*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I hope to God Mochael Cole isn't the leader! Wht the funk would you take him off commentary (something he is bad at) & put him in a main event role? (something he'd be terrible at!!!) I personally don't think they need a leader, I think Wade Barret should be the "Top Guy" (instant star maker) Maybe use an existing personality to elevate them, then turn on him. The potential is endless, especially were Danielson's return is concerned. I know I keep saying this, but please, please, pleae WWE, DON'T FUCK THIS UP!!!

p.s. Just thought, what if the leader turned out to be Rikishi, & he was doing it because he felt that new talent was being held back by the bigger stars!!!
this might be a long shot but what about ted dibiase? he might have paid the nxt guys to take out the main eventers and evantually take the wwe championship.
i wouldn't like to see michael cole as the leader its too big of a postion to give to someone like him
I've never been more convinced that Michael Cole has something to do with the NXT angle. Maybe it's not that he is the "mastermind" of the full thing but I am growing increasingly sure that he will have some sort of role in this angle in the future.

As has been stated, Michael Cole has had every opportunity to get out of the way and keep his mouth shut oin the NXT angle. The more I think about it, I can't actually remember a lot of times when Michael Cole has talked about the NXT too. It is becoming a lot clearer as we go through the weeks and Michael Cole is definitely becoming one of the main suspects. Everything seems to have pointed towards him and even the Daniel Bryan firing could be pinned on him, when you think about it.

He was the announcer of NXT and obviously knows the rookies personally. He has spent more time around these guys than any other person in the WWE and he hated Daniel Bryan. He would constantly berate him and talk about his love for the heels. I am pretty sure that If Michael Cole is somehow involved with this angle, then the blame for Daniel Bryan's release will be pinned on him and will set up that feud when Daniel Bryan actually returns.
As stated by another poster, the WWE likes to keep all options available. Going into PPV's, they usually try to make sure there is a possibility for anyone to win. For all the problems the WWE has, one must admire their ability to make these on the fly decisions and make them work. This is probably just the same thing.

However, I think this is just a red herring. How boringly predictable would Cole as the NXT leader be? They want to let him get away as many times as he can to A) Spare a man with little or no professional wrestling training from pain and/or injury, and B) Throw us off so when we're all thinking Cole, it turns out to be Jericho or HHH or someone ever more unpredicatble.
The Michael cole "injury" had nothing to do with the mystery of the leader of Nxt. The point was for Cole to be injured and have Lawler go and assist him, so there would be no commentary, creating the uncomfortable silence that accompanied the first NXT beatdown.

Nothing more than that.
I dont get all this talk about who is behind the NXT attack. why cant it just be the NXT rookies thinking and acting for themselves? why do they need to have somebody else behind it. as far as Im concerned the brains behind the operation is Wade Barrett.
They need to have somebody behind it because WWE fans haven't been given a reason to accept any of the rookies yet. There was that one brilliant angle two weeks ago, but that's not going to undo 12 weeks of WWE positioning every member of NXT Series 1 at the absolute bottom of the roster. Cena vs. Barrett on PPV would have absolutely no credibility. Cena vs. Barrett with, maybe, Vince McMahon in his corner has slightly more.
Guys and gals,

Do you ever stop to think that maybe everything is "boringly predictable" because you sit on here for hours at a time and debate and speculate? I mean, take the NXT angle for example. So far I have seen the following suggested as possible leaders: Vince, Shane, Wade Barrett, Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Jericho, Triple H and Cena. The driver is another scenario and I've seen another 8-10 names tossed around from that one. So in this angle if any of those 15-18 people are involved, the IWC will say it was "predictable" and then run Vince down for "ruining" another angle.

Whatever happened to just watching the shows on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays and enjoying what they have to offer instead of coming in here and being an armchair specialist. Now I'm not saying that it's not fun to speculate and joke around when you were right or wrong about your predictions, but getting mad because you're predicting something really does nothing for you or the product you're discussing.

On the topic, Michael Cole as the leader would be interesting, but I would definitely love to see more buildup in the next month.
maybe ur right but didnt they say their beef wasnt with cena, it was with their pros from season 1? maybe once they get their contracts they spend a few nights jumping William regal and R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Christian, besides I think Wade Barrett has just as much credibility if not more than Sheamus did when sheamus faced Cena at TLC
They need to have somebody behind it because WWE fans haven't been given a reason to accept any of the rookies yet. There was that one brilliant angle two weeks ago, but that's not going to undo 12 weeks of WWE positioning every member of NXT Series 1 at the absolute bottom of the roster. Cena vs. Barrett on PPV would have absolutely no credibility. Cena vs. Barrett with, maybe, Vince McMahon in his corner has slightly more.

I'm not sure having an established leader helps this problem though.

The main problem is that right now I have no reason to believe any of the NXT rookies. Barrett at World Title level - not a chance right now, although I reckon give him 3-4 months good programming he could be considered there.

As for the rest of them, I can't believe any of them. Gabriel would work as a face in a Cruiserweight Division, but guys like Slater, Tarver, Sheffield (the worst of them all) I have no reason to believe they can compete on a competitive level with most of the Raw roster.

