The Rock vs Stone Cold at Wrestlemania I, II or III


Getting Noticed By Management
Since people liked my Taker vs HHH thread we should do one with the other rivalry that has gone 3 times at the Biggest Stage of them all.... Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock

Which of their 3 encounters was your favorite?

Wrestlemania 15? Austin as challenger, Rock was the champion with Vince backing him, this encounter would be the first of their encounters, Rock was still young and to me wasnt the best.

Wrestlemania 17? The Asterdome, 60 something thousands, finisher after finisher, Stone Cold sold his sould to Satan himself in order to be the WWF champion, this was the main event of what some people say it was the greatest wrestlemania of all times.

Wrestlemania 19? Mania 19 was a stacked card as well, this was the last of their encounters, the rock finally beat stone cold!, this was an awesome match like all their previous encounters, the rock was heel again and Austin´s last match.

I personally liked their second encounter better because to me at the time the outcome was unexpected and the brawl just was phenomenal.

SO, Discuss.....
The third one,

SImply because I was a Rock fan and wanted him to win for so long,

Also the fact that it took 3 Rock Bottoms and had a logical finish,

Instead of the 17 chair shots in x-7 and the one stunner in their first encounter.
No on ever agrees with me but the THIRD!!!!

All 3 were great but the emotional investment in the third, The Rock being at his very best in my opinion, and the incredible in-ring spots combining with the story such as stealing apparel and finishers.

This is also actually my personal 2nd favorite match of ALL TIME just behind Taker/HBK I.
I understand people LIKING (as in favorite) I or III better, but all personal preference aside, II was BY FAR the best match between the two. Not only that, it's definitely one of the best matches in WrestleMania history. Their WrestleMania 19 match would be a close second.
I never had the chance of watching the first 1 but I never heard anything amazing about it so I probably won't look into it.

I enjoyed both 2 and 3. Both amazing matches with great stories. I will however pick 19 because the back story was great with Austin beating Rock twice and Rock needing the victory. I'm also a big Rock fan no disrespect to Austin. The fact that Rocky won was awesome so I'm choosing 19. 17 was amazing though no doubt.
Their second match was the one I enjoyed the most. Austin was vicious at the end of the match, something I had never seen in 20+ years of watching professional wrestling. It wasn't the most technical of the three and it sure wasn't the most reasoned (why have Austin turn heel in front of his home crowd?), but I enjoyed it the most.
The second one. It is imo one of the greatest Wrestlemania main event/match of all time. The pace, intensity, atmosphere..everything was perfect. JR and Heyman are terrific too. All ending with the image of Stone Cold shaking hand with Vince. In many ways, Wrestlemania x7 was the end of an era and that image symbolizes that. Few months later, WCW/ECW invades WWE and things were never, ever the same again.

Second best was the third one. The most emotional of the three. Up till then, I considered Austin as better than the Rock. This match and feud is the one where Rock finally surpasses Austin for me. Again, very emotional, specially if you know the history behind the match with Austin`s health issues.

So the default third best is the 1999 one. It was pretty good but just not at the same level as the other two.
The second was a great match until the weird finish. I mean that match built up soooo much. Austin/McMahon thing ruined it for me.

I will say the third then. The first match wasn't great. It was typical chase by Austin getting the belt off Rocky. Rock turned baby soon after.

So yeah, third because of the finish that didn't go over as expected in the second.
The first one was a typical AE brawl match. It was great and all, but I don't think Rock was ready for that type of match yet.

The second match was great non stop action, up untill Vince showed up and sided with Austin. It was a shocker, but the problem is no one from those 67,000 fans bought it.

Third match was more of a wrestling match, no interference no nothing, and Rock carried Austin through out the match. It was emotional.

Overall, I'd say Thier WM 17 match was their best. Both men at the top of thier game, and it was one hell of a war.
I enjoyed their WrestleMania 19 match the best if only for the fact that i loved the work that The Rock was doing as the awesome heel character at that time, Rock wearing Steve Austin's Bulletproof Jacket was just great, a classic moment that i thought was the icing on the cake of a great match.

