Back when I first saw him I used to dislike Razor because he would put down all posters who were not mods or ex mods indiscriminately upon his first entrance to a thread. The longer I have read stuff from him the more I have come to understand him and his humour.
My first impression of Lee was that he was a really stern serious mod who it wasn't possible to joke about with- I think a lot of it was to do with his Right to Censor avatar
My first impression of Slyfox696 was quite a long time ago before I understood any of the hiarchy- not sure what his position was then- but I thought he was somone who tended to have a point but everyone else disagreed with and ganged up upon him.
I remember The One Big Will from his old reviews of Raw and Smackdown which I really enjoyed reading. I was quite disappointed when he stopped writing those- I don;t really remember any bar stuff from him though.
My first impression of Lee was that he was a really stern serious mod who it wasn't possible to joke about with- I think a lot of it was to do with his Right to Censor avatar

My first impression of Slyfox696 was quite a long time ago before I understood any of the hiarchy- not sure what his position was then- but I thought he was somone who tended to have a point but everyone else disagreed with and ganged up upon him.
I remember The One Big Will from his old reviews of Raw and Smackdown which I really enjoyed reading. I was quite disappointed when he stopped writing those- I don;t really remember any bar stuff from him though.