WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/2/2011 - Poontang & Patriotism

R-Truth's heel work has been entertaining it really works for him much better and he is getting a push which is always good
Fucking WOW at the people bitching about how long that segment went. You people CLEARLY were not watching wrestling ten years ago, when that was the average length of every single opening promo, regardless of importance, every week.

This crowd is fired up thanks to that segment, and it came off great on TV as well. I love wrestling as much as anyone here, but there's nothing wrong with some "sports entertainment" every now and then, holy fuckballs.
so we don't get a decent match tonight?

that's messed up...

and no offense to the rock but miami you still gonna get beat by boston
That stuff didn't need anything close to 30 minutes of TV time. Good thing Rock helped them get 1 million WM buys, because he has done little more than waste time on Raw since he came back

You had to know he was going to eat up the vast majority of the show with promos and such.
1: WWE Title Match later.

2: There's no way with Bin Laden and The Rock's birthday there was going to be any more than 30 minutes of wrestling tonight, if that.

Exactly, why do we need Bin Laden on a wrestling program.

Also, glad we're dedicating half the show to the birthday of a star that isn't even a full-time employee.

Yay, another worthless Divas match. At least it's wrestling. Barely, but it is.

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