Your favorite/least favorite finishers (of today)?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yikes, wrestling has changed a lot over the years, adding so many more expected moves and finishers. You'd never get anyone over by having their ultimate attack be a leg drop anymore. So in regards to current wrestlers, who has the best and worst finishers.

As for best, I'd say

- Bray's Sister Abigail: It looks pretty strong, can be used quickly, but also fits nicely with the character. It's totally what somewhat like Bray should have.

- Paige's Rampaige: It's like a super DDT and it looks painful.

- Orton's RKO: It's just a Diamond Cutter, but Randy uses it in creative and exciting ways. You never know when it will strike.

- AJ's Black Widow: This looks like the most complicated submission hold ever, but AJ knows how to make it seem so natural.


- Henry's Word's Strongest Slam: I don't get how this is supposed to be that powerful. He holds them and he more or less drops them, but it doesn't look like his strength or even his weight is factoring in that much. Henry's splash looks more devastating. I think Henry should try out the torture rack.

- Ambrose's dirty deeds: The first variation just looked so goofy to me. In fact, it is probably the worst finisher I can think of. At least Henry can get a face pop while he holds them. The second variation is pretty average. I wasn't huge on the double armed DDT when Mankind did it either.

- Big Show's knockout punch: Eh...I'll give it some credit for at least really looking devastating.'s a punch.

There are others which leave me with mixed impressions. Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan are pretty sophisticated wrestlers, but use oddly simple finishers. Nevertheless, they make them work. Same with Sheamus's brogue Kick, which I'd usually describe as lazy.
To be honest there are not many finishers I like these days. The RKO is still cool, the Pedigree, but how many variations of Samoan drops and fireman carry do we have?

The curb stomp looks terrible because it requires an opponent to get on their hands and knees and wait for the move and frequently looks terrible because of bad timing. Roman Reigns spear is generic as moves come. Daniel Bryans running knee, Rusevs camel clutch. A Bo Dog, so a standard bulldog off a corner... ok

I liked Barretts Boss Man slam, no idea why he swapped to a boring punch.
RKO is genuinely my favourite, just like how it can come out of nowhere and it looks like it would hurt kayfabe wise. I was also a sucker for the Diamond Cutter as well.

Least favourite has to be the Attitude Adjustment. I realise WWE has history with poor finishers for main eventers (Higan's legdrop, Warrior's splash) but this ranks as one of their worsts. It's basically a bodyslam that is meant to put down guys like Triple H, Orton etc.
Yeah, it's always awkward when it's so telegraphed. While not finishers, I've grown sick of those moves where the enemy bends over and Triple H drives them into his knee or Goldust drops to his knees and strikes them under the jaw. You'd think by now people would learn not to fall for those.

Is it just me or has the chokeslam lost its impact? I used to love seeing the Big Show use it, but now it seems to have taken a back seat to his KO punch. Kane's chokeslams no longer look quite as deadly either. Maybe it's because it looks so obvious that the victim is jumping?

Edit: I don't mind cena's finisher based on how he has used it. Would there be any other situation where he could use it on Big Show and Edge at the same time?
Not that he ever actually finishes matches with it, but I'm a fan of Brock Lesnar using the Kimura; it feeds in well with his mixed martial arts background and sells that aspect of his character. (Also, spoiler alert: he doesn't use an actual Kimura. Kids don't need to be separating each others shoulders in their living rooms.)

Least favorite would be the Bo-Dog, for the simple reason that the bulldog is a finisher usually reserved for women who are otherwise sloppy in the ring.
I do not see the big deal about Big E's Big Ending finisher, it doesn't look like it can hurt anyone.

My current favourite finisher has to be the RKO, it can be worked into several different sequences and still look insane at the same time. Especially at Hell In A Cell on Sunday when he RKO'ed Cena from that Shoulderblock.

Other least favourite finishers :
Bull Hammer (I loved the Black Hole Slam better)
Skull Crushing Finale
Attitude Adjustment (although Martial Horror makes a good point in favor of the move)

Other Favourite finishers :
Black Widow
Brogue Kick (although I'd prefer he use the Celtic Cross Powerbomb, it's suited to him)
Big Shows punch literally pisses me off when he wins matches with it. I get that it legit would knock someone out but this is pro wrestling and no one watches it to see knockout punches.

Especially since when he was The Giant his chokeslam was one of the most devastating finishers in the business
Seems everything these days is a slam/drop/throw from the shoulders or a running strike. We need more creativity. Its actually been a good thing to see a few guys go back to some classic submissions like Rusevs camel clutch and Miz's figure 4. There is practically no creativity from the top rope after Jeff hardy and the cruiserweights left wwe. I'd like to see more stars than just the Uso's using the top rope for finishers
Sasha Bank's Bank Statement. It's like Del Rio's back breaker rolled into the cross face.

Paige's Rampage. Is like Konnan's old Tequilla Sunrise Cradle DDT. Always looks stiff and brutal.

Ryback's Meathook/Shell Shocked.

Sami Zayn's Koji Clutch.

