Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

I got your message Will that it was my pick, but I was about 45 minutes late. Has my pick already happened or do you have to be online for me to pick?
Guys, I started it like I said I would at 7pm (central). We simmed through the cpu picks, and got the human picks that were there out of the way. We're currently on Dallas (simpsons_fanatic) as its paused.

I'm going to try and do this as quickly as possible, but it looks like we'll have to go individually one-by-one, until all of us can come together and be on.

Simpsons_fanatic, you're up. I'll be online most of the night, so just check for me and I'll unpause it when you're ready to make your pick. MK, you and LoveSongWrita are likely the next two in line to pick. Then it'll be Brian and Myself, followed by Ty, El Ratjar & Big P.
We're up to #27 overall: Brian's Redskins.

I assume the remaining draft picks may look like this - based off records.

#28: LuvSong's Jaguars
#29: Will's Panthers (or Ty, if they go on record and not how far in the playoffs you went)
#30: Ty's Vikings
#31: El Ratjar's Cardinals
#32: Big P's Jets
Also, guys, just a reminder.. DO NOT make any moves (sign any FAs, trades if possible, etc) until Week 1 of the new Season.

We will each get one turn to pick a FA if we want one, that way no one can get on and sign multiple top FA's before anyone else has a chance to pick any themselves.

As well, please look back in this thread if anyone had interest in trading a cpu team for a trade pick they made. (If you want a rookie that went to a cpu team, you're gonna need to give up something big - in other words)

TheOneBigWill said:
While I haven’t noticed it available to begin with, if someone else finds a way to trade for more Draft picks.. DO NOT do so, unless you give up an 85 or higher, especially for 1st-3rd round picks. 75 or higher for 4th-5th, and finally 65 or higher for 6th-7th.

Taken from what I said a few days/weeks back.. on trading a cpu team for a draft pick. This also stands for trading a cpu team for a player they drafted at 'said' draft pick.
#27.. Brian. I think the list is at the top of the page.

Unsure if you (Ty) will pick before or after me, as I didn't think Brian would pick before LSW. It may go off records, until the two who went to the Superbowl.
Is this a full 7 rounds or just 1? Because if its 7 we need to either get online together soon or just sim it. At this rate a full 7 round draft would take 2 weeks.
So it looks like I got the Draft order wrong. Turns out it went Brian, then me.

So, up next is #29: Ty's Vikings.

Then I'm almost 100% sure it'll go..

#30: LoveSongWrita's Jaguars
#31: El Ratjar's Cardinals
#32: Big P's Jets
I didn't get the SS I wanted, but I got something decent instead. And both my HB's and MLB are gone. :(

I'll have to trade for a solid MLB sooner or later. Gotta see what I need Week 1.
1. Damn you Moon Knight, you took the guy I wanted in the draft (albeit in the 2nd round). I'm surprised a few of the people I wanted in round 1 are still out there, so that may end up throwing off my entire draft (in a good way).

2. I don't know if everyone here knows the URL for the Online Franchise website, so click this sentence to get to the page. (Will asked me about it last night, so I figured I would just post it here for everybody).

3. I may be willing to trade Leon Washington once the new season starts. Let me know ASAP if you want a pretty good back (81 overall, 4 years in). I'm looking for either an Outside Linebacker, Defensive End, or Wide Receiver. Offer me either a young guy with a similar overall, or an older player with a higher overall.

4. I won't be on tonight until after midnight tonight, and tomorrow I will be out of the house from 5 until 10ish. I am gonna try to get my round 1 pick in tonight if the draft gets that far.
MK; Sorry its traditional in 7 rounds. It doesn't go from 1-32, then 32-1.. where you pick is where you will pick in all 7 rounds.

LSW; No, you haven't been skipped Its still Ty's turn. While I may be online the most between all of us.. I'm not online ALL the time, so meeting up with everyone is still going to be harder than picking a day and being online all at the same time.

I DO NOT expect this draft to get through 7 rounds by the way we move, until (seriously) December before or even after Christmas. We have 9 people (counting me) and everyone seems to have interfering schedules to everyone else. So I doubt we'll ever all see a time when we'll ALL be online at the same time. It'd be nice, but doubtful.

So, due to that.. we have to run at a snail's pace with the pause/unpause/pause option. I do hold out hope we can finish sooner than that though, but based on how long its taken us to finish some weeks when playing games.. I won't hold my breath.

As far as Carolina's Draft goes, its already began with a tremendous impact. While Drafting a QB #1 overall wasn't originally my plan to begin.. the WR I targeted as a solid 1st round pick was already gone.. and Dane Morrow, who looks very solid throughout, was just sitting there almost begging to wear teal, black and white.

Delhomme is my starter and will continue to be as such, since he plays perfect for me. However its nice to know I'll have a future for beyond Delhomme when he retires after this coming season, or the next. Morrow will sit and learn, and be ready when I need him.

As for Carolina's remaining needs, they go as follows; WR, ROLB, CB, DT

I'm only targeting 2 OLB's that are from the Right position, and I highly doubt either will be available come my pick in the 2nd Round. Which means WR is likely the position I take next. As far as DT goes, while my depth is huge, a lot of them are career back-ups who've found a home due to injuries. Last year I had a decent DT combo, and this year I get Ma'ake back. So DT isn't needed as much.

As for CB.. the pool at that position looks solid and deep, and barring a run on CB's between now and the 3rd Round, I'm positive I can find a solid #3-4 string CB.

So finally, WR seems like my only true "need" right now, as I have 3 to my team, and 2 of those 3 are 67 ovr's or lower. (LuvSongWrita, look at my roster as-is and give me a list of players you'd be interested in for Mike Sims-Walker)

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