Best ending to a match

oh yeah that reminds me. i think it was late 2002. they had a non-title match between big show and brock lesnar on smackdown. brock superplexed big show off the top rope and the ring collapsed. cole yelled holy sh*t and the crowd was going crazy and the show just ended like that. it had my adrenaline pumping not to mention it was funny as hell. the referee almost fell out of the ring
^Definently. It was well done by everyone Show, Lesner, Cole even the ref sold it like his kneecaps collapsed. One thing I remember and I don't know if someone has said it already, but in 2001 or 2002 Undertaker and Kurt Angle had a match on Smackdown, they were all rolled into a ball, Taker had Kurt pinned and Kurt had Taker in a submission. Taker tapped out at the same time as the ref counted the pinfall. It lead to a good rivaly involving The Rock who returned a week after. Fun Fact-the next week when The Rock returned from shooting some movie, Cena debuted as Taker's partner against Jericho and Angle. I have the show on tape man.
best ending was at the survivor series 98 when the rock sold out n joined the corporation, n they did the same screw job they did wit bret a year b4, noone say that coming when rock turned heel, and also wrestlemania 17 when austin turned heel n joined vince as well
One of my all time favourite finishes is the HHH v Cactus Jack Hell in a Cell match, where HHH slammed Cactus Jack through the top of the cell and JR screamed "The cell broke, the ring broke, and Cactus Jack is broken in half!!!" That was great. Also, the whole of the last 2-5 minutes of the Taker v Angle match at No Way Out 2006, that was great and it completely shocked me.

I love matches with well worked finishes where it's not just like... finisher, pin, 1,2,3. Finishes that go back and forth... and hey I thought of one - Elimination Chamber Survivor Series 2002, when HHH was going for the Pedigree but HBK reversed it, delivered some sweet chin music and got the pin. I remember JR, King and everyone else in the arena going crazy, and the confetti coming down - a legendary moment.
Another great match ending that I don't think has been mentioned was Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H on Shelton's RAW debut. Nobody, including me, would have thought that Shelton would pin HHH. I remember the crowd just exploded and of course that was the moment that gave Shelton the huge push he needed at the time. I think it was awesome because it happened at a time when most wrestling matches are predictable, and nobody really expected Shelton to pin HHH.
i can remember a match between hhh and shawn michaels, dont know if bin said already, but michaels and hhh delivered finishers on eachother, pedigree - sweet chin music - pedigree - sweet chin - pedigree. and hhh won(sumin like that)
and the tlc match summerslam 2000, hardys, dudleys and edge & christian.
bubba ray through 4 tables - matt hardy through a table - and d-von and jeff hardy(who swantom bombed thru a table also in the match) were hangin on to the belts, and edge grabbed a ladder thru it at hardy and d-von, they fell to the floor, and edge & christian climb the ladder for the victory
I'm probably going out on a limb here, but I liked the ending to the 2001 Survivor Series (the 5-on-5 winner takes all match). At the time I had no access to spoilers or anything (I didn't know about WZ then), so I was kind of surprised by Angle turning on the Alliance. The only part I suspected would happen was that Team WWF/E would win. Still, I thought it was a good match, especially considering the final two in the match were The Rock and Austin, continuing their long rivalry.
Several endings come to my mind with the first being at St. Valentine's Day Massacre in February 1999 when Stone Cold fought Vince McMahon in the steel cage. The Big Show busted out of the ring and threw Austin through the cage, causing him to win the match. This happened at a time where I didn't know about spoilers and it was shocking that the Big Show left WCW.
Another great ending came at the Royal Rumble 1999 when Mr. McMahon won the Rumble after entering number 2 placing him in history as being the first man to win the Rumble with the number 2 entrant.
Another match that rings a bell in my head was at Armageddon 1999 when Stephanie McMahon turned on Vince and sided with her husband Triple H, forming the McMahon/Helmsley era.
One more match is at the 1997 Royal Rumble when Bret Hart was the last man left in the ring and should have won but didn't due to the refs not paying any attention. Austin got in and eliminated Bret Hart to be crowned the Rumble winner.
I could keep going on for days of best endings but I'm going to stop there.
I'ts not the best ending but one that I like was when Big Show chokeslammed JBL in a cage match. He broke the ring and JBL escaped the cage by crawling under it.
are you fuckin kidding me
he won the tittle because goldberg
he never defended the tittle succesfully without cheating
it was a gay gimmick
screw every him being in the hall of fame
if any dead person deserved to be in the hall of fame it should be owen hart
i may have not liked bret hart but owen would put on a match every night
eddie died because he was a drug addict
i don't care what any one says
he had a bad heart because of the druggy
rey mysterio took advantage of his death to become champion
and that's the damn truth
mysterio didn't defend the title without cheating either
besides the night after when orton was still hurting from the day before
I 100% agree with this post right here.
Nobody called Eddie "THE GREATEST CHAMPION OF ALL TIME" until he died, which is pathetic. I don't want to get into a big discussion of how I dislike Eddie, but give me a break, they put eddie guerrero in the hall of fame just because he died, yet they leave TRUE legends like Owen Hart out of it?
Summerslam 2004: Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit for the World title