Leader or no leader - this is a problem if you ask me.
Am I the only one who is a bit disalusioned with how this faction has developed since Raw last week.

Just a bit dissapointing - two beat downs, and a fairly poor promo in the middle of Raw. An explanation from Barratt as to why he stood by the rest of them. It wasn't great, but I guess it did the job. They got their contracts - now what? A beat down on Vince McMahon. Unless the new GM is in their corner - I have no idea where this angle could head (which might be a good thing/might not).
Well I've watched wrestling for years and I've come to the conclusion that either A) I'm just not a "pure" fan or B) it really does not freakin matter who you are, as long as you're plugged into the right role. I don't care about any of the NXT'ers individually, but I'll be damned if this isn't a hot angle. Their promo in the middle of the show wasn't super magnificent fantastico, but it got the job done. It set up the BS apology to allow for the sick beatdown at the end. Just keep the magic going. It won't last forever, but it's got me interested for now.

I actually really enjoy the angle, because, as said before, it's nostalgic but fresh.

I was, though confused by this past Raw, because they came out, apoligised, then went on to attack Vince. Maybe I missed something on Raw but, I don't really get it. But in a good way.

I actually was quite impressed by the promo's. A few are quite green on the mic like Darren Young but some are actaully quite good (Michael Tarver, Wade Barret)

If it was up to me though, I would've kept the attacks every week but do less promos to keep up the mystique as it were. But still I think RAW has improved significantly since this angle and I am enjoying it.

I would love to see Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson return though, he helped make the angle so much and he could've helped the other 7 rookies to no end.

I would love it if NXT invaded Smackdown! as well. That could really be the next step for them after taking out the boss, by going after the whole of the WWE Universe. But I do think that if they tried this they would need more members. Maybe from NXT Season 2? Kaval is being treated bad by his pros as is Husky Harris. I could see them joining up.
I was shocked and very pleased to hear that WWE has signed all 7 season 1 NXT rookies, their was just too much talent there to go to waste. But the question is, should they stay together as a group or go their separate ways. For me, i would perfer them to separate and maybe put 4 on Raw and 3 on smackdown(7 signings to Raw is way to much)

I was thinking something like this

Wade Barett-Main event
David Otunga-midcard
Micheal Tarver-Jobber hehe
Justin Gabriel-Midcard

Darren Young-midcard
heath slater-midcard
Skip Sheffield-tag team maybe

what do you guys think?
For now I think they're doing great sticking together, they are building a very strong faction making them all seem like a threat because of the fact that they're tearing apart all that gets in their way (with respects to the fact that being outnumbered themselves is something to live with)

They have made an impact thus far, and they are doing things with the whole The Nexus thing, the loyalty thing will also make me think that they won't break up any time soon, which is a good thing, WWE has a great thing going here that it's clear the fans absolutely love.

On the other hand, eventually they will separate of course, it's an inevitable thing that any faction breaks up eventually, I do think that it might take a few months before WWE decides to break it up, but I do see them able to do some way of dividing the faction into the card to control it all, and prepare them for their separations.
Why would you want to seperate the most over storyline in wrestling today?

Keep them together for awhile and of course they'll break up eventually.

And they'll invest a lot more in Otunga than mid-card... Whether people agree with it or not... you know they will.

After those two who knows what they'll do with the other 5.

But in summary.. keep them together. It's got viewers investing in the Raw product for the first time in a long time. The fans are into it, the casual fans are into it.. and WWE management is said to be very high on it so far.
it will be like the spirit squad.

they stuck together for awhile as a group, then broke off to see which ones would make it and which ones wouldn't.

i see a majority of the guys NOT making it and fading within a year of them breaking up. i don't think anyone outside of barrett is all that great.

and i can't stop thinking of a black john cena with that one guy.

i hope you are wrong about Otunga Money Inc. he is downright awful on the mic.
Breaking them up would be the dumbest move since firing Bryan Danielson.

Wade Barrett is the only true star out of the group. Breaking them up would kill the rest of the groups chances to get over with the crowd.
I was shocked and very pleased to hear that WWE has signed all 7 season 1 NXT rookies, their was just too much talent there to go to waste.
I really do love the true believers. That's not sarcastic, I love true believers a hell of a lot more than smarks, who will give you a list of reasons why someone should be fired, then gleefully mark out on him after a good promo. (Hi, IWC! Hi, Miz!)

The NXT 7 are going to stick together for a while, mostly because people don't really know who they are yet. Michael Cole actually introduced each speaker to the home audience during their promo last night, since NXT Season 1 sucked pretty hard and hardly anyone watched it. (Hey, it resulted in a great angle, and I bet one that was conceived before the show even launched. It obviously wasn't all bad.)

Off the top of my head, the ones I can put a name and a face to- Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, Michael Tarver, and, obviously, Daniel Bryan. I am not invested in their characters at all (except Daniel Bryan, and if this is a worked shoot, bravo writers. If it's not, take credit and say it is when you inevitably hire him back.)

