Ending of IMPACT

I was not extremely dissapointed with the ending to this story, and that is mainly because I went into this segment expecting to be dissapointed. Unfortunately Wrestling has a tendency to start of storylines very well, but have the payoff suck or non existent (Joe and his kidnappers, Vince's son being Hornswaggle, only for him to be Finleys son).

Maybe there is some hope for this story, maybe this girl is Daniels sister or something. But yeah like some people mentioned, why wouldn't she have told her husband in the privacy of their own home, instead of making him think she is having an affair. And on the video recording, why was AJ so worried about wether Serge was home or not
The ending to last night's show was pretty damn wretched and anti-climatic. On one hand, Dixie & AJ can't take all the blame because this is one angle that's gone on for much longer than it should have. At the same time, neither Dixie or AJ have the acting ability or charisma to pull this sort of thing off.

The woman who came out in defense of AJ & Dixie, Claire is her name I think, just didn't do a very good job. I'm not an expert on recovering addicts, but I've seen enough of them in my time to come away with an idea that the VAST majority of them aren't comfortable admitting drug abuse issues in a room full of 1,000 total strangers. This woman, whoever she is, tried her best but this segment just didn't have it. I would've preferred they'd have just come out and admitted to an affair rather than go this route.

The fact that we didn't really get into a lot of details, such as why Die & AJ were helping this woman or what connection she has to them, due to being interrupted by Daniels suggests that they're probably going to reveal more of the connection in the weeks to come.

So yeah, this continues to be the angle that simply won't go away. I was kind of hoping that the three masked guys who attacked Sting would come out and lay out Styles by the time the segment was over.

It wasn't the worst TNA segment ever, I've seen MUCH worse, but it most definitely wasn't good.
I haven't watched Impact since the debut of Matt Hardy...and before that I used to watch it regularly when they were on FSSW. I couldn't help but laugh at the entire episode.

Why does the entire arena look like there was a fire somewhere? It looked smokey/foggy. Maybe RVD and Jeff Hardy were doing drugs until their time to wrestle.

Why is Brooke Hogan on there? (I know it's because of her dad.) But what is her role? Are the women supposed to take her seriously on giving them "career advice"? Mickie James jobbing? LOL! I hope that wasn't Brooke's decision to put that other girl over Mickie.

And now for the final segment. I was so lost. Nothing made any sense. I make better sense out of a Great Khali promo.

Last night's episode is a proof that TNA is not a threat to the WWE. Just like when they tried to put Impact on the same timeslot as Raw. See how long that lasted?

Sure, it was a shitty 'payoff' (I definately think there's more to come though), but how is any of your inane waffling relevant or on topic? Of course the final segment didn't make sense to you. You admit to not having watched Impact since Matt Hardy's debut. TNA has this little thing called continuity going on. Didn't think a WWE mark would recognise that.

Mickie James was 'jobbing' to 'that girl' to progress her heel turn storyline and put over the new KNOCKOUTS CHAMPION. How absurd eh!

Impact had 8(!!!) matches last night and some good storyline progression. When's the last time Raw could claim that?

Now, to get me back on topic, if this was the final payoff, then jesus christ almight is that poor, lame, convoluted and stupid. While 'obvious', an affair and AJ heel turn would make far more sense - particularly due to the lack of top heels. This is the first hugely stupid thing TNA have done in quite long time. If their story is true, then nothing that came before makes any sense. I honestly hope this is just a silly swerve, and that AJ and Dixie have hired this woman to back up their lies.
yea it was a bad ending. I think the woman will wind up being connected to daniels somehow.
The lack of followup to the Sting beatdown was ridiculous. Both cases made me think TNA had no idea where the s/l's were going
Sure, it was a shitty 'payoff' (I definately think there's more to come though), but how is any of your inane waffling relevant or on topic? Of course the final segment didn't make sense to you. You admit to not having watched Impact since Matt Hardy's debut. TNA has this little thing called continuity going on. Didn't think a WWE mark would recognise that.

Mickie James was 'jobbing' to 'that girl' to progress her heel turn storyline and put over the new KNOCKOUTS CHAMPION. How absurd eh!

Impact had 8(!!!) matches last night and some good storyline progression. When's the last time Raw could claim that?

Now, to get me back on topic, if this was the final payoff, then jesus christ almight is that poor, lame, convoluted and stupid. While 'obvious', an affair and AJ heel turn would make far more sense - particularly due to the lack of top heels. This is the first hugely stupid thing TNA have done in quite long time. If their story is true, then nothing that came before makes any sense. I honestly hope this is just a silly swerve, and that AJ and Dixie have hired this woman to back up their lies.