The ending was amazing, Benoit goes for the cross face but gets an RKO!!!!
It was good since Orton was a heel, and did it on his own. Everyone expected Evolution to interfere
bret and austin at WM 13, austin didnt tap, brets the man so he wins... and then he turns heel... i mean... that pretty much was the ending that changed wrestling
my fav was JBL VS. THE BIG SHOW barbed wire steel cage match at now way out 2005
i believe jbl was chokeslamed through the ring, bigshow broke the locks on the cage door and right b4 bigshow got out jbl crawled through the bottom and retained the wwe title
Well, I'm not to sure about my favorite ending, probably it's gotta be the 3 matches for the Undisputed Title back in 2001 during the Vengeance PPV :thumbsup: or maybe even the match at WM13 between Austin and Bret Hart (classic)

But seriously, you can hardly ever get a decent damn match these days. There was a time when run-ins were unpredictable and they didnt happen in every other match :)wwf: not the WWE), or some stupid diva didnt hold the guys leg and then getting rolled up for the win. It's not really that great if it happens to the point where you can see it coming from a mile away.

are you fuckin kidding me
he won the tittle because goldberg
he never defended the tittle succesfully without cheating
it was a gay gimmick
screw every him being in the hall of fame
if any dead person deserved to be in the hall of fame it should be owen hart
i may have not liked bret hart but owen would put on a match every night
eddie died because he was a drug addict
i don't care what any one says
he had a bad heart because of the druggy
rey mysterio took advantage of his death to become champion
and that's the damn truth
mysterio didn't defend the title without cheating either
besides the night after when orton was still hurting from the day before
^^^ This is an idiot who got banned because he had no fucking idea what he was talking about. Just in case anyone missed this stupid bitch's comment. I knew some people were totally oblivious to reality, but god damn. Eddie Guerrero was one of the best, dead or not. Say something as ******ed as this, and you'll be branded a fucking idiot the rest of your life, and the next.

I 100% agree with this post right here.
Nobody called Eddie "THE GREATEST CHAMPION OF ALL TIME" until he died, which is pathetic. I don't want to get into a big discussion of how I dislike Eddie, but give me a break, they put eddie guerrero in the hall of fame just because he died, yet they leave TRUE legends like Owen Hart out of it?

Dude...have you watched a fuckin Eddie Guerrero match? He would have earned his way in anyway. Thought it is a crime Owen Hart isn't in, or Mr Perfect, we can't do anything. At least Eddie got in. So stfu you stupid bitch, he deserved it, he was probably one of the greatest wrestlers, and no I'm not saying he was in better than a Bret Hart, or a Ric Flair, I'm saying he was in their league. Stfu you fucking moron.
hogan vs ultimate warrior-hogan misses the leg drop and warrior hits the body press for both titles.

hbk vs bret hart in the iron man match- overtime (boyhood dream comes true)
I like how many "Dusty Finishes" people have been mentioning. For those that don't know, a Dusty Finish was created by Dusty Rhodes and it is when the match ends and then some sort of authority figure comes down to the ring and restarts the match only for the previous loser to come out on top. This is a very imaginative and "pop-worthy" finish but it has been done to death and most smarks hate it now. Bret vs Shawn in the Iron Man Match was the best example of this in my opinion. This is what I'm talking about though. What other classic "finishes" exist?
Hey guys, I was just thinking about the lame match endings lately and I started becoming nostalgic for glorious match endings from my memory. I say we talk about our favourite match ending memories, not for who won them, but how they won. Dusty finishes (where an authority figure reverses the finish and the "match continues") or DQs or countouts are way to over used.

To name a few, I'm always a fan of stuff breaking. I loved when the ring or stage seemed to break under the pressure of a chokeslam or something.

Eddie's old pretend to be laid out from a weapon attach that he actually perpetrated was great.

Eric Angle taking the last ride from the Undertaker and then Kurt scoring the pin was great too.

What are other unique and innovative finishes that weren't just finishers after some sort of outside distraction?

I think the best finish was when Eddie Guerrero untied his boot laces and when Angle went for the Ankle lock, he accidently pulled the boot off and went flying back and Eddie quickly rolled him up. That was great. But the one I hate the most was when Triple H was a heel against the rock and would constantly win by hitting him with a chair and then covering him for only two and they'd get my hopes up. Then Triple H would pedigree him and the rock would kick out again and I'd say to myself, he's gonna win. There's no way he loses now. Only for Triple H to pedigree him on the chair for the three. Pissed me off then and pisses me off now.
My favourite ending to a match, well maybe not favourite because I am a huge Rock fan but when there was a few minutes left. In a 60 minute iron man match. The Rock vs. Triple H with special guest referee Shawn Michaels. The score was even with 2minutes to go. Both competitors had 5 victories each. The rules stated that if it were a draw, the champion would retain then all of a sudden.....HE'S HERE! The Undertaker came out and took out DX including Triple H. Michaels who was knocked out seen this and gave triple H a victory making the score 6-5 and the time limit expired. So Triple H won his 4th world title.
My favourite ending to a match, well maybe not favourite because I am a huge Rock fan but when there was a few minutes left. In a 60 minute iron man match. The Rock vs. Triple H with special guest referee Shawn Michaels. The score was even with 2minutes to go. Both competitors had 5 victories each. The rules stated that if it were a draw, the champion would retain then all of a sudden.....HE'S HERE! The Undertaker came out and took out DX including Triple H. Michaels who was knocked out seen this and gave triple H a victory making the score 6-5 and the time limit expired. So Triple H won his 4th world title.

