WWE Raw LD Is Getting A Stone Cold Stunner No Matter What on 3/15

Nine man MitB? Next year, they should do 12, with four briefcases. There could be title shots in three of them, and one, the one Evan Bourne grabs, could have a pink slip. What a revolutionary idea!

next year, fucking TWENTY PEOPLE , 6 breficases. two of them have title shots inside, two of them have pink slips, one has a bomb inside it, and one has Hornswaggle on a limited supply of oxygen inside it
next year, fucking TWENTY PEOPLE , 6 breficases. two of them have title shots inside, two of them have pink slips, one has a bomb inside it, and one has Hornswaggle on a limited supply of oxygen inside it

Fuck it, just hang Evan Bourne twenty feet above the ring. No match or anything. Just a hanging.
Batista selling Kofi more than the past 4 months. Sorta like Cena did with Show.

And people say the old guard don't know how to build the new kids.
Kofi lost. But hey, he was in a match with the champion. That has to be good, right?

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