*calls someone a WWE mark, has a Mick Foley avatar*
Now firstly,

I haven't seen the end of Impact...yet. I will later this evening. But I've readt most people's distain with the way this story has played out. Obviously the affair was too predictable, so Dixie went all Vince McMahon on our asses and gave us something we didn't expect.

I have reserve judgement just now as I'm pretty sure its as bad as its made out, but I will watch first. The whole story sounds very ECW. A pregnant crack addict? Even the fanboys (myself included) could have come up with something a tad more beleivable than that.

As a long term WWE fan I have really taken an interest in TNA the last few months and I am really starting to enjoy it. But this...this is I guess their way of letting people know that they are not quite where they need to be right now. I'm starting to think that Dixie being on the show is more of a hindrance than it is a help. A bit like Brooke Hogan really.

As with everything, I'm sure they are going somewhere with it. We will just have to wait and see where. Dear oh dear.
I really hated that ending. Normally storylines involving some kind of infidelity is almost doomed to fail. I swear i thought that chick was gonna say she was pregnant with AJ's kid or something. Absolute trainwreck. AJ beating down Kaz and Daniels at the end was alright, but this crappy storyline needs to end fast with this recent development.
I haven't watched Impact since the debut of Matt Hardy...and before that I used to watch it regularly when they were on FSSW. I couldn't help but laugh at the entire episode.

And now for the final segment. I was so lost. Nothing made any sense. I make better sense out of a Great Khali promo.

Are you an idiot? Serious question?

Do you just jump into a TV series at episode 7 and then bitch and moan about not understanding what's going on? Really? Congratulations on making a dick of yourself.

The ending has left a sour taste in everyone's mouth, no denying that. If it was left for the middle of the show, I'm sure we would have forgotten about it by now. I'm hoping this is only the beginning and there are other twists and turn in store to save it but Prichard and co have made their first big mistake since Russo left.

I have no idea who thought this would be a good idea but it sounds even worse on paper than it is on TV.
Horrible ending. As a general rule, I believe in having the patience to let a storyline unfold before jumping to a negative conclusion, but I have no idea how they are going to salvage this one. A shame, actually, with so many positives in TNA at the moment, that someone would concoct this failure.
It actually managed to be worse then the Cindy Lauper segment on RAW, at least Heath Slater took a wicked blow to the head at the end of that one.

I was honestly bored through most of TNA last night, though it has not been much different when it comes to everything else.
I have been high on the product since it went live. They seemed to have been going in the right direction. The last two weeks were great. Aries telling Hogan that the X-Division title should be a shot at the heavyweight title was brilliant. Even the other 95% of the show was good.

When the girl initially came out, I didn't think anything of it. But then when she said she was a drug addict, I was like "Oh crap. There it goes." (Facepalm). I hate it when wrestling uses drug angles to begin with because it makes me cringe and is uncomfortable to watch. But this took the cake in terms of crap.

But I will hope that this is just the stepping stone to a good story because it seems "TOO" bad for words.
Are you an idiot? Serious question?

Do you just jump into a TV series at episode 7 and then bitch and moan about not understanding what's going on? Really? Congratulations on making a dick of yourself.

The ending has left a sour taste in everyone's mouth, no denying that. If it was left for the middle of the show, I'm sure we would have forgotten about it by now. I'm hoping this is only the beginning and there are other twists and turn in store to save it but Prichard and co have made their first big mistake since Russo left.

I have no idea who thought this would be a good idea but it sounds even worse on paper than it is on TV.

I don't care how I come off. If I think something is terrible, I'm not going to ignore it.

Would you ignore someone getting beat with a baseball bat?

That's how I felt watching Impact.

Pretty bad when a former TNA World Champion and the guy who basically made TNA a big name doesn't even want to be apart of their GLORIOUS 10 year anniversary and that they were forced to go.
The ending was a letdown. This would of worked if Immortal was around fueding with fortune. Imagine AJ protecting the crack addict and Jeff Hardy trying to persuade her to come to the dark side. I can only image how great of a story line it could of been!
The ending made sense in that it was in fact explained, ever so briefly. The girl was a friend of Dixie and AJ's. She was "in trouble", so the both of them being of such high class and moral character helped her. The pictures, phone recordings, and video all had to do with helping the girl. AJ and Dixie were close, embracing each other because of the amount of trouble the girl was in and how (seemingly) close they both are to her.