I was just thinking of this one, especially as I'd love to see it again as 1) it was a great match, and 2) I always love the Undertaker's returns (does anybody know what event this was?);

Like has already been mentioned, Stone Cold v Bret Hart where Stone Cold "passed out" with blood covering his face;

Hell In A Cell - Mankind v Undertaker. After everything that had happened beforehand, with Foley coming back from those amazing bumps, how on earth could they find a decent way to finish it. A chokeslam & Tombstone on the drawing pins/ thumbtacks! Brilliant! Plus the 1st time I'd ever seen thumbtacks used.

Royal Rumble (can't remember the year): HHH v Cactus Jack in a Street Fight. Another brutal match, and I thought it would be all over when HHH pedigreed Foley, but he kicked out!!! I thought Foley might miraculously stand a chance of coming back... But then HHH took him over to the thumb-tacks and pedigreed him face-first into the tacks!!! :gasp: When Cactus got up you could see the pins in his face. Yet still he managed an attack on the Game after the match which cheered me up even though he lost!

Undertaker v Yokozuna where Undertaker kept on fending off all those wrestlers was a great finish & was used to superbly show off the strengh of 'Taker, even though he lost.

Wrestlemania ?? : Bert Hart v Yokozuna. I was young, and was gutted when Bret lost to Yokozuna after the 'camera exploded in his face' I believe it was. The Hulkster (who had earlier lost a tag match with Brutus Beefcake against Money Inc) came out to check on Bret, and was challenged by Mr Fuji to an impromptu match against the new champ, and quickly won! Ending Yokozuna's title reign after around 2 minutes! Looking back it wasn't all that great, but for me it was just so unexpected at the time!
Here's one that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet.
It was an early RAW episode, I don't remember the year, and it was the 20 man Battle Royal for the IC belt. The last two wrestlers would go on to face eachother the following week.
It started in amazing fashion with "The Macho Man" Randy Savage being the last entry, and as he entered the ring, he climbed the turnbuckle, deliviered a double axe handle to The Giant Gonzalez, and everyone helped eliminate him.
The ending was great.
It was down to Razor Ramon and Rick "The Model" Martel, and everyone was going crazy. Referee's came down to hold them back. Everyone wanted to see them fight right there and then. My heart was pouding, and then it went off the air.

I was just thinking of this one, especially as I'd love to see it again as 1) it was a great match, and 2) I always love the Undertaker's returns (does anybody know what event this was?);

I believe it was Judgement Day 2000
Bash at the beach 96 when hogan came out seeminly to help t Sting and Savage and shockingly gave Savage the big boot and joined Hall and Nash to create the NWO... That ending was so impactful that match itself was secondary because of Hogan turning heel...
god i loved the iron man match between hbk and bret where hbk hit some sweet chin music out of nowhere in the sudden death to capture his first wwe championsip.

Undertakers return as the american bad ass against hhh and rock was good also. Kind of reminds me of what is happening with the whole y2y return. We had taker vuds running thru raw and sd and no one knew what they were untill it all came together and you heard the ....HE'S HERE!
I was just thinking of this one, especially as I'd love to see it again as 1) it was a great match, and 2) I always love the Undertaker's returns (does anybody know what event this was?);

Judgement Day 2000 I believe.

This was also one of my favorites, I was a huge Rock mark, and was pissed. Looking back on it now, that was one of the best finishes I've seen.

My other favorite ending involved, who else? The Rock. Backlash 2000 I believe. The cards were stacked against The Rock w/ all the McMahons jumping him. The Stone Cold comes back and lays everyone out w/ the chair and The Rock captures the belt again.
Some punk named "The Kid" manages to jump out of the way as Razor Ramon charges him in the corner, then with Razor dazed, jumps to the top rope and hits a moonsault on a standing Ramon, taking him backwards and getting the pinfall win. Out of nowhere.

So began the era of "The 1-2-3 Kid."
Lawls, I have to say the best ending to a match is when Hardcore Holly vs. idk.. when he sliced his back, it was so brutal and extreme like EXTREME. CRAPPY. WRESTLING. should be.

Lawls, he does all that to get sent to be Codys right hand secatary old school jobber bitch, lawls.

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