WZCW Lethal Lottery V LD

What this one...

Easily the most disappointing Lethal Lottery in Showtime's career. I'm pissed. Ty where are you? I need to hit up a good bottle of something.

Trying not to randomly attack someone/anyone that walks by my house and violently thrash their throat open and grabbing their spine before pulling it agonizingly slow so that each pop of their vertebrae can reverberate throughout their body.

I haven't had a good day.
Just read the first part quickly, it's mad! No thrash yet, hope I'm in it.

Alhazred & Krypto will get meant if the year with the pickle, we've had two Dragons & there's a shitload of ME stars still in the ring.

This is epic.
Ty's back and the last action was SHIT and KO attacking him. I don't like our chances Kermy :/
Oh boy. A Ty Burna return. I didn't see that coming at all. I am in shock. My jaw has hit the floor with a thud heard in Zimbabwe. I am literally crying at how surprising and shocking this is.

At least the mental image of two Califa Dragons staring at each other Sin Cara-style was good.
Oh boy. A Ty Burna return. I didn't see that coming at all. I am in shock. My jaw has hit the floor with a thud heard in Zimbabwe. I am literally crying at how surprising and shocking this is.

At least the mental image of two Califa Dragons staring at each other Sin Cara-style was good.


Very heavy sarcasm.

Sorry, I just really liked Califa and the fact that someone so well-known was trying something new. The return of Ty Burna was telegraphed to shit, and after a very long time of him dominating the programming, for him to return obviously was boring. Very, very boring. Stevie Wonder could have seen it coming. Not only that, but we've seen this guy as a massive face and a massive heel. Anything he has to offer is squashed by the fact that whoever he faces probably won't be good enough in Creative's eyes to take him out. Unless Saboteur beats him again. That'd be fun.

I am being completely serious about the mental image of two Califas staring at each other, though. That shit is hilarious.

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