Problem is, why should we the wrestling audience care? Who is this girl? Why does she matter to the storyline of a wrestling program? I'm not trying to be stonehearted here, but until last night we've never seen this girl. She has no backstory, other than the one we got for about 30 seconds last night. The whole thing is kinda silly.

This angle would've been infinitely more successful if one of the Knockouts took the place of random, pregnant, drug-addict girl. I would've voted for one more tease reveal, and then just as AJ and Dixie are ready to let the cat out of the bag, one of the knockouts (Velvet?) comes out and interrupts them, saying that she has her own blame in all of this, and telling them that the secret would ruin her career for the rest of her life.

Next week, we get similar "hidden cam" segments with AJ and Dixie, AJ and Velvet, and then finally Velvet and Dixie with the same double-talk innuendo we've received. At the end of the show, the same story plays out with an obviously not pregnant Velvet explaining the situation of drugs, addiction, and how AJ and Dixie helped her.
Watching it made my penis bleed, seriously. Good show ruined. And don't give me that 'ohhh but the rest of the show was good' crap, Because, to me, that show was like eating a hot fudge sunday, and getting the bottom of the cup, and finding a huge dog turd....
It better no the end of the angle, because it sucked giant donkey cock. The angle had so much potential to go a bunch of different ways and they picked literally the worst option ever. I think the best way for the angle to end would be a heel turn by Dixie and AJ, because they need another main event heel or two. Hopefully it can still go that way.
In my opinion, this ending wasn't THAT BAD....hear me out...

They already started the angle so they really needed to finish it. You may bring up WWE and some of the angles they started and dropped, but this involved AJ Styles...their franchise guy, being portrayed as an adulterer. They couldn't just leave that hanging, they had to vindicate him. They erased the affair angle, made AJ seem like a genuine guy helping someone in need out, and now the angle transfers to Daniels/Kazarian just trying to make AJ look bad and destroy his "brand." It's not ideal, but TNA had to do SOMETHING.

Aside from this, I hadn't really focused on AJ/Dixie, but more on AJ/Daniels/Kazarian...and what great matches these guys have had. Throw in Angle? It's been great. Now you have a solid feud for the tag team titles. I have absolutely no problem with this ending. None at all.
In my opinion, this ending wasn't THAT BAD....hear me out...

They already started the angle so they really needed to finish it. You may bring up WWE and some of the angles they started and dropped, but this involved AJ Styles...their franchise guy, being portrayed as an adulterer. They couldn't just leave that hanging, they had to vindicate him. They erased the affair angle, made AJ seem like a genuine guy helping someone in need out, and now the angle transfers to Daniels/Kazarian just trying to make AJ look bad and destroy his "brand." It's not ideal, but TNA had to do SOMETHING.

Aside from this, I hadn't really focused on AJ/Dixie, but more on AJ/Daniels/Kazarian...and what great matches these guys have had. Throw in Angle? It's been great. Now you have a solid feud for the tag team titles. I have absolutely no problem with this ending. None at all.

I don't mind having AJ/Dixie coming out squeaky clean with the angle or even Daniels/Kaz making something out of nothing in fact thats exactly what I expected. It's the fact that the angle they used makes zero sense...nada no matter which way you twist it.

Why the secret phonecalls with AJ asking about Dixie's husband and if he's home? Why wouldn't she let her husband know instead of letting him think she was having an affair? Is she Serge's daughter or sister or something? Why the loving embraces kissing, things that lovers do, I mean they were trying to help this girl overcome her addiction ok but there are numerous photo's of them acting like lovers how does that make sense? Unless they can somehow prove those photo's were photoshopped cutting out mystery girl it doesn't.

And last but not least why was this "actress" if you want to call her that brought onto the show other than to let AJ/Dixie out of this terrible story they created? She isn't relevant to wrestling in any way. They would of been better off if they used a Knockout backstage, hell even a makeup artist sound chick someone behind the scenes if you will.

This story was terrible and had a terrible anti-climatic end that unfortunately can only get worse the longer it keeps going.
Two possibilities...a return to the Beulah/Raven/Dreamer angle from ECW.
The other being that she's the surrogate mother to a child she's having for Dixie and Serge, or Serge can't have kids and AJ's the donor.