Least favorite:

Cesaro's Neutralizer because he is capable of much more. Looks like a safe cradle Piledriver landed like the Pedigree. I know the cradle Piledriver isn't allowed an it makes me uncomfortable every time he wraps his hands around a guys nut sack.

Uso's Body Splash. It's a body

Zack Ryder's Ruff Ryder. Looks weak.
Not finishing moves but I used to love Brocks short arm clotheslines, they looked like they legit could take someones head off, way more brutal than JBL's weak effort. Also his knees to the head when the opponent is face down. The F5 doesn't look as devastating since he came back but still better than 60% of the other guys finishers.

Also, never like Chris Jerichos lionsault or half boston crab either, oh yeah and Christians finisher always looked awkward and non impactful too.
My favs now: rko, paiges finisher, black widow, Red arrow, Koji cutch, Bank statement, and five star frog splash. I like Bryan's finishers too. Both of them are good.
Kenta should use the knee finisher.

My least: dean ambroses dirty deeds (1 version (Headlock driver): I like the second version much better) Never was a fan of the headlock driver, dum finisher,
Rollins finisher sucks, not a big fan of the curb stomp.
Mojo finisher
Bull dumpsey finisher.
Kane chokeslam looks shitty now
Cesaro finisher. He needs a new finisher. Both of his finishers sucked. He needs to go back to using the ricola bomb or the waterslide as fnishers
Bayleys finisher
Charlotte finisher.
xavier woods
Kenta's finishers suck too.

Like 98% of wrestlers now don't have good finishers.
All of them are generic
I wasn't much of a fan of the GTS but at least it was unique. Even it it would suit a powerhouse better than a small guy like Punk. If Brock or Ryback did it, it would look brutal. Possibly even Cesaro cause he has the strength to do it to bigger guys.
Kenta has a bad finisher as well.

What happen to unique finishers.

There are barely any good finishers these days.

Cesaros is the worst, he has 2 shitty finishers. A uppercut and a modified styles clash.

Kenta has some of the shittest finishers ive seen.
Here's one to add... Bull Dempey's diving headbutt. I know big men have used it like Bam Bam Bigelow and Chris Benoit had his twist on it... I just don't see the logic in getting a pinfall from landing on someone's shoulder with your head.
Not finishing moves but I used to love Brocks short arm clotheslines, they looked like they legit could take someones head off, way more brutal than JBL's weak effort. Also his knees to the head when the opponent is face down. The F5 doesn't look as devastating since he came back but still better than 60% of the other guys finishers.

Also, never like Chris Jerichos lionsault or half boston crab either, oh yeah and Christians finisher always looked awkward and non impactful too.

I love jerichos liontamer. His wcw version.
His lionsault shouldnt be a finisher. But a signature .

Christian unprettier wasnt too bad. Ive seen worse.
Christian should use a modified version of a reverse ddt.

Brocks f 5 was good in 2003-04
But now, it looks lazy
Here's one to add... Bull Dempey's diving headbutt. I know big men have used it like Bam Bam Bigelow and Chris Benoit had his twist on it... I just don't see the logic in getting a pinfall from landing on someone's shoulder with your head.

Bulls headbutt looks trash. Looks way too safe. Has no impact when he does it.

There are safe ways too do a headbutt without sacrificing impact on delivering the move. Or hurting yourself or the person.

I love bams and benoits headbutt. Benoits headbutt was deadly even though he didnt protect himself doing it.
Bryans headbutt was good too.
Oh yeah Worlds Strongest Slam what is strong about falling forward?

Word ever? Bob Holly's Alabama Slam or Farooqs Dominator.

When Batista spliut from Evolution I loved his Batista bomb then, he is too old now and it looks sloppy, but looked pretty devastating then.

Also X-Pacs facebuster and broncobuster
Oh yeah Worlds Strongest Slam what is strong about falling forward?

Word ever? Bob Holly's Alabama Slam or Farooqs Dominator.

When Batista spliut from Evolution I loved his Batista bomb then, he is too old now and it looks sloppy, but looked pretty devastating then.

Also X-Pacs facebuster and broncobuster

I loved Alabama slam and the dominator. But were very good finishers.

Titus O'Neil's Clash Of The Titus.
Adrian Neville's Red Arrow.
Randy Orton's RKO.
Brock Lesnar's F5.
Nikki Bella's Rack Attack. (Seriously, it looks badass.)

Least favourite

Miz's Skull Crushing Finale.
Cesaro's Neutralizer.
John Cena's standing fireman's carry. Sorry, I mean AA.
Because WWE wanted jericho to use a safer move. Which is dumb but his lion-tamer now is garbage, just a regular boston crab smh:banghead:

Yeah screw being safe. Let's just go balls out on everything and injure everyone :disappointed:

The fact that the Zig Zag hasn't been mentioned in the least favorite surprises me. Such a stupid finisher. I'd even rank the 619 up there if it was current. It always looks so fake getting set up.

The RKO is a great finishing move due to it's versatility. It can be slowly set up when Orton is having a seizure on the mat or he can do it out of nowhere.

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