If you split them up now, you can realistically expect to push one or two of them, while the others get forgotten by the audience due to inexposure. You only have so much camera time in a given week. From within the healthy nucleus of a group, any of the seven can extend outwards as their own personality, without losing that basic identity that reminds fans who they are. As well, when was the last time professional wrestling had a sizable stable that attracted interest like this? The nWo comparisons are telling.

They'll get split up eventually, because this story, like all stories, can't last forever. But there's still plenty of time to enjoy the ride until that happens.
I think they need to stick together for a good long while...separating anytime soon would kill off most of them.

As for their future, I see Justin Gabriel doing well for a few weeks, then becoming a jobber. I always thought that he and Evan Bourne would make a fun tag team, though. If Skip Sheffield keeps up with the 'badass' attitude he was developing towards the end there, he could do some damage. Darren Young could be a US/IC title contender eventually, Wade Barrett could knock on the main event door for a while...Otunga could eventually do the same, and Slater could be a decent midcarder, but they all need a lot of work and development to get to that point, which is why it would be a bad idea to break them up too soon.
The Nexus is there name now come on guys lol..but anyways The Nexus is becoming a great faction and just what this company needs..something new and exciting. They attacked The champion, the gm, and the chairman..thats the perfect way to get heel heat..im excited to see where this goes
i see a majority of the guys NOT making it and fading within a year of them breaking up. i don't think anyone outside of barrett is all that great.


As individuals, not many of them have resale value. Lets imagine they'd have all got post NXT contracts (Including Daniel Bryan) - what would have happened to them:

Barrett - would've been fine. Not World Champion level yet, far from it, but had the potential. I think he'd have come in as Jericho's sidekick, and they'd have built off eachother.

Danielson - yes he's gone, but he certainly had it to enter at a comfortable midcard level.

Otunga - would've been given a chance at mid card level to sink or swim. Might have made it, might not.

Gabriel - In ring he certainly has it. And perhaps, if the smaller - more high flying guys get the push, he may get somewhere. One thing we must remember - he held the FCW title for ages - I know its not the same, but the guys who've held it in the last couple of years: Sheamus, McIntyre, Swagger - he's in good company.

Those four I think would have a chance, a decent one at that. The other 4, I really don't know about. Sheffield, Young, Tarver and Slater. Young could reform his tag team from FCW with Watson. But the other three I don't think have a chance.

As for season 2, I think we have a much better chance. They all seem to have something to offer, given time.
Just a thought I had. The NXT1 graduates formed the so called; "Nexus" to form a strong alliance and destroy everything to get their WWE contracts that they wanted so badly. So now that the "mystery" GM of RAW has signed everyone of them and re-signed Wade Barrett, they have no need to stick together?

They also have no reason to stick by Wade Barrett's side anymore. He's re-signed and he has a Championship match to be waged at some point. If he's as bad as he makes out to be then he doesn't need the "Nexus" to be by his side. They can go off and do whatever they wish now that they're all WWE superstars.

Again, it's just a thought. It'd be better for them if they seperated and had a variety of heel/face characters. For example: Michael Tarver would be a heel and Justin Gabriel would be a face..

Let me know your thoughts?
Just a thought I had. The NXT1 graduates formed the so called; "Nexus" to form a strong alliance and destroy everything to get their WWE contracts that they wanted so badly.

Yes they did.

So now that the "mystery" GM of RAW has signed everyone of them and re-signed Wade Barrett, they have no need to stick together?

I doubt it. We don't know much about the groups motives. We do know the "Nexus" is unbreakable.

They also have no reason to stick by Wade Barrett's side anymore.

Except loyalty, which was specifically mentioned in the peomo.

He's re-signed and he has a Championship match to be waged at some point.

Yes he does.

If he's as bad as he makes out to be then he doesn't need the "Nexus" to be by his side. They can go off and do whatever they wish now that they're all WWE superstars.

Unbreakable bond. The Nexus is going nowhere.

Again, it's just a thought. It'd be better for them if they seperated and had a variety of heel/face characters.

Why? They're in the biggest angle going right now. Splitting up would be detrimental to their short term (and therefore long term) futures.

For example: Michael Tarver would be a heel and Justin Gabriel would be a face.

Why? Gabriel's best work has been as a heel. He's actually gotten a 450 splash as a heel move. He doesn't need to turn face yet.

Let me know your thoughts?

Not a chance of it happening until the angle has reached his climax, which isn't happening for some time yet.
I think the promos and actions on RAW showed they will be a group for a while yet. They still have a score to settle with 'WWE management' over NXT season 1, and it seems the new GM has a role to play behind the scenes. I hope they keep this going, and judging by the card for the SmackDown Supershow in Atlanta on July 6th, things are only going to heat up;

July 6th Supershow Main event: John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, R-Truth, John Morrison, & TBA vs. The Nexus.

I really think they can be an awesome tweener group, cheered by the marks, hated by the 'Dubya Dubya Ee Universe'. Maybe some tension amongst the ranks between those who were previously perceived as faces and heels. I hope this group makes an impact like the NWO, or DX, in a sense that they lasted despite membership changes. We could see Gabriel being kicked out and replaced by the likes of Low Ki.

That and they just got their own entrance theme!

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