WWE SmackDown 8/12: Allegedly a Huge Announcement

Vladamir Kozlov has been mentioned twice on main shows since his release. That's two more times than he was mentioned between the time he dropped the titles with Santino and his release.
One of, if not THE hottest heel in the WWE just annihilated him. However, he did not get his ankle broken like Kane or Big Show, and he'll probably be back with a vengeance in future weeks. Perhaps after Sheamus ends Mark Henry's terror streak we'll see Mr. Curtis give Mark Henry his comeuppance. Or maybe not, who cares? Curtis has about as much charisma as a sack of potatoes.

I don't like Randy smiling. He's much more interesting as an ornery son of a gun.

What's this?
So Getting Squashed on your debut isn't getting buried? Okay. By the way, Colin Delaney says Hi

Colin Delaney had a pretty decent little run in the WWE, better than a handful of the guys on the roster have had. He got television time for months on end, and I think he even got on a PPV. The fact that he lost almost all the time didn't mean he was buried, it meant that he was a loser.
He went from being a promising young superstar with his own vignettes to getting squashed by Mark Henry in 6 minutes in his debut. What do you call that then?

A rookie getting squashed by a guy so far out of his league it's unreal. And besides, Curtis sucks and if he didn't he could overcome this squash and still be a success. See also: Hardy, Jeff; Miz, The and Bryan, Daniel.
A rookie getting squashed by a guy so far out of his league it's unreal. And besides, Curtis sucks and if he didn't he could overcome this squash and still be a success. See also: Hardy, Jeff; Miz, The and Bryan, Daniel.

Daniel Bryan wasn't squashed in his first match, he put up a great effort against Chris Jericho. Miz also won his first match against Tatanka.

Jeff Hardy was a jobber, though, and I'm sure you could pick a handful of others as well.
A rookie getting squashed by a guy so far out of his league it's unreal. And besides, Curtis sucks and if he didn't he could overcome this squash and still be a success. See also: Hardy, Jeff; Miz, The and Bryan, Daniel.

Yeah, that Daniel Bryan losing every week thing had me scratching my head. Still does, but hey, look at him now so its all good.

But the difference between those other guys and Johnny Curtis, is that those guys were mainstays. This was Johnny Curtis's debut, and they spent weeks of vignettes hyping him up for this? They couldn't of had Heath Slater get jobbed out? Especially after his Wrestlemania Incident.
Curtis wasn't buried he just got squashed by a monster. Mvp losing 20 straight matches was getting buried, Chavo losing to Hornswoggle was getting buried.
Daniel Bryan wasn't squashed in his first match, he put up a great effort against Chris Jericho. Miz also won his first match against Tatanka.

Eh, DBD spent the rest of NXT getting squashed by everyone bar Gabriel and still came out of it looking great. Miz wasn't exactly given the star treatment in his early career either if I remember correctly.

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