RRPounder, I thought of the surrogate angle also once I realized she was pregnant. With all the children AJ and his wife have, it wouldn't be odd for Dixie and Serge to ask AJ and his wife for help on this.
that was a shit ending last night so the whole aj and dixie have an affair is a big lie? really? AFTER A FUCKING YEAR THE WHOLE FUED IS BASED OFF THE FACT AJ HELPED SOME RANDOM GIRL WITH REHAB? god thats stupid i thought she was gonna say AJ was having her baby sense she looked pregnant the ONLY good thing about the fued was aj styles seemed to get more aggresive then usual with his beatdown on daniels and kaz that powerbomb looked nasty but it doesnt make up for a shit ending i was hoping the masked men would show up and beat the hell out of aj too.
the ending of impact this week left me with a bad taste. the whole explaination to me just didnt make much sense and like people have already said, the woman who played the addict couldnt act too well. when that whole segment started up with her being an addict, i kept thinking, why did you call AJ and Dixie??? why not call CM Punk and join the SES, hahaha. bad joke aside, the payoff wasnt as good as i hoped it would be.

I was wondering the same thing. Do AJ and Dixie volunteer at the local treatment center in Orlando? Was this supposed to be a former TNA employee who went back for help? Wait! Could that be it? Are they trying to do an angle mocking Vince for helping the guys who ask for rehab? :wtf:
I was wondering the same thing. Do AJ and Dixie volunteer at the local treatment center in Orlando? Was this supposed to be a former TNA employee who went back for help? Wait! Could that be it? Are they trying to do an angle mocking Vince for helping the guys who ask for rehab? :wtf:

My explanation a few pages back is more plausible than that :lmao:
I said in another thread that it was likely that AJ/Dixie weren't having an affair despite the circumstantial evidence pointing in that direction and i wouldnt be suprised to see a different explanation. I would have preferred after watching the ending to Impact that they actually admitted to everything and started making out in the ring. Horrible.

This is what annoys me about TNA sometimes. I have been one of its staunchest defenders and have been pleased with its most recent direction. I think the overall programming in the past few months has been some of its strongest since i have been watching the company and i have noticed a slight change in the way the company has been perceived on the net, especially since going live not that it really means much in the grand scheme of things. In general the show last night was decent, not the best of the past few weeks but it had things moving along nicely and then they pull out this terrible ending which had me cringing. I do not understand how they believe that this kind of story is going to keep people hooked. In my opinion it is a very poor ending to an alright storyline that went on a bit too long. No-one cares for Clare Lynch and her problems, no-one cares that AJ/Dixie have been helping her out. I hope we never see her again. It may not have been so bad if they had hidden it somewhere in the middle of Impact and finished with a decent match between Hardy and RVD at the end, at least the show goes out with wrestling not this convoluted bullshit.

That said its nice to see its brought back some of those people to this part of the forum who havent been following Impact much if at all in the past few months who love to jump on anything TNA does slightly wrong and who completely ignore everything else that the company has been doing fantastically in the past few weeks, tarring the whole show with this Clare Lynch druggy crap. I do love reading your completely unobjective opinions. :rolleyes: *yawn*.
I agree. They took another exciting angle and just murdered it. I was watching on DVR and as soon as that chick says "I'm an addict" I fast forwarded the rest. How lame is that?

Zero payoff for months of intrigue. Thumbs down on that one TNA.
There are many storylines that doesn't make sense nowadays in both TNA & WWE. Last night we supposed to have finally learned what was going on between AJ Styles & Dixie Carter. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be an affair; the obvious would've been too easy. Plus, when heels bring something to light it usually doesn't go well for them. Anyway as the segment went on, this random lady comes out and talks about how she took the wrong turn in life with the use of drugs/alcohol, and AJ & Dixie were just helping her. One question came to mind; maybe two. Why would Dixie hide this from her husband, then why in the hell should we care about her??? Not trying to be a total jerk but it doesn't make since; no one has anything invested in her.
It would have been better if it was the same scenario, but the lady was a future signee or a current knockout that has been taken off tv or not signed because of the drug/alcohol problem and this person's fall from grace hurt AJ & Dixie so badly that they decided to keep her problem secret from the public to help her. My questions:
Did you guys like the segment???
How would you guys have booked the segment?
Under my scenario what knockout, indy performer, etc. would you plug into the storyline???
Personally I would have used ODB, have EY divorce her and go with Madison Rayne, ODB leaves for a while then she pops back up in this angle. At least that's my opinion, what's yours???

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