I created a new series called Who Is Better. The first episode was John Cena vs Randy Orton and now it is The Rock vs Stone Cold!
There are 5 categories, mic skills, in ring skills, charisma, accomplishments, and louder reaction.
Who is better? The Rock? Or Stone Cold?
Mic skills - The Rock has better promos, so The Rock
In ring skills - Stone Cold, his stunner looks very good on anyone
Charisma - A tie
Accomplishments - Stone Cold because he is Vince's main enemy and he is the host of Tough Enough
Louder Reaction I just started watching wrestling in 2009, so I don't know much about these men. But I do know that The Rock got a wayyy louder reaction for his return in 2011 than Stone Cold interrupting JBL in 2011.
Overall - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Here we go again!
Just like I said in the last thread(rock or austin), most of the posters here don't have any idea what they're talking about, when it comes to rock vs austin, and that is because they didn't follow the wwf at that time(Good example:You, sir). The wwe been building austin as the biggest star in wwe for like...I don't know, since his last run with the company, and they're doing it as a reward for coming back, and giving back to the company, after "taking his ball and going home", IMO. On the other hand, we got the rock, who left the company 7yrs ago to make movies, and ever since, the wwe been bashing him big time for that, they tried everything just to get him back. They claimed that he never gave anything back to the company that made him, which is IMO the biggest BS I have ever heared. 1st he put lesnar(rookie) over, cleanly(something austin refused to do) even though he was the face of the company at that time, and then he did the same goldberg, and after that he jobbed to flair, batista, and orton, never gave anything back?
Back to the topic, "Austin is bigger because the wwe and everybody else said so" That's what those wagoners will say, but I think this comparison is alot closer than we think.
The categories above are favouring rock, I think you need to add alittle bit more(Impact on the company, draw power, greatest matches, greatest moments, longivety,popularity..etc)
Here is my answers:
Mic Skills: The Rock. No need to explain.
In-Ring Skills: Austin, the stunner looks more painfull than the people's elbow

...kidding. I think it depend on which way you look at it. Technically, austin is better, athletically rock is better, story telling...mmm..austin(rock vs bret WM 13 says it all), showmanship rock, ring generalship austin.....Overall: I'll go with austin.
Charisma: The Rock, I believe it's a big reason why rock made it into hollywood.
Accomplishments: Rock, because he's the host of wrestlema....

Tag Team Champion:Austin 4, Rock 5.
WWE Champion: Austin 6(IMO The greatest WWE champion ever -He beat rock twice to win the belt-), Rock 7(The 1st 6 times, and 7 times wwe champion).
IC Champion: Austin 2, Rock 2.
WCW Champion: Austin 0, Rock 2.
Million Dollar Champion: Austin 1, Rock 0.
KOTR: Austin 1, Rock 0.
Royal Rumble: Austin 3(Holding a record), Rock 1.
Undisputed Champion: Austin 0, Rock 1
I believe rock win this one.
Louder Reaction: There is no wwe superstar in history that got bigger reactions than austin during 1997-1999, even though rock was really hot from mid 1999 to 2000. I'll go with austin.
As I said these 5 cat' favours rock, but when you add all the stuff I listed above, it would be another story. You see austin made a HUGE impact on the world of wrestling, he changed the whole system.
It's hard to pick one of them over the other, so to me it's a TIE.