All 3 matches are great though, WM17 could've just as easily been my pick and WM17 is undoubtably the biggest of the 3 matches i think but....

Rock v Austin - Round 3 is definitely the one i enjoyed most.
I'd have to pick the second. The 3rd was a great match but in all honesty i think everyone knew the rock was winning the match. But with Rock vs Stone Cold II, this was 2 top faces going one on one, and I really didn't have a clue who would walk out champion. The only thing I didn't like was Austins heel turn, which I thought was a bad move, but that doesn't detract away from the match.

I remember loving WM15 when i saw it but then I was just 12 years old at the time and Austin was my man. When I go back and watch it now, I wouldn't say it was the best match of the 3, but still a Wrestlemania worthy match.
I enjoyed their WrestleMania 19 match the best if only for the fact that i loved the work that The Rock was doing as the awesome heel character at that time, Rock wearing Steve Austin's Bulletproof Jacket was just great, a classic moment that i thought was the icing on the cake of a great match.

All 3 matches are great though, WM17 could've just as easily been my pick and WM17 is undoubtably the biggest of the 3 matches i think but....

Rock v Austin - Round 3 is definitely the one i enjoyed most.

Was his jacket really bullet proof? It never looked that heavy to me LOL

I'm going with WM17. Clearly, that one had one of the most shocking finishes in the history of the entire company. You could put that up there with the Hogan Heel Turn. Y'all gotta admit you were shocked with Austin joined the devil.

The third encounter was great. Perfect ending to a trilogy.
WM 17 for me

It's the biggest match in the history of wrestling, both guys had a lot to lose by not walking out with the title and no-one had any idea what was about to happen.

The match quality is very good too
the second one...

the build up, the hype surrounding it, the best wrestlemania in history imo and that was the main event.

it was an amazing match up made more amazing that it was in texas and they tried to turn austin heel, the fans just were not having it in texas haha.
Rock/Austin II was the best for me. Although I think WM17 is INSANELY overrated, I thought this was a really good main event, and Austin turning heel was an excellent move. As far as I'm concerned, 2001 was Austin's best year, because he was far more interesting as a heel than he ever was as a face.
Austin/Rock II @ WMX-7 by far. Couldnt see either man losing. This had the Hogan/Warrior feel to it. The heel turn was genius. Austins best year? While he was very very good in 2001 this is insane. Austin put wrestling back on the map in 98. Austins popularity then will stand the test of time. Austin/Rock always delivered but WMX7 really stands out.
I would have to say the second match. The atmosphere was awesome, and all of the brutal action. Lots of false finishes, and if for no other reason, the ending took me by total surprise. Never did I think I would see Austin side with Vince to get the title. Both stars were at their peak in this match as opposed to the first match where Rock was just getting his steam, and the last match where Austin was on his way out. Overall the second was the best for me.
Austin vs. Rock II

It had the better build up and Limp Bizkit's My Way playing to their match promo made it all the more sweet plus who can forget the epic sitdown interview with JR where Austin said "I need this Rock, I need this more than you can ever know".

It was a better wrestling match imo and had ever you seen Rock & Austin go hardcore and apply as much submissions as they did in the match before or after that match?

And of course who could forget one of the best endings in WM history, nobody expected that heel turn.

I also loved Rock vs. Austin III just as equally but Austin vs. Rock II will always have a special place in my heart.
It's a toss up between the second and third match. The second match was an awesome brawl, and probably the best main event for Wrestlemania ever. The third one was extremely entertaining and had one of my favorite finishes to a Wrestlemania match ever. So both those matches are awesome, but if I had to choose I'd pick the second one only slightly.
I loved all three, as I’m sure all of you do as well. My favorite of the 3 was the last one. WM XIX also happens to be my favorite WM of all time. Great match, great story, and in retrospect, great way to go out.

I think the Rock could have skipped the WM XX match with Mick Foley vs. Evolution. I think Flair should have teamed with Foley and then turn on him at WM XX to rejoin Evolution. That would have been a better job for Foley instead of what we got.

If Austin's and Rock's last WWE match was WM XIX, I think this would have been lock.

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