Finishers That Should Have Stayed

You know what I miss.A Moonsault.Just a normal Moonsault.Its been used so much now that its just a regular move.I think Super Crazy i think it was, used it as a finisher and hit one of the balcony which was pretty cool.

I wouldnt also mind some more submission finishers.I mean looking at the entire roster I can basically see

Dolph Ziggler and his Sleeper
Daniel Bryan with his LeBell Lock
Natalya with the Sharpshooter
Alberto Del Rio with his armbar
Jack Swagger with his Ankle Lock

3 people who only use submissions as finishers.Others use them but never to finish them off.Vice Grip doesnt count because khali just does the chokeslam now.

Breaking Point would probally be the time to get some people using some finisher.Get someone to use an Crossface or a Brock Lock or even a Cloverleaf.
The heart punch - Mean Mark Callous (The Undertaker) used this move for awhile in the old WCW, circa 1989. He would bend the opponents arm over and behind the head, exposing the left and center area of the chest. Then he'd simply haul off and belt them in directly in the chest (seemingly) as hard as he could. The idea was that the opponents heart flubbed long enough to put them in a state of incapacitation long enough to get the 1-2-3. For a bigger, stronger guy it was a simple, yet brutal looking move. If performed, sold, and called by the announce team correctly, it was a legitimately scary thing to behold. Of course, due to the nature of what the move was supposed to do, there is no way it would fly... at least in WWE.

The Mandible Claw (before Mr. Socko) - Despite the IWC's seemingly unanimous hatred of it, I liked this move and thought it was awesome. A twisted, psychotic move for a twisted, psychotic wrestler. As Mankind has said in interviews on the subject, it's power tempered with mercy. That is, it's a dominating, authoratative move where the end result is the opponent becoming unconcious after prolonged exposure. Digging a little deeper into the story behind it, it was applied with the two fingers that Mankind didn't smash with a hammer after his mother became disinterested in his piano playing. If all that is not the proper basis for an effective finisher, I don't know what is.

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