WWE Wrestlemania XXVII Live Discussion

Not watching the stream atm, about to go to school.

If they're starting with the WHC match, I'm looking at a Del Rio win. Although, I hope Christian is involved of somesort.
Not sure if I should be excited or upset that this match starts wrestlemania

Anyhow, I hope this is good
Those people who chant "Del Rio! Del Rio!" are getting on my nerves. Seriously, it ruins the match, when fans chant for the heels like that.
What happened to the rumor of Booker T and Josh Grisham calling WM and there was no way that Cole and Lawler were going to do commentary?? LOL Gotta love the dirtsheets.
Anyone else find it weird, that Mania Sunday is like the Super Bowl to us Wrestling Fans but just a normal sunday to everyone else.
Cole and Lawler should announce their own match, while doing so. I know it would be damn-near impossible, but a funny thought.

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