Fantasy Football

If you and tdigle can work on a way from ejecting me from League 2, I'd be happy to give you my spot. I'm already in League 1 and a league with some friends from high school, so a third one will almost certainly be too much for me haha.

I technically think you can remove yourself if you look around hard enough. But you don't have to, if you don't want to. However - if you want to then let me know, so I can jump in there before anyone else.

I'm similar to Tdigs, I'm all about being apart of tons of fantasy football leagues. It's addicting.

I've been thinking about starting a league on but really don't want to have to deal with all the commissioner bullshit, Will you did two leagues on there last year, & can just re-activate one of them, if you want to do that I know a couple people at work that would join if the other people from those leagues don't want to do them again.

Yeah, I was going to do some leagues as well and try to get our regular crew back together - plus some.

JMT, You, Marquis, and perhaps Tdigs & Ty if they were up for it, plus others who're interested.
Yeah, I was going to do some leagues as well and try to get our regular crew back together - plus some.

JMT, You, Marquis, and perhaps Tdigs & Ty if they were up for it, plus others who're interested.

Let me know, I can probably get a few people if we need them, I think my brother in law is looking to try out the whole Fantasy Football thing, & I know a guy from work was asking me about fantasy football as well, send me a PM if you re-activate those leagues or start a new one(s)
Just a reminder to all of you:

The second league of 10 is drafting tonight (10 PM eastern). I have one more spot open for anyone still interested. Here are the current participants:

The Mask of Liger (Ty)
Al Davis' Corpse (?)
Beard of Personality (Theo)
Panther Pride (Will)
Your Asomughama (tdigle)
Rex Ryans Tattoo (?)
Poop On A Stick (SSC)
jmt (jmt225)
WeHavePrettyFeet (Guy)

The league ID and PW are as follows


Let's fucking do this! *notes he's an hour and 20 minutes earlier, also notes he's been drinking* This shall be interesting.
Just a reminder to y'all: the 14-team league drafts tonight at 9:30 PM, eastern time.

Here are the team names (I'm not even going to attempt to figure out who's who, all I know is that me, Theo, Megatron, Stormtrooper, and Sully are among the participants):

Mifflin Muffdivers
Tennessee Crytans
Rex Ryan's Feet
Owner's Associations
WooWooWoo I Know It
Lemon Trainwreck
Boner City Mad Men
steel curtain
The Beardocracy
The Team Named Suh
I'll likely be around for the first round possibly depending on when I pick. I got work at 10 so I'll be heading out around 945. I could possibly be joining back up once I get to work as I'll have computer access assuming the draft is still going down.
Snaking is on right? Although I'm pretty much around the middle as far as drafting goes, so snaking won't make too big of a difference. If it's off though, they guys picking first will have a significant advantage.
Dang, I am dissappointed I forgot about the draft. However, I checked my squad and am pretty satisfied. My team is the Mifflin Muffdivers and I look forward to the season.
And honestly, I got a fucking steal with Chris Johnson 8th overall, as well as Green Ellis in the 6th round. I think both of those guys should've been gone earlier, especially in a 14 team league.
It's a little different then most of my leagues because of all the teams. 14 is a good amount to get to though, it's just unusual for me. I think I got a good team, but my WRs are really weak. Not bad, but not great either. I know I saw a few guys, but they all ended up getting scraped before it came back to me.

CJ just signed a deal by the way. No way in hell I should've been able to get him 8th overall, but I'm not complaining. Him and Forte will be a nice duo.

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