Now then, the rules of the Off-season are as follows.
FIRST: NO ONE is allowed to sign anymore players until we’ve decided a proper list between all of our human players. From this point, everyone will go in order and select ONE Free Agent at a time until they’re fully happy, or at a desired position with their team to stop. Once the official season begins, anyone can sign whoever from the FA pool - but as always, please try to keep it realistic.
SECOND: While I haven’t noticed it available to begin with, if someone else finds a way to trade for more Draft picks.. DO NOT do so, unless you give up an 85 or higher, especially for 1st-3rd round picks. 75 or higher for 4th-5th, and finally 65 or higher for 6th-7th.
As far as the Draft itself goes, I have the ability to pause it and unpause it, which means (THANKFULLY) we don’t all have to be online at the same time..
But to be honest its 7 rounds, with picks that can happen as quickly as 15 seconds between cpu teams, so it shouldn’t logically take more than an hour (if even that) for all of us to pick a time and get online together.
I DO NOT have the authority as Commissioner to give anyone specific Draft spots, so that is done solely by the cpu. My guess is off records, which means Big P will be 32nd overall, El Ratjar 31st overall, and then from there possibly best record 30th-worst record 1st.
As it stands, I would like to get our Draft going sometime next week, possibly Wednesday. Big P has informed me that he’ll be away until next week, which is why I’d like to wait until then. If everyone is okay with it being next week, we need to decide a time. I would suggest 7-9p.m. (central time) which is usually when almost, if not ALL, of us are online. If anyone has any suggestions or requests, please let me know in here or on xbox live.
If everyone would rather we just do it one by one, I'll have to be on to start and repause each time. Thats fine, but it'll likely be more difficult than to just get on all at the same time.
FINALLY: To everyone who has shown interest in joining.. NOW is the time to let me know, so you can pick a team and be involved with the Draft as well. Let me know, A.S.A.P.