With all the huge names on Raw, I don't know how Big Zeke is going to be able to stand out when he returns. SD has no monster heels, so he would've been better off there.
SmackDown has Big Show and Kane at their disposal. I'm sure Zeke will have no problem becoming the new top midcard prospect on Raw in no time, just like everyone said he was on ECW.

I think I skipped a few. That probably tells you have uneventful this was.

I will say that I think SD got the better of this part of the draft. Cody is supposed to be a big deal. Fought DX at three PPVs. He could be a dark horse "best pick of the draft" contender. Or not. Time will tell.
WWE has been pretty much on the ball when it comes to their drafts, and this time around is a great example. The company wants RAW to be their flagship brand and SmackDown to be the developing brand. By "gutting" SD and allowing RAW to cannabilise the brand, you now have most of the top tier stars on the top tier brand and the developing stars on the developing brand. Sure, RAW has got some developing guys and SD with some top tiers, but that is to even things out (and hopefully "future endeavour" some more of the useless talents).

The WWE are doing what we all want to see... make new superstars. Take a look at the SD roster page if you want an example. It's pretty much spot the main event caliber superstar. Let's analyse:

CM Punk - With Batista and Jericho gone, he is the top heel on the brand, has an interesting character and a stable to keep other lower talents relevant. He will be carrying a lot of the weight here.

Rey Mysterio - Considering Undertaker's appearances, he will most likely be the top face of the brand. An excellent all-round performer who has a huge crowd following.

Apart from Taker (who apparently is taking time off for the moment) and Jack Swagger (who is main event caliber by default due to being the WHC), who else is there that is a huge enough name to be in the main event on SD? All I can think of is the Big Show.

This is a chance for many superstars to shine. Guys like Christian and Dolph Ziggler can capitilise on their momentum and recent runs in the WWE to make it to the top easily. Others like JTG can take their first steps into making it somewhere as well, not far behind the others. There is a shitload of potential on SD, and there are guys like Matt Hardy and Kane to help elevate them to where they need to be. SD's creative team have made do with worse and invented something watchable.

RAW doesn't need to work as hard with all the starpower, but these guys will certainly put on something fantastic. I have some bad feelings for people like Sheamus, Ezekiel and The Miz with all the starpower flowing through the brands veins, but they are being used properly to stay where they are. If Sheamus doesn't flounder and makes it to the top, kudos to him because its going to be a tough job.

With all this said, I was pretty sure Edge and Christian would re-unite after the draft to help each other. Edge helps Christian via starpower and Christian helps Edge due to his ankle injury. Ah well, Christian hopefully gets pushed hard on SD.
My first thought is it's a real shame Zack Ryder is stuck on Raw, it's likely he'll get even less time on TV now with Raw stacking up.

Wouldn't surprise me to see him back in FCW with Hawkins or even released.

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