WWE SmackDown 8/5: It's Fella Time

9 days till the 2nd biggest PPV of the year and we only have 3 matches confirmed.... I guess you can say 5 but I am disappointed...
The WWE did Koslov wrong, first they allow Henry to crush his leg then they fire him those bastards! But face Sheamus just continues to be awesome
Great show tonight, loving Sheamus as a face and can't wait for Summerslam (even though there's a good chance I won't be seeing it).
I'm still bummed they pink slipped Masters. They could have made it work. He is better than Ezekiel Fucking Jackson anyways.
Never a big fan of the whole "I'm a face so now I come out to protect my fellow babyfaces" thing, especially with Sheamus. I was hoping they'd keep his character a bit tweener-ish still where he would just want to fight big heels like Mark Henry regardless of their face/heel affiliation because he's Irish and he loves to fight obviously. I don't want to see Sheamus hugging fat girls and kissing babies. I want to see him wreck shit up as an unstoppable babyface force of Irish whup-ass, preferably whiskey-fueled and set to "Shippin up to Boston" by the Dropkick Murphys.

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