WWE SmackDown 8/5: It's Fella Time

Not only is he wrestling on both shows, but he's actually putting up a fight against the IC champ, instead of a straight up squash.
Not sure how I feel about DB's new music. I mean, it's badass and epic and all, but I still don't see how the fuck this fits his character, much like the Valkyrie music didn't really fit his character. He needs something that's cheesy yet epic, much like The Final Countdown. Or maybe something that switches from low-tempo to punk rock fury explosion, like his old ROH theme which was The Offspring's "Self Esteem"

Even though I love Self Esteem. Bryan has never struck me as a punk rock guy. Final Countdown yes but I'm going have to say no to Self Esteem.
It's time for mah negro Harvey Dent Cody Rhodes to cut another ace promo.
That wasn't porno music. More like, um...well, it wasn't porno music for sure.

But damn, I can't wait to see Aksana's ring attire.

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